Turning Undead, Tanar'ri ... in Sigil?

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Loribar's picture
Joined: 2005-03-10
Turning Undead, Tanar'ri ... in Sigil?

Does anyone have ideas how and whether a priest's ability to turn undead, Tanar'ri, Baatezu and others works in Sigil? I am currently running a campaign where this question has come up. I haven't found any information on this in any of the 2ed ps books. Related to this topic I have only found the statement that banishment doesn't work if a creature is encountered on it's home plane.

As far as this concerned I have decided that the priest's ability to turn undead works normally in Sigil and this should not be an ability that is affected by the Gods limited power in Sigil. As the only way in and out of Sigil are the Lady's portals it seems to me that the priest's ability to turn Tanar'ri, Baatezu and other lower planar creatures cannot work properly though. A priest might be able to turn a Tanar'ri or other creature but he/she cannot banish those creatures as there is no link to the Astral or Ethereal planes from Sigil which would be necessary to force the creature/s to it's home plane. [Just in case someone is not familiar with the issue: Just like a priest is able to turn or (in the case of lesser undead) destroy undead a priest can also turn or (or in the case of lesser Tanar'ri, Baatezu etc.) banish lower planar creatures back to their home plane] Banishment would therefore not work in Sigil.

Does someone have any more information on this or knows about information in one of the 2ed ps books. Any feedback is welcome.

Ohtar Turinson's picture
Joined: 2004-06-01
Turning Undead, Tanar'ri ... in Sigil?

Just because the gods can't enter Sigil doesn't mean you can't channel energy- that's what a clerical spell is, after all. Banishment would fail, for the reasons outlined- just like you can't planeshift. Turning undead (and outsiders) would work as normal though.

You couldn't (as far as I know) turn anything besides undead in 2ed, and turning worked normally in Sigil. (Or at least nothing every said it didn't)

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Turning Undead, Tanar'ri ... in Sigil?

Except for the normal restriction on plane-travelling effects, clerical powers are completely unimpaired in Sigil. That's why 2e books don't say anything about clerical turning in particular: there's no reason for the question to come up.

The gods or avatars aren't allowed in the city, but their servants can come and go as they please (through portals).

You're right that you can't banish anything to another plane from Sigil, since all ways in and out of the Cage are closed, except for portals. If a fiend was standing right next to an open portal leading to its home plane, it could probably be done; especially if you give it a good push.

"Ohtar Turinson" wrote:
You couldn't (as far as I know) turn anything besides undead in 2ed

Guide to Hell offered a turning chart for fiends. In 3e, you need a feat to do that.

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Re: Turning Undead, Tanar'ri ... in Sigil?

"Kaelyn" wrote:
If a fiend was standing right next to an open portal leading to its home plane, it could probably be done; especially if you give it a good push.

"You run up and drop the key in its pocket, and I'll shove it through. Got it?"

moogle001's picture
Joined: 2004-01-02
Turning Undead, Tanar'ri ... in Sigil?

"Ohtar Turinson" wrote:
You couldn't (as far as I know) turn anything besides undead in 2ed, and turning worked normally in Sigil. (Or at least nothing every said it didn't)

It was mentioned a couple of times in the core 2E books that fiends could be turned, but rules were not specified until the end of line with that book on hell
(the non-PS one most people hate with a passion, I forget its name).


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