Does anyone have any thoughts on what the result would be if an aasimar and a tiefling had a child?
I haven't seen this covered in any Planescape materials that I have, nor in any D20 stuff that Wizards has put out.
I don't see this pairing as something that is out of the realm of possibility.
Would the child have traits of both?
Would the child have traits of neither, the two types of blood canceling one another out?
Maybe it would be one of the part rilmani type guys (who's name escapes me at the moment)?
I like the idea of it being part celestial and part demonic myself. A being with your typical horns and hooves that people associate with tieflings (even though not all have that), with angelic wings and golden eyes/skin and just an odd aura about itself.
You'd get a tenarimar. See Alex Roberts' A Tiefling's Exultation.
They have both celestial and fiendish traits, and they're prone to mood swings.