Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

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Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

Planars, Proxies, and Primes!

Lend us your talents! We at Planewalker are spearheading an exciting new project: The Ultimate Mimir! I'm sure a group of tarmy bashers like yourselves are well familiar with mimirs, right? The jabbering little skulls that float above so many of the clueless, dispensing information? Well, here at Planewalker we are crafting the largest mimir ever!

The idea is inspired by The Player's Primer to the Outlands, a CD that was released as a supplement when the product line was still going. (You can download a copy at the WOTC site http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/dx20010914a ). We are recording new mimir entries, and we need ideas and/or scripts! As we get them finished, MP3 versions of each track will be put up on the site in a permanent collection.

DMs, you can pick the tracks you want to use and burn a CD. When your players find or buy a mimir give them the disc (the look on their faces will be priceless!) When they inquire of it tell them which track to play.

Join us as we create a new multimedia tool for all Planescape DMs!
Those wishing to participate please use this thread to get us your ideas and scripts!

Thats right bashers, coming soon to Snail Outfitters- The Ultimate Mimir! Darks of all sorts harvested from across the planes of the multiverse! The rumors of screed are grossly inaccurate!

See you in The Cage!
Loki, Section Manager (Cutters)
And The Planescape Team


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

What, no aspiring actors lurking here? Give it a shot, people. You could be the voice of Shemeska or Ha'akon. All you have to do is read a few lies into a microphone...err, I mean, lines. Lines. Smiling

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
I'll do it!

Seriously Laughing out loud I just...don't have a microphone...And I'm sure my friends would have a kicking time helping as well. I'll ask around next game and see if they're interested. Do you already have a script or is that something that we'll have to come up with outselves?


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

Loki's got all the microphones and all that are needed - he needs the scripts Eye-wink

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

Ohhhh...well I'll still run it by the team Laughing out loud

Do you have a list of what you already have scripts for? And what you need most? That would definately help Smiling


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

I think Loki'll be able to answer that one - but it may be a few days, there's this little thing called Mardi Gras that I think he's preoccupied with this week. Eye-wink

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

Any scripts made yet? :oops:
I'm not good at speaking english but that shouldn't be a problem in a multilingual multiverse Laughing out loud

Cockroach's picture
Joined: 2006-03-25
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

(Hi! New guy here...)

You don't just want "acurate" Mimirs, right? Like, a little mis-information can go a long way (towards adventure...) You can put a lot on a mimir after all...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

Accurate mixed with inaccurate I think it the idea here, and re: scripts - that's what he's asking you guys to come up with if you can. He's got the equipment and setup to make a recording - he doesn't yet know what to *say*.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

No one still answered my question Laughing out loud

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

You could start with your planewalking encyclopedia thingy, it has short and to-the-point explanations for typical planar questions Smiling

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

I'm pretty sure there's no entry for "What scripts does the Ultimate Mimir still need" Eye-wink

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

The "tone" of the mimir is the biggest question. If the creators want it informative and kinda spooky, encycopedia entries are more then enough

If they want to keep it silly like the original mimir audio, I might make a few scripts with bad puns designed for reading with fake pseudoplanar accents... I have a few ideas already... Actually, it's a slow day at work, might as well try to do it now Laughing out loud

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

Grandfather Oak

Greetings young travelers and welcome to our beloved grandfather. He is a wise old protector of our houses and keeper of our farmlands. Life in here is peaceful but people have very little time to rest between working, training, and making love to their women. Visitors are always welcome to rest and trade with us. We have the most beautiful and large pieces of wood carved to satisfy anyone's needs. We also have other commodities like nuts, leaves and bark or anything else you might need. Just don't ask the locals about spidersilk anymore. May you have a great day! This war Pieblo Bonaleaf, an elven Mimir agent in Arborea.

Yeenoghu's realm

Realm of the Gnoll god, also known by Guv'ners as the 422nd layer of Abyss is a place no mortals -or even demons- would want to visit. It is a dangerous home of a very angry god. In here, you must be quiet and stealthy if you don't want to end up as a piece of a bone mountain. If you can't be quiet, you must at least be fast and alert. Alertness is very important and it really comes in handy, especially if you have low wisdom. Without good wisdom, dexterity might be helpful, but once you fail your listen or move silently check, no amount of attack bonus will help you against ravaging hordes that haunt this realm. Just remember, whatever happens, the most important thing is to keep quiet. Monsters in here can take notice, even if you make the slightes noise such as a whisper or a wro... err... AAAARGH *cling*slash*splot*... (another voice) Boys, tonight we eat fresh humanoid for breakfast


Nidavellir is a dark but rich caverin layer of Ysgard. Many people come to try their luck in mining, but most of them end up in the middle of the war for mineral rights between the dwarves and... well, dwarves. But don't think the dwarves are the only danger in these caves. This place also has gnomes. Angry gem-crazed gnomes. There are also elves but nobody takes them serio... Yes, those dangerous and misterious dark elves that lurk these caves unnoticed by the eyes of us lowly common people, hello mistress... Yes, the dwarves went that way... They are the scourge of these realms and the main threat among the populace of every warrior in th... Besides them, there's the occasional undead but just keep away from the dwarves when they patrol the area. Good luck and travel well. From Nidavellir, I am Ebenezer Traq'lig, tiefling Mimir agent

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Loki Returns!!

Sorry y'all!

Between Mardi Gras and Post K mania I have been out of the loop. I also did not get the usual email prodding thta there were responses to this thread.

I like the scripts you threw up and will use them as test cases. Hope to have mp3s together (at least preliminary ones) tonight. I will post a link to them when they go up.

I have the setup, I need ideas, scripts and both accurate AND inaccurate info. Screed is good to have as a DM!!

Will write more later tonight, got to get some PSCS / DMGEnie files up for you berks!!


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Feedback and Ideas

Okay, I like these but I do have a bit of feedback. Firstly, no mention of game mechanics. (Attack bonuses, dex checks, etc). This is purely in character. Secondly think longer entries. I can do up to five minutes at a time, that is barely 30-40 seconds. You do not have to fill the whole five minutes, but go for longer posts. If it helps read them aloud to yourselves and time it. (Use a moderate to slow speaking speed).

Topic Ideas: Places throughout the planes are fair game, although the transitive and inner planes would be a niec start if we are going to build off of the original CD. The factions, guilds, Golden Lords, etc are also excellent material. Ecologies are always good. Indulge yourselves.

Thanks in advance to all participating!


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

'Loki De Carabas' wrote:
Okay, I like these

I didn't actually, but since I find these easier to type then "serious" monologues, I won't complain at all Laughing out loud

but I do have a bit of feedback. Firstly, no mention of game mechanics. (Attack bonuses, dex checks, etc). This is purely in character.

I thought, as long as you keep it as silly as the original, a few "order of the stick" slaps could fit nicely in more obscure places such as "abyssal layer #422" Smiling

Secondly think longer entries. I can do up to five minutes at a time, that is barely 30-40 seconds. You do not have to fill the whole five minutes, but go for longer posts. If it helps read them aloud to yourselves and time it. (Use a moderate to slow speaking speed).

I don't know how well trained anyone else is at radio dramas, but speaking in weird voices can be tiresome and bad acting can really bite the earlobes, so I'd keep the first few posts short before we see how well people can read this

Also, you might notice I kept some information out of the posts (who is this "grandfather oak" person anyway?) so I wouldn't dig too much into copyrighted material and still encourage people to keep looking for the original books

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

Btw. I won't mind any changes or replacements, especially the grammar. My slapstick is yours to mould. This one should be a bit longer:

The unseelie court

There are a few stories about an opposition to the seelie court and many people doubted it's existence. But I can tell you honestly, it does exist! I've seen with my own eyes the unholy terror that is the unseelie court, and only by sheer luck, I've lived to tell the terrifying tale.

It is a dark and scary group of mischevous fey, dedicated to fornication and coital perversions not even the most deprived madman could think up. Naturally, there are also bad sides of the unseelie court. Death and destruction follow their travels and they never ever appear at the same place twice... Unless they want to

Usually, when people think about fey, they think about pretty little girlies with wings and handsome young hairy men with big horns, but the unseelie court is the example of uglyness at it's worse. I've seen orc women reaching old age. I've seen terrors of the abyss so foul that a pathetic human would never eat again after seeing. I've even seen beholders feasting on the corpses of the fantom fungus. But never have I seen such foul and unthinkably ugly bunch of monstruos creations as members of the unseelie court in their natural form. If you see them, get away as fast as you can, because if they see you, you shall be in their power either as a slave or as their torture victim, perhaps both.

That is my story. Live well, be nice to others and stay away from the unseelie court if you know what's good for you. I'm Brogun Sludgefire, a grimlock mimir agent. Good night

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Unseelie Court- Test mp3

Okay, I have done a quick podcast of Watashi's script and it can be found on my Gaming Site at http://planejammer.blogspot.com/2006/03/ultimate-mimir-unseelie-court.html.

Please leave me some feedback here on the boards and on the Planejammer Site. Keep these coming, I think we are off to a good start.

Also, since I am an arts writer here in New Orleans I have contacted a number of local stage and screen actors who have expressed willingness to do the readings for some of these (after all it only takes about 5 minutes) so we should have an interesting array of voice at our disposal!!


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

*blink* SWEEEEET Monkeys! Smiling *grins widely* Tell them thank you! We're honored by the help Smiling

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

I like the attempt...the dialogue is witty, and the voice actor got into the part near the middle of the dialogue. I realize it's a rough cut, so I'm not worried about that. What I am worried about is accuracy...not necessarily the peformance (because planewalkers may lie), but the script itself. Not to slam the author, but there's one glaring problem with that post about the Unseelie Court -- grimlocks don't have eyes. He's never seen an orc woman grow old, he's never seen the horrors of the Abyss, and he's never seen a member of the Unseelie Court or their acts of debauchery. It might be a good idea to have a team go over scripts before putting the effort into recording it. Just a suggestion.
And yes, I think I'll come up with some scripts myself. Laughing out loud

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

Ok, I finally got to a good spot where I could listen and I *really* like how you got into it in the middle - about when you start describing the "pretty little girls with wings" it's great Smiling

Of course, I detected just a Hint of Southern Baptist Hellfire-and-Brimstone in the word "fornication" - *grin*

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

Good call on the eyeless Grimlocks! Any lack of characterization in the early part is my own fault, I did the voice myself. As stated, this is only a test to see what people think of it. I'm glad it seems to be a good start.

Now, another idea I had was Rrakkma related stuff. A little Illithid/Gith Lore would be nice. I'm going to work on sound effects, background audio for some of the upcoming scripts. Can't promise anything, but we will see how it goes.

Note to self: don't start off flat.....

One last thing, if you are working on scripts please chime in and let us know what you are working on. That way I can keep track and we also prevent duplication of entries. Its not a bad idea to have an accurate post and a post thats screed on the same subject, I just want to build up a decent collection before duplicating topics. With that in mind I will be doing the one on the Prime Material (spelljammer style!), Stray Manor in the Lady's Ward, and one on Crosswinds Keep (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ae/20030819a ) in the Astral.


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Doing New Entries Now

Okay y'all,

I have decided to get a small core of Mimir entries recorded tonight while the fiancee is out to dinner with her Dad. I will be using the PSCS entries from Chapter 6: Life In The Multiverse as my scripts. At the very least the Blood War and Great Modron March will go live tonight. I will leave a note here when they go live, and I will try to do better justice to the voice acting...


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

The Great Modron March and The Blood war have been recorded and are up at http://planejammer.blogspot.com

PEACH- Please Examine and Critique Honestly


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/OfficialPlanescape
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

'Southern_Oracle' wrote:
Not to slam the author, but there's one glaring problem with that post about the Unseelie Court -- grimlocks don't have eyes.

No kidding Laughing out loud

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

I'm just listening to the recordings... Blood war and unseelie court have a lot of noise and they don't sound appropriate for use Sad. Modron march sounds okay, as far as I hear. Will there be weird ambient background noises or something like that mixed into the final versions? Smiling

As for acting, it's far from professional but I've heard worse even in the official mimir CD, so it's not like that would be much problem Smiling

If you can live with these scripts, I can make more soon (not now, too tired) and maybe extend the first three Smiling

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

Alrighty then, what do y'all think of the length of the postings? I think they ar just about right. Now to get some in character scripts together and I think we have a greenlight on begining the serious work.

I have about eight or ten different voice actors ready to roll once they have something to read so bring 'em on!


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/OfficialPlanescape
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

I'd like to have one or two in heavy cant - both for the flavor and the full effect of cant in use so people can tell what it's like. Smiling

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

I agree that cant should be heavy in some of them, it all depends on the Character in question. Perhaps we should have our Planewalker Idol do one... (i.e. write a script in that character for me someone!)

The voices should be varied (although the Mimir Agent thing is not somehing I care for personally). Just like the PSCS it should all be in the persona of someone asked to record into a mimir. In Chapter 6 a dragon speaks on religion and in the beginiing makes a comment along the lines of "put your little mimir in front of me." Bits of flavor like this are terrific!


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/OfficialPlanescape
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

Thank you for the compliement, I wrote the bit on that dragon... read that section a little more closely and you'll notice it's not just *any* dragon. Eye-wink

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

Do you want scripts posted here or emailed to you directly, or what?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

I'd say you might as well post them here, it keeps interest in the thread (and project) going, and will make for fun reading. But that's just me - Loki may prefer to work another way.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

I'm not good at using the cant, so I'll skip it and rather focus on topics outside sigil... Or, someone could just stick it into my scripts, I won't mind Smiling

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

'Loki De Carabas' wrote:
Alrighty then, what do y'all think of the length of the postings?

Maybe a bit too long for me, but then again, I have a short attention span :oops:

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent


(first voice). Sir, what can you tell us about the Fensir?

(loud drunken voice) Who?... ... They what? ... ... Oh, you mean the trolls? I've battled many trolls in my lifetimes, killed some on numerous occasions, even died by one of their battleaxes once. It hurt like 9 hells but I well deserved it... Why? You know, I killed one of them and his sister came to avenge her husband, hahahahah. And believe me, you don't want to see them angry. They are very nasty when you kill their kin.

Other then that, trolls are very nice and tolerant, very nice people. Of course, they do the occasional killing and pillaging of everything around them, but we all do that, no harm in a little battle training if you know what I mean, heh heh. Once I killed 6 bariaur in a few swings of my axe! Then i tried robbing them of everything they had,but all they had was some berries and... What? Oh, the trolls? The trolls have very good beer, just don't about for the ingredients because there's a chance you might hear what they are heheheheh heh... Khmm...

Anyway, finding trolls is not that hard if you know when to look. They only go out at night but they're big enough to be spotted from a mile away. If you're desperate, you can always use a Lillend as a bait. They just *love* Lillendi hahahahah, where's my beer? Give me back my beer! I'll kill you and drink it from your belly if you touched a single drop of it, you ugly little son of an elf (voice fades during the last sentance)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

Copied feedback from the Planescape List on WotC (cause i'm not sure if you're subscribed over there, Loki):

"simmo" wrote:
I'm on holiday for a few weeks and I'll have a think about scripts to use for The Ultimate Mimir project. It's a great idea by the way and kudos for getting it off the ground. My only bit of feedback so far was that it was a bit strange listening to an American accent (as I mentally picture it in English seeing as it uses 17th century East-end of London slang ). Then again, I prefer this to Americans trying to do English accents. But enough about accents...

One idea is to have multiple people contribute to the same recording. Another is to have people rate each recording so that you can build up an idea of which ones get more positive feedback. My last comment is... where is the sound of the mimir starting up?

Southern_Oracle's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

The Athar

Voice Role: Hobard, male githzerai, second-in-command of the Athar and head of continuing operations in Sigil

Hobard (sounding exasperated): Why’re you so innerested in the Athar? Had a crisis of faith? Some power let ya down? (snorts) You know that’s all they’re good fer…a heap o’ disappointment. Go cry on someone else’s shoulder – I ain’t got time ta listen to ya rattle yer bonebox!

Hobard (a little more sympathetic): Still…you made an effort ta find me, and I s’pose Jaya’d say that shows inishtive. How ‘bout I jess tell you what we’re all about, an’ you can decide on yer own. Then, if yer still innerested in joinin’ up, you can trek to the base o’ the Spire. I ain’t got time ta coddle weepy-eyed namers!

Hobard (in a hushed voice): Here’s the chant…the powers’re frauds! They can gallivant all over the multiverse and laud it up in their personal domains, but that don’t mean I need to be kowtowing to their magnificence. (voice raises) Heck, most of’m used ta be mortal! I can respect power, and I can respect authority, but I ain’t memorizin’ chants and breakin’ my back jess so some berk can sit on a throne an’ glow!

Hobard (calming down): Look – I ain’t good at this sorta stuff…recruitin’ and speechifyin’ is Jaya’s purvue. We Athar aim ta prove the powers’re pullin’ the wool over everyone’s eyes. Jess you keep an eye out. The proof is out there. Yesirree…

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

About time someone else started writing Sticking out tongue

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

The Fraternity of Order
Voice role: The Fraternity of order are a faction dedicated to finding the loopholes in the laws of reality, which they beleive will grant them power. Here is Lucius Secundus, a high-ranked member of the group.
Sound effect: Someone furiously writing on paper, or on a chalkboard
Lucius: (to himself) Okay, now take the integral over the surface... 5 pi X R cubed... now the grad of f of x r...
(notices the mimir agent)Wait... how did you get in here? I don't have any appointments today! I'm a very busy man. [pause] You want to talk? Well, then, talk to my secretary about making an appointment! That's what I'm paying her for!
(mumbling, fading out) Bloody leatherheads coming in here, disrupting my work...
(agreeable)Hello. So, what would you like to talk to me about? My faction? Okay. We're the Fraternity of Order. We research the laws of the universe, trying to uncover the Axioms that underpin it, so that we might gain REAL ULTIMATE POWER!!!
[pause] Ninjas? Never heard of them, berk. I'm a wizard, and a powerful one, too. You want to know more about us? We've got a base on the Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus, where we try to find the secrets hidden in the gears of the plane of ultimate law. Those bloody formains are getting to be annoying, too. Our scholars theorize that their current aggressiveness resulted from their shift to Mechanus from Arcadia. Stupid, stupid Harmonium with their stupid, stupid reeducation camps. How they couldn't tell that they were going to make the layer slide, I have no idea. The math was very clear on what would happen. Anyway, if you want to know more about our faction, you can always sign up. You can get a form from the front desk.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

(Interjecting on Nick's post)

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Feedback and coimments

Okay, the faction entries are excellent. Very nice work across the board. I will be trying to get them online in the next few days.

now for some answers:

1)the static was problem in the phone lines when I was calling in the entry

2)I like the idea of rating the entries if we get multiples on the same topic.

3)Sound effects, multiple voices- I am trying to these set up. I am currently using the audioblogger sytem that I use for the New Orleans Oral History Project to make the posts. This means a number of limitations (which I am currently finding workarounds for) such as having to record directly from a telephone and having a 5 minute limit on files. Anyone with input of ideas on improving the technical end please post here. Keep in mind that my access to serious recording equipment is almost nil, things are rather primitive down here post Katrina.

4) I like the format presented where it starts with an interviewer doing the introduction. Nice way to add in characterization.

5) Idea- when these go online on Planewalker I think that the script should be put up with the audio file so people can scan the content before downloading (be kind to those with slow connections)

6) If you are writing scripts please include the way that you would like to be credited at the end (Example: Script By George "Loki" Williams/ Script By Loki/ Etc) If we have it at the start it will make things a whole lot easier.

7) Even though it is available for download I think we should revisit and rewrite the mimir entries for Sigil, The OUtlands, The Outer Planes and the Gatetowns. That way we do not experience a huge gap between the style of the Ultimate Mimir and the style and sound of the CD from the Players Guide to the Outer Planes.

For some reason I am not getting notified of thread responses here or at the WOTC forums. I think that it is a spam filter problem with Cox Cable. If anyone needs anything and does not want to wait for me to do my periodic check of the forums please feel free to email me directly: george.williams.iv (at) gmail.com

I am going to put together a hit list of scripts we need since several people have told me that they would like one.

Now, off to the WOTC boards to catch up. Thank the Powers I'm in the one part of town that has phone and internet again!

Now off to the WOTC board to catch up. Thanks a lot and keep 'em coming!


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Seprakarius's picture
Joined: 2006-02-26
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

Nevermind what was here before; the formatting just doesn't show up right in the preview window for me. Anyways, here's the product of a bit too much free time inbetween assignments:

(Keep in mind for the following that the writer is still new to the setting and may not be using the cant correctly.)

Mimir Start - The Elemental Plane of Earth

Speaker: (Muffled Speaking)
*Sounds of explosion and/or teleportation*
Speaker: *Cough* Sorry about that. *Cough* Like I was trying to say before, welcome to the Elemental Plane of Earth! If you don't know already, this place is so full of dirt and dust that a pixie who just ate troll meat seems empty by comparison. Not that everything here is grit and grime; some of the luckier or cannier bloods among you may wind up finding-
*Sound of something being snapped off*
Speaker: -a nice gemstone like this here diamond. (Next part is mumbled) ...might finally be enough to get that damn weed-wearing 'loth off my back... (Mumbling ends.) *Clears throat* Anyways, onto the natives- ah, here comes one now: an earth elemental. Hello sir, fine... err.. day, isn't it?
*Insert Terran speak here, meaning the sounds of shaking a bag of stones, rubbing some rocks together, or a grinding noise. Continue for a short while before suddenly stopping.*
Speaker: Some of you might have identified that little stint as being a speil in Terran, which serves as the local tongue here. While I may not be able to speak it myself, I have this little trinket- *jingling chain* -to do the translation for me. See, like all of the planes, elemental Earth has its unfriendly natives, like this one here. Excuse me for a moment.
*Sound of footsteps on a hard floor*
Speaker: (Voice is in the distance, words are laced with venom and sarcasm.) Why, an elemental knight of the post... I never thought I'd see that! I can applaud you for being one of the few among your kind who can tell the difference between 'rock' and 'not rock', but who in the sodding hells do you think you are to claim that Ogremoch is your high-up? I don't care if this is one of his treasuries! Now, pike off before I decide to write you in the dead book and use whatever is left over to brick up the roof of my sodding kip!
*Sound of approaching footsteps & crumbling stone*
Speaker: (Voice is normal again.) Now that I'm done with that, we'll go-
*Very loud avalanche noise*
Speaker: Oh hello... *Swallows* Ogremoch... I really had no idea that elemental belonged to you-
*Earthquake noise that begins loud and then lowers to background noise while the speaker continues
Speaker: (Whispering.) While Ogremoch is describing where exactly he wants to place that diamond I found earlier, I've taken the liberty of casting a delayed teleportation spell on this mimir. Since I'm going to wind up as an unsightly smear on the floor of this cavern either way, I figure that I may as well do something I've always wanted to do first. Here's hoping that a priest finds this little skull, wherever it may decide to show up...
Speaker: (Yelling off in the distance.) Hey, Ogremoch! Yer mother was an air elemental and yer father was a djinn!
*Brief avalanche sound followed by the sound of a rock striking something with a wet squish*

Mimir End

...and that is way too long, or at least it appears that way to me. Is there anything here I should take out, or does this work fine as-is?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

(Preview function fixed. You weren't the only one seeing the problem with it.)

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

I like it. My only worry is that we are verging too far towards the short skit and away from information. Not that these are unusable by a long shot. I just believe that overall the information content should be higher. Cutters buy mimirs for the info they contain after all.

Now I must say that I really enjoyed the EPoEarth Entry above! Its a very well written script (and it forces me to get off my can and start working on integrating sound effects as well). Good stage direction as well. Including those in a script makes it a lot more useful, especially as the voice people I've got lined up are NOT gamers. It is an excellent example of a more "info-lite," type of entry. Lest my comments above mislead, a scattering of those will be a great addition to the project, they just should not dominate it.

As to the length of that entry, its probably just about right. A tiny bit short if anything, remember several lines of it are stage directions. Keep 'em coming! We are starting to get some really fun stuff here.


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/OfficialPlanescape
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Seprakarius's picture
Joined: 2006-02-26
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

Thanks for the complements; I'm glad that my little script turned out well.

As for my next project, I'm going to try and tackle the Plane of Shadow. (And yes, I'll be trying to make things a bit more factual. Be forewarned in case this one does turn out obnoxiously long though.)

Seprakarius's picture
Joined: 2006-02-26
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

Now, as I said before, I’m still a neophyte to Planescape, so feel free to correct me where I’m wrong. (Namely, the problem is that I’m not exactly sure on the place of the Shadow Plane in the Planescape cosmology, and how different said placing is than the default.)

Mimir Start- The Plane of Shadow

*Sound of the mimir ‘revving up’*
Mimir: The Plane of Shadow is one of the three Transitive Planes, providing a method by which one can travel between the various Primes and the Astral. The following is a conversation between an unnamed prime and experienced planewalker Adar Ihlavion.
*Mimir background noise fades out. A rustle of grass is heard, and footsteps are a constant in the background.*
Prime: (Voice hints at fear and unease.) What was that? (Whimpering.) I knew I should’ve just gotten a spellcaster to-
Adar: (Yelling.) Bar that! You’re just expecting things to turn out badly because you can’t see where you’re going. (Voice normal, with a hint of amusement.) Tell me, what have you heard of this place?
*Footsteps stop*
Prime: Well, it’s dark here, so there must be evil hiding somewhere. There should also be undead along to slaughter us any minute now, assuming the plane doesn’t decide to take matters into its own hands.
Adar: *Laughs* (Sarcastic.) But of course. Look, is that one of those undead you were talking about? (Normal voice, yelling.) Hey, Shadow Boy! Over here!
*Distant odd (but not animalistic) screech, followed by a ‘poof’ noise.*
Prime: (Speaking in angry, but hushed and restrained, tones.) What in the hells are you doing? Where in the hells did that thing go and what in the hells was it in the first place? (Voice shows signs of surrender.) Well, that’s it; I’m a goner. Oh gods, what did I-
Shadow-Man: (Voice is otherworldly, seeming faded, distant, and having little emotion.)Well hello there, good sir.
Prime: Yah! *Sound of feet touching back down on the ground after a jump*
Adar: …and that, my dear clueless, is your first lesson. Sure, the Shadow may have its nasty points, but it probably won’t be much more hostile than your precious homeworld. You see, this plane more or less conforms to whatever you’re currently coming from or going to, depending on how close you are to either.
Prime: (Still shaken.) But then… who or what is he?
Shadow-Man: I’ll get this one. You see, I’m a satisfied customer of Mr. Ihlavion’s tour service, much as I’m sure you’ll be later on. I just liked the plane so much that I decided to stay. You see, the Shadow tends to add a personal touch to whoever decides to make kip here, with the end result being how I am at the moment. *Pause*Anyways, I have to get back to tending my flock, if you’ll excuse me…
*’Poof’ noise*
Prime: (Finally at ease, though confused.) What’s a ‘kip’?
Adar: That’s not important right now; we’re running late. Start walking, and catch this.
*Footsteps in background begin again. Sound of something apple-sized being caught*
Prime:(With disgust.) Eww. This is definitely an apple… but it’s all greasy and something is dripping off it. Is this poisoned?
Adar: *Sigh* (Mumbling.) A slaad wouldn’t find this much to complain about in Mechanus… (Normal voice.) No, no it isn’t. This plane really only twists how things look wherever it connects to, hence the total lack of color other than black, white, and gray, the dimness of our torch, and the fact that everything looks withered or broken. Nothing here is going to fall apart or rot away, and the place doesn’t try to tear down whatever decides to find its way in. Here, take a bite out of that apple and see for yourself.
*Sound of an apple being bitten out of*
Prime: (Voice is delighted and surprised, speaking though a mouthful of apple. Periodically bite out a new piece.) Wow. *Munch* This is amazing! I’ve never had anything that tasted this good! (Voice normal and pleasant.) So, anything else about this place you could tell me?
Adar: Well, the Plane of Shadow falls between the Negative and Positive planes, representing Death and Life respectively. Though that may sound like the perfect metaphorical spot for the undead to congregate, this place isn’t any more appealing to them than the next dark alleyway in Sigil. The spots where the Negative seeps through are known as the Darklands, and will quickly suck an unwary berk drier than a salt elemental. The spots where the Positive creeps in… well… the greybeards have seen fit to gloss over naming those just yet, though I’d assume ‘Lightlands’ wouldn’t be far off. If you actually want to see the Negative and Positive, you can look at the big spheres up in the sky shining light and darkness.
Prime: I have to say that you’ve impressed me. Here- *jingling coins* –take this; you’ve earned it.
Adar: Normally I’d grab that little coinpurse without hesitation, but our excursion isn’t over just yet. If I was you, I’d hold on to your jink until we’ve gotten out of here and followed the Astral to your destination.
Prime: (Curious.) What is 'Jink'? What ‘Astral’?
Adar: *Sighs* Powers above! Not again…

Mimir End

Pronunciation Notes: Adar Ihlavion is said 'Ah-dahr Ihl-lahve-e-ohn.'

Script by Ed “Seprakarius” Fields

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

I'll point out here that mimirs only function of the Outer Planes, so those latter two recordings wouldn't function.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

Which book has it that they only work on the Outer Planes?

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

Player's Guide to the Outlands and The Original Boxed set if I remember correctly. However, if it was recorded through some other magic and then put into a mimir it would work. Also, if we wanted to put a footnote in the 3.5 version that they can only playback in the Outer Planes then voila! Problem solved.

Your thoughts?


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/OfficialPlanescape
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Ultimate Mimir - Call for Talent

*headscratch* Ok, cool... and yeah, I suppose a sensory stone could operate in a pinch too. Wierd, I wouldn't have thought an item like that would have stopped functioning elsewhere. I'll have to check it out. Smiling

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