Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

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Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

A bit too much of a while, IMO.

Interloper's picture
Joined: 2005-03-28
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this post, coz I'm new here. Anyway...

Hi. My name is Interloper, and these are my intentions:
I haven't ever played the Planescape setting, and I'm not really planning to play Urban Planescape either, but I am writing a sci-fi d20 RPG which features the Great Wheel, so a lot of the stuff around here is useful for my needs. And because I love all RPGs, I want to help you lot in every way I can.

I have Played/DMed D&D (Eberron and Forgotten Realms, respectively), I own the Star Wars RPG, and have the SRDs of d20 Modern and d20 Future.

Laughing out loud (please excuse tasteless emoticon)

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

Ah, another fellow Australian. Welcome Cool.

If you are willing, I'd like to hear more about your own efforts for a sci-fi/planar d20 RPG?

Interloper's picture
Joined: 2005-03-28
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

If you are willing, I'd like to hear more about your own efforts for a sci-fi/planar d20 RPG?

I'd love to, Fell me old chum. Posted as a Topic, or just emailed to you?

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

Whee! I think Slinky's from Australia too, which makes four of us that I can think of.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

So if I ever want to vacation I can depend on you folks to put me up huh? Eye-wink It's nice to see we've got an international audience.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

Hey, I'll probably be going to Australia to visit my aunt this fall. Visiting Sydney, Brisbane and the Gold Coast. Maybe catch some good sandstone rockclimbing in the Sydney area if I have time. Whereabouts are you folks?

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

"Interloper" wrote:
If you are willing, I'd like to hear more about your own efforts for a sci-fi/planar d20 RPG?

I'd love to, Fell me old chum. Posted as a Topic, or just emailed to you?

Whatever's easiest. There may be others here with an interest, so perhaps it may be worth just posting it here.

*chuckle* So if I ever want to vacation I can depend on you folks to put me up huh? It's nice to see we've got an international audience.
Hey, whenever you're down here, know that there'll be a seat waiting at my gaming table Eye-wink.

Whereabouts are you folks?
I spend time on both sides of the country. Perth and Sydney mostly, due to work.

Interloper's picture
Joined: 2005-03-28
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

ok, The Hired Gun RPG will soon be set up on a blog. My signiture will contain a link to said blog, when I've actually got it set up.

I want to publish Hired Gun at some point, which means I can't set it in the Great Wheel (dammit), but the cosmology I set up for it will be such that converting it into the Wheel won't be too hard.

ok, a few basics: the game is set in the Galaxy (suprise, suprise), which is dominated, but not completely controlled by, The Third Imperiad. No, this isn't the Imperium from Warhammer 40k, or the Empire from Star Wars. It isn't a dying, evil empire, but a vibrant, generally on the side of good (tho not always) polotical coalition (but it does have a tendancy to overreact just a tad...).

Magic exists, but very few people know about it, and most of the galaxy has the Impeded Magic trait.

The Planes also exist, but almost nobody knows about them either... Except for the Plane of Shadow, which is what starships enter to travel from system to system (what goes faster than light? darkness, coz it has to get out of the way), and the Astral Plane, which is the medium for interstella radio signals. nobody knows these planes are actually inhabited...

Psionics exists, and is known about on pretty much every planet in the galaxy. they, however, connot be used to enter other planes, except for short periods (teleportation is fine, astral caravan isn't)

Dragons existed once, and they founded the First Imperiad, but nobody has seen a dragon for more than 4000 years... (more about this on the blog)

the rules will be all d20 compatible, most of them coming straight off of SRDs.

now, you're asking: "what does this have to do with Planescape if the planes are almost impossible to access?", well here's the awswer...

The Imperiad is in trouble, it has a lot of enemies, and a new enemy is about to show its head...

War is Hell, and Hell is going to War
...with the Imperiad

the Devils have found a way to get large numbers of troops onto the material plane, and a subdued galaxy would be the perfect tool to help win the Blood War.

ok, fluff aside, these are a few cool things about HG...

it has a design team of four people (including myself), and a couple of assitant designers.

the game will include detailing on more than 60 races, some adapted from D&D, but most from the designer's imaginations.

The players will play as bounty hunters, mercinaries, traders, rogues, soldiers, psions, mages, detectives or anything else you can think of, trying to...
...save the Imperiad from its various enemies.
...destroy the corrupt edefice that is the so-called Imperiad.
...make a quick credit
...do their job.
...do whatever.

ok, thats all I can think of for now, keep an eye out for my blog link.

PS: no jedi under any circumstances, may the Farce be with you...

Interloper's picture
Joined: 2005-03-28
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

[edited so as to not take up soo much space]

Interloper's picture
Joined: 2005-03-28
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

ok, The Hired Gun RPG will soon be set up on a blog. My signiture will contain a link to said blog, when I've actually got it set up.

I want to publish Hired Gun at some point, which means I can't set it in the Great Wheel (dammit), but the cosmology I set up for it will be such that converting it into the Wheel won't be too hard.

ok, a few basics: the game is set in the Galaxy (suprise, suprise), which is dominated, but not completely controlled by, The Third Imperiad. No, this isn't the Imperium from Warhammer 40k, or the Empire from Star Wars. It isn't a dying, evil empire, but a vibrant, generally on the side of good (tho not always) polotical coalition (but it does have a tendancy to overreact just a tad...).

Magic exists, but very few people know about it, and most of the galaxy has the Impeded Magic trait.

The Planes also exist, but almost nobody knows about them either... Except for the Plane of Shadow, which is what starships enter to travel from system to system (what goes faster than light? darkness, coz it has to get out of the way), and the Astral Plane, which is the medium for interstella radio signals. nobody knows these planes are actually inhabited...

Psionics exists, and is known about on pretty much every planet in the galaxy. they, however, connot be used to enter other planes, except for short periods (teleportation is fine, astral caravan isn't)

Dragons existed once, and they founded the First Imperiad, but nobody has seen a dragon for more than 4000 years... (more about this on the blog)

the rules will be all d20 compatible, most of them coming straight off of SRDs.

now, you're asking: "what does this have to do with Planescape if the planes are almost impossible to access?", well here's the awswer...

The Imperiad is in trouble, it has a lot of enemies, and a new enemy is about to show its head...

War is Hell, and Hell is going to War
...with the Imperiad

the Devils have found a way to get large numbers of troops onto the material plane, and a subdued galaxy would be the perfect tool to help win the Blood War.

ok, fluff aside, these are a few cool things about HG...

it has a design team of four people (including myself), and a couple of assitant designers.

the game will include detailing on more than 60 races, some adapted from D&D, but most from the designer's imaginations.

The players will play as bounty hunters, mercinaries, traders, rogues, soldiers, psions, mages, detectives or anything else you can think of, trying to...
...save the Imperiad from its various enemies.
...destroy the corrupt edefice that is the so-called Imperiad.
...make a quick credit
...do their job.
...do whatever.

ok, thats all I can think of for now, keep an eye out for my blog link.

PS: no jedi under any circumstances, may the Farce be with you...
PPS: sorry this post is so long

Erik's picture
Joined: 2005-03-11
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

Y'know, the only thing more annoying than a double post, is a long double post. Sticking out tongue
Seriously though, that seems pretty cool.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

"Interloper" wrote:
No, this isn't the Imperium from Warhammer 40k
Shucks... So there's no Golden Throne? No Emperor of Mankind? Laughing out loud

Seriously though, this sounds particularly interesting. And sixty races :shock:. I thought having 25+ races for my homebrew was enough... Are they all completely detailed? Any new races of your own creation?

Interloper's picture
Joined: 2005-03-28
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

whoops :oops:

sorry about the double post dudes, I'm not incredibly good with computers

anyway, about the 60 races: not every single one is fully detailed, as yet. I'm concentrating on 20 (or so) "core races", with the rest being less fully detailed. Kind of like the "Level Adjustment +0" dudes in the monster manual.

The core races are as follows:
Telluns (humans, plus all their genetic decendants. i.e. anything that could be a human that has been genetically modified, including halflings)
Munillus (Elves, dwarves, gnomes, pictsies. They all evolved on the same world)
[insert name that hasn't been made up yet] (Riggas, Roganders, Rogannars, Rotians)
Ogres (not D&D ogres, these ones are a bit different)
Koolians (very "kool")

more data about these species will be posted on my blog: hiredgunrpg.blogspot

sorry again about the post X 2

Interloper's picture
Joined: 2005-03-28
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

hello, me again, sorry for clogging up this Topic, but I have just one last thing to say about Hired Gun before I shut up...

the name Hired Gun is being changed because it isn't quite Si-Fi enough.
the game is now called Speed of Dark (SoD, lol).

the address of the blog is also being changed

I now promise not to say anything more on this subject (unless asked)

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

So, is your site now active?

Interloper's picture
Joined: 2005-03-28
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

yes, it is active, but it doesn't have anything interesting on it yet

if you want me to explain a particular subject on the site, go there and leave a comment

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

I can't seem to find the URL for your site...

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

Try the little 'www' button under Interloper's sig. Eye-wink

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

"Oh, yes of course... There it is :oops:.

I was just joking around. Yes, that's what it was. Hehe... Sticking out tongue."

Seriously, thanks Persephone. I don't know how I missed it.

ScorpioRising's picture
Joined: 2005-08-03
American Gods

...is the title of a book by Neil Gaiman ( the Sandman ) which places dieties like Odin, Thoth, Morrigan and others in a modern, real-world setting. It was the inspiration for an "in the works" project of mine called "Modern Gods" (basically 'Dieties & Demigods' for d20 Modern) I would seriously recommend this book to anyone interested in translating the mystical world to the mundane world.

I'm a new subscriber, so let me just say "hello" to everyone and a hearty "thank you" for all the great ideas posted on the forum.

Erik's picture
Joined: 2005-03-11
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

Right. I think this is the place to ask this; what happened to the old site/forum? Specifically, the stuff posted there? My searchy says it's dead, but there were some really neat stuff(like, say, the elemental train-thingy) there; anyone bother to save it?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

The old Urban Planescape forum I assume you mean?

Erik's picture
Joined: 2005-03-11
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here


Breaker Finn's picture
Joined: 2005-08-30
so nice to see you all about...

For my part, it's so good to see Evil Sandwich, Persephone, et al here at Planewalker!
Some time back, I found this old forum called The Urban Planes Project and all the amazing ideas there sparked an idea. It didn't take long for the idea to grow into a full-fledged campaign-in-the-works!
And then the UPP went down...'twas a dark day...
The campaign idea continued to grow, however, and I am happy to report that just last Sunday was the inaugural game in my new Urban Planes campaign! (and the really fun part for me is that they don't know where they're headed. cue evil laughter)
And now that I see all of you coming to PW, and bringing (undoubtedly!) your planar geniuses with you, well it's a little like a family reunion... a slightly dysfunctional little family where everyone talked about a radioactive Hades, the sewers of Erebus, and what would happen to Logos when some obscure Shadow-prime developed quantum computers!
Well, hell, I just wanted to say that it's good to see you all here! And I look forward to contributing some of my own ideas as well!
Take care all!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

*grin* Good to see we're attracting some of the old folks then!!
If you'd like you can take advantage of the Planewalker submission system to create some articles for running Urban PS - that way the section on the site may stop looking so... bare. Eye-wink

LEIN's picture
Joined: 2006-01-28
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here


Been lurking for some time now. I think the Urban Planescape project is great! The best thing that could have happened to D20 Modern ( which in itself is a good game). But information seems so fragmented. What are your collective plans for the UP project? Will it ever be placed in one place?

Probably i'm forcing someone to be redundant , because this has probably been discussed already. But I'm very interested in the turn out of this project.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

I'm very happy to see that Urban Planescapes is still alive and kicking.

One thing this forum could use is a sticky thread that makes it clear what's in and what's out. "The Astral War" was a neat idea, but if we're not going to include it (or Earth for that matter), we need to communicate that fact to everyone who wants to contribute.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Urban Planescape - How the project ended up here

FAQ thread created, add thine postages to it as needed. Eye-wink

Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.