Thinking of starting a planescape campaign (Input needed)

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Clockworkdeity's picture
Joined: 2010-08-03
Thinking of starting a planescape campaign (Input needed)

Hey everyone! I'm about to wrap up a long running Rogue Trader campaign and have been thinking of tackling planescape as my next project.

The current idea I have is a powerful benevolent wizard once saved part of a prime civilization from being destroyed. He took one of the large towns and shrunk it down, placing it in a 6" glass bauble which years later would come to rest on his coffee table in his home in Sigil.

Years have passed and the inhabitants of the town are free to go as they please - passing through a gnarled wooden door inside the bauble that returns them to normal size through a portal in the wizard's home. They tend to only do so for trade as they are comfortable under the protection of the wizard.

The PCs are either the inhabitants of the bauble or employees of the wizard. One day they discover the wizard dead aparently of old age (though how such a thing could happen to one so powerful is a mystery) and not long after that discover that the city is auctioning off his posessions (Which includes the bauble) to pay off an incredibly substantial debt!

Haven't got much further than that so far. Any comments or ideas would be appreciated!


Super deal alert!

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Thinking of starting a planescape campaign (Input needed)

Interesting concept
I guess the next question is do the residents of Kandor find out about the situation before or after they are auctioned off?

I would go with "after". The PCs are elected to be trade representatives for the first time. They exit the door only to discover that the place they are isn't anything like what was described to them. Instead of a wizard's tower, they find themselves in a wagon train going to Dis in Baator. Suddenly they have to scramble to:
1) figure out what happened
2) get themselves and the city to safety (I'd probably add some rule that they aren't able to re-shrink or communicate with the city for a couple of days)
3) find someplace to relocate the city where it won't be subject to theft or danger - maybe several groups are interested in such a powerful piece of magic once they actually learn that it isn't a paperweight
(E.g. it would make a perfect Trojan Horse. Load up a city full of devils, have an attacking group of demons acquire it in a raid, then have the tens of thousands of devils pour out and wreck havok before the demons know what hit them - in fact, this could be repeated a few times until someone figured out where they were coming from)

Since they have only been taught about the layout of the mage's tower and maybe the city in which he lived, the PCs might not know anything about the planes (in which case, you might pick somewhat a little less dangerous than Baator).
They might be accompanied by one senior trader who knows a FEW things about the planes (e.g. that portals exist) but is really clueless and misinformed about a lot of other things.

Clockworkdeity's picture
Joined: 2010-08-03
Re: Thinking of starting a planescape campaign (Input needed)

Interesting. I was hoping to keep the bauble inside sigil along with much of the wizard's property since I've been facinated with the planar hub ever since I played Torment. The PCs would undertake various quests to earn enough money to buy back their town and the rest of the wizard's posessions.


Super deal alert!

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Re: Thinking of starting a planescape campaign (Input needed)

Hmm, unnatural or improbable aging would suggest to me something like a ghost attack was involved (or maybe whatever magic was keeping the old man alive was dispelled).

Anyway, this setup gives me three questions:

1) How'd the wizard get this debt in the first place?

2) Who did the wizard owe the debt to?

3) Who wants to get the town under glass? (Palomides has a neat few ideas there of potential buyers).

1 and 2 will be important for your PCs to discover the context of the wizard's death going backwards, while the third one will be important setting the context going forward.

Clockworkdeity's picture
Joined: 2010-08-03
Re: Thinking of starting a planescape campaign (Input needed)

Thanks for the advice so far. I don't have much more planned out besides what's in this topic so far... In regards to who the wizard owes the money to I'm not sure. Is there a powerful orginization in Sigil that could start to confiscate a powerful citizen's property on his death?

Also here's an alternitive for the wizard's death: he is found minus his head and ring finger. I wanted to establish his character AFTER his death - that is to say while the PCs earn money to get their town and the wizard's posessions back they hear tales of his exploits. It seemed a sorry death to have him die the first way.

So we have his body discovered without the head and ring finger. What could be viscious enough to do something like this? And why was just the ring finger on one of his hands missing?


Super deal alert!

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13
Re: Thinking of starting a planescape campaign (Input needed)

The Govners could easily find a legal reason to confiscate someone's property after their death. Perhaps it is even legitimate - the man was involved in some kind of litigation at the time of his demise. Perhaps he was being sued by someone else who fealt they had claim to the city in the globe - a supposed escaped survivor, the representative of a minor diety or a demon lord who had purchased the land in trade from its rightful ruler. Perhaps all his do-gooding simply cost the wizard more than he could afford and he was taking out loans to finance his good deeds.

Perhaps the person who takes possession of the globe actually gains a godlike power over the land trapped inside. He can alter the world within at will and is whorshipped like a deity. If this whorship became too powerful he might have been killed by the Lady of Pain herself as he became too "divine" ... and divine creatures are not welcome in Sigil.

After the Wizard's death the pcs accidentally "inherit" the globe - perhaps as the effect of a divination spell gone awry as they attempt to scry what happened to the Wizard. (the spell goes haywire and the magical currents bind everyone in the room to the globe simultaneously) Suddenly the party is in an awkward position of being a new set of "gods" to this entrapped world.

This would branch out into a vast series of adventures while they influence their world from without ... when a plague breaks out inside these "gods" have to discover some way to cure it in their own world and then use it upon the globe ... when demonic entities start to breach it they have to choose and outfit "heroes" within the globe world to fight the evil. Basically you've got a way to let the pcs play "gods" without really being gods. And then there is the issue of how each of these new pseudogods manifests itself in the other world and how their personalities - and thus their followers - clash with one another.

Then, of course, there is a balancing act here - in that if their whorship becomes too prominent in that world they will have to flee Sigil before the Lady makes examples of them ... not to mention as other creatures discovered what they had at their fingertips there would be those trying to get their own hands on it.

Zorlax's picture
Joined: 2004-12-08
Re: Thinking of starting a planescape campaign (Input needed)

another possible question is what destroyed the wizard's homeworld...
maybe later in the campaign, the group finds out that some group of creatures or a special villain is responsible for the world's destruction.
the creature(s) want to finish their work, or get something essential for their plans (magic item, people/souls from the village) that's still hidden in the glass-bauble town or the surrounding lands...

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Thinking of starting a planescape campaign (Input needed)

Since I really like this idea (i.e. I plan to lift several elements from it), I just wanted to pose this follow-up question:

If the campaign focuses on the mystery of what happened to the wizard (and maybe what happened to the city - if one uses the idea that it is now missing); what, aside from the highly fantastical nature, makes this a Planescape campaign?
My point is that a lot of this could play out in any campaign setting.
My intial suggestions (which seem to be going against the flow that most are pursuing) were to place the PCs as fish-out-of-water where they were bumbling around the planes trying to figure out what was going on.

If we keep with the mystery angle of "what happened to the wizard", what is the motivation for the PCs to go plane-hopping?
Would the mystery of to whom he owed the debts lead them to one plane (and if so, what are some suggestions)?
Would the mystery of who killed him lead them to another plane?
Would the mystery of where the bauble/city is now (if one has it gone missing) lead to another?
And would the threats of other groups wanting Kandor lead them to (or away from) other planes?

Yes, I realize the answer all these questions would be "Sure, if you want it to" but I am curious about some of the concrete ideas percolating in the various minds out there. Whom do people see as the major agents in this drama? What forces are at work? How is all this tied to Sigil and/or the planes?

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Thinking of starting a planescape campaign (Input needed)

For convenience, here are all the questions that I see have been raised so far by this intriguing idea:

-What was the lost civilization from which this city was plucked?
-Why did the mage choose to save this particular city?
-What happened to the rest of this civilization? Was it destroyed and if so, how? Is it still around and would it like its city back?
-Did the wizard have any intentions of how to use the city? (i.e. did he shrink it for some other reason than shear benevolence?)
-Did the wizard ever have plans to restore it and if so, at what point and under what conditions?
-Does the wizard have a whole collection of such snow-globe cities? (Imagine the twisted fun of having the PCs go through a series of adventures to retrieve the snow-globe only to find out that what they were chasing wasn't THEIR city)
-Side Question: if other snow-globe cities exist, how will those occupants react to being "owned" by the PCs? Will they rebel? Will they treat them like gods?
-What was able to kill such an obviously powerful wizard (if it wasn’t old age)?
-What are the unusual circumstances of his death (e.g. he was missing fingers) and why are these important clues?
-Side question: Will the PCs be able communicate with the dead wizard via spells or will the Dustmen incinerate his body soon after his death? (i.e. after the PCs can look for clues but long before they have the money or spell power to commune with the dead)
-If he was murdered, who would want him dead and why?
-Did the mage have outstanding debts and if so to whom?
-For what reasons would a powerful wizard need to borrow money?
-Where is the bauble-city now? (if one plays that it is missing)
-Who knew about the bauble-city? (its existence might be a secret to most)
-Who would be interested in acquring it?
-What powers does the snow-globe grant, if any? What arcane secrets might it unlock? What could it be used for in the “wrong hands”? (e.g. perhaps having a city within the city of Sigil creates another blind spot for the Lady)
-Where are the PCs when they are dropped into this mystery? (E.g. are they just exiting the city for the first time to suddenly be surprised by what is going on – and still a bit naïve about the nature of the planes; or are they returning from a trade mission only to find that the wizard’s tower has been cleared out in their absence)
-Once the PCs retrieve the bauble-city, what will they do with it? Where will it be safe?
-Can the PCs release the city? Would they want to do so?
-Who are the agents involved? Are they all nefarious? Are they aware of each other? (e.g. maybe the goods were just confiscated by some greedy Takers or Merkants who aren’t really tied to the mystery at all; the person who murdered him did so for a petty reason [an old wizardly rival who didn't graduate valedictorian because of the dead wizard] ;and the multiple parties that want the bauble-city have vast planar-changing goals that are in opposition to each other)

Once again, I'm interested to hear people's concrete ideas for what is going on. Let's hear some possible details even if they conflict with other people's vision for this

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Thinking of starting a planescape campaign (Input needed)

I'm starting to think I'm a thread-killer. Nonetheless, here is one possible iteration:

On one world in the Prime, over time most of the mages turned to the power of demonology [name being used generically for magic powered by any sort of fiend] to increase their magical power. This situation grew at exponential rates since the magic users needed to keep themselves ahead of their rivals, who were doing the same. Eventually, it turned into a form of arms race in which the fiendish races gained more and more of a foothold on this world. Eventually, that world became a major battlefield in the Blood War.
There was a brilliant mage from this world who had left ages ago before the magical power of fiends were harnessed. Upon returning, he was aghast at what had occurred. While it was too late to send back the fiends or to undo the damage he had done, the wizard found one city remained that was a bastion of purity, At-Ijal [this city had a more contemporary culture with elements drawn from ancient Egypt]. This city had turned away from the practice of summoning fiends and the theocracy that ruled here put in various magical wards to prevent such magics. This stance drove out those seduced by the Dark Arts and attracted those who wanted nothing to do with fiends. Fortunately for this city, the opposing forces of the fiends were more focused on each other than they were on this one lone holdout.
The mage realized that the luck the city had experienced wouldn’t last forever. So he devised a powerful magical ritual that would allow him to shink the city into a small, easy-to-carry bauble that he could then carry to another plane or world where it could be restored. The wizard resigned the remainder of his home world to the fate it had brought upon itself [and it now lies as a burnt cinder.]
The wizard and his apprentice then started on a campaign of exploration through the Great Ring and beyond searching for the ideal setting to relocate At-Ijal. The wizard, being a perfectionist, always found some fault with the possible locations he found. As the people of the city were content and grateful, the wizard took his time. Ironically, rather than relocating the one he had, the wizard found additional cities in need of rescuing. These included:
*Bensonville – a city in the Outlands that was in danger of being crushed in the Great Modron March
*Chentalar – a floating city [Polynesian/Oceanic culture] that was about to sink under the forces of a monstrous typhoon
*Djordafur – a bariur city from Ysgard that was being beseiged by fire giants
etc. [I’m going with an alphabetical theme to keep things straight]
With the growing populaces under his roof, the wizard’s apprentice began to think about the implications and uses of having various civilizations under one’s thumb. If nothing else, the wizard (or the apprentice himself – if the wizard was removed from the picture) could collect a small tithe on each trading mission sent to the markets of Sigil from each of the respective bauble cities.
Because of this, the apprentice actually encouraged the mage to collect more and more cities (although the apprentice always couched the reasons in the most humanitarian of terms). Eventually, the acquisitions included the absorption of the PCs’ home of Kandor [sorry, I can’t resist the Brainiac reference]
The increasingly greedy apprentice was not powerful enough to cast the spell needed to shrink a city; but after a certain point he ceased to care. Enough cities had been collected that they would generate enough money in tithe so that the apprentice could live in idle luxury without needing to do any work. Shortly after reaching this decision, he drugged his mentor's evening meal and then killed him in his sleep.
At first the apprentice told the agents from the cities that the master was out searching for suitable locations where they could live. But before too long, the cities came to accept the new status quo and almost forgot about their original benefactor.
But the nature of greed is like an infection, soon the greedy apprentice and those outside forces that were curious how he maitained his wealth intiated a chain of events that would lead to the murder of the apprentice and to the mystery in which the PCs have been plunged.

I won’t elaborate on what events went down that resulted in the apprentice’s death. But for my tastes, I would definitely add a wrinkle that the powerful magic used to create small pocket realms that can be brought into Sigil will attract groups outside of just the simply greedy.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Thinking of starting a planescape campaign (Input needed)

I was looking over the module "A Paladin in Hell". In it, Asmodeus has captured an entire world inside the Vallis Crystral (as he had plans to make the populace worship him).
This seems like it could be a very possible tie-in to a mage who can place cities into gems/globes and who died in mysterious circumstances

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