'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

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Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

This thread is a continuation of the latest discussions at the Malbolge thread.

A summary of the events in Malbolge as described by the FC2:

The 3.5e Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells changes a few previously accepted facts about the Nine Hells of Baator. The most profound of these is the apparent, if utterly unexplained, death of the Hag Countess Malagarde, Lord of the Sixth, in an extremely gruesome fashion - she suddenly started screaming, grew to colossal proportions, and then exploded. The previously mountainous layer of Malbolge became a cancerous wasteland composed from the very body of its former mistress. The new ruler is none other than Glasya, daughter of Asmodeus, Lord of the Ninth and ruler of Baator.

While this is all very excitingly epic, it is left practically unexplained. What caused the Countess' death? Why did Asmodeus suddenly trust Glasya enough to grant her the layer? If Glasya was the agent of change, where did she possibly get the power to not only destroy a being of near-deity level power but also terraform an entire layer of Baator (keep in mind that Lords of the Nine do not share the same connection that Tanar'ri lords have with their layers)?

Finally, one great inconsistency, which can be used in our favor, is the fact that in FC2, the layers of hell are finite. Every planar knows that the only Outer Planar layers that even come close to being finite are the mounts of Gehenna, and even that isn't a sure thing.

Planewalkers add their two greens:

After much discussion in the above-linked thread, Duckluck and I started throwing around ideas for a way to not only reconcile the changes with previously established Planescape canon (avoiding as much "those primes don't know what they're talking about" excuses as possible), but also continue the story into the next chapter. To do this, we ended up designing an adventure around the subsequent events. We also decided that only a finite part of Malbolge is flat and hag-strewn, while the rest of the infinite plane remains mountainous. I'll summarize the adventure that we eventually came up with in the next section, but first let me say that although we are both pretty proud of the results, we would really like some feedback from some of you other Planewalkers, particularly regarding any lore we might have contradicted. So, without further ado, here's what we have so far:

'Tremors of Malbolge' (working title) Adventure:

Prologue: The adventurers are hired by a rich but clueless sod to rescue his addle-coved clueless daughter, a mid-level Paladin of , who decided to take it upon herself to clear not only the local decrepit church (with mandatory portal to hell) of devilish occupation but also the Nine Hells of Baator for good measure. Naturally, she didn't get very far and was captured by the first Baatezu that she encountered. They decided to keep the funny little thing for future entertainment. They also happen to be part of an army being marshalled by the deposed Baatezu noble Moloch, a squarish berk that got cheated out of his status as Lord of the Sixth by his then-consort, our favorite Countess. With her out of the picture, Moloch figures that he can easily overpower Glasya's still growing army and take the layer for himself. He still has a couple of hurdles to jump before he does, however. As the PC's go through the portal, they are faced with the insurmountable army and are quickly coerced into making a deal with Moloch, granting him service in return for their own lives, as well as the Paladin's.

Part 1: The heroes' first job is to travel to the Yugoloth's Tower Arcane in Chamada, the second furnace of Gehenna. Various encounters ensue (still to be written), but eventually they get there. Why? To strike a deal with the 'loths, who control the 'Teleport Without Error' granting entity Maeldur Et Kavurik, so that Moloch can once again leave Avernus, the first layer of Baator.

Part 2: Either because the 'loths request it of the PC's in addition to the unimaginable amount of jink that Moloch promises them or because a 'loth polymorphed into a dying prisoner asks them to save the multiverse by it, the PC's must deliver an artifact called 'The Hand of Fate' to an extremist group of celestials (either Asuras or Eladrin). With some effort (possibly Tanar'ri resistance), the package gets delivered. Rejoice and return to Moloch.

Part 3: PCs are unhappy to find out the fine print in their contract with Moloch, forcing them to do two more services in exchange for the Paladin. Damn those tricky devils to hell. This one, however, is a bit more straight forward. Head to a nearby keep and help its current lord and any of his guards to shuffle off the mortal coil. It is through this keep that Moloch plans on marshalling his army, since it has a handy portal to Malbolge.

Part 4: For their last task, the PCs are sent as the point-men into Glasya's territory to deliver a warning from Moloch. They could either go the direct route and deal with her army (making a deal to be let through, as they stand no chance in direct combat), or they could sneak around, encountering large numbers of Kalabons and other such unusual threats, before finally getting to Glasya to deliver the message. Note: We agreed to have Kalabons be creatures under the Countess' direct control, although she might have them pretend to obey Glasya for a while. She's not that dead, the old hag.

Part 5: Glasya captures the messengers and threatens to kill them unless they help her defend herself. To do this, she sends the expendables (aka the PCs) into Stygia to summon the aid of Levistus. If he refuses, she gives them a special exploding housewarming gift, given to her as a gift from the 'loths when she attained her new position, to raise hell. Levistus does refuse, and the subsequent demolition of a large chunk of his fortress results in a temporary portal through which countless Tanar'ri begin invading Baator in an attempt to capture Glasya. After all, having Asmodeus' daughter as a hostage is a nice ace to have in the Blood War.

Part 6: Returning to the now wartorn Stygia, Tanar'ri in close pursuit, the PCs discover that the Hag Countess is not a dead as they think. Although she herself is not present, a great legion under her banner is currently battling the combined forces of Glasya and Moloch, who teamed up in self-defense. The fourth army and third force, the Tanar'ri, enter the fray. Glasya sees that the situation is grim, so she hides Moloch's prisoner of war, the Paladin, and suggest the PC's help her get to the nearest portal out, else the Paladin gets it. Like any rich daddy's girl, she's planning on buying her way out. Namely, she plans on getting some reinforcements from the 'loths and retaking the layer from whomever wins the current skirmish. So, the PCs once again head toward the portal to Gehenna. Either on the way, or after the 'loths direct Glasya to a nearby portal to 'meet her troops', Glasya is overtaken by a group of celestials, the very same as to whom the PCs delivered the 'Hand of Fate'. They use the hand to entrap Glasya, and then send a small number to help the PCs go down and rescue any and all innocents in Malbolge, including the Paladin.

Epilogue: Just as the good guys are leaving, the ground begins to shake and terrible roars are heard from beneath the earth. Everybody is petrified. When the PCs deliver the Paladin and get back to Sigil, or wherever their base is, they hear from a trusted chant-monger that Malbolge is now strewn with large amounts of sharp bone and lakes of blood between the mountains. Not a single being was left alive, and Moloch's skull was found atop a pile of bones. It is rumored that the Ancient Baatorians rose up and caused the commotion, but that's probably screed, right? The Countess is still gone, but nobody knows where or why. Nergal has managed to crawl his way up out of Avernus and take the layer for his own. Nobody seems to want to challenge him, or indeed enter the layer. After a while, Asmodeus grants him the layer as his own and Nergal starts building up his followers. The 'loths give him a nice housewarming gift - a strange artifact in the shape of a hand. The celestials are rather quiet, though.

The Dark: The Countess wasn't dead. She had a deal with Asmodeus to be promoted to full Baatezu status in exchange for putting Glasya in her place and getting Moloch out of his hair in one fell swoop. So, the countess sheds her current form, making it look like death, and Glasya is given the layer by her daddy, who knows perfectly well that Moloch will soon try to take it. The 'loths have long planned for something like this, so they have somebody steal Glasya and then have the artifact, which is semi-intelligent and thus has a truename, teleport back into their hands when full, hitching a ride from Maeldur. However, it seems that the Countess had a deal with the Ancient Baatorians, whom she had discovered and was communicating with under the slopes of Malbolge. Thus, after becoming a Baatezu, she could advance to something greater with their help. They needed a dandy sacrifice, though, and about four armies should do it. Asmodeus thinks that she died with the rest of the rifraf, and decides to make the most of it by giving the vacant layer to Nergal, who is left forever in his debt. What happened to the Countess? Well, some darks are best left dark, cutter, at least for now. As for Glasya... well, Nergal's bound to find out what he has sooner or later. What he does with it is a completely different matter, not to mention whose debt he is really in, Asmodeus' or the 'loths.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

I couldn't have said it better myself. So, what do you guys think?

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

Cripes, I just remembered we wanted to work Baalzebul and Mephistopholes armies into the fray somewhere before the Hag Countess legions appear. There was a whole point to weaken them, as well as realistically portray their attempts at gaining a second layer. However, now that I think about it, six armies, although numerologically fitting, is just too much. So, keep that in mind for the discussion. It would make sense to have Asmodeus want to weaken them through this whole situation, but can we work them in originally without having just army after army showing up?

EDIT: Also, Clueless is trying to get a crack-team together to flesh out the original coup of the sixth layer. I would love for their to be a continuity between that article/adventure and this one. The Planewalker canon, so to speak. I'll let Clueless explain it, though.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

Crossposted from here.

I'm fond of the idea of the Hag Countess trying to become as a goddess - having been allowed to take her position as a temporary holding spot by Asmo as he knew she would be moving on to something else in a relatively short amount of time as his plans go. In the process of becoming that, something goes wrong, Glasya 'daddy's little girl' sees an opportunity, or something else and the transition to godhood fails spectacularly.

I also don't think I'd call her dead if it were my game. In mine... as she lay there slipping her way to wherever is it failed gods go... she got a tap on the shoulder from beings that have been quietly sleeping there all along. And now, is undergoing a transition, reinforced by her new not-so-slumbering allies, the baatorians. It explains why she's not just wiped from the face of the layer like she could be if Glasya were in total control. And gives the chance of the Hag Countess rising as something else entirely in the end... failed goddess but now with other sources of power. Ironically I suppose that would put the baatorians in much the same position as the night hag covens that made the altraloths.

I think we can probably pull something nice together out of all of this - essentially working these ideas up as a two-parter. Smiling

Reading over the summary here I would suggest that the alliance between her and the baatorians should happen at the moment of her greatest failure. Both because it reads well poetically and because I suspect that's when they would best feel they could get the better end of the deal out of the Countess.

Perhaps the other two armies, instead of being involved in the currently 4 army clash can have the snot kicked out of them earlier when the Hag Countess herself underwent a coup?

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

Just chiming in with a "Keep it up guys!". Some really nice work going on here and I'm a little annyoed that I've been reading it from the start so I'll never be able to play it blind!

I'll let you know if I think of anything helpful but everything seems to be developing well at this point.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

I'm actually not sure we need to have an adventure explaining how the Hag Countess "died." If we do this one right, we should be able to work that into the action, and have it be all the more surprising when the Hag Countess reemerges.

In my mind, this would be the adventure in which we explained the events of the Hag Countess' rise. Otherwise, this whole adventure will go down the tubes. I mean, we can't have the PCs run around uncovering the Hag's pact with the Baatorians and then send them back to Malbolge, not only would it be really repetive, but it destroy the plot Iavas and I have worked up. Think about it, if the PCs know that the Hag Countess has made a pact with the Baatorians, then there is a good chance they will tell Moloch or Glasya right away. Whoever they tell would immediately get cautious and start biding his or her time and the war will never happen -- or at least won't happen the way we have written it.

In my mind, we can't do both adventures, at least not without making huge changes to the one we've outlined already. The reason why is simple, both modules are trying to do the same thing: explain what happened to the Hag Countess and what happens next. The difference is that the one Iavas and I have worked up is set after the fact -- at the point where FC2 advances the timeline, and makes radical (but awesome) changes while the other one is set during the crisis, and does nothing to advance the timeline, and doesn't make huge changes, only adds another layer.

I'm inclined to say that I like my idea better, but then that's because I came up with it. Plus I haven't seen the other proposed adventure, so I have nothing to compare it to. I'm curious to see what people will come up with, and while I don't know what idea will come up on top, I'm sure it will be a good one.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

Clueless, I'm having some trouble trying to imagine how you can work out the deals of the Hag Countess and Baatorians (whom I still insist should be purely behind-the-scenes) in an adventure format. I mean, why in hell would either side trust a bunch of do-gooder mortals to know anything about the deal. Granted, you could work it from Glasya's perspective, but then the PCs would be left in the dark concerning the Baatorian Deal.

Don't get me wrong, I would be all for an adventure detailing the original coup that was so shortly described in FC2, but could you throw out some ideas so we can see where you're going with this and whether it is possible to tie our adventure into it? Because before you PMed me, I was thinking that a short story to expand on the blurb in FC2 would be the best route to take, especially if you want to work in secret elements like a pact with the Baatorians.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

At any rate, there's no use sitting on our hands waiting for someone else to come up with a module when we have a perfectly good seed here. With that in mind, let's get to work.

The first question we need to ask ourselves is what the starting level for the PCs will be. Personally, I see this as being within the 10-15 range, but it would require only minor tweaks to work outside this range. With that in mind, I say we have the recomended starting level be 12-14. Strong enough to be able to handle themselves, but weak enough to be afraid of a Cornugon.


Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

One thing that doesn't apply solely to this project but to Planewalker as a whole is this - will there be Planewalker official conversions for certain creatures, namely all of the exemplars, that make them follow the same progression as in 2e and have all of the high-ups (Pit Fiend, Balor, Leonal, Death Slaad, Secundus, Ultraloth, etc...) be around CR20? Because I think many would prefer it if it were so, particularly since many Planescape storylines depend on such an arrangement, and it would help keep things constant. I mean, sure, we could use the WotC stats in all of the Planewalker adventures, but then a single Balor could take on an army of death-slaad led by an Ultraloth with his Shator general while a Red Slaad could take out an army of Spinagons without blinking.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure


So, I'm still chipping away at this thing. Being particularly bored recently, I decided to throw together an index page in the style of the 2e adventures. I couldn't get the fonts exact, but I got as close as I could, and the page border is my own design. I'd love some opinions on it.

To download, go to my crappy download page and right-click save the index link.

Also, keep in mind that this is still very much a work in progress. The page border is under scrutiny - it's supposed to have a Baatorian scaly brick lawful evil type of feel to it, but I am not sure if it is too heavy, too two-dimensional, or simply too badly done. The chapter descriptions are temporary, as the story is still being fleshed out, but I'd like to know whether that tounge-in-cheek style is too annoying or if I alluded to too many proverbs. Granted, this is a very small example, but I do promise I'm progressing.

The credits need some filling out, so anybody that would like to help would do well to PM me (since I somehow ended up as the de-facto project coordinator on this one - I hope nobody minds). Anybody that is good with 3.5e stats would be particularly welcome.

Duckluck: PM me the name you'd like me to put in the credits under "Designers". I particularly want to hear your opinion on the thing, since the idea is half yours in the first place.

Clueless: Seeing as how you are head honcho for Planewalker, tell me if I messed up any of the legal mumbo jumbo at the bottom of the title page. I mostly copied it from existing manuals with some modifications.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

(My real name is David R. Gastil, although I don't really use the middle initial much.)

I like what you have so far. The border is servicable, but it could probably be improved. The chapter descriptions are a little bit more vague than they need to be. I'd recomoned giving each chapter a descriptive title. For instance, Chapter 1 could be "Chapter 1: The Road to Hell," Chapter 2 could be "Chapter 2: "Daemons, Deliveries, and Deception," Chapter 3 could be "Moloch's March," and so on. Also, you list the adventure as being for low to mid level characters when it should be just be "mid-level characters". The 10-12 starting range we decided on hardly constitutes low level.

As for the project coordinator thing, it seems pretty appropriate given that you're the one who is currently coordinating the project. Smiling

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

Yeah... I'm willing to take suggestions ont he border. I'm not too fond of it myself.

I specifically tried not to make the chapter descriptions too detailed, as the 2e ones are pretty vague as well. I'm a bit worried that they're too full of proverb references. As for the level range, that was a pure goof. For some reason I was in MMORPG mode and was thinking that 10-20 was in the first third of the level spectrum. That shall be fixed.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

So I guess we should start with the Introduction and Prologue. The Introduction should be easy to write, but should probably be saved until we have a better idea of what we're introducing. Which brings us to the Prologue.

Speaking of the Prologue, what exactly did you have in mind? You mention something about a witch and an Inevitable, but I don't recall discussion of either. Care to elaborate?

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

The introduction is just what it says in the description. It's pretty obvious, and while I haven't yet written it up completely, I know what I'm going to write. It's mostly for the DM's use.

The prologue is what I'm actually working on, at the moment. The goal is to get the PC's, probably canny planars rather than clueless primes, to go to Baator in the first place. Thus, before incorporating the sodding idiot of a Paladin, who can only be a clueless prime, I needed to get the PC's to the prime world. I decided to make it, or at least the part of it that the PC's will be visiting, Slavic based. Why? Because the Slavic pantheon/culture is not used hardly enough and because I was born in Russia. 'nuff said.


So, the PC's are hired by some prime that's moved kip to Sigil. They must go to his home деревня (derevnia = small rustic village) and figure out what is causing the unnatural weather that is slowly starving the populace. The blame is placed on the hermit witch that lives in the woods. Everybody is trying to get help from the "official" witch of the village. Blah blah blah, so on and so forth, the witch in the village turns out to be a Marzanna in the disguise (who is also causing the weather trouble) and the witch in the woods turns out to be a good natural healer who is trying to stop her. However, the latter was the student of the former before catching on to the true identity of her mentor. Their agreement prevents her from informing the villagers, and thus she is shunned. In desperation, she breaks the agreement, although by this point nobody believes her, and an Inevitable is sent to deal with the problem.

When all is resolved, the town's elder approaches the PC's to go rescuse his Paladin daughter from the decrepid church as planned, but the reason she went there in the first place is to stop the weather.

See... simple... like quantum mechanics.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

So, um, why is the Inevitable involved? The weather problems would have to be a pretty serious crime against nature to attract the attention of Mechanus. Perhaps the Marzanna is doing something even more dastardly? And what's a Marzanna, anyway?

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

Marzanna = a type of hag detailed in Frostburn

And the Inevitable is sent, storywise, because the witches had an important agreement (upon which the fate of the village depended) that was broken. The Inevitable doesn't care about the weather or the fate of the village but the upholding of the original agreement, even if it is with an evil hag. It sort of ingraines the concept of Law from the very beginning, since we're mostly sticking to the Lawful side with a few exceptions.

I think it's a pretty swank idea, myself, but then again, I wrote it. I'm open to alternatives.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

Hi, I hope you don't mind - but I opened up a new forum for those interested in creating and playtesting adventures (from hook sized to campaign sized) and moved your thread over there to get that forum started off. Let me know if you want to be moved back.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

Mind? This was my idea! Thanks Clueless. Smiling

Oh and to Iavas: How you doing? You mentioned elsewhere that you'd gotten stuck and I was wondering if there was anything I could help with.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Re: 'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

Man I wish i had a DM nearby who wrote such stuff Smiling

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: 'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

Could the Hag Countess's demise have anything to do with the fact that, you know, she's a nighthag? I'm sure there are plenty of Baatezu purists who believe that only Baatezu are fit to rule Baator. Or was this already taken into consideration by you guys when you brainstormed this adventure?

Another thing I'm wondering: If Asmodeus was involved, could this be connected in any way to his earlier decision to return power to Levistus?

Lord of the Dice's picture
Joined: 2009-11-21
Re: 'Tremors of Malbolge' Adventure

Nice adventure. It can be a little confusing with all the armies, but it's all wrapped up and makes sense by the end.

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