Error: The Lady of Pain does not roll dice. Otherwise somebody would have tried Implosion on her.
Pants of the North!
Does Her Serenity even have a mind to switch?
'Corse using mind switch on the Lady would just take over the highest ratatosk within her suit. The second one would turn its Wand of Flay on 'you' and that would be the end of things.
Might look a bit strange to any onlookers though......
Heres a foolproof plan to deal with the Lady.
1. Saw your left hand off at the wrist with a rusty spoon.
2. Bleed to death.
This is infinitely less painful then any other methode of dealing with the Lady, and it has the added benifit of allowing you to have an afterlife, rather than being compleatly and utterly anihilated.
deadone thats a great idea or just get a hungry mindflayer
Everyone needs to shut up and stop putting words in my mouth, I did not say it was impossible and for one i definetely did not join your side, the only thing I did was withdraw from the challenge :eatYou: :queEs: :troll: for a month
"I am the professional. Failure is not an option and there is no question you will not answer... whether you're willing or not."
Well, I guess if you got all the signers in the multiverse together and got them to imagine the Lady of Pain out of existance it might work....
Or she might flay them all before they manage to do anything.
(**secretly plots downfall of the Sign of One)
She probably won't even let anyone (or anything) into Sigil that truely has the power to threaten her.
** Im just messing, the signers are my fav faction, aside from the sensates. Or maybe, with the sensates. I refuse to choose just one! you cant make me!
I hope.
uh.... wow, this debate is still going about? I thuaght it had stopped... I guess not- well in any case, there is always a reason for something- her Serenity isn't just there to be there, she is there for a reason, as are all things
Mabye god has the answer to this barmy debate
speaking of god, and anybody else that has gotten on this thread to insult me and my motives, this thread was not created for anybody who wants to voice their opinion towards me, but it was created for the people who dislike the lady of pain and want to help me come up with any ways of killing her.
so from now on i will no longer respond to any insult voiced towards me
so from now on i will no longer respond to any insult voiced towards me
In other words, you need to assume she's holding every card in the system and is perfectly willing to throw the book at you. Meaning that you must either use things which have no counter within the rules, or rely on something that YOU can scale to arbitrarily high power.
Well since I've contributed one or two things, I'll reiterate my question for the third time.
If you've got ideas, mind sharing them?
so from now on i will no longer respond to any insult voiced towards me
Waldorf? Is that you, man?
Ven let's face the facts no matter how well planned it is you WILL FAIL
,because her serenity is basicly the incarnation of either Sigil or pain itself there is really no way to get rid of pain or sigil for good is there?
not really there's always pain wherever you go- wether you'd like to think so or not... as for the destruction of Sigil- well that I'm pretty sure could be done- but only if the Lady didn't exist- but in this case she always will... so Sigil can't truely be destroyed... although I'm still learning about Sigil- so I can't say too much
I still think its possible because nothing is impossible
"I am the professional. Failure is not an option and there is no question you will not answer... whether you're willing or not."
Was that the time your thread on the Wizards boards got mazed?
Was that the time your thread on the Wizards boards got mazed?
well if you were level 36, then yeah, becuase by then your skill ranks would be so high that nothing really could keep you from doing certian actions- or those actions would propose little challenge... and yeah there may be a way to kill the lady- but it will never happen nomatter what your level is...
*sighs* I kinda feel bad for the Lady- there's always someone plotting against her... when will they learn?
I'm not gunna get flayed for saying I feel sorry for the lady am I *shifty eyes*???
To kill her, simply have a game where the dm will allow her to be killed. I'm certain that there are plenty of good plots that can revolve around this and that there can and probably are great games that involve the Lady being killed. It just isn't going to happen in cannon and the DMs involved are going to have to come up with their own ways of explaining it.
uh, the post about being L36 isn't Fidrikon's... we have to share a com at his house and I forgot to sign out of his name >.<
ok :roll:
Perpetually out of focus :shock:
"I am the professional. Failure is not an option and there is no question you will not answer... whether you're willing or not."
I am relatively new to the whole planescape thing but the first thing that I learned was that you should never piss of the Lady and if you do you are incredibly stupid and should be beaten with a large stick untill you are knock out.
And about the idea of imagineing the Lady out of existance I dont think that it would really work b/c she could just flay you right where you stand and I dont that she would let any one in to Sigil that could ever even gain enough power to even clip off one of her finger nails, so to speak
And about the idea of imagineing the Lady out of existance I dont think that it would really work b/c she could just flay you right where you stand and I dont that she would let any one in to Sigil that could ever even gain enough power to even clip off one of her finger nails, so to speak
Planescape is very complex when it comes to that. It wouldn't be easy, and it may not be possable to kill her, but there are loopholes and little details that could lead...
I think that what it boils down to, in the end, is what kind of campaign your DM wants to create. If the DM wants to allow the Lady of Pain to be killed, then there will be a way. If the DM does not, then there is no way you could win.
The Lady of Pain to my knowledge (which is incomplete) is considered by more or less every major Planescape fan to be one of the integral parts of the setting. By everything I've heard (wish I had the actual Planescape campaign setting books), the Lady of Pain is unkillable unless the DM allows it.
Also, I suspect that this is the wrong forum for a discussion on how to kill Her Serenity, if only because there seems to be almost no one willing to support such an endevor.
I am indifferent to the argument. I think that a campaign involving the actual demise of the ruler of Sigil could be very interesting. Of course, the event would be Plane-shattering, but it could still be fun.
If I were running a game in which Her Serenity would be destroyed, I'd probably use the "stop all pain in the multiverse" method. Another possibility is bring pleasure to She-Who-Flays, which could have the same result.
As to consequences:
1. End Times. The Multiverse hurdles towards its oblivion as the true form of Asmodeus rises from the Pit. That sort of thing. It would be something big.
2. Aoskar is revived, and takes over the running of the Cage. A massive realignment of Planar Politics takes place, as well as a steady decline in traffic for the once great Hub of the Multiverse due to many being uncomfortable with being under the eyes of a Deity. It might be reduced to just another Divine Realm.
3. As soon as any amount of pain of any type is felt by anything in existence, the Lady of Pain is reborn, and promptly flays her would-be destroyers.
4. Alternatively, without incarnate pain, the multiverse begins to fade, in a sense. Without pain there would be nothing to define pleasure, and thus there would be nothing for anyting to strive for. Apathy or Ecstasy slowly consumes the worlds.
5. As some more exciting options: the slayer (or slayers) now must take up her station, or find someone who can. In the mean time, Sigil shuts down, all traffic through the portals halted because they are without administrator (unless the slayer(s) decide to temporarily take up the mantle of rulership, and become bound to Sigil until a willing replacement is found).
6. Another possibilty is, seeing as Sigil is nicknamed the Cage, and is rumored to trap the Lady of Pain (at least, thats one theory), her apparent annihilation attracts the attentions of the powerful entity (or entities) that originally trapped her.
Hope my ideas don't cause too much dismay. I had to play the Devil's Advocate (and I really thought that creating a profile for the sole purpose of mocking someone was in really, really poor taste).
In my campaign, I don't forsee enough interaction with the Lady of Pain for any of these to become an issue.
Sorry for the long post.
Well, here's my personal theories on how one can remove her(I really doubt anything can destroy her completely..
Theory 1:Get the other two to help you. Easy as that. No matter how powerful she is, 2,00000000000000~1>1.
Theory 2: Just destroy her, as you're essentially the same.
Theory 3: Ask her if you could take over. Promise you'll strive to be just like her.
(Assumed) Theory 4: It's assumed that Sigil is on the outer planes. Know that you will beat her. You, logically, will.
There's meaning to the madness, but where?
you all know I say this a lot but why kill or attempt to for all you know she might just revive like the tarrasqe
Nah, just a reference to the rule of threes. Hellbounds' theories can rot in a certain rather punny plane with 3x3 layers.
If you *really* want to kill Her Dread Mayesty, I suppose your best bet would be the Dabus.
I mean... Nobody knows the Dark or the Lady, but she is pretty pissed off when you damage them, no? And she seems not to be too much interested about keeping order in the city, so it could be that killing the Dabus would weaken her somewhat.
So, in order to attempt to kill the Ladyc you should:
1) Study the Dabus! Learn where they go the night, what they are, and such. You could try to bribe Fell, but beware - he could betray you.
2) Hire a lot of assassins, and some really powerful archmage, and a lot of stupid but huge warriors for cannon-fodder, and maybe some really powerful weapon of mass destruction - and do all of this so without the Lady taking notice. Obviously, the details are left to you.
3) Let's start the fireworks! Kill as Dabus as you can, then go after the Lady and hope she is weakened and not only extremely unhappy.
But are you really really really sure you want to do that? Yeah, she is quite creepy and dangerous-looking, but as far as I know she never did any harm to Sigil or to berks sane enough not to get in her way.
Imagine a post-Lady scenario:
- The Tanarri and the Baatezu making again Sigil one of their favourite battlefields;
- A lot of powers (and paladins, and priests) rushing into Sigil in order to get as many souls as possible;
- The Archons trying to move Sigil on top of Mount Celestia;
- The 'loths bribing and cheating as usual, only a *lot* more, maybe trying as well to build another of their Towers in the Lady's Ward;
- Some Slaadi Hunting Party showing up just for the fun of it...
- And, in general, all the worst troublemakers of the multiverse rushing to Sigil for one reason or another.
I am not an Hardhead myself, but such a vision would make a Kaosisect cringe with horror because of too much chaos. So don't even think about it, or I myself will warn the Lady.
And now, please get out of Sigil or I'll have to kill you.
Got it, berk?
(Seriously: would I try to kill the Lady, I would use the method above descripted. It's a bit chancy, but a *lot* less than going after her with a sharp blade or some book of cantrips.
It should be an interesting campaign, but would you succeed I think the results would not
be very nice - the Lady is a bit like the Patrician of Ankh-Morphok: nobody really *likes* her, but any other who could take her place would be a lot worse).
2nd post... Horray!
1) Study the Dabus! Learn where they go the night, what they are, and such. You could try to bribe Fell, but beware - he could betray you.
2) Hire a lot of assassins, and some really powerful archmage, and a lot of stupid but huge warriors for cannon-fodder, and maybe some really powerful weapon of mass destruction - and do all of this so without the Lady taking notice. Obviously, the details are left to you.
3) Let's start the fireworks! Kill as Dabus as you can, then go after the Lady and hope she is weakened and not only extremely unhappy.
Pit Fiends and Powers have tried, and failed.
Invincable Immortal Armies have tried, and failed.
Great old moldy liches have managed to get a foot in the door, but she might have just let them, and that was only to enter... They weren't there long berk.
Any mortal army would be so much mulch and confetti, dirt to nourish razorvine.
To talk on how to topple Her Serenity is like talk of how to push over the spire.
PS I don't mean to insult you I mean this more as flavor not as disparaging.
No offence taken; I know it's impossible, and I'm certainly not barmy enough to actually try something against Her Dread Mayesty.
But it seems to me that this thread has become a purely theoretical discussion, most like "what if the Blood War stopped" or "what if Mount Celestia slipped into Limbo", and I was brainstorming without any reality (planescapewise) hook.
Hey, it could be a nice idea for a campaign!
Create some ultra-powerful characters and start plotting against the Lady while in Sigil.
You cannot leave Sigil or she'll get you, you cannot stay in Sigil or she'll get you, you cannot fight her or she'll get you.
Sooner or later you all will end flayed into oblivion, but it should be amusing (in some warped way) to see which ones last more (mere seconds, anyway) against the Lady's wrath.
Bwahahaha I'm evil!
lol wow we actually have some ways that might work- although they won't work if the DM won't let em ( I sure the hells I wouldn't)... someone should actually create stats for her and post it (already had an idea- it would make her unbeatable though :twisted: )
Why stats?
If she flays you, you're dead, no matter how many hit points you have - unless she actually wants you to survive *that* flaying.
If you hit her, either you die immediately or she takes no harm and you die next turn.
I suppose there could be an insanely low chance of resisting mazing, but I'm not too sure about it.
The DM could kill all the PGs in one turn, but a *truly* sadistic DM would make the Lady play for some time with the poor, barmy berks who tried to challenge her, leaving them faint hopes of survival only to crush them later.
There are a lot of options at disposal of an angered Lady of Pain...
I think it would be kinda like Lovecraftian horror stories: demise is inevitable, and you struggle for victory knowing perfectly that victory is unreachable and an horrible death is awaiting for you - if you are lucky, that is.
Quite cool, if you happen to like the genre.
I'm curious to see the stats you are writing, Tenshi - but making official stats for the Lady is dangerous, because they would be open to hypotetic loopholes: nothing is without loopholes, as a would-be Guvner I can assure you this.
Yeah I know- everything has some sort of loophole, and I know the stats can't be official- but it would be interesting to see lol, I was actually suprised to see for once ideas that would actually might work- everything that the people that started the thread (one is my brother and the other practically lives with us) never really came up wit any way that didn't have some sort of loophole or way to be- "brought down" like using the psionic item annulis(?) to destroy all of her followers- she isn't psionic for one and two she doesn't have any worshippers, she kills them all, they thuaght that by killing her worshippers it would (atleast one of them did) destroy her, like a god... she's not a god, she's an avatar lol but yeah I'm just talking lol, gunna go
Slightly tweaked from the WotC Planescape board:
The Template
Features: A setting mechanic has the following features.
-- No need for Hit Dice.
-- Base attack bonus made irrelevent by auto-hit.
-- No need for saving throws.
-- No real need for skill points.
Traits: A setting mechanic possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).
-- No ability scores
-- Whatever vision it wants
-- Immunity to everything
-- Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, normal damage, fatigue, exhaustion, energy drain, or nasty glares.
-- Proficient with whatever it wants.
-- Setting mechanics do not eat, sleep or breathe, unless they really want to.
The Statblock
Medium Setting Mechanic (Untouchable)
Hit Dice: Unnecessary
Initiative: Better than yours
Speed: More than enough
Armor Class: More than enough
Base Attack/Grapple: Autohit / Wouldn't bother
Attack: Flaying
Full Attack: "Did I say you could come in?" *Smack* (Incenjucar, 2003)
Space/Reach: Avoid it / You, eventually.
Special Attacks: See below
Special Qualities: Kinda pretty, apart from the blades
Saves: Unnecessary
Abilities: Not in a million years. Or a million and one, for that matter
Skills: She needn't bother
Feats: See above
Environment: The Cage
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: Way, way too big for you, regardless of who you are
Alignment: Vertical
Advancement: Unnecessary
Her Dread Majesty cannot be done justice in one sentence, as firmly evidenced by the MotP and the Planewalker's Handbook.
Flaying: As a Standard Action, the Lady can kill you in a thoroughly Lovecraftian manner.
"Did I say you could come in?" *Smack* (Incenjucar, 2003): Or, in other words, It's my city and you'll die if I want you to
The Mazes: "No, no. She's really nice. I'm sure She wouldn't have done anything to me for that. Hey, that's strange. The street didn't do that yesterday..."
Only one gripe there...

As a Standard Action, the Lady may kill all under her shadow in a thoroughly Lovecraftian manner? Rumour suggests it took a day to deal with Aoskar, his followers and the temple, after all.
Gods might take longer. You have to nab avatars, aspects, proxies and some of those can be jumpy.
As amusing as most of this has been, I think the largest most important part of The Lady isn't so much Her power, dire though it may be. It's not like the creative people who run PS couldn't think up another reason for Sigil not to be run by fiends, gods, or mercane. Her point (oooh, witness the puns) isn't to make the characters feel weak or unimportant, but to impress upon those who play the dichotomy in PS. I mean when a character is walking through Baator, s/he's not just walking through a (for example) swampy plain, he's walking through the sentient abstraction of Damnation. Then again, it really is just a plain. When s/he's having a drink in bar with a Guardinial s/he might just be discussing the philosophy of Categorical Imperative with the physical embodiment of that point of view. Then again, you can kill that guardinial, or run out to Ellysium and see where those thoughts are born and die. It puts you in the middle of everything that it means to be a thinking or morally capable individual, and then flips it on your head.
In a city where belief is everything, where pulling the mob to your opinion will change worlds, the only One with any concrete power is the One with belief's that are completely unknown, maybe even non-existent. Maybe She's the dream that's dreaming us, or maybe contact with Her is just the pinprick our characters need to wake up? The answer to that is just as vital, important, unanswerable, and meaningless as most other questions in PS, and that's what makes it unique, what you don't know is more important then what you do know. Maybe that's not even what the original designers intentioned, but it's how PS has come to be for myself & my group of players.
All right I realize I've overwritten this, so I'm just going to conclude on this point. It's easy to explain Her away as the (pardon the term) godhead of PS, an answer to whatever setting problem the DM might have, if so then that's using Her incorrectly.
She isn't an answer, She's a question, and the question is more important anyway.
So in theory you want to see The Lady dead in your game, killed by your character even? Fine, just be sure you use Her correctly.
*Realizes he's preaching to the Choir, promptly hops off his soap-box and walks away, whistiling some old dixie tune.*
Oh, well said. I'm totally in your choir here, but I'm still glad you preached it.
As long as we're on the subject: I don't like the way it's implied that the Lady of Pain will always appear to flay those who worship her or who kill her dabus. It's too regular. It makes it too easy to summon her from her busy schedule of lying dormant, keeping the multiverse from dissolving, bathing in the blood of infants, playing chess with Io, scavenging for nuts, or whatever it is she does with her free time.
Sigil's lesser authorities, terrified of the legendary occasions where she slaughtered half the city for exactly those offenses, are more than capable of dealing with most such incidents on their own.
But it's not implied. Trolan from "The Harbringer House" adventure...
...hasn't been even mazed, even when he formed a cult worshipping the Lady. It could be found strange because he did try to court Her in the past. It didn't, however, stop Her from flaying dozens of other cultists.
Mazing the factols was also a strange decision, considering the fact it didn't stop, but even helped the Faction War to outbreak. Some of them were not dangerous (like Terrance, Ambar Vergrove, or poor Sruce). And why Rowan Darkwood was the last, who went to the Mazes? Is event the point in asking? Her Serenity won't answer. Who said Her decisions have to make sence?
NB: Some Spoilers may occur in the course of this speculation.
I wonder if time moves the same way for the Lady as it does for everyone else? Faction War implies that she knows past, present and future. But at the same time, Harbringer House's events implies that she isn't absolutely omniscient… unless she had some reason to do all those things when she did and not sooner.
I think I've found a loophole...
Epic Spell
Spellcraft DC: 63
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: 300 ft.
Target: One outsider
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 567,000 gp; 12 days; 22,680 XP. Seed: Transform (DC 21). Factors: change outsider to setting mechanic (+5 DC), transform into specific likeness (+25 DC), grant three supernatural abilities (+10 DC x3), increase casting time to 10 minutes (-18 DC).
With this spell, you change one outsider into an exact duplicate of the Lady of Pain. (We're picking on outsiders here because they're common as dirt on the Outer Planes; feel free to change the target's type to Humanoid, Plant, or whatever you like when researching the spell.) The target can apply spell resistance against the spell and gets a Fortitude save, but if you have the brains of a bag of nails you're casting this on some unfortunate chump with no SR and a Fort save of about +2, so we'll just ignore those effects and assume the spell works. Since the Lady of Pain is a setting mechanic and doesn't need Hit Dice, this spell will work on any outsider, even something as weak as a 1/2 HD fiendish kobold.
The transformed creature is an exact duplicate of the Lady of Pain, sharing all natural abilities, physical abilities and mental abilities (including personality and memories). It also has all extraordinary abilities of the Lady of Pain, as well as the supernatural abilities of Flay, Maze, and "Did I say you could come in here?" *smack*.
Since the transformed creature is an exact likeness of the Lady, with identical memories, personality and motivations, it will immediately travel to Sigil in order to assert dominion there. Upon encountering the true Lady, it will immediately assume that it is the original and the other Lady is an impostor; the true Lady will, naturally, assume the same thing. Both Ladies will act simultaneously (due to both having Initiative scores of Better Than Yours) and will Flay each other dead. (There is a slight chance that your DM will decide that two combatants with Initiative scores of Better Than Yours facing off will cause an infinite recursive loop. If this happens, try to convince your DM that the two combatants simply freeze in a never-ending staredown, rather than crashing the game universe.)
Note that as a side benefit of developing this spell, you can decide at a later date to bring the Lady back, if you so choose. Simply find another valid target for this spell and cast it again to create a new Lady, unchallenged in the universe.
And for those who don't want the Lady dead, but are just a bit envious of her abilities...
Epic Spell
Spellcraft DC: 36
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 300 ft.
Target: One outsider
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 324,000 gp; 7 days; 12,960 XP. Seed: Transform (DC 21). Factors: change outsider to setting mechanic (+5 DC), grant one supernatural ability (+10 DC).
With this spell, you transform one outsider into an exact physical likeness of the Lady of Pain. (Again, you can change the target's creature type, if you want to, when developing the spell. We recommend choosing your own creature type, so you can cast this on yourself.) The target gets Spell Resistance and a Fortitude save, but with a bit of coaching beforehand you can probably convince your target to fail these rolls voluntarily. Since the Lady of Pain is a setting mechanic and doesn't need Hit Dice, this spell will work on any outsider, even something as weak as a 1/2 HD celestial kobold.
The transformed creature is an exact physical duplicate of the Lady of Pain, sharing all natural abilities and physical abilities, but retaining their own mental abilities. It also can Flay opponents, as the Lady can. (You can swap out Flay for a different supernatural ability when creating the spell, or - if you're a true twink - add additional supernatural abilities for +10 DC apiece.)
The creature retains its own memories and personality, so can engage in normal adventuring (for a very elastic value of 'normal', anyway, given its newfound ability to kill anything it wants with a ranged touch attack). Note that creatures transformed by this spell should avoid Sigil, as the Lady is likely to take offense, and this spell does not grant the enviable Better Than Yours initiative score.
That's it. I'm done. I'm sorry. I'm very sorry. If I could have posted this three days ago, I absolutely would have. Please don't kill me...
O.o *eye twitches*
That is the creepiest thing ever, and you want to know what?.....
I LOVE IT! although I'm still against killing the Lady
Danger: This spell does not grant a duplicate Lady control over portals (and cannot, as this ability is not listed in the Lady's writeup). Some possibility exists that the DM will notice this omission and rule that your duplicate Lady will find herself inexplicably barred from the Cage.
Warning: Manufacturer not liable if the Lady chooses to flay you during the process of developing/casting this spell.
Caution: Spell will not function if the Lady of Pain turns out to be three ratatosks balanced on each others' shoulders with a boatload of magical loot.
Besides, if the Lady was subject to natural ones, she'd have failed a save long ago. She's probably under the "1=subtract 20 and roll again" houserule that's so popular at Epic.