Ur-Quan Masters

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jareddm's picture
Joined: 2007-12-12
Ur-Quan Masters

Does anyone remember the old game Star Control?  Or the much-improved Star Control II: Ur-Quan Masters?

I recently discovered this old classic and after only about an hour of play, realized just how wonderful it would fit into planescape!  While the actual setting is clearly more suited to spelljammer, the races and humor are just right.

Anyone who's played this would immedietely think that the humor of the cowardly Spathi, and the annoying, yet powerfully psychic Pkunk would go perfect in Sigil.  Or the adorable zoq-fot-pik bouncing around.

The Illwrath and the Druuge would make terrific fiends, while not necesarily needing to be fitted into Tanar'ri or Baatezu.

And then there's the Orz and the Arilou Lalee'lay, both existing outside of time, space, and in the case of the Orz, language.  Each would make a fine, mysterious extraplanar creature from an unknown plane of existance.

 I encourage any that have never heard of the game Ur-Quan Masters to give it a try, and immedietely recognize planescape-style material.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
I recommend Frungy.

I recommend Frungy. Everyone loves Frungy. Let's talk about Frungy.

 But yeah, great game. As much a roleplaying game as a space  ship shooter/exploration game can be. Also, the Illwrath with their blind destructive fanatism would make nice fiends, but the Druuge are more or less Baatezu already, no?I mean, they have the most cruel spaceships ever and they are a corporation.

The Pkunk could easily end up in Sigil anyway, they talk about Planar travel in the game. They visit the Astral Plane and the Upper planes to talk to the gods.

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Yeah, just about ANYONE

Yeah, just about ANYONE could wind up in Sigil... it'd be funny to have a "guest appearance" by well-known races from other fiction... as long as they didn't overstay their welcome! Maybe that big bruiser at the bar is actually a Klingon, or a Wookie... and those guys with the pointed ears sure don't ACT like Elfs, do they? So LOGICAL... uh oh, those berks in the white armor don't look too friendly, and who's this "Skywalker" fellow they're searching for...?

Aran_Thule's picture
Joined: 2008-08-27
jareddm wrote: Does

jareddm wrote:

Does anyone remember the old game Star Control?  Or the much-improved Star Control II: Ur-Quan Masters?

 Star Control 2 is still one of the best games in existance in my humble opinion, how many games can say that their fan base redid the game to work on a new operating system (XP) as well as enhancing the graphics and adding speach to the mountians of text.

 If i remember correctly people can download it for free from the 'path of now and forever' fan pages.

The Pkunk raised his beak and looked at the looming thug that had disturbed his meditation. "The stars do not shine favorably for your endevour and your aura shows the potential for iminant disruption" He quietly spoke in a light melodic voice.

"Gis ya jink bird brain!" snarled the horned Druuge before it chuckled evily and lifted its club. "Yous gonna be working for the corp now, need more bodies ta feed the furnice.."

Moving swiftly the avian swept low driving his taloned foot behind the leg of his larger foe causing it to topple to the ground. "LOSER!" He cried out as his blow connected, the Druuge barely had time to look suprised before a muscled wing slammed into its neck... "JERK!!!"

Then with a deep sigh and calming motion to settle ruffled feathers the pkunk monk moved on hoping to find a place to wonder on the universes wonders without being futher disturbed.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
I think the Pkunk could feel

I think the Pkunk could feel at home in the Transcendent Order. They are pretty transcendent already and they like pondering the questions of the universe.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
The story of the UrQuan, so

The story of the UrQuan, so similar to the gith, is such an interesting one. If the Kzera and Korah (sp?) started taking over (or razing) whole crystal spheres it could send ripples all the way into Sigil.


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Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Hmm. Good one, actually.

Hmm. Good one, actually. With the difference that the Ur-Quan are sleightly more genocidal than either Gith race. However, it would be interesting if the Githyanki came to the conclusion that erradicating all humans was the only solution to killing of all illithids, while the Githzerai would just try to isolate them from all spelljamming and planar travel so that the illithids couldn't reach them.

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