Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

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Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

OOC: I decided to start this thread over, since the old one died out, and I couldn't bear to leave it. As mentioned before, the story of the aasimar boy will come about as the thread progresses.

IC: A hard, stinging rain pelts the streets of Sigil as a figure in a waterproof cloak enters a large domed building. Several feet above the polished wood and steel doors is a large sign that says 'Torque's Casino'.

Just as the sign says, an upscale casino lays beyond the doors. The floor is covered in lush carpet decorated with patterns of geometric shapes, while the walls are made of a white-veined gray marble. There are many games of chance available, from simple shell games to gnome-built slot machines. On the east side of the room is a large stage. Currently, it is only occupied by a grand piano, but several patrons can be seen sitting at tables, in booths, and on couches located in the shallow pit at the center of the casino, occasionally looking at the stage in anticipation. The pit is surrounded by a simple brass railing, and the entrance is graced by a maitre'd's stand made from the same marble as the walls. Stairs leading to the hotel rooms on the floors above can be found on the north and west sides room, while doors leading to the public restrooms and 'employee only' rooms are scattered about all four sides of the room.

As the figure enters he is immediately greeted by a young halfing woman. "Welcome to Torque's Casino. I'm Cora, the official greeter" She bows politely before looking at the figure, who has now removed the waterproof cloak, revealing that there are actually two beings. One is a male echideneco tiefling, as can be seen by his serpentine lower half and his four arms. Two of the arms hold a frightened-looking aasimar child. "Ah, Mr. Takouba! Going on another expedition for the Sensates?" The tiefling shakes his head sadly, looking at Cora with amethyst-colored eyes "Not this time...I'm taking this boy to Arborea tomorrow, where he'll be safe"

"I see...I'm guessing you'll want your usual suite?"

Takouba nods "I also heard that Lady Asita is performing here this week"

"Yes, the first show of the evening should be starting soon. Will you be attending?"

"Of course" The tiefling smiles slightly, then heads over to the lounge area in front of the stage. He is obviously a frequent patron, as the maitre'd, a smoke genasi, bows politely and leads him to a luxurious booth close to the stage, where he sets the boy down beside him and orders drinks himself and the boy.

RuneKnight3's picture
Joined: 2006-02-28
[IC ] Chance Encounters

Suddenly was a word that lost it's importance on Sigil quite swiftly. Something or someone was always sudenly falling into being from nowhere, or suddenly surrounded by a dozen armed men, or suddenly bouncing from life threatening situation to life threatening situation. In this case, suddenly was a six-foot tall figure of a wiry build who staggered loudly into Torque's Casino from the outside.

Dripping with wet and shaking with cold the figure appears to be a coal colored elf of the Drow variety, but he is unlike any Drow that has been seen on Sigil's streets before. Clad only in a rough-hewn knee-length kilt the Drow is skyclad and covered in dark purple tattoos that are hard to trace on his skin. His hair is a wildly writhing mass of anemic colored dreadlocks, and, besides the white dragonscale gauntlet on his left arm the only things on his person of real note appear to be a large rock stained with dry blood and a massive two-handed greatsword strapped to his back by a bandoleer.

Standing up to his full hieght from an ungainly hunch, the elf sends his wet locks flying, spraying water everywhere. Looking around as though he doesn't smell of wet fur, nor that he has a distinctly uncouth appearance he spies Cora and grins widely revealing a mouth full of filed teeth. His red eyes light up with delight at the sight of the halfling and he runs his tongue across his fanglike smile before he speaks.
"Evenin' lassie, care fer a snog an' an ale? I'm kinna' lost and mayhap ye'd like to 'elp me find my way, an' a couple of other things while yer at it?"

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Cora backs away from the drow, looking abit nervous. "No...I'm working right now. But I can tell you where you are. This is Torque's Casino, in the city of Sigil. We have all kinds of food and drink here, along with lodging, entertainment, and many games of chance. Oh, I'm Cora, the offical greeter for this casino, and performing all this week is Lady Asita."

Meanwhile, Takouba sips a Tanaa'ric Orange, while the boy has some Arborean sugar tea. The tables near the two are populated by all manner of beings. At one table, a pair of githzerai discuss an upcoming illithid hunt, while at another, a rogue modron, a priestess of Nephtys, and a gold-scaled lizardman wearing opulent jewelry divide up a pile of coins amongst themselves.

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

In the rain comes stumbling in a weary man covered in mud and drenched from head to toe. He wobbles ackwardly as if he had two left feet. His breath smells of cheap gin and more exotic intoxicants best left unmentioned. He wears a grungy trench coat and long slacks ridden with patches. On his head sits a dismal grey fedora upon a combed, greasy mass of black hair going grey. He heaves a few minutes before continuing on.

On the way to the casino an ogre woman accosts him to buy her wilted white roses. As she reaches to give him place a rose in his shirt pocket he weaves out of the way and wrestles a tiefling rogue trying to pick his pocket while the ogress had distracted him. He spits something foul in the tiefling's eye and yells a few obscenities followed by, "That will learn ya to pick on a drunken man." As he does so he flees from the pair into the casino.

"So what 'ave we here then?" he says to the greeter, apparently woken from his stupor. Looking around the room, he speaks to the elf nonchalantly, "So it looks like we've got somethin' in 'ere about as foul as I am. Pleased to make yer acquantence, elf from below darkness."

RuneKnight3's picture
Joined: 2006-02-28
[IC] Chance encounters

The drow's relatively elegant if scarred features nit into a tiny laticework of annoyance at the strangely dressed drunk. "Watch your mouth," He warns with a beastial growl. "Those who can't hold their drink shouldn't make observances of their betters."

"Sides'," He grins, perhaps a smidge too widely. "can't y'see I were busy with the little lady?" The wet elf looms over little Cora "So dis' lady o' yers, just what does she perform?"

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Ignoring the other drunk, Cora turns back to the drow. "Lady Asita is an incredible singer, and she's quite beautiful in appearance too. She has fans from all across the Planes. She should be performing soon. If you want to see her, now is a good time to find a seat." The halfling motioned towards the tables.

She then turns back to the other man "This is Torque's Casino. I'm Cora, the official greeter. What would you like to know about this place."

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Replying to the elf, the newcomer said, "Well, I didn't do any foul 'ere then. As for the booze, don't worry about it. Reality will sober me up, soon enough. It's the most soberin' thing of all."

Turning to the halfling, he said, "Well, 'ello Cora The Official Greeter, pleased to make yer acquantaince", turning to the drow, "And the same goes for ya." -looking back at the halfing "My name is Garrick Fleming. So what sort of fun is to be 'ad around 'ere besides gamblin'- I never leave anything to luck if I can avoid it. Any sort of work that needs doin'?"

RuneKnight3's picture
Joined: 2006-02-28
[IC] Chance encounters

The Drow considered starting something, after all it wasn't every day he let some badly dressed no account no neck get one over on him. But then again it was dry here, and nobody had tried to bury a blade in his brain yet, so he decided to mind his manners. Giving an imperious, if animal, snort to this 'garrick', the Drow dropped into a beastial slouch and scurried over to claim a sitting spot...after all, it had been ages since he'd been to an opera.

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

"Well, you can watch Lady Asita sing, or get yourself a room and rest, this place is a hotel too. Basic rooms are 1 silver piece. As for getting a job, you'll have to speak with Torque, and I'm not sure if she's accepting visitors right now. She has to take care of her two youngest, after all." Then Cora got an idea "But you can talk to her eldest, Fanha. She's head of security, and kind of the co-runner of this casino. Fanha's very easy to find, she's 7 feet tall and has a pair of ram's horns on her head."

The halfling is right about Fanha being easy to spot. The faa-child can be seen standing watch over a large game of poker, making sure that no one cheats. Despite being very tall and muscular, Fanha is still beautiful and feminine, her bluish-black hair tied back with a silver chain. She's clad in a short white toga-dress, and some simple gold jewelry.

Meanwhile, no one seems have a problem with the oddly-dressed drow taking a seat near the stage. While he gains a few odd stares, no one comes up and bothers him. In addition to the napkins and utensils, there's a menu bound in wyvern hide, with silver on the corners sitting on the table. Inside is a list of all the food that the casino serves, along with the prices.

RuneKnight3's picture
Joined: 2006-02-28
[IC] Chance encounters

The dark elf peruses the menu a moment, sniffs it, gnaws the edge contemplatively, then makes a sour face because surprisingly enough wyvern hide does not make the best snack... Snapping his fingers he summons a waiter and mutters to the little man. The waiter looks slightly ruffled and proceeds to explain. "Sir, I don't believe we serve intoxicating beverages in that particular increment."
The dark elf scowls. "Have y' got a bucket?"
"Of course, sir."
"Have y' got ale?"
"Of course, sir."
"Then shaddap and fetch."

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

"Awright, thanks Cora. "ere.", Garrick flipped a silver to the greeter.

"I guess I'll go 'ave a looksy at this Fanha lady." Before approaching her, Garrick took a look and tried to observe her interactions with those around her.

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

((Tonoe are a race of my own creation. Info about them can be found here: /portals/node/

Fanha is mostly silent as she watches the poker players, occasionally commenting on the game. The players are a colorful mix of beings, some of which Garrick has probably never seen before. They included an ice mephit, a bariaur, an aasimar, and a pair of Tonoe who seem to be rivals, judging by the way they glare at each other and make occasional threats. But so far, no one seems to have broken any rules or tried to cheat. Fanha sees Garrick apporaching from the corner of her eye, but decides to let him initiate the conversation.

Takouba can't help but raise an eyebrow when he sees the drow taste the menu, and puts a hand over his mouth when he hears him order ale by the bucket. "He has got be kidding..." whispers Takouba to himself. A few people at the other tables have taken notice as well, and whisper amongst themselves. Moments later, a waiter comes to the drow's table, carrying a bucket full of ale, and looking at the strange new patron abit strangely.

RuneKnight3's picture
Joined: 2006-02-28
[IC] Chance encounters

Grinning wildly like a young child in a corner candystore the drow rubs his long clawlike hands together as the bucket is presented to him. Pausing to study the room as if he expects someone to try and take his bucket, he grips either side of the bucket and lifts it to his face. He doesn't dump it over his head or splash it messily, but there is an ominous glugging sound as he begins to drink. The elf's thin neck can be seen noticably bulging as he guzzles at the bucket...and drinks...and drinks. With a gasp the now warmly buzzed drow sets the bucket down heavily, a quarter of the way empty. "Tha's tha' stuff!" he explains, wiping away a film of shiny ale from his face.

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Approaching the head of security watchfully, Garrick said, "Well, it seems ya keep a watchful eye on everything that goes on around 'ere, is that right, miss Fanha? Ya seem to be in the know about what's goin' on, to one of those what's name they call, a blood. So you 'ave anything that needs doin'? Care to chat a bit about what's been 'happenin' recently?"
The strange man peered around and then focused his gaze on the tiefling and the little boy.

He then faced Fanha once again, waiting for her to answer.

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Fanha nodded and turned to Garrick, still keep an eye on the poker game "Yeah, got a few job openings here. We need another person to clean off the tables in front of the stage once the customers are done, and make them ready for the next person. We also have an opening in housekeeping, where you'd be tidying up the guest's rooms. Oh, and mother's looking for someone who can help look after the children of the employees, as well as any orphans who need a place to stay until they can find a permanent home. My mother is a kind soul, she adopted my younger brothers and I, and she helps those who have no place to go."

As Fanha speaks, one of the Tonoe gets up an leaves the table, having lost at the poker game. The other one sticks her toungue out at her, then returns to playing.

Meanwhile, a dark elf carrying an infant on his back walks onto the stage "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight's show about to begin. During the show please refrain from climbing onto the stage, or harassing the performers. And now, please welcome the Arborean Songbird, Lady Asita!" The drow leaves the stage and is quickly replaced by a beautiful lillend with wings and scales the color of a sunrise. Her upper half is draped in white silks and delicate gold chains, and pink and white pearls accentuate her golden hair. She is soon joined by a very young radiance genasi, who sits down at the piano. The lillend smiles and bow politely in response to the applause, then begins her first song, a tale of love, loss, and hope, her beautiful voice accentuated by genasi's incredible piano playing.

Takouba was about to go and ask the drow barbarian how he was able to drink so much ale without knocked unconscious, but decides to watch the show on stage instead. After a few minutes of watching, the young aasimar's eyes well up with tears, as the song seems to bring back some kind of memory.

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

"Quite a poignant melody they make, reminds me of 'ome before I figured out the truth." For but a brief second, Garrick seemed slightly sentimental but then returned to a solemn, weary expression. He then asked a nearby waiter to get him something to drink

Replying once again, Garrick spoke to Rathan, "It sounds like you're really feel grateful to yer mom. Say, about work, I'd be 'appy to 'elp with the kids and findin' 'omes for them all, but I was also 'opin' for something more... adventurous in nature."

RuneKnight3's picture
Joined: 2006-02-28
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Unconciousness, let alone alcohol poisoning, not withstanding when the songstress begins her set the barbarian undergoes a radical personality change. The boisterous thug adopts a guise of contemplative silence, his attention rapt even though his eyes are closed, looking much more the part of any number of erudite drow in the universe.

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

"Hmmm...well, Takouba over there could always use an adventuring companion." Fanha pointed the serpentine tiefling with the child "He's a member of the same group as my mother, which is the Society of Sensation, also known as the Sensates. The Sensates believe that life is all about experiencing everything that the multiverse has to offer, and gaining knowledge from such experiences. He's quite nice, I'm sure he'll willing to arrange something."


As the show progressed, the boy with Takouba finally broke down and started to cry. The tiefling responded by gently comforting the child as best he could. When the waiter came back to their table. he ordered Gehenna-cooked abrian for them both.

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Garrick nodded his head and said, "Thanks, Miss Fanha I appreciated it. 'ere's my card with my information if you need it. I'll be seein' you around." He bowed his head and walked off

He approached Takouba and the boy calmly. He sot of half-smiled at the kid, "Ey, 'ello ther, little boy. If you be good and shut off the water works, I'll tell ya a story." He looked at the tielfling gentleman, "'ello, I 'ear you're looking for someone to 'elp ya with some... problems ya got. Care to talk about it?"

RuneKnight3's picture
Joined: 2006-02-28
Please set your babies to vibrate

Kael'Din scowled, the lower set of his sharpend incisors protruding from under his narrow nose as his deep purple ears flattend back against his skull. He could only wonder why people always chose to bring thier children to high class affairs where thier crying would upset others. You took children to gladiatorial bouts or the hound track or perhaps you dangled the little stink-gnomes over pits of wild dogs so they would fight to see who would eat it, as Drow males of lesser birth unsuitable to other tasks sometimes were, but you didn't take weepy brats to exhibitions of song. Then again, he reasoned wherever he was happend to be far away from Menzzoberranzan, and his opinions were doubtless the minority.

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Fortunatunately, for the drow at the nearby table, the child's crying soon stopped, thanks to the tiefling who'd brought him there comforting him.

Takouba help the boy close as he looked at Garrick. "Yes, I'm looking an adventuring companion, someone who can help me out on my trips to the various Outer Planes. While I am a capable fighter, I believe it's much safer if someone accompanies me. As for the boy, he isn't crying just to be a brat, the song just brought back memories of his deceased parents, who died in a fire set by a corrupt Harmonium officer determined to wipe out all non-lawful beings, including innocents and those who aren't evil..." He gently wiped the boy's face with a napkin, then handed the rest of his sugar tea. "Fortunately, he has relatives in Arborea, and I'm taking him there tomorrow."

The boy sniffled then looked at Garrick "I'm sorry...that song just made me feel sad..." It was obvious that the boy was of celestial descent, with his slightly pointed ears and pearlescent blue eyes.

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Garrick scowled when heard what the Hardheads had done, "Wha... they did what? That's 'orrible. Fanatics- they're the worst kind!" He shook his head in disgust.

He looked at the celestial child and assumed a softer turn, "Whoa, there's no need to go apologizin'. You must 'ave had it rough. I can see why you'd be cryin'. Would it 'elp you at all to talk about it?"

Looking at the tielfing, Garrick replied, "Okay, if takin' this kid to his relatives is what you're doing, count me in. I just 'ad one question: 'ow did you meet him?"

RuneKnight3's picture
Joined: 2006-02-28
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Having exceptionally receptive ears, Kal'Din was more than capable of overhearing the conversation and being an adversarial sort decided to throw his two cents in; maybe get some more info out of these flesh sacks. After all, there might be an adventure in it.
"If he's from the realm of glory," The drow sniffed, knowing enough planar to recognize the name Aborea. "why is he such a little whiner?" The Drow's smirk slowly widened into a beastial grin, knowing such a comment might just set the Tiefling off.

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

"Ahem..." Takouba slithered over to the drow at the table "The boy's parents were not only murdered, but that boy lost everything he owned in the fire that killed them. I know this might be an everyday occurence where you come from, it isn't here, and not in Arborea either..." The serpentine tiefling's voice was one of annoyance, he'd obviously dealt with uncivilized folk like Kael'Din before.

RuneKnight3's picture
Joined: 2006-02-28
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Kael'din scratched his head fastidiously, looking very much like a black-skinned white-haired canine. "Yeah, but those things do happen, and if that kid wants to live to see his coming of age he had better grow a thicker skin." Kael'din din't like this tiefling, he wasn't any fun. "That which doesn't kill one, makes that one stronger, no?"

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Garrick cleared his parched throat with a hack, "Ahem, Mr. Takouba, I believe before you were so rudley interrupted by the brave taunter of children over there, that you were goin' to inform me about 'ow you ran into the kid. I'm wantin' to know that story. Also, I want to know more about that Harmonium bastard."

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Takouba nodded to Garrick, and gave a 'one moment' gesture "That's true, but now is not the time to be bringing that up. Now, if you'll excuse me..."

He then went back over to his table and sat down. "Anyways, I found the boy sitting in burned-out ruins of his home, as I was heading to this casino. As for the heartless psycho who burned it down, it was a dwarf, and the Harmonium has turn a blind eye towards this problem."

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Garrick scowled, "I should have guessed they would do something like that." He spit. "Okay then, what are we to do now?" Garrick glanced around again to see anything suspicious activity in the casino. He kept an active eye on the drow of ill-humor.

RuneKnight3's picture
Joined: 2006-02-28
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Kael'din perked an ear. He had been putting together some truly acidic remark when Takouba mentioned the Harmonium turning a blind eye to whatever they were ignoring. Something with a psychotic dwarf. He wasn't normally the sort to ask for anything, but nothing venturf was nothing gained as the saying went. "So these Harmonium guys are tough?"

Like a frog Kael'din leapt into his chair and sprung onto the table, grinning widely. "If they burned down the wee'ans home, why don't we go burn down their home?" He cackled, not to anyone specifically. "Come on it'll be fun!"

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

"Well, tonight we're going to rest up, and tomorrow, we'll be heading for Arborea. I have a cubic gate in my room, so we don't need to search for a portal. The relatives we're taking this boy to live in a very interesting location on Arborea, one that's only accessible via-"

Just then, Takouba was rudely interrupted by the drow barbarian leaping onto his table, causing the aasimar boy the scream "Go away!", and the serpentine tiefling to slap his forehead in annoyance.

It also got the attention of a nearby Tonoe, who called out "Hey pretty, why don't you come do that for us?"

RuneKnight3's picture
Joined: 2006-02-28
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Kael'din looked over his shoulder at the tonoe. His ears were still ringing from the little rat's shriek, and it didn't look as though the others were going to supply much amusement. He almost would have been better on the other side of that strange glow fighting with the horde of peeved peasants. Nobody had humor anymore, you sleep with one...two...six of a lord's daughters and suddenly everyone wants to wear your skin. Hopping off his table, Kael'din straightened out and popped his back before he swaggered over to the tonoe in his unusual slightly hunched forward hunter walk. "Do what?" He asked, hoping these strange women were more interesting.

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

As the drow leapt onto the table, Garrick just stepped back and shook his head in half-amusement, half-annoyance. “Well,” he admitted, “at least this guy’s got the right idea about what to do about the nutcase dwarf. But Mr. Takouba, I guess that sounds like a plan. Anybody else comin' wiv us?” He turned his head towards the Tonoe and simply waited to see what would happen between the women and the drow.

Toujin's picture
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Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

"Yeah, I know...Anyways, the boy's relatives live in a place that's only accessible by flight or teleportation, so we'll have to find a way up." Takouba watched as Kael'din went over to the Tonoe's table. "He can come with us if he wants. He seems like the type who'd enjoy Arborea."

The Tonoe grin as they look over the drow "Give us some entertainment, pretty." says one of them, who appears to have some fiendish blood.
"We wanna see if you're worth breeding with." says the other, prompting a frown and a finger waggle from her red-eyed companion. "Don't scare him away..." she whispers.

RuneKnight3's picture
Joined: 2006-02-28
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Kael'din matches the tonoe's fiendish grin, considering their words carefully. "And what, praytell, constitutes entertainment?" He kept an ear out in case the other conversation picked up anything interesting. They seemed to have wised up about his elven superiority, but then again the tonoe had strong arguments in their favor: two a peice and relatively on the heavy side.

Surreal Personae's picture
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Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Garrick nodded. "Yeah, I can see 'im likin' a place like that. So what are a few things you 'ad in mind for gettin' us up there? I don't know much about magic," Garrick replied. He puzzled over the situation a bit and surveyed the room to see if he could find any inspiration.

Toujin's picture
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"Well, we should probably be able to find someone offering a way up, whether it be through a magic spell or flight. On the Upper Planes, such services are easy to come by. Oh good, the food's here." Takouba smiled as the waiter set down a plate containing breaded strips of abrian meat with four different sauces for dipping. "Sir, would you like anything? the waiter asked Garrick.

"Oh, a little companionship for me or my half-sister tonight." said the fiend-blooded Tonoe "The name's Hanya Al'Theope, and this is Pipiri." Hanya took some coins from her pocket "Could I buy you a drink?"

RuneKnight3's picture
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Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Climbing onto the table Kael'din dropped onto the floor on the far side, squeezing right in between the sisters smoothly. "What's this either or stuff?" He asked with a wry grin. "And yes, a bucket of ale would be very nice." Slowly he slides his hands down either tonoe's side and rests them on their hips, pulling them closer to him suggestively. "Yes, I definately like the prospect of entertaining."

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Garrick looked at the waiter and replied, "Yes, yes I would. What do you 'ave on the menu?”

Returning to his conversation with Takouba, Garrick asked as he sat down, "So you say this area is high up? Is the terrain fairly mountainous? What's the climate like. Probably should be preparin' for any sort of unfortunate possibilities. Even if it’s one of the so-called Upper Planes, it doesn't mean getting the kid there is goin' to be a walk in the park. And there's the Hardhead crazy still runnin' about." He scowled as he thought of the dwarf again.

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

((Take a look here for ideas of what can be ordered from the menu:

"Just have a look at the menu, sir." The waiter pointed to the menu on the table. "If you need some time, I'll come back a little later"

"Actually, it isn't a mountain we're headed to, but a star. Yes, it may sound strange, but this boy's relatives live in a place called Marble of Stars, a collection of stars that can be seen from the first layer at night. Although they're made from pure energy, in no way are they harmful to those that visit. A smattering of different beings lives on these stars, but they're mostly populated by a mysterious child-like race called the Mbe. They communicate via empathy, and seem to be the embodiments of kindness and innocence. Marble of Stars happens to be the home of their god, Mbo-ya. While I haven't been there yet, I've heard that Mbe living up there have reached a state that transcends consciousness, and they don't need to sleep. As for Arborea itself, the climate is pretty mild, and the first layer is covered with beautiful forests."

"Oh, we Tonoe aren't really into stuff like threesomes or sharing males." says Pipiri, obviously the more forward of the two sisters.

"A bucket of ale, huh?" Hanya orders tthe drink request "You must be able to hold your liquor pretty well..."

"Yeah, unlike me." Pipiri smiles sheepishly, I think I'd be out for a few days after drinking something like that, or possibly dead. And amongst our kind, drinking yourself to death is considered a dishonorable way to go."

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Garrick glanced over the menu and handed it back to the waiter, "Yes, I'd like to 'ave some Fhorge meat cooked in Carceri style."

Replying to Takouba, Garrick scratched his chin and said, "Interesting, interesting. Seeing as how easily the multiverse crushes anything resembling innocence like a bug underneath its shoe, I would wager that the Mbe don't have very long life expectancies. Either that or they don't get into contact with other beings very much. I think, if we ‘ave some time before we go, we need to do some investigation about that barmy Harmonium dwarf. Maybe do some snooping around wherever the Harmonium put their ‘eadquaters."

RuneKnight3's picture
Joined: 2006-02-28
Me and my big mouth...

Kael'din leaned back, putting his feet on the table. "Well ladies, you're welcome to fight over me." He grins at the thought. "I mean, they've got oil and whatnot fot that sort of thing I'm sure." He sprung forward suddenly and leaned in to mutter with the sisters. "Or I could fight for you, I mean just name the place and the time and find me someone to snap in half, I'll do it. That'd be fun."

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

The waiter nodded to Garrick, and took his order.

"Actually, I think his bad deeds are going to catch up with him soon enough. I heard he's attacked and possibly killed a few celestials, and unlike fiends, they don't take the outright murder of their kind so lightly." Takouba at some of his meal, then continued "Anyways, after we take this boy to his relatives, we'll be going to Ysgard to visit my adopted mother. I happen to have some free time on my hands, and I like to make good use of it."

Hanya and Pipiri look at Kael'din strangely, confused by his suggestion. "Umm...we aren't interested in fighting, not off the battlefield, anyways..." says Hanya, while Pipiri just blinks in confusion.

RuneKnight3's picture
Joined: 2006-02-28
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Kael'din looked rather disappointed at that. "Ah well..." He sat back and closed his eyes thoughtfully. "I was just thinking it'd be nice to kick some ass and take some names. This doesn't look like the kind of place you can break the furniture without trouble." He grinds his jaw in annoyance. "Sometimes life just moves too slow for my liking."

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Garrick frowned as he furrowed his brow, "Frankly, the multiverse can't be trusted to right its own wrongs. Much less the so-called celestials. But it's your call here, so that's fine, I suppose." He spat and looked away.

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Takouba raised an eyebrow at Garrick's reaction, and the boy hugged him tightly "Please don't be angry at my mother or her kind...she's an eladrin, a celestial of Arborea..." said the boy to Garrick, looking at him with iridescent eyes.

The waiter returns with Garrick's order of fhorge Carceri

"Yeah, I know that feeling sometimes. But we Tonoe find pleasure in more than just battling fiends. In fact, there's a reason I asked for your companionship. See, our race has no males. It's a long stories, but the fiends are ones responsible. So in order to keep our race going, at least until our goddess is freed, is to mate with males of other races." Hannya sipped a drink that gave off a vaguely acidic odor as she spoke "And no, our goddess does not live in the Abyss, and she isn't associated with spiders, in case you might think otherwise..."

RuneKnight3's picture
Joined: 2006-02-28
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Kael'Din opened one eye, a lecherous smile coming to his features. The rest of the commentary was wholly lost as he instead focused on the bit that interested him. "No males you say?" He grinned like a fox who was just given full and free access to a henhouse. "So then, what shall we do first?"

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

Garrick glanced at the child and his anger lessened as he hesitated for a few moments. "Uh, look, kid, I'm not mad at yer mum. I just 'ave some doubts about these beings of light. I've just 'ad a few... shall we say bad experiences."

He turned to the waiter and said, "Thanks. "ere you go." He gave the waiter payment for the meal and the tip.

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

"Thank you." the waiter smiled to Garrick and left.

"Oh...I see." Takouba continued to hold the boy. "If you don't want to tell me about them, that's fine. Anyways, once we finish eating here, I'll be retiring to my suite with the boy. If you want, I can get you a room as well."

"Oh, we'll discuss that in my room..." Hannya raised an eyebrow suggestively as she said this, then finished her drink "Pipiri, I'm...never mind..." The Tonoe had turned to to tell her sister that she was taking Kael'din upstairs, only to find that she was cheerfully talking to a nearby wizard "She'll be fine, she knows where my room is...well, shall we?"

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)[Repost]

"Yeah, a room would be 'elpful. I'll go up there when I'm done down 'ere. Goin' to see if i can find anything more about these 'ere planes. Looks like an interesting crowd." Garrick replied as he glanced around the room again. He kept an ear open for any nearby conversations of interest, the one between the Tonoe and the wizard in particular.

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