Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

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Vzerii til Corrinea's picture
Joined: 2005-05-08
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

In a thread on the WotC boards, I started a thread about technology on the planes, mostly relating to far-flung megastructures and ramfications of the Kadarshev scale. So since there are people here working on modern planes, I'll ask:

How would magic affect the growth of technology, or vice versa? Would magic influence planar society's Type in any way?

Since planar rulers have control over their layer, would their influence extend to stars or planets in the layer?

Is it possible that Sigil is a ringworld? If so, what would it be encircling?

Are there any future possibilities that would result in a situation similar to The Second Renaissance?

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Well, the default d20 Modern game is PL 5, the Information Age. 20-30 years ago we were still PL 4, the Industrial Age. Items of 1 PL higher are available at +5 to the Purchase DC, being prototypes (and that is the limit for cutting edge technology).

Additionally, (crappy) mecha, robots, and cybernetics are available at PL 5. The cybernetics are limited to limb and organ replacements, though enhancements are available at PL 6.

I wouldn't be surprised if mecha were fairly common. Even the relatively crappy ones available at PL 5 allow a soldier to stand a good chance fighting against the more powerful exemplars.

Let's see...

Demonslayer (PL 5)
The Demonslayer works as a heavy assault mecha, typically used against the more powerful exemplars. It is less a vehicle, and more a large suit of power armor in design, though the increased bulk as a result of the armor and weapons is still enough for a human wearing it to count as Large.
A Demonslayer equipped with the standard equipment package (see below) has a Purchase DC of 37.
Size: Large
Superstructure: Alumisteel
Armor: Alumisteel
Armor Penalty: -6
Strength Bonus: +8
Speed: 25 ft.
Bonus Hit Points: 100
Hardness: 10
Bonus to Defense: +9
Reach: 10 ft.
Dexterity Penalty: -
Base Purchase DC: 36

Standard equipment package:
Pilot cockpit (torso and back), M-9 Barrage Chaingun (right arm), 6 50-round ammo belts for M-9 Barrage chaingun (boots), Bastion Tactical Sheild (left arm), M-55 Crud Rocket Launcher (shoulders), Comm system (no slots), Life Support System (helmet), Warpath Recoilless Rifle (handheld), Thunderbolt Shock Rod (handheld).

Often the pilot of the mecha is equipped with a mesh vest (which might or might not be Mastercraft), grenades, and additional ammunition for the Warpath Recoilless Rifle. These are not included in the mecha, and must be purchased seperately.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

'Vzerii til Corrinea' wrote:
In a thread on the WotC boards, I started a thread about technology on the planes, mostly relating to far-flung megastructures and ramfications of the Kadarshev scale. So since there are people here working on modern planes, I'll ask:

How would magic affect the growth of technology, or vice versa? Would magic influence planar society's Type in any way?

Since planar rulers have control over their layer, would their influence extend to stars or planets in the layer?

Is it possible that Sigil is a ringworld? If so, what would it be encircling?

Are there any future possibilities that would result in a situation similar to The Second Renaissance?

Overall, I'd say that most UPS characters would exist in Type 0 societies but Powers, Avatars, Entities and the like would individually vary from Type I to Type VI (control over the multiverse) in power.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

'Kestral' wrote:
'Vzerii til Corrinea' wrote:
In a thread on the WotC boards, I started a thread about technology on the planes, mostly relating to far-flung megastructures and ramfications of the Kadarshev scale. So since there are people here working on modern planes, I'll ask:

How would magic affect the growth of technology, or vice versa? Would magic influence planar society's Type in any way?

Since planar rulers have control over their layer, would their influence extend to stars or planets in the layer?

Is it possible that Sigil is a ringworld? If so, what would it be encircling?

Are there any future possibilities that would result in a situation similar to The Second Renaissance?

Overall, I'd say that most UPS characters would exist in Type 0 societies but Powers, Avatars, Entities and the like would individually vary from Type I to Type VI (control over the multiverse) in power.


Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

To get back to your original question: I think that there are many potential tracks to take with incorperating technology into the planes and/or with magic. And figuring out what place modern technology has on the planes is one of the creative endeavors of this project.

Nick012000's Demonslayer Mecha is a good example of what can be done with technology level equivalent to our own (in fact, if you start a new thread for it, I'll add it to the Thread of Threads). Another example is power generation in Sigil-while the technology behind it is only PL 4 (electromagnetic induction), by taking advantage of the Cage's portals, the result is an unlimited supply of power for the city.

On the other hand, the goal of the project is to make a setting that both fits with the D20 Modern ruleset and the Planescape campaign setting. Right now, magic in the sense of spellcasting is more like D20 Modern than Planescape. Of course, the original Planescape had a tendency of making spellcasting a chancy affair anyway.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?


that's a wikipedia link to the Kardashev Scale article which explains the idea. Essentially, Type 0 is our current modern day society, and Type I through Type V are levels of ability to control power and astronomical bodies. Type I can harness an entire planet's power, Type II an entire solar system's, Type III an entire galaxy's, Type IV an entire supercluster's, and Type V an entire universe's. I extrapolated to Type VI, which would be able to control an entire multiverse's power. Types 0 and IV-VI are all extrapolations off the original Kardashev types, and theoretically, you could go below Type 0 to represent past societies or simply make fractional Kardashev classes... but anything past Type 0's beyond modern-day tech, (although it's workable for a d20 Future Planescape setting) and not really inside the likely scope of the UPS project. However, for deities, it's reasonable to assume they are Kardashev Type equivalents for the worlds they control. The Lady might be Type I, Type V, or Type VI, but is unlikely to demonstrate such power in a normal PSCS/UPS game.

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Personally, I think that the Mecha idea just might work. Because it dosn't have to be just technology making it work, but prehaps some sort of technomagic. I can defintaly imagine mechs being very popular in the Blood War.

Also, they don't have to be as big as Gundams or Battlemechs, but more like the APUs of the Matrix storyline.


nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Well, the only part of it that would really need to be magical would be the power supply. Everything else would be perfectly possible wth modern technology. With a +5 to the Purchase DC of the rifle and a Video Scope (for another +3), and a HUD w/ Mastercrafted Targeting Software (at +5 to the Purchase DC for the HUD), it can get another +4 to hit with the rifle. At the very least, they'll stick Laser Sights on all of their guns, to get the +1 to hit.

Looking at the SRD, while it wouldn't let low level characters pose much of a threat to the more powerful demons, it would allow mid-to-high level characters to do so. A 4-man squad of Fast Hero 3/Mecha Jockey 3's would be able to take on anything up to retrievers and hezrou for demons, though the relatively high ACs of devils make it much more difficult to fight them.

Also, the suits would block line of effect to the pilots, preventing abilities like Chaos Hammer, Unholy Blight, Banishment, etc. from working. Gaze attacks would still work, though, as would abilities that damage objects.

Vzerii til Corrinea's picture
Joined: 2005-05-08
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

I'd think that the enhancements could be duplicated by magic, or possibly enhanced by it. I'm not sure how magic-technology items or weaponry would affect the power level, although it's possible that items with a rank of PL 6 or 7 could be acheived.

@Ulden Throatbane: PS magic, although a chancy affair, has things in it that D20 Modern never had, like Wild Magic and 6th-level+ spells. More thought might need to be put into the revision.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

I personally prefer tanks over Mecha, but I don't mind their inclusion, just so long as they don't becoming towering abominations or that they become head-scratchingly common.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

'Techno magic' will be something of a tricky subject as we develop the setting further. Clearly it belongs in the setting to some extent, but it's important that it not get carried away with it.

Edit-as noted in earlier threads, we're going to be going with somewhat weaker levels of magic in order to keep the setting modern. It won't be to the same degree that D20 Modern restricts it, but a lot of the spells above 5th level will only be available through incantations. Again, this is something we discussed earlier (and when I have the time, I'll add it to the FAQ, along with full reasoning-right now, its 12:30 am CST, and I'm working tomorrow. Puzzled )

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Actually, I wouldn't like technology going any further then the original d20 modern. Altough futuristic technology opens up many cool new ideas, somehow i'd keep the planewalker advanced just as much as the modern world

Cyber-plane is cool, cyberspace wouldn't fit (breaks my heart to say it)
Implants aren't a good idea, golem-tech... maybe...

Somehow, I want to drive a car into the great unknow highway and see gas stations, demons, weird animals and cities with oversized skyscrapers, maybe a flying broom in extreme cases. Giant robots, hovercrafts, lightsabers and 3d holoprojecrtions are tempting but i'm not sure how "urban" they would be.

For example, when I walk through some old town by the sea (i live in europe) and go through the narrow streets and around old fountains, i think "planescape" and wander where the next angelspawn would pop up and offer directions for a few coppers

When I walk at night through the city with scyscrapers or the industrial zones, I like the construction equipment, modern cars, traffic lights and I might wonder where the next portal to burning cities would be, but a giant robot is definitely not what I expect to find behind the next corner

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Well Said, Watashi.

There is one exception that I've thought of however-one difference between pre-industrial societies and industrial societies is that industrial societies begin to speculate on what the future will be like in a technological sense. Speculation can sometimes be taken to the level of belief-the building blocks of the Outer Planes. Given this, it may be appropriate to allow a few Powers and Cosmic Entities (but only a few) access to higher tech levels within their demenses. Such technology couldn't leave their realm without a connection to the Power in question (similar to connections proxies have), and would always be undecipherable to technical examination (as there is a 'black box' element present).

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

You see, there is research on the very topics I mentioned going on right now. The only stumbling block to building a suit of powered armor right now is a power supply, and magic can fill that gap very easily.

Mecha, robots, cybernetics, and so on are all PL 5. PL 5 is the technology of the modern day.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

'nick012000' wrote:
The only stumbling block to building a suit of powered armor right now is a power supply, and magic can fill that gap very easily.

Or replace the whole thing with an amulet Smiling

Urban arcana is wizards with a everiday modern tone, not technomancy. In other words, modern hardheads should look more like police officers and less like warhammer 40k imperial space marines. Altough that too has drawbacks (how to put spikes on a police uniform?)

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

The thing is, you cant just decide on what level of technology the planes will run on as an independant thing. For example: like watashi mentioned, why bother making a giant suit of armor when you can get most, if not more, abilities in amulate form.

Space travel becomes a breeze as you cast Reverse Gravity on entire ships, followed by a flight spell to move around in space. Public trasnportation? More like public teleportation from one station to the next. Like a subway, but skipping all the area in between.
Why build laser when you can make Acid Arrow launchers? Who needs a rocket launcher when you can have a fireball gun? Why make Cybernetic parts when you can make Ioun Stones? Sure you can make this addition tech to go with it. But the question is, why would you? There may be tiny differances and advantages, but in most situations there wouldn't be enough of a differance to make the research and development of it worthwhile. Unless your worried about antimagic fields, in which case you bring along a normal pistol and solve the problem the old fasioned way.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

This is why magic is going to be much more limited (in both level-save for one or two workarounds-and distribution) in UPS than in PSCS, Fidrikion. While the setting you just described would be interesting to play in (sorta like PS meets Eberron), it is by no means Modern.

Of course, the fact that there was a higher amount of magic in PS won't be ignored. Instead, it will be explained in the backstory-particularly Ragnorak and the Pantheon War.

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

a good referance for techno DND is Dragonstar campaign setting.

some of the highlights of how magic and technology work together are: technology lets you know the rules of the universe magic lets you break them. magic is very powerful technology is relatively very cheap, magic CAN NOT be mass produced seeing how it is more intimate technology is easily mass produced, very few can use magic anyone can use technology.

some examples of how they mesh: starships travel at speeds up to the speed of light with technology but to travel between stars use powerful expensive magical artifacts, gateways to major planets are kept open with magic so that trains or trucks can deliver goods between them.

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

before anyone says anything about startravel I gota say too much technology would just turn PS into yet another cyberpunk, techie {insert your own techno game term here} game. I could see adding in some simple industrial age technology. remember that includes motors, turbines, rockets, engines, electric and gas welding ships guns, machine guns, gatling guns, speedboats. all the greaseball technology you could hope for and none of the electronic wizzbanging stuff already out there a dime a dozen. hell even the fission bomb was industrial age (fusion bomb is iffy).

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Actually, I'd be OK with some futuristic stuff. Powersuits might be viewed to be similar to golems in a lot of ways. Nothing too far forward, but definitely some stuff we don't currently have.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

I'd prefer to keep Planescape strictly modern in most contexts. No intergalactic space fleets, laser beam weapons, giant mecha, powered armor, or grav tanks. I want to see guns, trenchcoats, fossil fuels, jets and greenbacks.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

I'll also point out the developments taking place right now with space flight, and that a slab of metal (with shipping containers strapped on) enchanted to Levitate is much cheaper than the cost of a Space Shuttle.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Laser guns are PL 6. We currently have them, it's just that there are issues with power supply (fixable with magic). Intergalactic space fleets are extant in run-of-the-mill Planescape, with the spelljammers on the Prime. Powered armor is again, mainly running up against power issues in the modern day, and grav tanks are easy enough to implement with a simple Levitate item (Purchase DC 32- much less than the tank, by orders of magnitude).

Simply put, with the magic available in d20 Modern becoming a thing the public is aware of, things like this will become much more common, because the military will want them, and will invest money in developing them. You will see all the things you mentioned, because they serve their own roles on the battlefeild (except trenchcoats). Good engineering does not go for the high tech solution- it goes for the best one.

And let's be honest here. In a Modern game, the PCs are basically soldiers. They might be elite, mercenary soldiers, but soldiers is what they are. They might call themselves "adventurers" or "planewalkers", but let's be honest. Their job is to go and kill the enemy soldiers, and that makes them soldiers.

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Personally I like the idea of having power armor on the planes. They don't have to be common, just well known. Besides, the Demonslayer sounds pretty cool.

Plus, I bet the fiends would love to have something like them in the Blood War.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

And let's be honest here. In a Modern game, the PCs are basically soldiers. They might be elite, mercenary soldiers, but soldiers is what they are. They might call themselves "adventurers" or "planewalkers", but let's be honest. Their job is to go and kill the enemy soldiers, and that makes them soldiers.

No. They could be civilians. Terrorists. Murderers. Vigilantes. Explorers. Theives. Rebels. Assassins. Any number of things that aren't "soldiers", even if they do kill people. There's an enormous difference. Soldiers, for one thing, can legally and safely drive a levitation tank through town to lob shells at enemy soldiers. Normal adventurers would get arrested (hopefully) or provoke immediate hostile reaction as they walk down the street armed with power armor and laser guns, looking for a good place to eat. Even when adventurers are dealing with Slaadi, Demons, or Devils, it's probably a much better idea not to look like you're going to kill someone.

My fear is that in Modern Planescape power-armor, laser weapons, and grav tanks will become an expected norm, and no will bat an eyelash when even moderately powerful military hardware comes rolling down the street. Because adventurers are not soldiers, because I don't want to be restricted to running hack-n-slash soldier campaigns, because there should be a compelling reason not to choose the biggest guns and armor and instead choose something that just looks normal.

So, yes, you can keep your grav-tanks and laser weapons. That's not a game I want to run, and it certainly is not the only option. Just don't fall into the assumption that we all want soldiering campaigns. I, for one, will take the concealable bullet-proof vest and the .44. Laughing out loud

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Simply put, with the magic available in d20 Modern becoming a thing the public is aware of, things like this will become much more common, because the military will want them, and will invest money in developing them. You will see all the things you mentioned, because they serve their own roles on the battlefeild (except trenchcoats). Good engineering does not go for the high tech solution- it goes for the best one.

Aha! but there you have yourself a problem.
Will the military invest in this new, magic enhanced tech? Yes.
Will it mass produce them and deploy them to whatever instillation possible? Probably.
Is any military that can produce such weapons and items of power going to sell them to small, violent and surprisingly powerful groups that often kill large numbers of people with little remorse and can easily use the items against an ally, or the military itself? No way in the 9 hells.

These items may very well exist, but I can't see any good reason for them selling them to anyone, at least anyone who they haven't got a firm grip on with some compulsion magic. And willingly submitting to being mentally dominated instantly if some guy in an office decides he doesn't like what your doing, just to get a floating tank is something I don't see a lot of players going for.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

'nick012000' wrote:
And let's be honest here. In a Modern game, the PCs are basically soldiers. They might be elite, mercenary soldiers, but soldiers is what they are. They might call themselves "adventurers" or "planewalkers", but let's be honest. Their job is to go and kill the enemy soldiers, and that makes them soldiers.

I have to disagree with this perception, both in terms of what kinds of adventures can be done in D20 Modern, and especially what kind of adventuring is done in Planescape. "Kick-down-the-Door" may be what WotC has encouraged with the new rule set (perhaps unintentionally), but the Planescape I remember actively frowns on a cavalier mentallity. Instead, it makes it very clear that this approach will most likely lead to a messy, soul-destroying death at the hands of irrate natives.

This is where the Gods live, remember, and They probably won't be happy about a bunch of gun-happy marauders intruding on their kip and messing violently with their long-term goals.

As for the discussion on magic-technology relationship, I don't we're at this point of development yet. For now, assume the level of magic and technology in UA, with greater awareness by the general public, will be the rule for UPS. We can discuss upping the ante later.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

WithoutNationality, and Fidrikon: I highly doubt that any adventurer with a few levels under his belt could be called a 'civilian', especially when you consider that many characters belong to Factions. Factions that amount to nations (and in the case of the Harmonium, are a nation). Sure, when the characters drive their tank down the road, they'll get stares, but people won't do much (unless you're in one of the more chaotic planes, in which case you might get attacked for the hell of it), and the Powers That Be will take a look at the documentation, and wave them along (at least they will on the more lawful planes). At worst, they'll be caught up in red tape (unless they're in enemy territory).

Remember that buying the licences for Military-grade technology is only Purchase DC 20. Buying it on the Black Market is a +3 to the Purchase DC. Sure, level 1 heros won't have much. As the game goes on, though, the party will get machine guns, explosives, and (eventually) tanks. This is the assumption upon which game balance is made. Their use (or non-use) will vary upon the situation (when secrecy is required, or collateral damage is bad), but they will be acquired by the PCs.

Sure, they might leave it at home to go to the diner, but they will have it (and use it) in a combat situation.

Ulden Throatbane: Actually, "kick down the door" campaigns are entirely reasonable in d20 Modern (hello, SWAT Team campaign). Also, I'll point out that thanks to d20 Modern's Massive Damage rules, characters are much more fragile than DnD characters. A single fireball or gun blow can lay low even the toughest character on a failed save, and this means that tactics become even more important (especially when magic is involved).

In short, d20 Modern characters have guns. The characters need to plan, or they'll be horribly raped by anyone who can throw a fireball. But ultimately, the game is about killing stuff. Whether they're fighting demon, factioneers, Nazis, or corporate goons, the characters are people who pick up guns, swords, or magic and kill stuff. Combat is the heart and soul of virtually every RPG out there, and d20 Modern is no different.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

In short, d20 Modern characters have guns. The characters need to plan, or they'll be horribly raped by anyone who can throw a fireball. But ultimately, the game is about killing stuff. Whether they're fighting demon, factioneers, Nazis, or corporate goons, the characters are people who pick up guns, swords, or magic and kill stuff. Combat is the heart and soul of virtually every RPG out there, and d20 Modern is no different.

Have you actually ever played any different RPGs out there, Nick? Some campaigns involve no combat whatsoever. Tristat dX has a "soap-opera" rules set. There are political RPGs, comedic rpgs, and I'm pretty sure I can find a rules for a Romance RPG. You've made a horrible delusion that you run the only RPG in the universe. Don't assume everyone runs games like you... I can tell you now I don't, and my players love my game. To assume otherwise is just arrogant generalization.

Basically Nick, you can run your kick-the-door-down game any time you like. But I won't let you ruin Modern Planescape by making it the only playable option. The purchase DC for military grade license is DC 20. Not only is this too cheap, but it's also too easy, and I'm not sure if it's even legally viable. I'm never going to let players merely "buy" one, they have to earn it.

Fidrikon never suggested anything about Civilians being adventurers, and I said that being a civilian was an option but not the only one. Key words there, and get used to it.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

WithoutNationality: Sure. Even a Soap Opera RPG will have rules for combat, though. Probably with feats like "Bitch Slap", "Hair Pull", and rules for inexplicably coming back from the dead. Eye-wink

I've played Shadowrun, where the XP are based around accomplishing goals, and it still centers around combat. Sure, there are RPGs that focus more on interactions than combat, but combat is always present, and in d20 games, combat is dominant.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

'WithoutNationality' wrote:
But I won't let you ruin Modern Planescape by making it the only playable option. The purchase DC for military grade license is DC 20. Not only is this too cheap, but it's also too easy, and I'm not sure if it's even legally viable. I'm never going to let players merely "buy" one, they have to earn it.

Fidrikon never suggested anything about Civilians being adventurers, and I said that being a civilian was an option but not the only one. Key words there, and get used to it.

Part of the problem is that there likely will need to be a slightly higher tech level than in standard d20 Modern. As much as the modern, gritty feel is concerned, you can do high-tech without losing grit, or you can go all romantic. Look at cyberpunk. It's full of high-tech stuff and can still range from the romantic to gritty. Yes, milspec equipment may end up including power armor and floating tanks.. but then again, the military's already got basic power armor. It's just not combat suitable yet for power reasons. Plus, in combination with demons and the like, militaries are gonna REALLY want some destructive stuff to deal with creatures who near in power to GODS.

Most people won't have them, still. They'll know about them, possibly, but few, if any will have them. Militaries still won't give out power armor.. not unless you're a friendly country. The US, for example, will sell rifles to you if you have a mil-grade firearms dealer's license, but won't sell you anything not man-portable. You can get rocket launchers, grenades, all sorts of explosive and deadly goodies, but you can't get the big stuff, like tanks and whatnot. Not unless you're a country we recognize as a treaty ally, a major treaty organization, or something else equally powerful and having sovereignty.

All in all, I think your fears are overblown. If you're a 15th-16th level character, chances are you have personal power enough that you CAN take over a country, where buying a tank is reasonable. You're still not going to get a new tank with your DC 20 mil-grade license. You might get some nice .50 cal. rifles, an RPG launcher, or perhaps even some nice grenades. Not a tank. Well, unless you design and build one yourself.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Well, the governments might not sell to the characters directly, but they'll sell them to the Faction that are nations in their own right, and would be much more likely to sell them to the PCs. Remember that The Fated control sovereign territory in Archeron, and that makes them a (small) nation.

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

I gota agree DC 20 is way too easy. I could hit that with a lvl 1 if I wanted...

seriously though do you really want to play a game where you WALK AROUND in a mech! not go on the major raid of a campaign or something like that but just "hey I'm hungry lets go to Mcspacedonalds leme get dressed up in my 100ton Dashi!". if the answer is yes then you have seriouse mental issues but fine just don't try and make normal PS revolving about that.

I'd like to see it in a timescale of 1910-1948. all the fun stuff without the ubergeeky crap.

oh and spelljammers might be cool but the spelljammer setting sucks. their take on reality is silly. but there are similar things to spelljammers used by the Gith on the Astral if you remember.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Do not feed the troll.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

'nick012000' wrote:
As the game goes on, though, the party will get machine guns, explosives, and (eventually) tanks. This is the assumption upon which game balance is made. Their use (or non-use) will vary upon the situation (when secrecy is required, or collateral damage is bad), but they will be acquired by the PCs.

This is true. If it's normal for lvl 15 dnd pc to have a limited wish, then a lvl 15 d20m pc should be able to have at least one Abrams in his garage Laughing out loud

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

WithoutNationality: Sure. Even a Soap Opera RPG will have rules for combat, though. Probably with feats like "Bitch Slap", "Hair Pull", and rules for inexplicably coming back from the dead.

Sure. But since when did this become "soldiering"? Puzzled

I know some groups think combat is a hassle, that skip it or streamline it so much that it's hardly played out. Combat is hardly a "focus" at all.

Listen, as I said the only thing I care about is making sure that soldiering is not the only option. Sure, by default it's going to a combat oriented game, but there are many reasons why they wouldn't be soldiers. That's the only point I'm trying to make.

I'd also like to make it known that I think that ultra-tech like powered armor and laser guns should be treated like magic items and not like standard pieces of equipment.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

'WithoutNationality' wrote:
I'd also like to make it known that I think that ultra-tech like powered armor and laser guns should be treated like magic items and not like standard pieces of equipment.

I don't know how much that would fit. Planescape is about changing the afterlife reality through mass belief

Using magic to advance a tech level sounds more like eberron

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

'Kestral' wrote:
but then again, the military's already got basic power armor. It's just not combat suitable yet for power reasons. Plus, in combination with demons and the like, militaries are gonna REALLY want some destructive stuff to deal with creatures who near in power to GODS.

As Jack Handey once said: "Instead of building newer and larger weapons of mass destruction, I think mankind should try to get more use out of the ones we have"

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

good point planescape is more about philosophy of belief and such not hey look I can deal 1000 dammage furst turn! heck magic wasn't even the biggest stuff most of the time because it was hard to use off the prime with having to know all the keys and have the godly gifts and crap.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

It can STILL be difficult to use lots of expensive tech. However, for things such as the Blood War, where atomic weapons and the like are probably used daily, big machinery's likely to still be used heavily on the Planes. You can add some tech without losing the "belief is important" parts. I'm merely saying that we can add stats for a small number of higher PL items into UPS without losing the overall feel of PS. Groups like the Harmonium, (especially the Harmonium, really) are likely to have these items as a matter of basic defense against things such as incursions by the fiends' Blood War, since they make lower-level characters a LOT more capable of dealing with people stronger than they are. They'll still be whizbang equipment, and very rarely used, but they'll be there. Furthermore, the overall nature of PS's tendency to warn against doing things that are spectacularly messy should help promote the overall idea that using these should be a rarity.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

I don't know how much that would fit. Planescape is about changing the afterlife reality through mass belief

Using magic to advance a tech level sounds more like eberron

I don't mean that tech should be magic. I mean that high-level tech should be doled out like magic items and not put on standard equipment lists.

This is true. If it's normal for lvl 15 dnd pc to have a limited wish, then a lvl 15 d20m pc should be able to have at least one Abrams in his garage

It depends, actually, what kind of adventurers they are, and this is why I'm so adamant about the difference between soldiers and other fighters. Mercs will have a tank at about 10th level. A 10th level soldier will probably have "borrowing privledges" for some kind of tank. A 10th level criminal or vigilante or even group of explorers will be lucky to get their hands on a tank, let alone keep it. It all depends on what kind of adventurers they are.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Plus, in combination with demons and the like, militaries are gonna REALLY want some destructive stuff to deal with creatures who near in power to GODS.

I thought part of the feel of Planescape were that there are these ultra-powerful beings you spent your entire life trying not to be noticed by or getting in trouble with. There should really be no easy way of dealing with exemplars. If a mortal agency has good equipment, they should have better. Theoretically, they too can equip themselves in power armor and wield lasers. That's a pretty scary thought.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

but didn't we already determine that the older, more powerful exemplars shunned tech? The chances of seeing a Balor with a laser rifle should be pretty rare.

Actually, some of the already existant magic could make the tech/magic thing pretty balanced. For example, a brilliant energy longsword is going to pass right through the armor plating of a tank. Will the tank be harmed? No. Will anyone inside standing to close to the walls be cut in half? Yes.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Since Exemplars are shaped by belief, whether they use tech or not could depend on what beliefs they are supposed to stand for. An angel that serves the Ideal of Chivalry will probably stick to a trusty long-sword in battle. On the other hand, a "Demon Prince of Rock & Roll" probably hasn't played a traditional instrument like a lute or harp in ages. And some Exemplar will be able to go either way.

Also, I wanted to include the Fraal in the new Astral War history. In UPS, the Astral is actually where there ships enter when performing FTL travel. Since they kept being harassed by the Githyanki, they eventually allied with the Harmonium to defeat them. They would be a rare-enough source for PL 6+ items.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

but didn't we already determine that the older, more powerful exemplars shunned tech? The chances of seeing a Balor with a laser rifle should be pretty rare.

This is silly. Would a demon sacrifice an edge for a vague sense of conservatism? Would a devil not use every resource at his disposal? Of course they aren't, and if they did, we'd still have castles in the Lower Planes.

Also, I wanted to include the Fraal in the new Astral War history. In UPS, the Astral is actually where there ships enter when performing FTL travel. Since they kept being harassed by the Githyanki, they eventually allied with the Harmonium to defeat them. They would be a rare-enough source for PL 6+ items.

I agree.

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

I'd have to say yes they would. at least for the upper echelons of exemplars. course ya don't need laser rifles when you have teleportion at will and a +5 vorporal longsword...or the celestial equivolent.

of course on lawful planes there are many buildings which are engineering marvels. Baatorians are always trying to engineer new weapons and there are even some Tannari who hold knowlege and such in high regard so one would think exemplars would also be the source of technology. heck the modrons are technology.

hmm... argueing with myself about high tech or low tech... perhaps another dimension to the planes making it a sphere instead of a wheel. with technology as one of the foughtover beliefs. that would be a bit radical perhaps of a change but it would be in line with the idea of planesape since it is a belief to argue about with a club...or a vibroknife...

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

Technology isn't a belief. It just is.

What impact it has or will have is a belief, and so it is incorperated into the Outer Planes just like all beliefs. On the Upper Planes, the promise of what technology brings be emphasized, while the Lower Planes demonstrate it's horrors.

Here are some candidates for existing Realms and Layers that have a decidedly futurist bent in UPS:

Garden of Jibrael (Herald of Joy)
Tower of the Arcanoloths
Labratory of Sige (Defender of Understanding)
Abysm/Gaping Maw (based on Demogorgon's innovative nature)

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

I'd have to say yes they would. at least for the upper echelons of exemplars. course ya don't need laser rifles when you have teleportion at will and a +5 vorporal longsword...or the celestial equivolent.

OK, maybe not a laser rifle, but power armor definitely. Power armor added onto their natural toughness is too good to pass up and is pretty scary, unless there's some kind of rules against it or whatnot. And I'd find it a bit hard to believe that exemplars ignore the value of computers, cellphones, and internet.

I've notice that I've been a bit aggressive in my posting here. I apoligize in advance if I've offended somebody.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

'Daylen' wrote:
I'd have to say yes they would. at least for the upper echelons of exemplars. course ya don't need laser rifles when you have teleportion at will and a +5 vorporal longsword...or the celestial equivolent.

Indeed. With their Arrows of Killing You, solars don't need any better weaponry. Other technology, though, could be very helpful.


Pants of the North!

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
'Daylen' wrote:
I'd have to say yes they would. at least for the upper echelons of exemplars. course ya don't need laser rifles when you have teleportion at will and a +5 vorporal longsword...or the celestial equivolent.

Indeed. With their Arrows of Killing You, solars don't need any better weaponry. Other technology, though, could be very helpful.

They might not need better weapons, but if it fits with their place in the Celestial Choir, the bow and arrow may be replaced by handgun or rifle-still the same 'slaying' effect, of course.

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Urban Planescape-How futuristic?

technology just is eh? true but I was more refering to peoples belief in technology. if you don't know what I mean you must be from a fairly metropolitan area. Ever talk to old people, or some that would be considerd country bumpkins? alot of them don't like technology. alot of technology could be seen as a bad thing. Mostly as a kinda good enough for granpappy good enough for me and "well that ain't how we use to do it." I guess its kinda a liberal vs conservative arguement in the most general terms. liberal being for change conservative being not for change.

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