Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

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Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

it would be rather silly though to do such a change. gota make sure I don't spout too much bullshit, leaves a bad aftertaste...

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

'WithoutNationality' wrote:
This is true. If it's normal for lvl 15 dnd pc to have a limited wish, then a lvl 15 d20m pc should be able to have at least one Abrams in his garage

It depends, actually, what kind of adventurers they are, and this is why I'm so adamant about the difference between soldiers and other fighters. Mercs will have a tank at about 10th level. A 10th level soldier will probably have "borrowing privledges" for some kind of tank. A 10th level criminal or vigilante or even group of explorers will be lucky to get their hands on a tank, let alone keep it. It all depends on what kind of adventurers they are.

I think you underestimate how quickly Wealth awards add up. In a game I ran, the party decided to pool their Wealth, by giving their Wealth awards to a single character (rather than dividing it amongst the party). By level 7, they had enough to buy a tank. They didn't (probably because they lacked the feats to drive and shoot the thing), but they could have. By the rules, anyone with enough money can buy a license for a tank, then go out and buy one. Doesn't matter if they're civilians, military men, terrorists, or what have you. By level 7, they can get enough wealth to buy a tank. A tank that can be blown up by a few decent spells, or a couple shots from other tanks. If the PCs use a tank against enemies that are on foot (and who don't really have any means to easily destroy the tank), then the PCs get less XP by the rules.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Hmm...a Tank license... Cool

On a more serious note, the one drawback to tanks is that the the only good place to use a tank (in a sensible fashion) is on the battlefield-where you would need lots of tanks (as well as trained men and infrastructure) to garner any respect.

Although I wouldn't be surprised if even limited illusion or transmutation magic would be able to produce some very hilarious tactics.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Not neccessarily true. A tank would also be good to defend against random encounters, roadside attacks, and planned assaults on fortified positions.

As for magic influencing tactics... reminds me of the time I ran Adelie 14 in the Urban Arcana game I mentioned earlier. Everything went fine... I think I got rid of the russian soldier encounter, but when they saw that they were being backstabbed by their employers (who they had suspected of being untrustworthy from the beginning), they promptly went into planning mode, and moved all of the scientists into the dining room, and set up a kill zone in the corridor leading to the east exits. In RL, they spent at least a couple hours planning their defense, and it went off without a hitch. A combination of summoned Vivilors, wolves and badgers summoned from a Bag of Tricks, and hand grenades improvised from WW1 tank shells they'd looted in an earlier adventure resulted in a bunch of Ukrainian soldiers splattered all over the room. I think a couple soldiers managed to retreat, but got taken down by wolves shortly afterwards.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

'nick012000' wrote:
Not neccessarily true. A tank would also be good to defend against random encounters

I hate to think what the gas milage would be lugging the tank everywhere Sticking out tongue

roadside attacks,

Actually, that's not a bad point...it's not like where adventuring in neatly arbitrated locales. In fact, a tank being involved in a roadside attack could be a frequent occurance outside of the Planes of Law.

and planned assaults on fortified positions.

I can see that happening. Mabye a small fortified position. On the other hand, if you're trying to breach the Maginot Line then...oh wait, that's a bad example. Nevermind.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

'Ulden Throatbane' wrote:
I hate to think what the gas milage would be lugging the tank everywhere Sticking out tongue

If you're not using d20 apocalypse rules, you can drive the tank for free Laughing out loud

On the darker side, imagine taking a wrong turn with your tank and ending up in gehenna... weee :twisted:

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

By the rules, anyone with enough money can buy a license for a tank, then go out and buy one.

This is a weird rule that should be ignored. Let me explain why:

I don't know how much a tank license costs, but even if you have one doesn't necessarily mean you can drive an armed one. For that, you'd need to be a member of a military. D20 Modern is showing a characteristic lack of realism. And just because it's in the d20 modern book doesn't mean we have to use a rediculous rule like that.

It's not important whether player can afford to buy a tank or not, it's whether they deserve it. Much like a title of nobility in DnD, tank licenses are special enough that they be doled out according to the GM's needs and not put on standard equipment lists! Putting it on that list gives players the idea that such a lucrative piece of equipment is regularly available to whomever want it, which may or may not be true according to the GM's style.

It's true, you could quite easily buy a crappy, unarmed tank. But to be quite honest I'd rather have my players steal a good tank than ever have the paperwork or the funds to own one. Some things can only be earned and not bought.

I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself, but I'm not running a soldier campaign. I don't care what other people run. All I ask is that tanks be treated as special pieces of equipment similar to magic items.

Not neccessarily true. A tank would also be good to defend against random encounters, roadside attacks...

Not unless the enemy is armed with fireball spells or even just a molotov cocktail.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

I think this conversation is turning into "What kind of campaign style is better" debate. Frankly, I believe the rules of D20 Modern accomodate both styles well-it's up to the GM to determine the style of play.

As for the "Wealth System" in D20 Modern, I actually think that it's even more appropriate for UPS. If Sigil is supposed to be place where you can buy anything, then 'anything' should include military grade hardware. What you do with it is up to you, berk. Sell them to geurilla units in Ysgard? No one bats an eye at making jink. Go raiding trade routes in the Outlands? Sure, there's always room for another cross trader! Form a mercenary group? Hey, the Blood War is always looking for fresh cannon fodder. Try and take over Sigil? You're welcome to try-it's been a while since the last public flaying Eye-wink

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

I think this conversation is turning into "What kind of campaign style is better" debate.

This is not what I'm trying to argue about at all. All I want is tanks treated like special equipment. In DnD the equipment lists for siege weapons, castles, and ships are in the DM's guide, as non-standard equipment. Why can't tanks and jet fighters be treated in the same way? All I want is DM flexibility, and putting heavily armored vehicles alongside SUVs and compact, IMO, gives the wrong idea.

If Sigil is supposed to be place where you can buy anything, then 'anything' should include military grade hardware.

Sure. But where do you get it? Do you steal the weapons? Do you make them yourself? What about reprisals from the Harmonium or other enemies? Even in the planes of Chaos I doubt it's really that easy. I'd expect that those that manufacture arms sell to very specific "trustworthy" clientele, which may or may not include the PCs.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

No one is denying that compacts are easier to come by than a Bradley. On the other hand, we aren't talking about what Joe six-pack can reasonably afford. These are supposed to be heroes (okay, and villains too, Mr I-wuv-"The Book of Vile Darkness"), and like their ancestors of old, heroes tend to acquire a lot of jink. How that jink should be spent is up to the players and GM-if there is anything that the GM does not want in his campaign, it's always his call. No one has disputed this here.

Yeah the hardheads aren't happy that sods are buying and selling tanks in Sigil, just as they weren't too keen about, say, fireball scrolls being freely traded in the old days. They never really ran Sigil back then, and they have even less control these days thanks to the sheer number of potential power players these days.

And tanks aren't the only thing you can buy with the wealth that comes with higher levels. There's also connections, expensive cars, relics created from forgotten magic, a bar that happens to have a portal you guys need, Nightmare-possesed motorcycles, a start-up to serve as a front for your hare-brained schemes.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

'Ulden Throatbane' wrote:
They never really ran Sigil back then, and they have even less control these days thanks to the sheer number of potential power players these days.

Yeah, third edition does that to people Laughing out loud

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Yeah the hardheads aren't happy that sods are buying and selling tanks in Sigil, just as they weren't too keen about, say, fireball scrolls being freely traded in the old days.

Even fireball scrolls aren't listed in the PHB equipment lists. All I'm asking is to put tanks alongside power armor and laser weapons in a "special equipment list", per se. That way, players don't expect a handout of rare and powerful weaponry simply because they have amassed enough money to buy it, which I personally think is kind of a boring way to get rare and powerful weaponry.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

'WithoutNationality' wrote:
Yeah the hardheads aren't happy that sods are buying and selling tanks in Sigil, just as they weren't too keen about, say, fireball scrolls being freely traded in the old days.

Even fireball scrolls aren't listed in the PHB equipment lists. All I'm asking is to put tanks alongside power armor and laser weapons in a "special equipment list", per se. That way, players don't expect a handout of rare and powerful weaponry simply because they have amassed enough money to buy it, which I personally think is kind of a boring way to get rare and powerful weaponry.

I don't think that anyone ever implied that tanks are not "special equipment". Only that it was a possibility to acquire them at a reasonable level.

Howarth Davin ag-Talaron's picture
Joined: 2006-06-28
Dragonstar for Tech?

Hi, new here, but saw the technology discussion and thought I'd chime in. I'm currently using the Dragonstar (FFG) rules for technology. The campaign is sort of a Planescape/Dragonstar mix, centered around the fringe of the Dark Zone. You might call it, "Giths in Space". This is hi-tech, of course (Star Wars/Star Trek) which might be a bit out of place in Sigil.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

'Howarth Davin ag-Talaron' wrote:
Hi, new here, but saw the technology discussion and thought I'd chime in. I'm currently using the Dragonstar (FFG) rules for technology. The campaign is sort of a Planescape/Dragonstar mix, centered around the fringe of the Dark Zone. You might call it, "Giths in Space". This is hi-tech, of course (Star Wars/Star Trek) which might be a bit out of place in Sigil.

Firstly, welcome to Planewalker. Please be sure to read the forum rules, yadda-yadda-yadda.

Second, while it's high-tech, it might be appropriate to give to the Fraal (of D20 Future)-we'll see later on.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

I don't think that anyone ever implied that tanks are not "special equipment". Only that it was a possibility to acquire them at a reasonable level.


Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Anyone who wants to have a shot at using a tank on a regular basis:

1. if you are a player and want legs to stand on for whining to your dm about wanting a tank so you are arguing about how prevelant they will be. SHUT UP! If your dm is worth his salt he will let you have a tank but give everyone else you come up against spaceships with rayguns that can vaporise you at a whim and force fields that will let them moon you from their cargo doors. Or he will have everything you come up against be defenseless goblins that aren't worth using a round on in the hopes that you will either realise your stupidity or get bored from describing atrocities committed against goblins that are so easy to do he doesn't care what you roll or if you roll.

2. if you are a dm. SHUT UP! you are probably an idiot that shouldn't run a game. If that isn't the case and you just run a game in which letting your players go around with an M1A2 doesn't matter because they still piss their pannies 10 times every game then still SHUT UP! ya don't need regular rules to introduce tanks it just gives morons described above something to stand on.

and remember kids players are supposed to be special yea heroes yea but not because it was handed to them on a silver platter. slightly better ability scores yea and having actual pc classes instead of npc classes yea after that make them cry and bleed for anything more. hell they'll almost suck your dick for more!

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

I think this may have drifted from the basis of the thread a little bit. As I understand it, the question was : what progress level will UP hold as canon. I think this was answered as PL 5 (or is it 6? whichever one we are at.) The topic then got a bit distracted by the concept of magic enhanced tech. Would it exist? Almost certainly. Would this produce effects similar to a futuristic socioty? Possibly.

Then the topic got blown into the discussion about if high grade military weapons should be common enough that an everyday adventurer can buy them off the street. This has to do a lot with the types of games that individual players/DMs perfer. Can a player with enough money buy a tank, almost certainly. If you have enough money, you can get your hands on just about anything. Its hard to refute this. However, should everybody and their mother have a tank? No. Thats just silly. But they should be available, with some restrictions.

Now, on a specific note about tanks, I belive we can get the desired effect by simply placeing greater restrictions on the license required to get a tank. It would make sense that, with all the possibly hostile groups on the planes, goverments and factions and whatnot would do a bit more of a background check before tossing around access to military weapons, right?
I don't know how one could make the rights to a license more exclusive, D20 modern isnt my thing. But I'm sure if could be done. Just have certain groups only sell powerful equipment if you share the same, or similar, causes. Getting a tank is still possible, you just have to shop around a bit.

Also, on the topic of magic enhanced tech, a simple way of preserving the modern progress level withough changin the feel of the setting through the use of magic applied to tech is to limit the practical use of tech when used with magic. For example: when you come right down to it, magic exploits the laws of physics new and interesting ways. Now, it could be that an enchanted item doesnt obey all the laws of physics it needs to for high level tech (such as anything that uses electricty) to work. Becuase when these spell where designed to make magic items, the only desired effects would be to accomplish the point of the spell, and not harm the weilder or warp the item in any noticable way. They wouldn't have checked to make sure that electrical systems would not be impaired, becuase there were no electrical systems. So, any equipment or item that has magic cast on it runs the risk of ceasing to function, as the specific rules of reality that they need to work in exactly the right way change a little bit. Not alot, mind you, but enough to make an item that depends on electricty to do what electricty normally does and nothing else to break.
Just a possibility.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Hey Daylen, let's cool it off a bit. It isn't nearly as important as you think.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Sigil was always famos for the possibility of buying ANYTHING :twisted:

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Besides, the tanarri will probably sell you a tank no questions asked, as long as you're not a baatezu, on the basis that you're not a member of a body that can get tanks through normal channels (and if you are, you obviously aren't using said channels), so doing so would be chaotic in and of itself. Being an extremely lethal weapon, a tank is much more likely to be used for evil deeds than good ones. So, it would suit the tanarri's metaphysics to sell tanks to anyone that wants one.

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

damn gota stop getting on drunk.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

I think the Tanari would be more likly to set a tank on fire and throw it at you rather then sell it to you all nice and proper. I mean, selling it to you because no one else will doesn't seem terribly chaotic. That almost seems charitable, in a way. Now, stealing tanks and giving them away for free to random fringe groups who will probably use them to blow up stuff seems to fit better.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Stealing them? Maybe from the demons who are planning on using them in the Blood War, but I doubt that they would need to steal them from anyone else. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if the Demon Princes involved in the manufacture put a few tanks aside for precisely this reason. Besides, if you are looking to buy tanks from the tanarri, you're a fringe group who wants to blow stuff up by definition. Eye-wink

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

so what were we talking about at first?

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Err... Tanks? Laughing out loud

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Stealing them? Maybe from the demons who are planning on using them in the Blood War, but I doubt that they would need to steal them from anyone else. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if the Demon Princes involved in the manufacture put a few tanks aside for precisely this reason. Besides, if you are looking to buy tanks from the tanarri, you're a fringe group who wants to blow stuff up by definition.

I doubt anything manufactured in the Abyss would result in something reliable and safe to use. I'd rather buy a stolen tank than a ta'anari one.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

But I'd prefer a tank stolen by the Tanar'ri.

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

I'd rather buy a mango with some tanarri jink from a Solar in Baator.

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