Two questions about Githyanki.

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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Two questions about Githyanki.

1) In the Guide to the Astral Plane, the githyanki are portrayed as an egalitarian society (i.e., neither males nor females are oppressed; both genders have equality of opportunity). If this is the case, why has every Githyanki monarch (that we know of) been female? What aspect of their culture would prevent a male githyanki from taking over, particularly after the demise of the lich-queen?

2) In the same guide, it's indicated that githyanki have neither families nor hereditary social classes (eggs are laid, hatched, and hatchlings are brought up in a communal setting). It doesn't matter one bit if your mom/dad is the supreme leader of the city. How does the idea of a hereditary monarchy persist in this society?


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Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Two questions about Githyanki.

Sticky Wickets

1) Tradition. The queen is female simply because Gith was, and Vlaakith I was. Nothing prevents male rulers, but since traditonally the githyanki have been ruled by a queen, not a king, they are much more likely to accept the former.

2) Yea, that always irked me too. Perhaps it is a monarchy, but not a hereditary monarchy in our understanding of the word. I figure (and this is just me, better bashers than I know much more about canon) that each queen chose her successor (or potential successor, many queens outlived their first few chosen) to take up the mantle of Vlaakith should she die. Hence the current chaos, because Vlaakith CLVII did not have an (unconsumed) successor chosen and ready to step into the office of queen.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Two questions about Githyanki.

It's a hereditary monarchy, at least officially. Every queen is a descendant of Vlaakith I. Royal eggs are evidently treated differently from other eggs, kept separate from the others. Common githyanki are forced to be merit-based, but the blood of Vlaakith is special.

This might be for pragmatic reasons. Perhaps those not of Vlaakith's blood can't use the Rod of Ephelomon. The queen *has* to be a descendant of Vlaakith I, or the racial connection with red dragons is severed.

Quite possibly, royal eggs that turn out to be male are killed. There might be a magical reason for that, too (maybe male offspring are sacrificed to Tiamat, or simply can't use the Rod).

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Two questions about Githyanki.

Random semi-related question:

Do Githzerai lay eggs as well, or is that purely a 'yanki anomaly?

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Two questions about Githyanki.

'Iavas' wrote:
Random semi-related question:

Do Githzerai lay eggs as well, or is that purely a 'yanki anomaly?

I may have missed a source somewhere, but I'm not aware of anything canonical that says githzerai lay eggs. I've mostly assumed that they're placental mammals like humans. That, however, would lead up to the question "Why are githyanki and githzerai so different from each other?"

All speculation on my part, but I'm guessing that biologically, githyanki are not 'true' reptiles like lizards but more similar to platypi -- mammals that lay eggs. (Wiki says that these are called 'monotremes.') Lizards don't have hair. Laughing out loud


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Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Two questions about Githyanki.

'Zimrazim' wrote:
I may have missed a source somewhere, but I'm not aware of anything canonical that says githzerai lay eggs. I've mostly assumed that they're placental mammals like humans. That, however, would lead up to the question "Why are githyanki and githzerai so different from each other?"

Millennia on different planes. Also, I've seen it speculated that githyanki have become semi-draconic, which is why they lay eggs. I'm pretty sure that's not supported by canon, though.


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Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Two questions about Githyanki.

Another question to consider:

How cutthroat are Githyanki politics if the latest Vlaakith was the 157th in her line, despite living an already mostly undead existence on the atemporal Astral plane?

I'm beginning to form an opinion of 'yanki society as a ruthless civil war behind an organized, militant, and most of all cohesive facade.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Two questions about Githyanki.

'Iavas' wrote:

How cutthroat are Githyanki politics if the latest Vlaakith was the 157th in her line, despite living an already mostly undead existence on the atemporal Astral plane?

I'm beginning to form an opinion of 'yanki society as a ruthless civil war behind an organized, militant, and most of all cohesive facade.

More speculation on my part:

In the old, old days, perhaps Githyanki queens were expected to lead from the front, so some may have legitimately died in warfare against illithids, githzerai, or others. This could especially have happened early on when the githyanki were conquering the Astral Plane -- the illithids used to run the place.

Then you have garden-variety assassinations, at the hands of githzerai, illithid agents, or even by the many third parties that hate githyanki.

A 'palace coup' is probably not terribly uncommon either, though githyanki mostly wouldn't admit to it (or even believe in it). (The line of Vlaakith are probably much more prone to violence against their own species than other githyanki.)

My take on it is that the vast majority of githyanki actually are more unified and peaceful among their own kind, by nature, than almost any other race. (This is one of the things that really make githyanki stand out when compared to other evil-aligned races in D&D.) Whether this is actually an instinct in the species that is hard to ignore, or merely a culturally imposed imperative, is debatable. (I would like to suggest the idea that most githyanki have an instinct toward unity among themselves that influences their actions. They can choose to ignore it, and some obviously do, but they have to actively suppress the tendency.)

That said, I would speculate there have definitely been assassinations, treachery, purges, and so on. But I think that, on the whole, they get along with each other far more than the "lesser races" do. It's just that when they DO draw steel on each other, it gets especially vicious.


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Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Two questions about Githyanki.

Iavas, I'm certain that your question has a satisfactory answer which is consistent with what we already know of the githyanki, or at least consistent enough that it sounds like the official answer but really I'm at least partially making it up and you don't notice. The trouble is, I can't quite tell what you're asking.

Are you asking why the githyanki don't kill their monarchs more often if they're supposedly such meanies? If so, I think Zimrazim pretty much had it that the githyanki are violent and cut-throat, but also extremely loyal. Where we see the githyanki resorting to intra-racial violence, it tends to be from the top-down, wherein the Queen eats the souls of her servants or has a cadre of knights enforcing her will among the populace.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Two questions about Githyanki.

No, I assume the question was:
When Githyanki don't age on the astral plane and don't need to eat or drink, i.e. rarely die of natural causes, why have there been 157 queens out there? There has to be a reason for that.
Possible explanations:
Perhaps some were forced to leave the Astral and age caught up with them.
Some where probably assassinated, perhaps when the merit-based society thought the queen wasn't good enough.
Perhaps the War against the Illithid is responsible.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Two questions about Githyanki.

Eldan wrote:

When Githyanki don't age on the astral plane and don't need to eat or drink, i.e. rarely die of natural causes, why have there been 157 queens out there? There has to be a reason for that.

Here is my tought: maybe it is all lich queen hoax, after all factol Skall had changed many ilusionary and fake personas in his 2000 years of factoling, created for dealing with leser faction members and non faction people.
After all it is not common knowledge that Skall is lich, yes it is rumored and many faction members suspect this, but only his inner circle know what lies behind his masks.
Same is with lich king Azalin of Rvenloft.

So I guess that Vlaakith had also adopted the simmilar scam to rule more easily over her people, and she had droped her disguise when her subjects were ready to accept the truth that she is lich, but she left her invented personas as real historical figures beacouse it would bring too much chaos in her domain.
And maybe avarege githyanki dont even know the truth about lich queen, until he reach 11 level, and step before his queen excepting reward, and then it is allready too late.

Why did the lich rulers do such things? Well, all people need some sort of entertainment, even undead ones.

Anyway that is just my thinking, don´t mind me.


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Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Two questions about Githyanki.

Eldan - you got my question exactly right.

And I like both the idea that the first few queens died in glorious battle against the Illithid and 'zerai and that the lich queen had fake personas.

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