Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

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Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

OOC: This is my first freeform game in this forum, so please be nice. The story of the aasimar boy will be revealed if anyone shows interest.

IC: A hard, stinging rain pelts the streets of Sigil as a figure in a waterproof cloak enters a large domed building. Several feet above the polished wood and steel doors is a large sign that says 'Torque's Casino'.

Just as the sign says, an upscale casino lays beyond the doors. The floor is covered in lush carpet decorated with patterns of geometric shapes, while the walls are made of a white-veined gray marble. There are many games of chance available, from simple shell games to gnome-built slot machines. On the east side of the room is a large stage. Currently, it is only occupied by a grand piano, but several patrons can be seen sitting at tables, in booths, and on couches located in the shallow pit at the center of the casino, occasionally looking at the stage in anticipation. The pit is surrounded by a simple brass railing, and the entrance is graced by a maitre'd's stand made from the same marble as the walls. Stairs leading to the hotel rooms on the floors above can be found on the north and west sides room, while doors leading to the public restrooms and 'employee only' rooms are scattered about all four sides of the room.

As the figure enters he is immediately greeted by a young halfing woman. "Welcome to Torque's Casino. I'm Cora, the official greeter" She bows politely before looking at the figure, who has now removed the waterproof cloak, revealing that there are actually two beings. One is a male echideneco tiefling, as can be seen by his serpentine lower half and his four arms. Two of the arms hold a frightened-looking aasimar child. "Ah, Mr. Takouba! Going on another expedition for the Sensates?" The tiefling shakes his head sadly, looking at Cora with amethyst-colored eyes "Not this time...I'm taking this boy to Arborea tomorrow, where he'll be safe"

"I see...I'm guessing you'll want your usual suite?"

Takouba nods "I also heard that Lady Asita is performing here this week"

"Yes, the first show of the evening should be starting soon. Will you be attending?"

"Of course" The tiefling smiles slightly, then heads over to the lounge area in front of the stage. He is obviously a frequent patron, as the maitre'd, a smoke genasi, bows politely and leads him to a luxurious booth close to the stage, where he sets the boy down beside him and orders drinks himself and the boy.

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

OOOC: Is *anyone* interested in this thread?

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

OOC: Just give it time. There aren't a lot of people that regularly post, yet.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

In through the door comes a being looking like green light trapped in a blue-green glass and gold statue of a muscular armored deva, moving slowly, as if walking underwater, under some unseen resistance, it's translucent face tracing a hollow gaze across the room. Around his head float tiny balls of light, that dance around him like ioun stones, changing colors and direction randomly. For all it's transparence, his expression is just as easily seen through...stark wonder, like a child. He walks to the closest figure and leans to speak.

"Where am I? Are there things here?"

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"Welcome to Torque's Casino! I'm Cora, the official greeter." Despite her eager expression, Cora is rather confused as she looks at the creature before her. In response to the creature's question, she tilts her head curiously and says "Ummm...yes, there are many things here. We have a variety of games of chance, a great selection of food and drink, and very comfortable hotel rooms. Also, Lady Asita will be performing in about 15 minutes, she's said to be one of the best in Arvandor"

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"Singing? I've heard that before, it was wonderful. And you say you have food and drink? That is wonderful too! I was getting hungry, and thirsty too." He digs around in his belts' pouches, the only things on him not made of the strange glass-and-gold composite. "Are you going to want to trade things for these things, or can I borrow them?" He stops for a moment, noticing that he has water running off him. "I have been 'rained on'. Does that make me one of the just or one of the unjust?"

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"We accept anything of value as payment, just as long as it isn't living." Cora can't help scratch her head at the next comment though " far as I know, rain doesn't differentiate between the just and unjust, it just falls on anyone who happens to be standing in it..."

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"Amazing...and now it appears I am one or the other. I wonder which?" He scoops his hands into one of the heavier belt pouches and comes out with several coins. "Will you accept these things in trade? For food and drink and singing, I mean. I have a great many, and they don't appear to be very useful, though they are rather pretty. You seem pretty, would you like some? They tell me people here can't get what they want when they want it..." He digs in another pouch and pulls out a bejewelled necklace, not worth much, probably mostly fake, but rather pretty. With a smile he hands it to Cora and clasps her hands around it gently. His hands are warm, but also strangely cold, like grasping a glass of warm drink. "Here you go, pretty one. I'm sure to remember how to make more of them by the time I want another." With that, he floats inside, his tiny transparent wings, like shards of glass in strange arrays, fluttering behind him...

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"Yes we will, but you pay when you get the services, sir."

Cora isn't ready for what happens next, however. The halfling is stunned into silence as the strange being gives her a beautiful necklace "Ummm...thank you..." is the only thing she can say in response. While many guests have complimented her on apperance and friendliness, none have ever given her gifts...

Meanwhile, Takouba sips a Tanaaric Orange while the boy at his side drinks some Arborean sugar tea. The child doesn't seem as fearful now, but his eyes still reflect much pain and sadness.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"The materials here seem so nice. I think I will exist here for a while. Oh, those people are drinking!" With a near-gasp of excitement, the shaz float-walks over to the bar, not far from the pair of planestouched. "I should like very much to drink and eat things, as something inside my shell is pinching painfully, and eating and drinking are fun. He points at his midriff, which is completely glasslike, and betrays no indication of internal organs, only more of the strange light. "Can I have things for eating and drinking? The kenders showed me how. I will trade you these..." He holds up the handfull of coins again, this time to the two patrons, then to the bartender, then towards the distant halfling. "Am I doing this right?" As he speaks, a Krynnish platinum piece hits the floor and rolls away, and the strange glassy, angelic being doesn't seem to really notice.

(BTW, this guy's name is Phadus, he's a Shaz, and his write-up's in the character file, on page 3. Think like the Solonavi, from Mage Knight...trained by kender. Kender sorcerers. He's a cross between a walking wild-magic zone and a Radiance Quasielemental, with what passes for native outsider traits at the moment. The race is posted in the Creative Contributions area. Makes more sense then. Kinda.)

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

(OOC: I read up on Phadus and race, so now I understand a abit better)

The bartender, who is a female twin of the maitre'd, looks at the Shaz strangely, then says "You can order drinks here, but if you want food, you'll have to sit down at an empty table and order off a menu." She then notices Takouba for Phadus to come over "Oh, looks like Takouba has taken an interest in you. He's a nice person, go sit with him..."

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"Table...oh, I know what those are. The place where people sit." He looks around, and spies an open one, then turns his transparent head back when they tell him where to sit. "Takouba...what is a 'Takouba'? If they are nice, I want to exist with them for a time. And does the Takouba have a menu? And if I sit with the Takouba, am I then not at an empty table? You said I had to be at an empty table to get foods." The poor Shaz is terribly confused, it seems. As he looks around, a few more coins clatter to the floor and roll away. The balls of light around him all turn red and bounce in midair in the direction of the coins, and Phadus' eyes open wide. "My coins! The materials need those to trade!" As he grabs for the rolling coins, twenty or thirty more fall from his outstretched hands, clattering everywhere. "Stupid gravity!" He smirks, and floats a few inches off the floor, magic coalescing around his fingertips as he spreads his fingers wide at shoulder level, arms out wide like a cross...

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

The sound of clattering coins draws the attention of several patrons, including that of a mineral mephit accompanying a wizard. The mephit dashes to grab some of the coins, but is quickly pulled back the wizard.

"Excuse, but I'm Takouba" the echideneco tiefling approaches and bows politely "I was inviting you to come join me at my table, but you seem more interested in gathering up your money at the moment..." He then bends down and scoops up some of the coins, handing them to the Shaz.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

The Shaz speaks in loud Celestial, "All of you coins get back here now!" and points at his belt pouch. His hands flare with power, and the coins on the floor pop onto their edges and roll to him, then hop into the bag as if animated. He looks over and takes the coins from the tiefling and smiles at him as he puts them away. "Thank you, Takouba. I would be happy to sit with you now that my things are back in my pouches. I keep forgetting about the gravity here." He then walks over to the table with the tiefling and sits in an available chair, and wonders what a menu looks like.

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

Takouba hands Phadus a menu, which is bound in wyvern hide, with silver on the corners. Inside are listings of all the foods available at Torque's Casino, along with the prices. "I usually stick with the pan-fried terlen myself, but I think I'll order the Gehenna-style abrian tonight" Takouba smiles gently to the boy at his side, who now staring at the Shaz curiously.

collin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-06
pardon the interruption.

Just then the door opens again, and a short cloaked figure walks in. Pulling back his hood you see he has a long grey beard which is soaking wet now, and a dour dwarven face looking around the casino curiously. He seems dressed for travel, with a large backpack on, and muddy boots. The one interesting thing about that is while one of his boots is normal, the other is an oversized one, made out of articulated metal. He walks up to the maitre'd's stand with a slight limp, and waits to be greated.

O.C.C. don't let me interupt, continue your conversation and get to me when the oppertunaty presents itself.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"Hm. Before last year the furthest I ever went from Magic was Rainbow and the Light, and no one eats there, and the little kenders showed me many foods. Maybe they have foods like the kenders do..." He looks at the menu. "There it is! "Bread" and "cheese" and "roast". Those are the things the kenders all ate. I liked those. But I am a new place, and should try more things. Can you pick out things for me, Takouba? The Dead One says I eat like an astereater. He never told me what it means. Do you suppose it is important?" He rambles on, mostly to himself, and notes the dwarf as he enters. "That's a dwarf, I met some of them when the kender were teaching me about food and sleep and things. They like to kick people. That boot looks like it would hurt to be kicked with." He notes the numbers beside the listings in the menu and begins pulling out coins again, piling them on the table carefully, seemingly overcompentating for gravity, slowly and deliberately placing each coin flat on the table's surface, so as not to have them up and roll away again...

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

Cora can't help but smile upon seeing the dwarf. *At least this one looks normal* "Welcome to Torque's Casino! I'm Cora, the official greeter. If you have any questions, feel free to ask..."

"Okay, looks like you want the traipser roast, with Dothion rye bread and Roaming City cheese." Takouba closes his menu, showing that he's ready to order."Yes, dwarves can be a stubborn lot." The tiefling glances over at the dwarf, and so does the boy, who looks frightened and begins cry. Takouba tries to comfort the boy as best he can "It's okay, I'm sure that dwarf isn't like the one who killed your parents..."

collin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-06
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

Oren glances at the halfling, and starts once again to take in the casino. After a moment or so says, "How much for room, how much for food, do you have a place to get clean around here?" Not quite rude, but very abrupt.

After having spoken he turns once again to look at Cora.

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"A basic room is 1 gp, while food prices vary, depending on what you order. As for a place to clean up, our public bathrooms have running water for cleaning hands, but I don't think they're a good place to bathe..." Cora holds back a laugh, remembering the time a naked tiefling was found in the men's bathroom, standing in front of a sink and washing himself with a facecloth. "Anything else, sir?" She gives her winning smile again.

collin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-06
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"A place to sit, and an ale and I'll be a happy little man." Oren says grinning right back at her.

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

OOC: Ummm...where's Phadus?

"Okay then, just take a seat in the restaraunt area" Cora motions towards the area in front of the stage.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

(EDIT: Here we go.)

The Shaz looked at the two materials, neither one primes from what he can tell, and nodded. Phadus had trouble determining what had made the boy cry, but he had been around materials for long enough to know this meant they were sad. He raised his glowing translucent hands to the child's line of sight, and called upon his inner power. As he does, swirls of light begin to move and dance in his cupped palms, colors from across the spectrum dance and mix and coil in a patternless motion. The prismatic image seems to gather the attention easily.

"This is where I come from. Isn't it pretty? We call it Magic, but the Dead one said it is next to Radiance, and he told me Radiance means brightness. And Magic is very bright. So I think he could be right." He concentrates a moment and the field of color coalesces into a ball, the size of a fist, and flies to the boy, orbitting his head erratically, dodging about as if wanting to play. As the boy's attention is drawn to it, the shaz nods to Takouba, as if possessed of some sympathy or experience in the matter.

collin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-06
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"Thanks." And then flips her a sliver piece, and heads off in the general direction that she pointed, probably not sitting to close to the stage, but at this point he is tired enough to sit anywere there is a space open for him.

While waiting for someone to take his order, he casualy glances around the room, once again, and then procedes to look for somthing edible on the menue {Bars in this town are always risky}


JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

Puzzled: Puzzled: Puzzled: Where'd everyone go? Your turn, Toujin...

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

OOC: Sorry, I didn't know you'd posted

IC: The child wipes his eyes and sniffles as he watches the ball of magic curiously. He is still rather shaken from seeing a reminder of the death of his parents and the destruction of his home.

Takouba looks at the boy, then at Phadus and sighs sadly. "An insane dwarf killed this boy's parents, and torched his home, burning it to the ground. I found the boy sitting in the ruins of his home, obviously traumatized. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him, so I decided to take him with me. A friend of mine knew the boy's family, and said that he had relatives living on Arborea, so I'm going to take him there. Once that dwarf realizes that someone survived, he'll no doubt want to hunt the hunt the poor child down..."

A half-elf server approaches Oren's's table "Sir, have you made your choice, or should I give you more time?"

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"That's horrible. Materials don't even get to live forever, you are so sad. Oh, I know! I'll add you to my collection! Since you're smart and can walk and talk, I won't put you in my bag. That would be silly. But to keep things in a collection, you have to keep them together, and since you're leaving soon, I'll follow you around and keep you from getting broken up. And if that dwarf wants some more materials for himself...well, he can just go conjure his own!" The strange one smiles widely, and begins to dance the prismatic ball around the boy, letting it swoop and dart in an attempt to avoid being caught. He seems very pleased with himself for coming up with this idea, despite the fact that it's rather unclear whether he just asked to join your group, or claimed you as slaves...

collin's picture
Joined: 2004-07-06
sorry bout the delay

Oren, looking distractedly towards the unusual gentelman who (i'm pretty sure) just refered to me as 'material' says "Yeah, sure, i'll have some-thing with meat, and potatoes if you got 'em." Still looking at the light show, he amends his order, "Nothing weird, no demon flesh stew or anything. Dead cow if you got it, or at least somthing close. Crazy city."

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"Ummm...I think he'd be much happier in Arborea, with his relatives." replies Takouba "He's descended from the eladrin, his mother was a ghaele. Besides, all that travelling would incredibly stressful for him.

The server nods to Oren, writing something down "Don't worry sir, we only serve the exotic stuff on special request." After taking his order, the server approaches Takouba's table, where Takouba gives his and his companion's meal orders.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"Arborea...eladrin...those sound interesting. Will you be splitting up then, once he is home? It would take a lot of magic to be able to talk to you whenever you wanted if you were far away from each other." He looks at the server. "Kender food, please."

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

The server cocks his head to the side at Phadus' request "Ummm...can you be more specific, sir? I don't know what you mean by 'kender food'..."

"You can stay with me if you want, the boy is the only one who will be staying in Arborea. You have to request something off the menu, I don't think the server knows what kender food is..."

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"Kender food. Like human food. Nuts and cheese and bread and meat and milk and juice and..." He looks at her, then at the pair. "Alright. I'll keep you two until he gets home, and then I'll keep you, and leave him there. I should have remembered how to speak from far away by now, and certainly will have remembered by then."

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"Okay then" smiles Takouba " want me to order for you?"

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"Alright, but I don't know why she can't understand me...I'm speaking the same language, right? Or did I cast a translation spell just on me without thinking?"

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"It's not that he can't understand you, you just aren't being specific enough. See, you have to order something right off the menu, something like 'Abrian a la Gehenna' or 'Bytopian-style roast beef', which sounds very close to what you wanted"

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"Then order for me. I can't understand this."

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"Okay then. He'll have the Bytopian-style roast beef." Takouba gives the order to the server, who takes the menus and and heads back to the kitchen. "All the things available here are listed in the menu, you have order it by the name on the menu. It isn't polite to make the server guess what you want..."

Meanwhile, a dark elf carrying an infant on his back walks onto the stage "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight's show about to begin. During the show please refrain from climbing onto the stage, or harassing the performers. And now, please welcome the Arborean Songbird, Lady Asita!" The drow leaves the stage and is quickly replaced by a beautiful lillend with wings and scales the color of a sunrise. Her upper half is draped in white silks and delicate gold chains, and pink and white pearls accentuate her golden hair. She is soon joined by a very young radiance genasi, who sits down at the piano. The lillend smiles and bow politely in response to the applause, then begins her first song, a tale of love, loss, and hope, her beautiful voice accentuated by genasi's incredible piano playing.

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"Nuts and cheese and bread and meat and milk and juice. How is that having to guess? I thought 'or' meant a choice. Oh well." He turns his eys, and looks at the radiance genasi. "Oh...that one looks a little like me..."

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

"That's Tegan Bright-Crystal, she's a radiance genasi and a musical prodigy. Her instrument of choice is the piano or harpsichord, and she's performing with Asita until she's ready to go out on her own. Radiance genasi are children who have a bit of the Plane of Radiance in them, hence their apperance."

Toujin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

OOC: Still there Jasper?

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Torque's Casino (Market Ward)

(Actually no, my computer crashed for about 3 weeks. I just got it back tonight.)

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