The Smoldering Corpse (not any more) Bar Stories

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Indalescio's picture
Joined: 2005-02-04
The Smoldering Corpse (not any more) Bar Stories

You see...i'm a merc-by-trade (a mercnary for all ya clueless), and i HATE them Dabus guys...they are a bunch of barmy eejits. One day,as i was travelin through Sigil near anti-peak, dis one Dabus starts ta follow me. So i says to him: Hey! whacha doin followin me an such? an he replies in his cursed 'rebus' talk: attending to my duties. an i says in return: Ay berk! if you don't stop followin me, i gonna bleed you good!.

So then outta nowhere this shadow appears an boom! i'm in dis's amazin that i escaped...i see Sharegrave's trainin paid off

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Smoldering Corpse (not any more) Bar Stories

So how did Sharegrave teach you to escape the Lady's mazes? Do you have a story here? If so, post it (but check your spelling).

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14

Anyone know how I can get the full game text from Torment - I once did, but it was a long time ago and I dont remember the weblink.

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