The World of Three

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Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
The World of Three

(Being The Entirely Complete and Utterly Accurate History of the Multiverse, and Guiding Principles Thereof, Containing All That You Should Ever Need to Know About Anything)

Listen. Once upon a time, these were the Three, and they were all there was.

There was the Dragon, which was called Order, Pattern, Dark, Serenity.

There was the Tiger, which was called Chaos, Change, Light, Creation/Destruction.

And there was the Phoenix, which was called Balance, Good, Life, Love.

The Dragon and Tiger claimed the same hunting grounds, which was called Spirit. The hunting grounds were tended by the Phoenix, who arranged matters so that both Order the Dragon and Chaos the Tiger would get their share, which was mostly equal. The Spirit was claimed one day by the Dragon, the other by the Tiger, and both were fell fed and content.

And thus all things were as they should be.

Then, from the Outer Void, came a disease. No one knows what it was, or how it came to be, for the Outer Void is not part of the World and cannot be contemplated. The disease fell upon the Phoenix, and troubled him terribly. The Phoenix was weakened and diminished, and could no longer perform its duties. The hunting grounds called Spirit were no longer tended to, so when the Dragon and Tiger became hungry again, they both went after the Spirit, trying to claim it all for themselves, as is their nature.

So did Order the Dragon and Chaos the Tiger go to war. The hunting grounds called Spirit became their battlefield, and it was devastated, scorched by flames and torn by claws. But the evenly matched Dragon and Tiger cared not, for they were focused on defeating each other, so that the whole Spirit would be theirs. The Phoenix, still in its weakened state, attempted to placate them, but they could not hear its silent song, and it was forced to flee or fall victim to the blind rage of the combatants.

And thus all things fell apart.

Today the Phoenix called Balance and Good still lives, diseased and diminished, content to rule its own domain, which is still a thing of beauty. It no longer visits the hunting ground called Spirit, for it is now terribly altered, a dry, cold, and barren place. The battle between Dragon and Tiger rages on, and the Spirit suffers continually. Only when the Phoenix looks down upon it and sheds a tear is the pain soothed, and then just briefly.

And that is all there is.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
The World of Three

If I understand Chinese mythology correctly, there should be a Tortoise crawling around somewhere...

Or is the tortoise Spirit?

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The World of Three

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
If I understand Chinese mythology correctly, there should be a Tortoise crawling around somewhere...

It's turtles all the way down...

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
The World of Three

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
If I understand Chinese mythology correctly, there should be a Tortoise crawling around somewhere...

We don't need no stinking tortoises!

With this story I was trying to pre-illustrate the theory that I am yet to put to words properly, that according to the Ro3, there are only principles of Chaos, Law, and Good/Balance in the PS multiverse. What we perceive as "Evil" is nothing but an absence of Good/Balance. An ultroloth wears a mask because there's no face behind it. Pay no attention to the baern behind the curtain.

My knowledge of Chinese mythology is on extremely shaky grounds Sad ... that's one of the reasons I didn't do the Chinese pantheon for ... The Dragon/Tiger/Phoenix trinity I picked up from Mage: the Ascension, specifically the Akashic Brotherhood.

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