Two short questions about devils

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Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20
Two short questions about devils

First, do Cornugo have a gender?
Second, which devil would make a good "scientist" researcher of sort that is probably not too powerful?

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Two short questions about devils

1) All devils including Cornugons, presumably have genders.

2) A Kocrachon would make a very good researcher or scientist type Baatezu, even considering the fact they've been sort of replaced by the stupid looking Excruxiarch.

Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20
Two short questions about devils

'Kobold Avenger' wrote:
2) A Kocrachon would make a very good researcher or scientist type Baatezu, even considering the fact they've been sort of replaced by the stupid looking Excruxiarch.

Aren't Kocrachon said to be healers and supporters of sort? The research field I had in mind has nothing to do with either of this (military tactics and organizations). I'd stick with Cornugo at the moment (though they are a bit too strong for my purposes) or invent some entirely new caste if that is not unduly for someone who has to ask if Cornugo posses a gender. Smiling

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Two short questions about devils

I've noticed some of these holes too and may create some noncannon devils to fill them. If you want to stick to cannon, though, erinyes with a few different class skill and maybe class levels works, and gelugons would probably be in charge of big or secret projects because of thier inteligence.

Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20
Two short questions about devils

Yes, I've noticed your thread some time ago. Have you already build up a fiend or two? Its because I want to use one in the NPC contest and the end date is quite near.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Two short questions about devils

Concepts only. No stats yet, sorry.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Two short questions about devils

'Kay' wrote:
'Kobold Avenger' wrote:
2) A Kocrachon would make a very good researcher or scientist type Baatezu, even considering the fact they've been sort of replaced by the stupid looking Excruxiarch.

Aren't Kocrachon said to be healers and supporters of sort? The research field I had in mind has nothing to do with either of this (military tactics and organizations).

They're the torturers/surgeons of the Baatezu. However the job as torturer got outsourced to the Kytons and Pain Devils (Excruxiarchs) in FCII.

MakThuumNgatha's picture
Joined: 2006-11-12
Two short questions about devils

According to Faces of Evil, all baatezu with the exceptions of lemures, nupperbos, and erinyes come in the varieties of: male, female, and asexual. All Lemures and nupperbos are asexual. All erinyes are female (but I plan on making at least one exception).

Most of the new devils in Fiendish Codex II are pretty stupid; I stick to the original array (keeping gelugons more powerful than cornugons) with not but the addition of narzugons and malebranche. The need to fulfill other roles (and of course countless roles must be fulfilled within Hell) can best be handled by the "standard" castes undergo specialist training (gaining class levels).

Given the incomprehensible age of devil kind and their great intelligence; I doubt there is much more than they can learn about military tactics. A pit fiend could readily and immediately think up just about any tactical or strategic manuevar that the common mortal races could ever possibly devise. But for a low level researcher of just about anything, I would use an erinyes with some levels in wizard (or a similarly intellectual class). Kocrachons (with class levels) would also work well; but I picture them as researchers better suited for the lab then the field.

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