The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

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Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!


My joy knows no bounds. Sigil (and thus the central part of Planescape) will be in the core material, in the 4E DMG! Smiling

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

Cool. Cool


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Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

I'm not all that excited. It's only going to be a paragraph in the DMG. Anything else they publish on Sigil will be in books on the new cosmology, which I'm not using. And I can get all the info on Sigil I need right here.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

'Lord Zack' wrote:
I'm not all that excited. It's only going to be a paragraph in the DMG. Anything else they publish on Sigil will be in books on the new cosmology, which I'm not using. And I can get all the info on Sigil I need right here.
Its definitely something.

Having Sigil in the basic books means that a much broader audience will read and be inspired by the city. Such inspiration leads to ideas that we can use here on Planewalker.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

What I find of more interest is that she said the soul of Planescape will live on. And that's the important part.

I've realised (eventually) that Planescape isn't the City of Doors, or the Blood War, or the factions or the Wheel. It's about the attitude and philosophies of the setting. All the other stuff is window dressing, natural consequences of applying the Planescape way to the Great Wheel cosmology. We've all gotten very attached to the specifics of the setting, when what really makes it PS for us is the spirit of the thing. So I think 4E Planescape will work out just fine. I'll just be different than 3E Planescape.


Pants of the North!

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

But even if you can have Planescape without the Greet Wheel, why would you? There's all sorts of material for the old cosmology, and I like just plain the old one better.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

Yes, the soul or spirit of Planescape is what’s important, and it’s heavily implemented in Sigil through its colorful NPCs, factions, and so on. If the city retains many of its most notable concepts, features, and/or style in new content, then it will further some of the basic ideas about Planescape itself.

'Lord Zack' wrote:
But even if you can have Planescape without the Greet Wheel, why would you? There's all sorts of material for the old cosmology, and I like just plain the old one better.
You don’t need to lose the Great Wheel.

But the inclusion likely will motivate more people to generate new innovative material for the city, such as new interesting Sigil NPCs, locales, or adventures. You can use or adapt the new content you like and ditch what you don’t like. I can’t really see how that can be a bad thing, regardless of how much is already written about Sigil.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

OK, it's cool that a new set of players will be introduced to Sigil, but I think we all need to swear here and now that we will not try to make anything from fourth edition PS canon. No "Feywild" no blood elves Eladrin no stupid one plane for all celestials, and no lawful Succubi. We tried to bend over backwards to accommodate 3E and all it gave us was unnecessary ret cons (and Obyriths, those guys are cool). If we try to do that again, it will just destroy the setting. It would be cool if 4E gave us new players, but I guess what I'm saying is let's make that be the only new thing it gives us.

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

I'm thinking of integrating some stuff into my campaign, but the guideline for me is, make it fit the Great Wheel, not the Great Wheel fit it. So I'm making the Feywild a demiplane among other thing. So if there's something cool in the new cosmology we can filch it, but otherwise we ignore it.

Spiteful Crow's picture
Joined: 2007-10-10
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

'Duckluck' wrote:
OK, it's cool that a new set of players will be introduced to Sigil, but I think we all need to swear here and now that we will not try to make anything from fourth edition PS canon. No "Feywild" no blood elves Eladrin no stupid one plane for all celestials, and no lawful Succubi.

And no chaotic yugolothsdemons. ¬_¬

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

Speaking of which, are they preserving the alignment system?


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weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

From what I've read, no.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

'Zimrazim' wrote:
Speaking of which, are they preserving the alignment system?
Alignment will have less of an in-game effect as it did, and less things will be aligned. They mention "Unaligned" as the most common alignment, and at least good and evil, but law and chaos have only been hinted at but never confirmed from the things they've said.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

'Duckluck' wrote:
OK, it's cool that a new set of players will be introduced to Sigil, but I think we all need to swear here and now that we will not try to make anything from fourth edition PS canon. No "Feywild" no blood elves Eladrin no stupid one plane for all celestials, and no lawful Succubi. We tried to bend over backwards to accommodate 3E and all it gave us was unnecessary ret cons (and Obyriths, those guys are cool). If we try to do that again, it will just destroy the setting. It would be cool if 4E gave us new players, but I guess what I'm saying is let's make that be the only new thing it gives us.

I think I agree with almost every part of that statement.

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

'Lord Zack' wrote:
I'm thinking of integrating some stuff into my campaign, but the guideline for me is, make it fit the Great Wheel, not the Great Wheel fit it. So I'm making the Feywild a demiplane among other thing. So if there's something cool in the new cosmology we can filch it, but otherwise we ignore it.

Seconded. There's no more reason not to use anything than there is to use everything.

Spiteful Crow's picture
Joined: 2007-10-10
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

'Kobold Avenger' wrote:
'Zimrazim' wrote:
Speaking of which, are they preserving the alignment system?
Alignment will have less of an in-game effect as it did, and less things will be aligned. They mention "Unaligned" as the most common alignment, and at least good and evil, but law and chaos have only been hinted at but never confirmed from the things they've said.

And they're getting rid of ALL good-aligned monsters or making them neutral-evil, because nobody EVER plays an evil party. :x

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

Sure not. You can still summon them for 6 rounds. Sticking out tongue But after that they vanish, because you don't need them.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

'Spiteful Crow' wrote:
And they're getting rid of ALL good-aligned monsters or making them neutral-evil, because nobody EVER plays an evil party. :x

That's very weird, if only because good-aligned parties would still have encounters with good monsters! (The encounters might simply be of a more 'friendly' nature.)


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Spiteful Crow's picture
Joined: 2007-10-10
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

'Zimrazim' wrote:
That's very weird, if only because good-aligned parties would still have encounters with good monsters! (The encounters might simply be of a more 'friendly' nature.)

But if you're only having friendly encounters with them, there's no reason for them to have combat stats, in WotC's thinking.

Evander's picture
Joined: 2007-09-21
a question about cosmology

I haven't done much reading for 4E, does anyone know how they are setting up the cosmology? Personaly i was a bit put out by what they did in 3E and the what they may do in 4E is a bit of a worry. Sorry if this is somewhere else on the forums...

Spiteful Crow's picture
Joined: 2007-10-10
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

'Evander' wrote:
I haven't done much reading for 4E, does anyone know how they are setting up the cosmology? Personaly i was a bit put out by what they did in 3E and the what they may do in 4E is a bit of a worry. Sorry if this is somewhere else on the forums...

Well, instead of using the great wheel, the cosmology consists of:

The World, not even the Prime or just Material anymore.

The Shadowfell, pretty much the plane of shadow.

Feywild, the plane of fairies.

The Astral Sea, a big mish-mash of deific realms.

The Elemental Chaos, pretty much Limbo, the Abyss, and the inner planes all thrown together in a blender.

And the Far Realm.

Yup. That's it.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

They call "that" a cosmology. :shock: :roll:
I dont know should I laugh or should I cry. Laughing out loud :cry:

It is obwious that they are simplifing D&D for little kiddies, and new genaration of gamers have start from somwhere (even if the basic setting is bit of, well "basic").

Also, from what I have seen and heard from warious sources I have made conclusion that folk at WoTC consider planes to be too much bother and drag. I mean it is easy to create orc slasing adventure, but when you need to design new plane or create cool new planar site you have to became too creative, and they don't have that much time on their hands.
Unlike us on the other hand... Laughing out loud


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

'Squaff' wrote:
They call "that" a cosmology. :shock: :roll: I dont know should I laugh or should I cry. Laughing out loud :cry:

It is obwious that they are simplifing D&D for little kiddies, and new genaration of gamers have start from somwhere (even if the basic setting is bit of, well "basic").

When I was a little kiddie, I had no problem with the concept of the Outer Planes. Kids these days...


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Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

Sigh. I read over the concept books a week back or so because a friend had bought them, and while I approved of most of the mechanical changes in general I was quite miffed about the creature edits. Given, I understand that they are no longer writing about the same cosmology. Fine. There needs to be a generic world to play in, and theirs seems ok at lest. But in every edition so far, more or less, there have been a standard set of creatures across all cosmologies and worlds. Every world had its own unique pieces, but they had a similar starting framework.

I dunno where I'm trying to go with this, really. I just think they should have left the Generic setting more generic, because now all other settings are going to branch off this one or make their own cosmology because they don't like the new one, or whatever.

Grr. General discontent growing slowly. . .

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

Eh, I don't know. We'll probably get some good new locations from the deal. Many of their sites should work ok dropped into one of the Planes, or as Demiplanes in the Ethereal.

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

Ugh 4E d&d doesn't sound like roleplaying at all! it sounds like a piking hack n' slash!

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

I guess that D&D is regressing in its original form: You go around, kill EVIL monsters (is there any other kind?), get XP and treasure, hang arond with friends for mindless fun and laughs.
That I can get by playing WoW, thank you wery much. :x

Prehaps this thread should be renamed in "Soulshell of Planescape will reamain alive in 4e (but not that much)"? Puzzled


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

'Squaff' wrote:
I guess that D&D is regressing in its original form: You go around, kill EVIL monsters (is there any other kind?), get XP and treasure, hang arond with friends for mindless fun and laughs. That I can get by playing WoW, thank you wery much. :x

A pen and paper tabletop RPG is not going to make that kind of money. It's just not going to happen.


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lsdfjkdsf's picture
Joined: 2007-03-10
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

It's my latest adventure hook:

A cult of evil wizards is rewriting the very fabric of reality, and a number of people arn't pleased. This cult is destroying, merging, and rewriting entire planes of existance, and they are not doing a very good job.

Their crimes include nearly destroying half of the lower planes (the demons are NOT HAPPY that their home has been mixed with the inner planes), doing god-knows-what to the Prime worlds (the gods are getting very very worried), and turning every single celestial warrior into a stat-less NPC pansy (luckily, the demons are too busy dealing with the fact that their home is being turned inside out to take advantage of the oppertunity).

Monsters of all races and allignments are fleeing to Sigil, although some people worry that even the City of Doors will face a similar fate. Even some gods are stashing away their divinity and hiding out in Sigil. As a result, tempers are high in the City of Doors as everybody wonders what the future will hold.

Adventurers needed to stop this insane cult of wizards before they destroy the soul of the planes.

Are you up to the challenge?

Rick Summon's picture
Joined: 2005-02-01
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

In the $19.95 preview books (which contain no game mechanics whatsoever, by the way,) one of the designers scoffs at the old Elemental Planes. "What's so great about a whole plane full of fire? You can't even survive there anyway!"

Well, that was the whole point of Planescape: to allow even 1st-level characters to be able to adventure on the planes. Can't survive on the Plane of Fire? Tell that to everyone who played Eternal Boundary.

It seems to me that there are two factions at WotC: one that really likes Planescape (and wrote Fiendish Codex I), and another that hates it with a passion. To the second faction, the planes are just a day trip for powerful adventurers from the Material Plane and that's it.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

I want Spelljammer back. Sad Sad Sad

Seriously, how can you possibly go wrong with mind flayers in space?


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
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2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
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4) Profit!

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

Spelljammer... oh, yeah. Miniature Giant Space Hamster, anyone? Okay, you can ignore that. Spelljammer was really cool. But I like everything with ships in it, so yeah.

Know what troubles me? The Pit Fiend isn't lawful. I really, really hope they aren't dropping the second alignment axis.

Spiteful Crow's picture
Joined: 2007-10-10
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

'Eldan' wrote:
Know what troubles me? The Pit Fiend isn't lawful. I really, really hope they aren't dropping the second alignment axis.

Why not? They've pretty much dropped the first alignment axis in favor of PC vs Not-PC.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

While I'm probably going to ignore the bulk of the "assumed assumptions" with 4e, there are at least things to work with even in the "fluff" of the new setting.

So far for me the good things about 4e have been always the "crunch" the mechanics, since there's better things to do than have 2-minute workdays, and fighters that can only have one boring type of attack no matter what level they are.

The bad things about 4e is the casual disregard for the history of the game, and the dumbing down of many interesting concepts. A lot of us don't like "points of light" as it makes a world a rather dull place if it follows that. But PS in many ways isn't points of light, and in a few ways it can be such a campaign. It's obvious I'm just going to ignore Bael Turath as it's not important.

You can at least thank Michelle Carter for making sure that Sigil was included, because at least there's room to reintroduce concepts that some of the designers would rather overlook.

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

'Eldan' wrote:
Know what troubles me? The Pit Fiend isn't lawful. I really, really hope they aren't dropping the second alignment axis.

I don't think they've ever shown us anything that is tagged as Lawful or Chaotic, and infact they dance around without using those terms for Demons and Devils, even though Demons are clearly Chaotic and Devils are clearly Lawful.

On the other hand, I believe that someone mentioned 9 alignment roles for Paladins (which included the old paladin plus Blackguard). That was a LONG time ago, though, so the second axis might have been dropped between then and now.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

4e needs more Blood War.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
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2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
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weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

Umm...4e needs more 2e. Laughing out loud

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

Hmmm. Yeah, I'm all for Four-Halves Edition (tm). Fourth edition crunch (with a grain of salt) and second edition fluff.

Hmmm. Sounds like a candy bar. Maybe Old school D&D can contribute some chocolate and we can use some of the Third edition books to make wrappers. . .

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

I still think the 2e Illithiad is the best D&D rulebook ever produced. Chock full of awesome!


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

You know, the fluff looks horrid, and I'm dubious about the Crunch for monsters, but the Crunch for PCs looks awesome and I've been stoked about it since Star Wars: Saga Edition (the biggest disguised play test ever) came out. Besides, who needs their awful points of light crap? I've got all the fluff I need right here. So yeah, it's not that bad. I guess I've finally passed from anger to acceptance here.

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

Sure, and while we're at it why don't we make elves and dwarves into classes again?

It seems even RPGs are becoming more and more moronic along with the rest of the damn world!

Pah Rpgs used ta be good! Now look at em! Not even the front runners of basic table top rpgs have have the imaginary spark to conjure up a world beyond "good" guys vs "evil" guys.

Why I remember my days of playing paranoia not a single fight did we ever play, the whole game was brilliant because our team was a total failure, thanks to the ingenious inventive imagination of a brilliant GM.

First EA makes my boil, but WOTC makes it turn black!

Sure Planescapes alive and kicken, the same why the warped clone of Ripleys was in Alien:Ressurrection. Dammit nuts to fucking WOTSC Planescapes is ours!!

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

Sure, and while we're at it why don't we make elves and dwarves into classes again?

It seems even RPGs are becoming more and more moronic along with the rest of the damn world!

Pah Rpgs used ta be good! Now look at em! Not even the front runners of basic table top rpgs have have the imaginary spark to conjure up a world beyond "good" guys vs "evil" guys.

Why I remember my days of playing paranoia not a single fight did we ever play, the whole game was brilliant because our team was a total failure, thanks to the ingenious inventive imagination of a brilliant GM.

First EA makes my boil, but WOTC makes it turn black!

Sure Planescapes alive and kicken, the same why the warped clone of Ripleys was in Alien:Ressurrection. Dammit nuts to fucking WOTC Planescapes is ours!!

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

Sure, and while we're at it why don't we make elves and dwarves into classes again?

It seems even RPGs are becoming more and more moronic along with the rest of the damn world!

Pah Rpgs used ta be good! Now look at em! Not even the front runners of basic table top rpgs have have the imaginary spark to conjure up a world beyond "good" guys vs "evil" guys.

Why I remember my days of playing paranoia not a single fight did we ever play, the whole game was brilliant because our team was a total failure, thanks to the ingenious inventive imagination of a brilliant GM.

First EA makes my blood boil, but WOTC makes it turn black!

Sure Planescapes alive and kicken, the same why the warped clone of Ripleys was in Alien:Ressurrection. Dammit nuts to fucking WOTC Planescapes is ours!!

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

Heh. I agree with the sentiment, but you might want to watch the language there. . .

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

Well, if we want to see the crunch, they've put the 4e pit fiend up on the main site.

It looks interesting.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

[mod]Please take care with the cursing - passionate discussion on 4e is perfectly welcome. Passionate discussion on 4e that would make my grandmother twitch - not quite so. Please dial back just a little bit. Otherwise - as you were.[/mod]

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

Sorry clueless I shall refrain from using my more gutteral style of english from now. Also sorry for the triple post. Bad internets! No dessert for you!

I shall now swear in Drow. Vith dos WOTC dos rothe iblith!

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

I have no idea what you just said but I feel strangely offended. Laughing out loud

Well, I think there's something wrong with the number four. At least that's what I've seen in some recent computer games. Silent Hunter 4 was somewhat rushed and incomplete because it was originally meant to be an expansion pack to Silent Hunter 3 but it was so large they decided to make it a full sequel. In fact, it doesn't even have the number four in the title, just the subtitle "Wolves of the Pacific."

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion kind of reminds me of 4E. Imagine that they released a new Planescape CS for 4E and promised all sorts of improvements. Only, everything is completely derivative western European medieval fantasy and everything is boringly simple, but somehow also badly balanced and painfully easy to break and exploit. Also, there are no flight spells because the possibility of 3D movement would make designing environments more complicated. That's Oblivion. Though arguably, the tropical rain forest that the game was originally supposed to be set in is closer to generic fantasy western Europe than Sigil is.

Hm, this makes me worry about Grand Theft Auto 4...

Anyway, this sounds like it's got something to do with the rule of three or something doesn't it? Smiling

BlackDaggr's picture
Joined: 2007-11-15
4E: Not for Me

After all of the comments and ideas posted on 4E, I've decided to pass on it. It seems to be aimed at the Everquest/Warcraft crowd, rather than the veteran gamer. I find WotC's decision to abandon many long-standing components of the D&D mythology and culture quite irritating.

I remain skeptical about whether people who play MMORPGs would be interested in tabletop RPGs. The crossover market is probably smaller than they expect.

I am reminded of the time when TSR decided to start publishing the "Basic D&D" line as a parallel to AD&D - the Basic. Expert, Companion, and Masters sets sound a lot like what 4E promises. The fact that all of the gamers I play with, and a significant fraction of the D&D players online, are already planning on avoiding 4E enhances this impression.

Lingula's picture
Joined: 2007-02-07
The soul of Planescape will remain very much alive in 4E!!!

I am looking forward to 4th edition, but I won't use it for planescape. In fact, as I'm getting married this year, I don't think I will be able to afford the books. But as I like the new Star Wars rules a lot, I think I'm going to like the new D&D as well. These things shouldn't be approached with old editions in mind. 4th edition just looks like a good RPG system.

My planescape campaign uses the 2nd edition AD&D rules, and I see no reason to switch. The rules always worked well enough for me. If I play 4th edition, it will be with a different background.

mighty-d's picture
Joined: 2008-01-21
chants goes and goes around the ring

Hey!, All this tale remembers me of the old days when 2ed was the last edition published, please forgive my chant as english is my last known language (ands thats something since i speake modron since 9, not that i am a very lawfull person, but a blood has to known its enemies speach, not that i am a blood... well you know what i mean).

Any way, when ad&d was played and 3rd edition D&D came out, i said and heard all this stuff, people laughing about the new rules and people who liked since the begining, i myself tryied to stay away from 3rd since three years ago, i thought i could survive with the new system, i buyed lots of books, and i kept saying myself i didnt need planescape setting, fact is that isnt true, see... planes have all this magic around, once you have seen some tales, bloods, and of course some berks, you can't go back to the prime material world, of the books i said i buyed i include some forgotten realms material, well i tried to stay at faerun, but there is no room there for a philosophic adventurer like me, the whole spirit of the setting was somehow void, i read from someone, that he is moving to 4e and not using his planescape material, well thats impossible, once you have fought the blood war, seen how the lady kicks out the factions out of sigil, known the secrets of the maeldur, and the power of the ship of chaos (well, there are a lots of things out there too... you can visit some friend of mine lost in the harmonica down there in pandemonium if you want more chant), rescuing the realm of cormyr or dealing with the red thai wizards seems like a weekend or holyday, no... there is no room for the planewalkers in a setting with no sigil AND beyond... Sticking out tongue that was inspired...

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