There was a d20 3rd edition book published that had stats for the Biblical angels such as Michael, Gabriel, etc... and I can't for the life of me remember the name, except that it had the word "Celestial" in the title (I think it was published by the same guys that did "Legions of Hell", but I'm not sure... (I'ts NOT "Testament: roleplaying in the Biblical age", as I HAVE that book...) Any help would be appreciated!
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The Encyclopedia of Angels, from Fast Forward Entertainment. It's a mess, statwise, but might be usable as a source of ideas if you're not too fastidious. Some people seem to like it.
Or Anger of Angels, from Malhavoc Press, which is actually pretty awesome, though the stats in it are limited to race/class/level.
The Book of the Righteous and The Avatar's Handbook from Green Ronin also have a few Biblical angels adapted to their cosmology.