Thelema: Threat or Menace?

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Moral-Decay's picture
Joined: 2007-02-22
Thelema: Threat or Menace?

This report concerns a foul Prime religion that has infiltrated our great city. “Thelema” tries to claim true planar origins but has the most support on the prime world of Selene...But control comes from the prime!...I have reason to think this “Lord Mycroft” is truly an illithid god-brain deceiving the lesser outsiders, bringing them into the service of the most dangerous plague ever to reach us from their plane...The following mad screed come from Selia the wizard, a known Outsider follower of the cult.

I’m glad you came to me. Some of the more chaotic Thelemites would lie to you about our religion just for the fun of it. But I’ll give you the dark of the matter.

Our founder was just another clueless wizard, studying the history of the Titans as the chant goes, when he had a sudden revelation. He told us he sought the aid of Thoth before drinking from the river Ma’at, and that’s why he produced the Book of the Law instead of random nonsense – yes, I’m sure you know better. Shut up and listen to the story.

The Book tells us of Powers-behind-the-Powers who remained mostly hidden for all previous history. Oh, we can perceive their hand now that we’ve seen the dark. The first voice in the Book resembles the goddess Nut, for example, and the Greek Nyx. We now know these deities are both aspects of the Star Goddess Nuit. Her lover, the Great God Hadit, is the force behind Cernunnos and others. And even these two are aspects of another nameless One who speaks to us and reveals our True Will. We sometimes call it the “Holy Guardian Angel,” because in this name it will bind all the forces of Good together for the sake of the Balance. Sometimes it manifests in the form of two-headed Horus-Set or as Heru-ra-ha, the god of opposites.

In recent times it became necessary for the Secret Chiefs to intervene on the side of Good. Because the yugoloths have been slowly undermining the status quo while their opponents did nothing. Wait and see if you don’t believe me. Belief in the power of the fiends has already increased to the point where no celestial army could stop them if they chose to invade. We need a new champion of Good to stop this menace. Only our teachings can strengthen the Upper Planes enough because only our principle of True Will can enlist the aid of others who would have to give their consent. Thelema will prevent the otherwise unavoidable end of the celestials and the triumph of the fiends.

Already our plan begins to work. It’s happening under the noses of the Baern themselves. Is the third layer of Elysium called Belierin, or Belarian? Soon it will be Belarion, which means in part ‘one who has crossed the Waste’. Listen to this chapter from The Book of Lies (falsely so called.)


In the wind of the mind arises the turbulence
called I.
It breaks; down shower the barren thoughts.
All life is choked.
This desert is the Abyss wherein the Universe.
The Stars are but thistles in that waste.
Yet this desert is but one spot accursed in a world of
Now and again Travellers cross the desert; they come
from the Great Sea, and to the Great Sea they go.
As they go they spill water; one day they will irrigate
the desert, till it flower.
See! five footprints of a Camel! V.V.V.V.V.

With help from people like you we can shape a world where the fiends can never succeed and those who know the true path will prosper. And before you start, I know this sounds like an obvious lie to you. It’s supposed to look like a scam, berk! This way no yugoloth will believe it could happen until it’s too late (and maybe not even then). Their cynicism will aid our ascension.

You don’t want to be like them, do you?

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Thelema: Threat or Menace?



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Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Thelema: Threat or Menace?


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