Undead Githyanki

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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Undead Githyanki

The githyanki have a long history of using, and becoming, undead. There are very practical reasons for this. The illithid's natural powers do not affect undead, as they do not have living minds. The illithid cannot consume undead brains, and decerebration has no affect on them*.

The first Vlaakith to attain Lichdom is held to be the 121st, but the githyanki had been connected to the undead long before her reign. This presents a mystery, which remains unknown even among the githyanki themselves. Was Vlaakith CXXI, the first Lich Queen, the first githyanki lich? Was there some sort of taboo against an undead ascending to the throne, or was it simply that githyanki culture had changed to such a point as to make this possible? My sources, which I must not reveal for they are intimately knowlegable about githyanki history, but would face a harsh death should they be caught dealing with a 'barbarian', inform me that Vlaakith CXXI was held to be the same as Vlaakith CXX. Evidently, when the 120th Vlaakith arose as a lich, she claimed to be her own successor. This gesture, claiming to be a different individual, but with the same rights of succession as the original living being, may have been made as a political move to satisfy critics of letting a slain ruler remain Queen. Alternately, it could have been in keeping with tradition, for my sorces inform me that just as githyanki often modify their own names over their lives, free-willed githyanki undead always take a new name upon arising.

It can be implied that various other types of free-willed undead must have been closesly associated with their living counterparts long before this, or why else would the Lich Queen pursue such a path in the first place? Githyanki necromancers are well-regarded for their skills, both in their own society and among the necromancer community at large. They are known to be highly refined and knowlegable in The Art. They also have a dire reputation for violence, which I know raises their esteem among many of my colleagues, if from afar.

I intend to compile what I will have learned from my expedition when I return from the Palace of Whispers, for I have been granted an audience with her majesty, Queen Vlaakith CLVII.

*Beheading is an effective way to destroy a vampire, so one may surmise that removal of a vampire's brain would also likely slay it. It is theorized by some necromancers that the incredibly rare vampiric illithid results from an illithid consuming such a brain. However, the illithid themselves can tell an undead from a living being at the range of their telepathy, for they cannot detect even a free-willed undead's thoughts. Further, since undead tissue is repulsive to illithid, it is doubtful that one would consume a vampire's brain, whether unkowingly or on purpose.

- From one of the final letters of Ankh-Nix, Factor of the Dustmen and planehopping lich-priest of Anubus. Ankh-Nix never retuned from the Astral, and of his fate the githyanki will only reply, "The Duster found exactly what he was looking for."


I made up some interesting versions of free-willed githyanki undead for Incursion and Git'riban, as well as an order of necromanccers. I will flesh them out here. They may contain some spoilers for BoG'r, but that's OK. Ii'jyka'vaar has ties to the Court of Vlaakith, so would concievably know all about these NPCs.

I also, of course, welcome anyone elses creative input / ideas / criticisms / etc.

The necromancers were knows as "The Black Librum", in my Incursion campaign, there was a special forces unit of 66 necromancers led The Queen's Necromancer, a high-level officer for that world's incursion. There was also The Claws of Death, a red dragon dracolich, and The Black Blade, a githyanki death-knight, who collecively led "The Silent Guard", 120 githwarrior swordwraiths.

In the Lich Queen's intel service was Mist-of-the-Mind, a non-corporeal undead Psion-telepath who dominated and brainwashed graith commanders and spies to sow dissention in the enemy ranks.

In BoG'r, there is Ista K'ait (which litterally means "Blood Rat" ), a githyanki vampire who acts as Git'riban's unoffical exterminator of cranium-rats.

Ther is also The Queen's Knight, master of the Githyanki Embassy in the Lower Ward. He (she?) is a githyanki death-knight.

I will do more complete write-ups later.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Undead Githyanki

Ista K'ait

A tall githyanki in dark robes appears from the mist. She is pale and half-starved looking, thin even for a githyanki, though with a tarnished beauty. Her once-fine warlocks' robe is tattered and caked with mud. In the thick mist around her feet, something moves. Dozens of cranium rats claw their way along the stones. Their eyes are dead, bones and torn organs stick through their ripped skins. The animated horde of undead vermin surge forward, searching for a living specimen. Soon they find some, a nest of half a dozen cranuim rats living under a githyanki's storage room. The undead rats pull them forth, and "Blood Rat" begins to feed.

Ista K'ait was once a githyanki warlock, before her raiding party stepped into a trap. Their illithid quarry had joined forces with powerful vampire and its coven. The warlock was herself given as spoils to the vampires, and make into a spawn enthralled to her master's whim. Such a state must have been absolute torture, greater than other dominated spawn experiance, for she retained her githyanki pride and hatred of enslavement. Eventually, her vampiric master was slain, and she was trully free-willed again.

Ista K'ait tells no more about her past than this, not the name of the vampire, not its world, not even her own former name and warband. She lives (to use the term loosely) now on the streets of Git'riban, or under them, drinking the blood of vermin to subsist.

Her time spent enslaved to another's will has greatly awakened the vampiric githyanki's hatred of enthrallment. She herself refuses to create spawn, though she is not above dominating the living with her supernatural force of personality. Nor is she above raising the dead to serve her. Still, she does not prey on the residents of Git'riban, nor the graith of Sigil. Well, not usually. You see, subsisting on vermin is not as satisfying for a vampire. Occasionally, in a moment of weakness, she will bite a gith or a graith. She sees such acts as a woeful addiction, and when she bites a sentient being, often punishes herself in anguish over her curse. She has mostly managed to keep herself from draining other thinking beings unto death since escaping her enthrallment. Mostly.


Ista K'ait : Githyanki (F) Sorcerer 10 (vampire)

S: 17 (+3 ) D: 21 (+5 ) Cn: NA (-) I: 19 (+4 ) W: 13 (+ ) Ch: 22 (+6 )

Spells: [0] 8x [1] 8x [2] 7x [3] 7x [4] 6x [5] 4x
[lvl 0] : Ray of Frost, Daze, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Disrupt Undead, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Read Magic
[lvl 1] : Mage Armor, Identify, Magic Missile, Chill Touch, Ray of Enfeeblement
[lvl 2] : Fog Cloud, See Invisible, Blind/Deafen, Invisibility
[lvl 3] : Dispel Magic, Nondetection, Vampiric Touch
[lvl 4] : Improved Invisibility, Enervation
[lvl 5] : Animate Dead

Special Abilities: DR 15/+1, Turn Resist +4, Cold & Electric Resist 20, Gaseous Form, Spider Climb, Alternate Form: Giant Rat or Normal Rat, Fast Healing: 5 hp/round, Domination, Blood Drain (d4 Cn damage), Energy Drain (2 neg lvls with slam attack)

AC: 21, Touch AC: 15, Flafooted AC: 16

ATT: +5 (slam attack: 1d6+3 damage)



Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Undead Githyanki

I had been wondering when we were going to see more of the rat-loving vampire... Especially to see if there was some development of the little romance between her and Vivec (even though he's not an active PC at the moment).

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Undead Githyanki

You know, I'd been wondering whether someone had actually put Ista there specifically to keep the population of cranium rats (who are, after all, Ilsensine's) in Git'riban to a minimum.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Undead Githyanki

'Zimrazim' wrote:
You know, I'd been wondering whether someone had actually put Ista there specifically to keep the population of cranium rats (who are, after all, Ilsensine's) in Git'riban to a minimum.

Yea, the DM. Eye-wink

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Undead Githyanki


The graith general bows before the githwarriors, "My friends. My armies are at the disposal of your warlord." His officers look confused for a moment. There have been no discussions for surrender to the githyanki invaders. None of them notice a slight mist spill from their general's body. When the ghostly mist touches each in turn, they too kneal before their new allies.

Mir'as-S'a (MEER Ass S-Ah) was once a Supreme Leader of the Band of Quartz, and arguably one of the greatest Psions of her generation. At long last she was summoned before Queen Vlaakith CLVII, a great honor given for a lifetime of accomplishments, which she eagerly accepted. Illithid hunter, scout, spy, and psionic scholar, the Lich Queen deemed her loyal follower too valuable to discard so easily. Instead, Vlaakith set upon a way to make her even more useful.

Rising as a ghost, Mist-of-the-Mind became the ultimate infultrator. Able to posess living minds and leave behind orders in the form of post-hypnotic suggestions, she was invaluable to the Lich Queen's great Incursion, sowing disention among those deemed strong resistance, and conquoring whole armies without a single blow being struck.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Undead Githyanki

The Black Blade & The Silent Guard.

The garrison had held out against the githyanki for three days. Though their walls were compromised by teleporting githwarriors, these humans were elite troops, battle-hardened, and tasked by their king to defend this strategicly vital fort. Their morale remained high, untill the githyanki general showed up. Clad in black armor, riding a huge fiendish nightmare, he exuded an aura of command and fear. Around him fought his bodyguard. The githwarriors were pale and thin, and they did not bleed when cut. Leading from the front, the Black Blade and his undead guard put the garrison to the sword in a twelve hour battle without pause. The most skilled of those living githwarriors that had perished in the three-and-a-half day assault replaced those few swordwraiths that were hacked apart.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Undead Githyanki

The Claws of Death.

It squatted in in the ruined temple complex, ruling the city. Everyone within the city walls was sickly, broken. The closer one came to its lair, the more the trees and plants drooped, their leaves blackening with rot. The temple complex, once verdant, was now a wasteland of broken stone and bare trees. The prisoners, vivrant resistance fighters still plotting some impossible escape, were led by their githyanki captors to the great empty temple itself. A great bulk emerges from the darkness. The skeleton of a massive dragon, its hide of red scales removed and fashoned along with strange metals into barding armor for the great beast, strides forward. It says nothing, but orange flames flicker in its empty eye sockets. The heroes meet its gaze one by one, and one by one their shoulders fall, their legs quake, and their heads bow. They find menial jobs in the city the next day, toiling without end, with meager pay garnished by the taxes to the ruined temple and its overlord, fatal despair crushing any further thought of rebellion.

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