The T3 planescape conversion initiative is now open

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pst3's picture
Joined: 2005-03-20
The T3 planescape conversion initiative is now open

Hi, first post here, I hope I'm not jumping the gun with this but I really needed to announce this idea to test the waters and see what people thought about it.

I'll cut to the chase.

I've been designing levels and items for video games off and on for the unreal engine and various other game engines for About 4 or 5 years now. Now, don't take that as a boastful remark, It's not intended to be that, as I don't consider myself to be a professional in this field.

However, I decided a while back that I would really like to play a game that would put you, the character, in a first person perspective inside of the city of sigil itself.

Keep in mind that I've been thinking about it for a while now (about a year), planning off and on when I have free time, and drawing up a few plans for it here and there, expanding my knowleged and reading up quite a bit on planescape in general, and the official campaign books. I've been a fan of planescape for a long time, so I believe that I have the basic concept of what it is down fairly.
I've strived my hardest to do my homework, in otherwords. Smiling

Now, seeing as how the mission editor for the game thief III has been released recently, I've decided that Thief: deadly shadows, would be a perfect game engine to set it in. It's stable, very beautiful, and I believe that with the right ammount of tweaking, it could really bring something like this to life without bastardizing the genre and really giving it the respect and admiration that it truly deserves.

I don't aim to water it down, and I don't plan on making this something that looks terrible and has no substance whatsoever. I really want to stress that this project will be an honest-to-god labor of love. I want to make this as good as I possibly can.

This thread isn't here to show anything off, as I've just recently started actual work on it. the editor itself was released 2 months ago, so this project is JUST getting off of the ground.

Instead of showing something off, I'm giving you, the public consensus, a grand and wonderful chance to fire away with anything and everything you want to see put into this game.

I'm asking you because I want this game to be the best that it can possibly be, and I want as many fans of of PS to have a say in this as possible. From reading the texts on this site, it has become so painfully obvious that There are so many more people that know more than I do about the world of sigil in general, and there are certainly more out there who have their own ideas about how the multiverse itself works.
I wholeheartedly welcome these people in to tell me about anything they want that is related to Sigil. stories, locations, sights that they would like to see in person, as well as anything else that will fit into the category of general information, will all be more than welcome in this thread.

I'll try my hardest to model, skin, and otherwise create anything you want to see in it and put it in the game, so long as it is related to planescape and planescape ONLY.

I would like to see writings, poetry, and anything else that you would want to see put into this as well. I can make readable books, posters, notes, etc.. so don't be affraid to release some twisted arcane tomes of infernal knowledge on me. I can handle it. Eye-wink

Keep in mind that You *WILL* get a place in the credits for any submission that makes it into the game itself, I'm not out to rip any of you fine people off. I'm not a cheap con, and I'm allowing you complete creative freedom to write whatever you want and give you credit for it when I put this out on the net for people to enjoy.
I'll say this once; Like it or not, you will be given credit for what you do. That's my fair use warning, and I'm sticking to my guns on it. Sticking out tongue

I cannot, however, promise that I'll be able to put everything you suggest into the game. I'll be looking for the very best of the best here because I feel that this conversion project deserves no less. Call me fickle, but if it means that I strive for good quality, then fickle I am. I want this to play and feel as good as it possibly can.

Now, to give you an idea of what I am dealing with here, and the overall atmosphere of the game itself, or if you are wondering what the existing thief III game looks like because you've never heard of it before; go to the following page: (click the pictures on the left for a larger version of them)

The planescape conversion for this game will put you in the shoes of a thief inside of the city of sigil.
You will be a thug, mugger, and lowlife. Your only hunger will be that of the craving for more. You are no fallen hero, nor are you a knight in shining armor. Generally,
you are not a very nice person at all. Not because you are bad-natured per-say, but you just haven't been able to trust that many people during your short blip in the existance Sigil.

Greed has a funny way of corrupting those who have been pushed to the very edge itself, and your character has honed his skills in the delicate art of thievery to overcome and survive in such a hostile, and dismal environment inhabited by equally shady figures of every concievable variety.
Life is about to get tougher for you in Sigil. The struggle for your very Survival will become a daily affair, and the blade of justice will thirst for a place in your back. Choose your friends wisely, friend.

You are running down a dark alley, darting from shadow to shadow cast by the maze of buildings that twist and contort as you pass them by.

Usually you would be heading for your favorite tavern to listen in on cutters getting drunk and boasting of their latest prize, or woman. but tonight is going to be different for you.
You set out a little early tonight for a good reason, and a crooked grin traces your lips as you think of the look on your fence's face when you show him what you have retrieved.

Chant has it that there's a new artifact being transfered to a particularly wealthy gent over in the clerk's ward. He lives in a large house, full of servants and buttlers and mistresses. your general Clerk's ward berk with nothing but jink rattling in his bone-box.
being the accomplished thief that you are though, you're here to ensure that it never gets that far.
the artifact is being transported down a familiar route by an armed convoy of hired mercenaries and guards. Bashers that are usually a few sparks short of a flame, and hired for their sheer brute force, rather than their cunning and intelligence.

You're going to make quite a profit off of this heist.
you just have to figure out how to steal it and get away before they notice that it's missing.
Killing them would be too easy. You're going to add a bit of insult to injury on this one, and leave every last man standing -- minus the loot.

The light is gone now, and the ambush point is a ways ahead of you off in the hazy, darkened streets that sprawl forward with jagged teeth jutting from the rusting rooves of dozens of broken buildings.

You should make it about 10 minutes ahead of schedule if you run.

You chuckle deeply to yourself with a child-like glee.

You can already tell that this is going to be a very profitable night for you.

if you read all of this and stayed with me this long, then I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I hope that you like this idea so far. I know alot of people may want this to stay with a traditional black isle isometric view, or a pen and paper system, (which are forms of planescape that I've known and loved for quite some time now) but I really hope that I haven't stepped on any toes announcing this idea.
This wasn't my intent. And if I have, well, this isn't an official product anyway. This is a fan-made project that I hope to have other fans contibute their 10 cents to and help form into something really great, and worthwhile project that everyone can play and enjoy for free so long as they posess a copy of the game thief: deadly shadows which will be required to run the conversion itself.

*phew* so, with that said, I guess that's about it! thanks! I hope this goes over well, and I hope that everyone (or atleast a few people out there) can identify with me on wanting this to become a very real thing.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
The T3 planescape conversion initiative is now open

how do you plan to represent the factions, and will you be able to join them?

Speaking of which, is this set pre or post faction war?

pst3's picture
Joined: 2005-03-20
The T3 planescape conversion initiative is now open

The game will be set just prior to "Duke" Rowan Darkwood engineering the faction war. The timespan of a week or two just before the actual conflict starts. The events of the faction wars will be a very big part of this game, as your character will be relying on the chaos that "Duke" Rowan Darkwood creates in various factions and exploiting the weaknesses that exist to gain better leverage (and loot) from the political maelstrom flying about Sigil.

Early on, you will be able to join factions, but this can have repercussions on you. you will have to know which houses are at war with others, and what territory you will be welcome and unwelcome in. Your character is not a warrior by trade, he is a freelancing thief. You will rely more on cunning, stealth, tactics, and at times - diplomacy, when dealing with certain foes, rather than brute force.

I'm not sure what you mean when you ask how I will represent the factions, But I plan on changing very little about the factions themselves. they will be taken straight out of the books, if that is what you mean.

For example, to join the doomguard, you must complete the three-part ritual. break a personal weapon against the walls of the armory, find a way to destroy something large enough to scatter 500 cagers, spreading some chaos, and finally, you must choose a building, and prevent the Dabus from trimming the razorvine from it. After that, you’ll be accepted and the training period will start immediately.

I have plans to allow your character to earn special unique skills from each faction.

In another example, Joining the doomguard would allow you to pick the special skill Entropic Blow, Doomcasting, or Demolition. There will always be three faction skills to choose from no matter who you have decided to join. The rule of three times thirteen.

Joining a faction will have drawbacks, though.
You will not be able to steal from your own faction. If you do this, your membership may be revoked, and your standings with them will decrease more every time you do it.

You cannot attack or kill any of your fellow members. Same as before, your standings with them will drop when you do, and with some places, you will instantly lose your membership.

You cannot join two factions at once, But you can buy fake credentials to allow yourself passage into certain areas of a compound. Or if you feel up to it, you can just do a little breaking and entry and let yourself in through the closest open window (or portal). The only thing different is that you are not given the abilities to use, purchase, or otherwise acquire the special perks that certain members of a faction will get if you are not a member. like access to faction-specific portals, weapons, skills, etc.

That's about it in a nutshell, I guess. Any more questions? Laughing out loud

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The T3 planescape conversion initiative is now open

That looks very intriguing, but also very ambitious. Are you sure you can do this all by yourself? You might want to put together a team of coders and artists first before committing to so much. Have you heard of the City of Doors Initiative for the Neverwinter Nights game? I think it's in hibernation now (last I checked), but perhaps some of the people involved in that might want to climb aboard a Thief project. They have all the tiles for Sigil already made.

As for what I would like to see in such a game, well, it would be mostly good dialogue, clever and witty Cant (without overdoing it) and a plot that is more interesting than simply stealing stuff from the factions. A good mix of Sigilian architecture and cosmopolitan inter-planar races without making it feel too much like Mos Eisley.

Good luck.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The T3 planescape conversion initiative is now open

They could certainly transfer some of the textures and such over - if they were so inclined...

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The T3 planescape conversion initiative is now open

"pst3" wrote:
There will always be three faction skills to choose from no matter who you have decided to join. The rule of three times thirteen.

"Actually, our records indicate that the fine city of Sigil houses fifteen factions, good sir."
-Imeric Maledonis, Guvner

"I don't know who you're countin', berk. Just 'cause I've got friends in the Bazaar don't make me a sodding factioneer."
-Caelis, a passing Indep


Pants of the North!

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
The T3 planescape conversion initiative is now open

As for what I would like to see in such a game, well, it would be mostly good dialogue, clever and witty Cant (without overdoing it) and a plot that is more interesting than simply stealing stuff from the factions. A good mix of Sigilian architecture and cosmopolitan inter-planar races without making it feel too much like Mos Eisley.

Agreed. Except on the "overdoing Cant" and "not Mos Eisley" bits - IMHO you can't overdo Cant, and you can't make Sigil seem too much like Mos Eisley.

Regarding the plot, a Planescape game without a plot revolving around planar pseudo-philosophy isn't a Planescape game.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The T3 planescape conversion initiative is now open

Out of curiosity - for the system they released - did they do what UT2004 did and put out a code base that you can modify as well?

pst3's picture
Joined: 2005-03-20
The T3 planescape conversion initiative is now open

Thanks for the suggestions and ideas, guys. I appreciate everyone adding their own ten cents in this.

Krypter - I've seen the City of Doors initiative. So far it looks very intriguing. Hopefully they'll pick back up on it soon, I'd like to check it out and use it. Smiling

On building a team:

I'm not entirely above the idea really. I won't hog this project to myself and thumb my nose at others who want to contribute what they can. if people feel that they can contribute Cant to be used in the game itself, or otherwise useful and worthwhile material that would do this game justice, I openly invite them to do so. I will not turn people away if they want to lend a hand. The reasoning behind my wanting to tackle this myself (starting out on it atleast) is simply because I wanted to avoid the hassle of organizing a large group of people and the constant struggle with keeping people focused. an internet team is nothing like a centrally located team where you can just walk down the hall and knock on someone's door and look at their plans on something, or check on their progress.

So in some ways I would want to possibly make a team in the future, but in many ways, it's a very big risk to take, and I'm not exactly sure if I want to head that direction at this time.

and I assure you, as well as everyone else, that this will definitely not be Mos Eisley, and it will not center solely around how much loot you are stealing from factions. There will be more to it, I swear. Eye-wink

Bob the Efreet -
I understand this, but for now, I'm only planning on including 13 factions total in this mod. if there are other editions of this game in the future, what ones that were left out of this one will most definitely be added back in at a later date.

Nemui -

I've taken note of this, thanks! you've set me to thinking a bit harder on this, now. Laughing out loud

I can agree that planar pseudo-philosophy is a HUGE part of the planescape universe. the problem at hand is just finding a way to fit everything into this game and have it function at optimal performance. The game deserves a rich storyline, as well as the nuggets of insight and scraps of wisdom that we've all come to know and love from it. Planescape is a VERY rich game, it has alot of background to it, and while this game will not revolve *entirely* around it, planar philosophy will play a very integral role in the game itself. I chose to not have it based entirely about this, simply for the fact that this is a very dynamic game engine, one that the planescape games have never seen before, and I want to ease the transition to this new platform. I want to make sure that gamers are entertained, as well as educated in this game, and I don't want to make a ham-fisted and one-sided approach to this.

This will be no easy task, but I hope that what I have come up with so far will please other fans of planescape as much as it has myself.

Clueless -

Not that I know of, but this is absolutely fine with me. I really don't have any need for a system development kit or a code base. Everything I need can be disassembled and edited to fit perfectly with the planescape setting without it feeling awkward and remaining otherwise unobtrusive. models can be decompiled and fixed up, textures can be easily exported with plugins, and the scripting is built right into the editor itself. It's all neatly layered and ready to be used. Just the way I like it. Laughing out loud

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
The T3 planescape conversion initiative is now open

"pst3" wrote:
I can agree that planar pseudo-philosophy is a HUGE part of the planescape universe. the problem at hand is just finding a way to fit everything into this game and have it function at optimal performance. The game deserves a rich storyline, as well as the nuggets of insight and scraps of wisdom that we've all come to know and love from it. Planescape is a VERY rich game, it has alot of background to it, and while this game will not revolve *entirely* around it, planar philosophy will play a very integral role in the game itself.

Agreed. I don't think everything about PS philosophy/factions needs to be fit into the game (even if it was possible), nor that the game should revolve entirely around it. In fact, the only adventure module built 100% around factions that I can think of was Faction War, and not many people were very hapy with that one.

For example Planescape: Torment IMO had just the right amount of belief-related story elements, but perhaps not enough faction involvement.

I chose to not have it based entirely about this, simply for the fact that this is a very dynamic game engine, one that the planescape games have never seen before, and I want to ease the transition to this new platform.

"Dynamic" is probably not the word I would use to describe Thief games. Sticking out tongue But I see you're talking about the game engine being dynamic, and I don't really know what that means, so I'll just shut up now...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The T3 planescape conversion initiative is now open

It's a programmer thing. Eye-wink I'll have to take a look at it sometime.

Gremmith Mi's picture
Joined: 2004-09-06
The T3 planescape conversion initiative is now open

My friggin' gods...

This sounds so godsdamn amazing! Ummm (thinks furiously) I've got some NPCs and a fairly detailed map of the Black Sail Tavern (it's a bit revamped from that L1 Dustie adventure, as it was my players' base throughout the campaign and ended up being burned down and rebuilt thanks to an epic bard and a lyre of building)... Seriously man, anything you need from floor plans to concept art to NPCs, drop me a line.

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