Thinking about making a PrC for cultists of Elemental Evil

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Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Thinking about making a PrC for cultists of Elemental Evil

I guess mainly because I just can't find too many prestige classes that fit the flavor I need for Frigidora, and existing elemental-power based classes are useless for elemental-subtype creatures (the PrC would bestow different benefits depending on whether the subject is your typical humanoid or monstrous humanoid race, or an elemental subtype race)

I might also try to introduce some variant rules for some of the classes and prestige classes (ones that fit the flavor for inner planar creatures) and tweak the granted abilities to make them less useless to an elemental-subtype creature (e.g. replace the "at level 2 you gain Fire Resistance 10"-- pretty useless for an efreeti or a fire giant, for instance.)

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Re: Thinking about making a PrC for cultists of Elemental Evil

Alternatively, you could just give Frigidora the abilities she needs.


Pants of the North!

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Thinking about making a PrC for cultists of Elemental Evil

Actually, I'm thinking about making a monstrous prestige class for the heralds of the princes and princesses.

Here is the fluff part thus far:

The Herald of Elemental Good or Evil is, well-- the herald of an Archomental. They serve the same role as the herald of a true deity, except that they also play the role of proxy or leading minion (as none of the Archomentals as of yet have actual proxies of their own). An Archomental's herald is usually their most able-bodied and trusted follower, their top-ranking general, and ambassador. As such, the Herald of Elemental Good or Evil must be capable of playing many varied roles.
Suffice it to say, the job is incredibly demanding, and yet, it is also incredibly rewarding. Elemental Heralds tend to live lives of prestige, enjoying great fame, fortune, and personal powr. Most Archomentals are willing to split up a tiny fraction of their treasure with their herald, and often outfit them with many magical items. They also bestow upon their heralds a tiny portion of their quasi-divine power, and place them in charge of their armies. As such, the heralds tend to be well-known and feared or beloved throughout their native plane. Finally, they tend to enjoy a close personal relationship with their master. Because they are a valuable resource, even most evil Archomentals will physically protect their herald, and heralds enjoy lenient treatment from their masters for failures and mistakes (they still undergo horrible punishments, but nothing that inflicts any lasting physical or emotional harm. For instance, Cryonax might force Frigidora to consume gutmites *see the Complete Scoundrel for details* or lock her in a dungeon cell with a lonely, bound ice mephit which she is physically unable to reach/harm. Princes of Elemental Evil are reluctant to subject their herald to public humiliation since this would reflect back on them.)
Thus far there are only two heralds who are well known, and both serve Princes of Elemental Evil. They are the Pit Fiend Asgeroth (serving Imix) and the half Qorrashi, half Ice Paraelemental Frigidora (serving Cryonax). Elemental Heralds also tend to be fanatically loyal to their Archomental master (or at least feign such loyalty) and willing to serve their master without question (both Frigidora and Asgeroth are known to be truly, fanatically loyal to their masters). They are never encountered outside of their master's stronghold without minions.

Thus far, no other elemental heralds are known by name or description, but the following are some guesstimations in regards to each Archomental.

Ben-Hadar: Ben Hadar seems likely to possess a herald, and it would probably either be a male or an ugly/slovenly female.

Chan- It's unknown if Chan would possess a herald or not. Her behavior is strongly associated with her element, and thus she might prefer not to be bogged down with such an obligation (just as possessing an army would bog her and Yanny down).

Crystalle- Crystalle would probably possess a herald, which is more likely to be lawful neutral than anything else.

Ogremoch- Ogremoch has had several heralds in the far-distant past, but all have ended up dying at the hands of Sunnis for challenging her. The prince is too busy looking for a powerful proxy to bother with a new herald, and it would seem that thus far he has yet to find a being with suitable power to assign that role. Ogremoch's past heralds did not enjoy the close relationship typical of the profession, and some sages speculate that he intentionally sent them to their deaths after somehow determining that they were not strong enough for his tastes. If Ogremoch wants something done, he instead either does it himself, or, more commonly, sends one of his avatars (MM4) (note: despite the title, Avatars of Elemental Evil are actually the equivalent of aspects)

Olhydra: The Princess of Evil Water would most definitely possess a herald, who is likely to enjoy the same close relationship enjoyed by Frigidora and Asgeroth. It will likely be female (it's possible that the melded hag covey that once tried to control her now serves as her herald. If this is the case however, they will have at least partially transcended their mortal, fleshly forms. On the other hand, Olhydra may want a herald that is more youthful and beautiful than some old trihune hag.)

Sunnis: Sunnis is extremely likely to possess a herald, who would NOT be a love interest.

Yan-C-Bin- Yan-C-Bin does not possess a herald. Sages are unsure why this is, though rumors throughout Air are that the prince doesn't trust any of his minions enough to assign them the task. It could be that he lives by the philosophy of "if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself". Thus, if he wants something done, he'll either do it himself or send an avatar (aspect).

Zaaman Rul: I don't know if he'd possess a herald or not. If he has a herald, it would very likely be a brand new one, as any previous herald would have been killed during his war against Asgeroth and Imix's army. In all likelihood, he's still looking for a new one.

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