I've been wondering this for a while now, how much of Torment exists in cannon planescape?
For example:
Does the buried village really exist?( the same applies to the weeping stone catacombs)
Are the dead nations cannon?
And what about Many-as-One? Is it just a reworked, nastier version of The US?
And what about the whole selling criminals as slaves thing? ( aka: the trist quest) Does that really go on in Sigil?
I had though that the Smoldering Corpse bar wasn't cannon, but then I keep hearing about the storyteller there.
And what abould the Brothel of Slaking Intelectual Lusts?
And Is Vriska the Importer just a rip off of Akin's shop?
I realized that in all liklyhood, most of these are not cannon. I would just like to know whats considered real and whats not.
I'm pretty sure most of what you mentioned isn't canon. I'm not too sure about selling criminals as slaves (I think that debtors get 10 years forced labour, or something similar, rather than becoming slaves). I always assumed that Many-as-one was the big rogue cranium rat swarm.
Of course, a good deal of Torment is canon (Fell's tatoo parlour and Lothar the skull guy to name a few).