Tricks and Jokes, and things that are hoax

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Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Tricks and Jokes, and things that are hoax

Hello Cutters
I feel like starting a nice round of bub-chant over just what kinds of jokes, tricks and hoaxes you've seen played over the planes. What are memmorable and what turned out well or not?

One trick I've 'told done was invented by a bubber illusionist freind of mine. He used several spells to create illusionary sets of leather armor, that looked, felt and with the addition of mage armor, acted like the real thing. He even added some enhancements onto them so they gave the protection of a real set of +1 shadowy silenced armor...well that's what he said. Now he did spend quite a lot of effort to enchant what basically amounted to a set of thin leather straps with all of this and what does he do next?

Give it to the first good looking and female low level adventurer he meets while he has truesight up.

'Course his wife pulled a similar prank making a glamored set of plate for the paladin in her party. To him it looked and felt like it changed between plate and a set of loose fitting clothes that he could sleep in. But to everyone else... I don't think Ordon the party's dwarf cleric will ever get over that sight...

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Tricks and Jokes, and things that are hoax

Well, there was this one time that we managed to... im getting ahead of myself.

We're trying to sneak into this wizards private demiplane, when we come across a small army of low level guards at the gate. But rather than slaughter the lot of them, our parties pyrokenteticist (who, for some reason, had an insanly high bluff check) Just walks up and convincies them that they are all just illusions.

Rangor ( the pyro): Well its obvious that you dont have the means to stop me right? I mean, look at that. You have short swords. Tell me, are those enchanted?

Guard: uh... well, no.

Rangor: What! Are you going to stand there, a guard, and tell me that a wizard powerful enough to create a demiplane is going to waste his money paying guards, who he then arms with old leather armor and un-enchanted short swords?

Guard: well, yea.

Rangor: Face it, your just a bunch of scarecrows! You couldnt fight off a kobold commoner, much less a well learned party of planewalkers such as ourselves. Your all just a bunch of illusions cast to try andscare us away.

Guard: but...

Rangor: No 'but's about it. You all just a bunch of powerful, and may I say it, very well done, illusions.

The guards failed their sense motive, even with the penelty to Rangors bluff because the bluff was so far fetched. So then we dispelled the guards and went on our way. AND THE DM ACCEPTED IT. I love the power of Belief....

Erik's picture
Joined: 2005-03-11
Tricks and Jokes, and things that are hoax

I'm getting a sudden flashback to PS:T.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Tricks and Jokes, and things that are hoax

'Fidrikon' wrote:
The guards failed their sense motive, even with the penelty to Rangors bluff because the bluff was so far fetched. So then we dispelled the guards and went on our way. AND THE DM ACCEPTED IT. I love the power of Belief....

That is great. I think that's the funniest thing I've seen in quite a while.


Pants of the North!

crazyfool's picture
Joined: 2005-05-16
Tricks and Jokes, and things that are hoax

there was a time before i was a dm when our party had captured a kobold and pinned him against a rock. we searched him and found a flask of something, because he had been a pushover I thought that he couldn't posibly have a potion and that it must have been alchemists fire or something of the sort so i threataned to pour an invisibility potion down his throat and followed through too. worse still he was the main villan of the campaign and a let him of the hook, i could have caused a real hassle for my DM but didn't.

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