Underworld of Hades (Custom)

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Da'Hak's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Underworld of Hades (Custom)


I'm not much of a PnP'er myself, I'm more involved in the Neverwinter Nights community to be honest. I'm building some small time module for a group of friends to enjoy, and of course it has to happen in the PS setting.

One major problem is handling death when you have to make every area, bar, city yourself. Creating all the Outer Planes just to send someone to when they die can be stressful.

That's when I starting thinking about the Gray Wastes of Hades, and the Gate to the Underworld. Since I didn't like the information the Manual of the Planes gave me, I decided to create my own version. I added some mythology flavor and some D&D flavor.

Tell me what you buggers think about it.


EDIT: Changed my silly error, many pardons! :oops:

Underworld of Hades
Deep within the third layer of Hades, Pluton, locked away behind the gigantic Gates of the Underworld.

The Underworld lies deep between in lowest layer of the Gray Waste of Hades, sealed off by a gigantic gate constructed of beaten bronze. The gate itself is guarded by the three-headed hound Cerberus, who never leaves his post unless ordered so by his master, Hades himself.

Beyond the gate lies a labyrinth of tunnels and forgotten passages. Whoever is brave enough to tread on the soil will likely draw the attention of the Harpies, living within the maze, to her. Past the curving and gloom tunnels of the labyrinth stands a tall dark citadel, towering high above the entrances of the maze. In this marvelous structure Hades, the ruler of the Underworld, makes his home.

Behind the citadel lies the mystical river Styx, which flows into two openings in the dark marble of the Underworld. A small ferryboat occasionally drifts at the bank of the river, waiting for those who seek to pass the Styx. When presenting Charon a garnish he will bring the passenger to her desired location. Attempting to cross the river without Charon’s help however will lead to an unpleasant fall in the waters of the Styx. The lost souls within the dark river will keep the body pulled down, never to resurface again.

Should the passenger wish to travel upwards then she’ll eventually end up in the Elysium Fields. The Elysium Fields is the wonderful place where a body ends up should she leave her mortal life for what it was, naturally only if the person in question led a good life. In truth this place is an outpocket of the plane Elysium, which should be obvious due to the relating name. The Fields consist out of rolling planes, blossoming flowerbeds and orchards as far as on can see. How it came to exist in a place like Hades is something greybeards and sages alike still argue about.

However some passengers desire the opposite of this good-natured place. They often travel down the river Styx in hope to seek answers from past foes, to confront their problems head on, or even worse such as trying to free them. These foes and evil-natured cutters are the ones that inhabit Tartarus, an outpocket of the prison plane Carceri. Unlike the Elysium Fields, Tartarus doesn’t have beautiful planes filled with flowers and happiness, quite the contrary even. In this place those who led a life of sin and malice are punished, which is reflected by the barren wastelands of Tartarus’ environment.

The Underworld of Hades isn’t an evil place in itself, it’s a place where the dead travel should they truly desire so. A place where the greatest of heroes are remembered and the darkest of fiends are punished. No, the Underworld isn’t a domain of good nor evil, it’s just the land of the deceased.

The lord of the Underworld is the Greek deity Hades himself. Only he has authority over this gloom domain, nothing goes unseen while he sits in his majestic citadel. If a body should want to “rescue” a fallen cutter then an audience with Hades is necessary, though if the power would want to grant such a request is not always certain.

However during the cold winter season a body has a greater chance of having her wish approved. It’s during these times that Persephone, the goddess of harvest and reluctant queen of the Underworld, resides in the citadel by Hades’ side. One might even go as far to say that her presence brings out Hades’ kindhearted side.

Lord Hades is also the only one who Cerberus, the gate guardian, answers to. If the ruler of the Underworld should not pardon a soul and the said soul would try to leave the Underworld, then Cerberus will ensure that the said soul is returned to its proper domain. Of course this will only be done after the said soul received a proper punishment for its feeble attempt.

Harpies usually make their home in the hidden chambers and forgotten tunnels of the labyrinth in between the Underworld’s gate and the river Styx. These pesky creatures follow and taunt the brave travelers who risk their lives into the depths of the Underworld. Though there have been occasions when the taunting ended and turned into bloodshed, leaving corpses of both Harpies as travelers behind.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Underworld of Hades (Custom)

The third gloom of the Gray Waste is Pluton, not Niflheim, but other than that, this looks fine.

A very similar Underworld was described in the Planes of Conflict boxed set.

Da'Hak's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Underworld of Hades (Custom)

"Kaelyn" wrote:
The third gloom of the Gray Waste is Pluton, not Niflheim, but other than that, this looks fine.

A very similar Underworld was described in the Planes of Conflict boxed set.

It is? Then I must be reading that map in the MotP wrong.

And it seems I have to get my hands on that Planes of Conflict book then. Darn it, missing out on so much. Sad


bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Underworld of Hades (Custom)

If you have exact questions (pending time between other things) I could look up things for you in the Planes of Chaos Boxed Set (or any others.)

Also I hear the PDF's of it are cheap and its the second cheapest of the 5 big boxed sets behind the main one on ebay. The most expensive being Hellbound: the Blood War and the Planes of Conflict.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Underworld of Hades (Custom)

Welcome aboard, Da'hak. This is closer to the mythology of the Greek underworld (save Erebus), but where are the fields of asphodel? I like the unification of the planes that are scattered in Planescape. Well, PS is very focused on the Occidental myths, so that's to be expected. I don't know if Tartarus is supposed to as desolate as all that. IIRC it is shrouded in darkness but has trees, fields and rivers as a normal environment would. They're evil trees, though. Eye-wink

Median's picture
Joined: 2005-02-23
Underworld of Hades (Custom)

What kind of evil trees? Are we talking selfish trees that only think about themselves or tree with an active dedication to the cause of evil? Eye-wink

Now let's get nitpicky

leaving corpses of both Harpies as travelers behind.

That doesn't quite read right to me.

the Underworld isn’t a domain of good nor evil

Being crunchy does this mean that Hades' realm doesn't poison non-evil beings and all those nasty Hades effects are negated inside the Underworld?

Da'Hak's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Underworld of Hades (Custom)

Hello again!

Sorry for my absence, I've been a bit busy with exams and Easter, heh. Anyway let's take a look.

"Krypter" wrote:
Welcome aboard, Da'hak. This is closer to the mythology of the Greek underworld (save Erebus), but where are the fields of asphodel?

To be quite honest I've never heard about this place before you mentioned it. I looked it up and according to what I found; Asphodel was the place were the average person found her home.

However I also read that the inhabitants of that section have to drink from the river Lethe before they can enter it. If this would be true, would it mean that only the great heroes and malicious villains keep their memories? The former keep them as a gift for their grand deeds, while the latter keep them as a reminder of why they're punished?

Never the less, I'll find a way to weave this in the description of the Underworld.

"Krypter" wrote:
I like the unification of the planes that are scattered in Planescape. Well, PS is very focused on the Occidental myths, so that's to be expected. I don't know if Tartarus is supposed to as desolate as all that. IIRC it is shrouded in darkness but has trees, fields and rivers as a normal environment would. They're evil trees, though. Eye-wink

Yes that I know. However in my own stories I'd like to keep a clear view of whose good and who’s evil. Same goes for the environments (Unless it's some sort of NE), that being the reason why I made Tartarus a darker place.

The heroes have a nice afterlife because of their acts of righteousness. While the villains have a bad afterlife, I consider it being a part of the punishment. Smiling

"Median" wrote:
leaving corpses of both Harpies as travelers behind.

That doesn't quite read right to me.

Could you perhaps elaborate?

What I meant with my own words is this: If the Harpies should attack the travellers then such a fight will have members of both sides dying. I hope that makes more sense, heh. Smiling

"Median" wrote:
the Underworld isn’t a domain of good nor evil

Being crunchy does this mean that Hades' realm doesn't poison non-evil beings and all those nasty Hades effects are negated inside the Underworld?

Yes, it means exactly that. Mind you, this is a custom version so it might go against some of the "normal" rules. I'll try to explain my reasons a bit more.

Hades is described as not being a wicked deity. He's just the power of death; he doesn't care how a blood ended up being dead and sees death as a normal thing. Every cutter has to die at some point, no?

Aside from that Hades is also the ruler of the Underworld, it's his domain. A domain he can shape to his will (If he wears Hades' crown, his crown), thus meaning he can also influence the effects his domain has on the people that pass through it.

Concluding, when putting both parts together you come to this. Hades is a power that doesn't care what a body does, unless it affects him. So why would he punish those that enter his domain?

I still have to make some additions to my original description. For instance I have to add the Fates. Both the threesome that judges a body's soul, as the threesome that decides when a body dies.

Maybe I'll add a piece about Cerberus too; it just seems a bit too easy for the travellers to enter the Underworld. They would have to trick him, give him some food or what not.

And last but not least, I'll have to add the Fields of Asphodel.

I'm not quite sure how I will do the alignment bit for a dying body.
The idea is that when a player (in game) dies that she'll end up in the Underworld. The Fates of Judgement will then send them to the right place for them.

But then I started thinking, players with an evil alignment aren't necessarily evil in their acts. Same goes for players with a good alignment; they could kill thousands for the greater good. This isn’t exactly a nice act to do.

Maybe it would be better to let the non-player characters inhabit the Fields of Elysium and Tartarus, while the player characters go to the Fields of Asphodel when they die? (Input on this matter is greatly appreciated Smiling)


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