The Sky Junk Thread

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Joined: 2007-09-28
The Sky Junk Thread

I'm new to Planescape, and though I'm no artist or writer or game designer, its got my creative side going.
So this thread is for everything I write and draw from now on, if its about Planescape.

To begin,

Benbahsinsay the Twister of Laws
Just as any old cutter knows a modron can go rogue, a creature of law touched by chaos, given individuality, personality, the madness of choice, a slaad can come to grips with law. Often it isn’t to there liking, this bloke is no different.
I knew Ben, as I called him, long ago when I was just beginning my journey. I haven’t seen him in years, but I’m sure he’s out there. When I asked him who he was, all those years ago, he told me this;

“I am Benbahsinsay. I was the prince of bedlam. In my mind, I was the king of all. I was wild, mad wild, mad. With instinct born from chaos, I flung myself at Mechanus. I would change it all, I would bring it to its knees; make its knees fleas.
I was modified. I was kept, bound to a cog. Slowly swirling, ever swirling, and turning. Turning. For a seemingly endless era. I was instructed and shaped by the lowly, mindless modrons until there superiors were satisfied.
For the first time in my life, I understood regulations, justice, law. I hate law. I hate them, I understand and hate, hate, hate them all. Damn them, damn them to a plane worse than the all the Lower Planes combined. I will destroy all the piddling, clinkety-clank modrons, silence there hollow voices. The voices! Those awful puppet voices, damn them all.
I escaped the shackles they placed on me, they couldn’t take my individuality. I know myself more than perhaps any creature will.
I know myself. I know myself. I know myself.
For now I wait, they gave me patience, I am the slaad that can linger and scheme. They took my instinct…but I am Benbahsinsay.”

Ben was a good natured sod really, if a little addled on a bad day. He seemed to have red skin, but in certain lights and angles he could seem almost grey. A tired sort of grey really. I would think, if you’re after him, you could very well find him in Sigil now, in the form of some guvner, making laws that don’t make any sense. That’s his plan you see, to corrupt law so that it can be easily manoeuvred around by the intelligent and chaotic of mind. I believe on some Prime world he has done a very good job of it.

- Albu the Remembering

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Joined: 2007-09-28
The Sky Junk Thread


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Here are some God ideas. I'll be updating this list as I think of more, until I have the list of 'em that are more interesting than your average Powers.

Feel free to comment, give me a idea for another Power or tell me what you think of their names or even to write a little myth about some of them.

Though they have names, by those that worship or at least know of them, they are known by their titles: So Lasapa is just called the Pure ect.

The Impenetrable Over Gods, Worshipped by the Scholarly
Isit the Artist – Fate
Dias the General - Light, Day, Expansion, War
Nocce the Undeniable - Dark, Night, Marriage, Hunting
Comun the Queen - Earth, Flora, Fauna, Common Sense
Severnous the Withered - Death, Ore, Secrets, Science
Kaseb the Proud - Weather, Passion, Lust, Humour
Garus the Heroic - Sea, Glory, Adventure, Youth
Akiika the Wanderer - Wind, Transformation, Trickery, Outcasts
Fucan the Heartbroken - Fire, Misfortune, Forge, Oath

Masters of the Arcane
Albasum the Silent - Dream, Illusion, Subtle Magic, Patience
Heth the Writhing - Vulgar Magic, Madness, Deserts, Famine
Yendourm the Shrewd - Practical Magic, Hoarding, Tyranny, Leaders
Uaff the Bastard - Fish, Orphans, Fog, Uncontrollable Magic
Spidre the Veiled - Masks, Surprise, Lies, Restless Spirits
Salulhe the Hopeful - Healing, Balance, Diplomacy, Peace
Ububub the Troubled - Stupidity, Strength, Doom, Undeath

Worshipped by the Common Folk
Lasapa the Pure - Fertility, Harvest, Family, Community
Tyumani the Joyous - Philosophy, Song, Feast, Liberation
Kani the Captain - Flame, Renewal, Courage, Seeds
Lelushava the Dancing - Rivers, Theatre, Disguise, Romance
Dalledebella the Quick - Scouts, Messengers, Birds, Charm
Izlophi the Brewer - Boasting, Escape, Absurdity, Ale

Dourman the Sentinel - Justice, Punishment, Honesty, Repentance
Cobsung the Duke - Industry, Commerce, Progress, Wealth
Shohann the Composed - Navigation, Knowledge, Stars, Gambling
Murtum the Harmed - Agriculture, Deformity, Herbs, Amphibians
Alilusreus the Sporting - Tactics, Loyalty, Progress, Wealth
Orokun the Crafter - Apes, Invention, Teachers, Exploration

Zant the Creeping - Elderly, Vigour, Wisdom, Miners
Skardart the Entitled - Envy, Discord, Vanity, Theft
Tikkibodeol the Persuader - Volcanoes, Men, Sloth, Beauty
Gonn the Scorned - Assassination, Women, Vengeance, Survival
Eversan the Blissful - Pleasure, Confidence, Etiquette, Fashion
Ghaeas the Protector - Guards, Vaults, Bears, Fortresses

Ohwerp the Tainted - Hatred, Fear, Ice, Betrayal
Rog the Filth - Ooze, Plagues, Fools, Hunger
Roamh the Uncontrollable - Rage, Savages, Instint Over Thought, Salt
Hissan the Defeated - Void, Weakness, Failure, Honour
Nikutay the Other - Aberrations, Misdirection, Architects, Cowards
Jumbia the Brink - Moments, Insects, Action, Duels

Three Crones and their Vanished Sister
Kindeaser the Whisper - Cannibalism, Poison, Midnight, Disgust
Ballokalle the Questioner - Riddles, Counting, Panic, Obsession
Yasnotem the Laughing - Blindness, Underdogs, Confusion, Mockery
Wanertouth the Lost - Oracles, Rot, Melancholy, Grief


Some ideas for how they fit togethor.

Council of Sustained Existence
the Hopeful - Healing, Balance, Diplomacy, Peace
the General - Light, Day, Expansion, War
the Undeniable - Dark, Night, Marriage, Hunting
the Queen - Earth, Flora, Fauna, Common Sense
the Proud - Weather, Passion, Lust, Humour
the Heroic - Sea, Glory, Adventure, Youth
the Wanderer - Wind, Transformation, Trickery, Outcasts
the Heartbroken - Fire, Misfortune, Forge, Oath
the Captain - Flame, Renewal, Courage, Seeds
the Dancing - Rivers, Theatre, Disguise, Romance
the Princess - Tactics, Loyalty, Progress, Wealth
the Pure - Fertility, Harvest, Family, Community
the Joyous - Philosophy, Song, Feast, Liberation
the Duke - Industry, Commerce, Progress, Wealth
the Sentinel - Justice, Punishment, Honesty, Repentance
the Harmed - Agriculture, Deformity, Herbs, Amphibians
the Entitled - Envy, Discord, Vanity, Theft
the Blissful - Pleasure, Confidence, Etiquette, Fashion
the Brink - Moments, Insects, Action, Duels

Governors of Improvement of Civilization
the Withered - Death, Ore, Secrets, Science
the Pure - Fertility, Harvest, Family, Community
the Joyous - Philosophy, Song, Feast, Liberation
the Duke - Industry, Commerce, Progress, Wealth
the Composed - Navigation, Knowledge, Stars, Gambling
the Quick - Scouts, Messengers, Birds, Charm
the Princess - Tactics, Loyalty, Progress, Wealth

Lords of Escapades
the Heroic - Sea, Glory, Adventure, Youth
the Bastard - Fish, Orphans, Fog, Uncontrollable Magic
the Quick - Scouts, Messengers, Birds, Charm
the Captain - Flame, Renewal, Courage, Seeds
the Brewer - Boasting, Escape, Absurdity, Ale
the Blissful - Pleasure, Confidence, Etiquette, Fashion

The Orcish Powers
the Undeniable - Dark, Night, Marriage, Hunting
the Proud - Weather, Passion, Lust, Humour
the Troubled - Stupidity, Strength, Doom, Undeath
the Tainted - Hatred, Fear, Ice, Betrayal
the Entitled - Envy, Discord, Vanity, Theft
the Shrewd - Practical Magic, Hoarding, Tyranny, Leaders

The Dwarven Powers
the Undeniable - Dark, Night, Marriage, Hunting
the Withered - Death, Ore, Secrets, Science
the Heartbroken - Fire, Misfortune, Forge, Oath
the Creeping - Elderly, Vigour, Wisdom, Miners
the Sentinel - Justice, Punishment, Honesty, Repentance
the Duke - Industry, Commerce, Progress, Wealth


TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
The Sky Junk Thread

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A quicky;
The Doom Titan - A giant mass of fat in sallow thin, bruising skin. Every few years his form claims new ground, flesh rolling over terrain, absorbing it into his colossal body. Over that is grotesquely huge, bloated head that is covered in mouths. He lacks eyes, jaws are in their place. His followers live on him, his high priest about his ears and the lesser paving the way for his mighty form to conquer all.

Tangle and Starless
“In the beginning there was big buggery nothing.”

“I think you find my love, in the beginning there was everything, for the first Powers could do anything, could they not?, therefore it was more a case of deciding what should and shouldn’t be, placing matter where they willed it, what to hide and what to show. There was never a “nothing”.

“Hush your tongue Starless, I have been bound to you for millennia, will there ever be a day you don’t bloody interrupt me with your untruthful prattle?”

“No, my Tangle. It is your punishment, and my own your inherent stupidity.”

“A pox on you, you old addle-brained bastard of a legs-a-wide bar maid.”

Tangle and Starless, as they are commonly called, even by each other, though there real names are unknown, are eternally bound to each other. Tangle is a fiend and Starless is a celestial.
Tales vary; the most widespread is that they fell in love, the crone raised its self to do some diminutive acts of good and the archon lowered itself to do some minuscule evils to please each other. They left their masters for each other, and the lords they served placed a cunning punishment upon them, they would never leave each others side, ever. In time they would hate each other and beg to return…or so they thought.
Worlds have been born and died in the time they’ve been together, they argue, fight, some times physically, but they would never part.

Celestials play chess, of course the difference being that it doesn’t matter if the king is taken, so long as the battle is won and as many of your pieces as you can are kept alive.

Infernals play chess, but the game is more about moving pieces when your foe is turned from the board and converting the other player’s bishops. Bare in mind, another player may join at a moments notice and crush your waning army.

Abyssals play chess, however in all fairness it’s not a game of tactics. The pieces are flung at each other, until all but one is left…beware, the king pieces may be swallowed by the board if their will isn’t strong enough.

Slaadi play. Chess. Oh yes. Chess. Would you like to play chess? Oh, yes…

Modrons don’t play chess, they know every move and method. They have improved the game, and then added a list of rules that may cover a demi-plane. It’s near impossible to play a Modronic game of chess, but those who have learned the rules find that Limbo isn’t really that far from Mechanus.

A idea for a little game:
It rumbles with the darkness. It never slows, it never stops. It never stops.

Your eyes are blurred, your muscles feel like they’re frozen solid.
With effort you lift your head and glance around, you see people in expensive black suits sat at cheap, squeaky plastic seats with tacky square patterns on them by old, coffee stained tables. Next to them are windows, not that it matters, outside is rush of purest black. They look as exhausted as you. You look down and you see your wearing the same expensive clothing.

Your dead, they are too. You know it.

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
The Sky Junk Thread

Ah, one more for a bit. I think I'll have a go at drawing soon, heres a start:

A elemental sod.

A bunch of symbols.

Abyssal thingies.

Limbo thingies.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
The Sky Junk Thread

'TheSky' wrote:
Limbo thingies.

I want one and think they would make lovely pets. Laughing out loud


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

bRA1N-b0X's picture
Joined: 2004-07-13
The Sky Junk Thread

They don't look like they could be pet, without harm. If a pet cannot be pet, is it still a pet?

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
The Sky Junk Thread

'Zimrazim' wrote:
'TheSky' wrote:
Limbo thingies.

I want one and think they would make lovely pets. Laughing out loud

Oh, they do. However you may wake up one day without your eye lids, they love the taste of eye lids.

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
The Sky Junk Thread

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I was thinking of making a thread where any myth posted became canon, but I don't know where to put it. Laughing out loud
Some ideas for myths.

The First Tale of Earth
Comun is the earth. Beasts and trees, monsters and flowers are her children as well as four well-loved Godly children that she had with Garus. Additionally, three more Powers were said to be born with a union or unions with Kaseb.
Her clergy tell a tale of Comun and Kaseb, wherein Comun was tricked into bearing children for Kaseb, when he disguised his self as Garus while her husband was out on a grand and heroic adventure. Comun was furious as only an earth Goddess can be and made the Dragons from her own blood and fingernails, and they would plague the sky, and sadly the world, for all eternity.
She hunted Kaseb for many centuries with the aid of her dragons. They clashed many times. She cut out his left eye, which he later replaced with a star in a trade with Shohann.
She calmed and returned to her husband renewed and far more powerful and matured. To this day she keeps his eye; with it her clergy can predict the weather.
Since those early days Earth and Sea split themselves from Sky, baring all mortals of Comun from the power of flight. Wizards who seek means to fly are said to be loathed by her.
She appears as a large, round, cream skinned woman with brown hands and feet. Her eyes a wide, intense and green and her hair is golden, crowned with vines and flowers. Her attire is often pale green when she is meeting her clergy; otherwise she wears leathers and carries a longbow.
She is on fine terms with many of the Gods, from Dias to Severenous. Her children and mortal faithful have come to her side many times. She is seen as a trustworthy Goddess, a practical and generally peaceful being doing her duty.

Another Take On The First Tale of Earth
Priests of Kaseb claim that just as Dias was born to be with Nocce, Comun with Garus, Kaseb should have been husband to Severenous, but disgusted by her creation of death and vile secrets, he spurned her in favour of wooing Comun.
Her prideful husband was keeping the graceful goddess in a great glass dome under the waves; scholars say this tale suggests that at one time the world was flooded. Kaseb risked the depths, fighting great foes, but at last he freed Comun and with her he birthed three children. But sadly, the God lost her to Garus once more, the God has taken many mortal lovers since, but none hold a candle to her he claims.
He appears as a tall, bronze skinned man with stubble and red, wildly curling hair. His smile is kindly and known to make even the most saddened happy, if only fleetingly. His right eye is a piercing blue, his left a bright as a star. His tongue is often abnormally long. He wears expensive looking blue clothes adored with rubies and emeralds and upon his head is a platinum crown. Though, he can be seen naked as often as clothed.
Kaseb takes a huge interest in mortal lives, he is readily considered the most interfering God, having been spotted watching great battles, chatting with old fisher-wives about what the local dukes been doing and giving objects of great power to budding wizards.
He takes his place in many myths as a hearty, amusing God, often appearing to help the hero of the tale, and often the help isn’t very helpful.
In one tale Kaseb gets his foot stuck in a cloud, as he stomps around trying to free himself he causes thunder and lightening to career across the sky for the first time and in another he loses his penis, which is then taken by a lonely widow, he had to dance for her to get it back.

Terrifying matriarch of death, Severenous is a troubled Goddess. Left without a lover for millennia she grew distant, the virgin Goddess of Death.
It is unknown whether she was death before or after she was scorned by Kaseb, but her clergy are adamant that all would live longer if Kaseb had never been created. She rarely appears before mortals as they live, and thus her will is often miss-interpretated.
Her history is vague, as a Goddess of secrets should be.
But what is known is that Severnous claimed ownership of all ores and gems, or perhaps Comun gave them to her as a gift. But they were not mere ornaments to her, so experimented on them, and with them crafted great items of power; the invisible blades, the gold, tin, silver, iron masks of death.
Another of her great achievements was alchemy, with her ores and the earth’s herbs she created many poisons and almost magical healing potions. Which she kept hidden from all.
Her loneliness was abated by the arrival of Zant, who she fell in love with and he her. It is not considered coincidence that several scientific achievement where discovered in the year of their marriage.
Few worship Severnous, she is called upon in hours of need, in boasts of murderers and my doctors before operations. She doesn’t care for mortals, her place is in their death and their afterlife, what happens as they live is not her duty. She means she has few clergy, who are often sullen, but not unkind.

Some home planes for the Powers:

The Elegant Glass Desert
Creator: Dias the General
Current Ruler: Dias the General

In two words, bright and hot. In another, artistic. Considering the General's reputation and domains, the Desert is a beautifully crafted place of rolling clear glass, gems of soft hues and tall, pearly white towers topped with ever burning fires, untouched by battle and hardship.
For those that can stand the huge red sun forever hanging low on the horizon, the Elegant Glass Desert is heavenly. The General spares no expense for his guests and faithful, every resident living within their own personal palace, his angels watching over them as they sleep.
However, if the call to arms was sounded, everything, everything in plane would be ready to fight by the side of their Power and be expected to by Dias.
Places of Interest
Beacon Blue: A colossal deep, deep blue tower rises out of the clear earth; its entrance is high above the ground. It is the city of battle hardened angels. When the plane is in a time of trouble, it is said a great searing light will shine forth from the tower, flaying evil where it stands.
Mirage Palace: The palace appears, giving food and shelter to those in need. It never stays in one place for more than a day, which is hard to define in the Desert.
Cave Kingdom: Some worship the General in his aspect as War, without thought of Sun. The Cave Kingdom is carved deep into purest black onyx, dark granite and jet.
General Population: Faithful mortals; often humans, elves and dwarves. Every form of angel and many archons. Fire and light related elementals. Cities of hoblins. A fair amount of lizard folk and other reptilians spread across th plane.

The Triumphant Coral Bastion
Creator: Garus the Heroic
Current Ruler: Garus the Heroic
No one would ever call Garus hedonistic, but you can tell he wants the other Powers to be jealous. From his platinum throne set in the heart of the Bastion to the citadels of his mortal worshippers that stretch for miles above and below the sea, built from still growing intelligent coral. The plane is a seemingly endless ocean, the far north is called the “Deep End” by the locals for the savage storms and huge waves while the southern most point is called the “Shallows”, as it is always calm and only a mile in depth. Huge coral peaks rise from the depths, causing long, cool shadows to float across the Bastion Sea.
Places of Interest
General Population: Mortal worshippers and faithless adventurers. Water elementals and intelligent sea life. Vast empires of Merfolk. Archons can be seen, but many of Garus’s servants are busy being adventurous. Giants are known to walk, or swim, the plane.

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
The Sky Junk Thread

Some unbalanced player races, I've hardly played DnD, some I ws just feeling my way around the rules. Laughing out loud

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- Con +2, Int –2
- Small: As a Small creature, a satyr gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but he uses smaller weapons than humans use, and his lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character
- A satyr’s base land speed is 40ft
- Low Light Vision
- +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear
- +2 racial bonus on Listen checks.
- +2 racial bonus on Perform (theatrics)
- Natural Weapons: Head butt (1d4)
- Favored Class: Rogue
- Lands: Any temperate, often woodland near rivers
General Alignment: CG

- Cha +4, Wis –2
- Medium: As Medium creatures, nymphs have no special bonuses or penalties for their size
- A nymph’s base land speed is 30ft
- +2 racial bonus to Hide
- +4 racial bonus to Move Silently
- Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day-Charm Person
- Favored Class: Sorcerer
- Lands: Any temperate, often woodland near rivers
General Alignment: CG

- Str +4, Dex -2
- Large: As Large creatures, Ogres have a -1 penalty to Armor Class, -1 penalty on attack rolls, -4 penalty on Hide checks, +4 bonus on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits double those of Medium characters
- A ogre’s base land speed is 30ft
- +3 natural armour bonus
- Dark vision of 60ft
- Favored Class: Barbarian
- Lands: All ogres live within or on temperate mountains
General Alignment: LE

- Dex +2, Str -2
- Medium: As Medium creatures, leprechauns have no special bonuses or penalties for their size
- A leprechaun’s base land speed is 30ft
- +2 racial bonus to Appraise
- +2 racial bonus to Craft (clothes making and fixing)
- Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day-Mending
- Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-Prestidigitation
- Favored Class: Rogue or Expert
- Lands: Anywhere with a civilisation, Leprechauns find the wilderness imposing
General Alignment: CN

- Str +2, Wis +2, Int -4
- Medium: As Medium creatures tengus have no special bonuses or penalties for their size
- A tengus base land speed is 30ft
- +6 racial bonus to Jump and Balance checks
- All tengu have the feat Two-Weapon Fighting
- Natural Weapons: two talon-like hands (1d4) and a bite attack (1d4)
Favoured Class: Fighter
Lands: Often found in mountains, but never far from their empire
General Alignment: CN

- Wis +4, Cha -4
- Small: As a Small creature, a dvergar gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but he uses smaller weapons than humans use, and his lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character
- A dvergar base land speed is 30ft
- Dark vision of 80ft
- +2 racial bonus to Profession (mining)
- +4 racial bonus to Climb
- Dvergar gain one extra feat at first level.
- Lands: Deep beneath the earth, a rare few in tundra realms
General Alignment: TN

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
More Gods

SO, SO BORING, SKIP TO THE NEXT POST! trans_;) trans_;2)
Hey people, I have a habit of starting projects and ending them in the same don't expect this to be any different!

For a novice DM friend, I'm trying to stat out archetypal gods, there will be two of each. The idea is you can slip these guys into any world. It's a vague project, but give it a look. At the moment only the Weather Gods and Devils are complete.

Proud Weather

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With magnetism only a god could have, the Proud Weather is a natural leader and a master of political manipulation. He occupies most of his time debating with the other gods on a number of subjects, forever imposing his ideas onto them. He is patient by mortal standards, but to other gods the Proud is considered whimsical and free spirited.
He tries to maintain a presence of grandeur and holiness, but is not above toying with mortals for his amusement, though he is equally likely to show mercy to those in need. He is behind many civil wars and feuds, some he didn’t even mean to cause. He is particularly harsh on women; many of his past mortal lovers are now feared monsters.
He is known to travel the mortal realm more than other gods. He can take any form he wishes, but often travels as a nobleman or a large bird like a swan or goose. He is also known to deal out his own personal forms of justice as he travels the land, thieves and tax collects are his favourite to harm.
He is accepted by the other gods for his battle prowess; he has many times over battled the foes of the gods to show his greatness.
Proud Weather is fond of sports of all kinds and often blesses events and sometimes comes down from his cloud palace to greet spectators and sportsmen alike. He is more likely to bestow power on mortals that have reached there peak in their chosen skill, rather than for their devotion. In the past he has granted kings powerful abilities, often with flaws greater than the gift, such as giving a king the power to kill with a touch without showing the man how to stop it.
Clerics of the Proud Weather must uphold the image of their god through feats of strength and through quick wit. They must spend an equal amount of time honing their physical skills and force their beliefs on others. They must pay tribute to the temples of their faith regularly unless they have been sent on a mission by the higher bishops. Unlike many religions clerics of the Proud Weather can meet their god personally, as he travels from land to land; this gives them an inflated sense that their god is the only true god.

Symbol: A fist holding lightening, a throne on a cloud, a javelin on a royal blue background
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Omens: Thunder on a clear day, Lightening storms, the disappearance or appearance of eagles and other large birds of prey, the death of beautiful birds like parrots, swans or peacocks, men achieving great things.
Worshipers: sportsmen, warriors, warlords, poor peasants, kings and generals
Cleric Alignments: Any
Domains: Weather, Nobility, Strength, Trickery, Chaos
Favoured Weapon: Glorious Javelin

Watchful Weather

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Ancient and distant, the Watchful expended a huge about of energy just staying up to date. At creations beginning she was little more than a vast elemental, but as mortals began to worship her she turned and formed eyes to watch and ears to listen, as she gathered knowledge on these mortals, she learned of selfless goodness and hasn’t strayed from that concept in all these eons. It is rare she speaks with other gods and is either incapable or unwilling to travel the mortal realms, she remands in the shape of clouds at all times.
The Watchful enjoys hardworking mortals, having a preference for farmers. She blesses the crops of good farmers and spreads rain across good kingdoms. However she is not known for pondering upon her work and doesn’t go out of her way to change people who are evil towards good.
She rests within her own land far from all others, it is a land filled with clouds and constant rain, hail and uplifting air currents. Younger gods may seek her out for her wisdom but she is difficult to find. It is said from her home are large floating windows that she uses to watch the world.
Divine powers are often thrust upon mortal worshipers that the Watchful has noticed do great deeds. She is however, nervous in giving the cleric too much power, knowing through experience that mortals hold power poorly. Those that she can trust however are some of the most powerful people alive and wield storms like the god themselves for the cause of good.
Cleric of the Watchful are kindly and passionate about their faith, rare is it that they are questioned, they travel from town to town with ease, often staying free with peoples houses for they are thought of as lucky. Meetings are held at irregular times on open fields, there are no temples of the Watchful. Clerics are expected to work hard each day to bring good into the world, but the manner can range from fighting vile creatures to caring for orphans. Clerics of the Watchful should be diligent at all times, open to other beliefs and at least acknowledge other nature related gods.

Symbol: A grey cloud with a face, a blue eye, a swaying wheat field on a green background
Alignment: Neutral Good
Omens: Strong winds, rain over a temple, unnaturally long storms, shooting stars, a face or hand in clouds
Worshipers: Farmers and the general population
Clerics Alignment: NG, LG, CG
Domains: Weather, Air, Storm, Plant, Good
Favoured Weapon: Sickle of a Harvest’s Breeze

Guiding Sun
Symbol: A yellow sun above a traveller on a white background, a simple golden ring, a rusted sword
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Omens: Warm days in winter, light reflecting brightly, a rainbow
Worshipers: Guides, sailors, travellers and the general population
Clerics Alignment: LN, LG, NG
Domains: Sun, Healing, Law, Travel, Courage
Favoured Weapon: Sunbeam Longbow

Conquering Sun
Symbol: A skull with a red sun behind it,
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Omens: Famine, drought, scorching hot summers, a dead scorpion
Worshipers: NE, LE, LN, TN
Clerics Alignment: Soldiers both invading and defending, desert peasants
Domains: Sun, Fire, War, Glory, Courage
Favoured Weapon: Blistering Warhammer

Hunter Moon
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Omens: A bright full moon, a fox chasing a hare, a simple silver ring
Worshipers: Tribal or clan peasants, trackers, mourning people, gamblers
Clerics Alignment: CG, CN, LC, LN, TN
Domains: Darkness, Luck, Community, Repose, Animal
Favoured Weapon: Crossbow of Nights

Undeniable Moon
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Worshipers: Sorcerers, hags, beautiful or those that wish to be beautiful
Clerics Alignment: LE
Domains: Evil, Water, Charm, Tyranny, Darkness
Favoured Weapon: Lordly Mace

Cloaked Death
Diplomat Charon themed with dwarven mining
Symbol: A thigh bone, a broken black circle, a wooden boat on a grey background
Alignment: True Neutral
Omens: Gold dust in the air, finding a coin with teeth marks on it, tiny animals bones in a pile, eclipses
Worshipers: Judges, the old and decrepit, miners
Clerics Alignment: TN
Domains: Death, Strength, Darkness, Metal, Greed
Favoured Weapon: Broadsword of the End

Whispering Death
Acts as a false harvest god, secret blood alters
Symbol: A goat skull
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Omens: A person committing suicide, blood smeared across doors, the sound of goats at night, madness and great plagues
Worshipers: Those who fear death, necromancers, assassins, farmers & fishers
Clerics Alignment: Any
Domains: Death, Madness, Destruction, Knowledge, Pestilence
Favoured Weapon: Addled Dagger

Nurturing Earth
Symbol: A simple leaf or branch, a pine tree with a castle beneath it, a dark brown circle
Alignment: True Neutral
Omens: Grass growing long overnight, trees swaying without wind, early spring
Worshipers: Barbarians, hermits, shaman, doctors and the general population
Clerics Alignment: Any Good
Domains: Creation, Renewal, Balance, Healing, Earth
Favoured Weapon: World-Tree Quarterstaff

Imprisoned Earth
Worshippers believe if they free her a true world will be born
Symbol: A green circle with a beast crushed inside, a mass of red claws and feathers, a scarred pebble
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Omens: Ants acting strangely, fungus growing on food, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, cave bears sleeping outside her temples
Worshipers: Outcasts, bandits, those that fear the wilderness and the general population
Clerics Alignment: Any Neutral
Domains: Cavern, Earth, Liberation, Plant, Fire
Favoured Weapon: Scimitar Key

Lover Dream
Symbol: A silver stag on a pink background, a bending mirror, a theatrical mask, a rose bud, a glass rose
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Omens: A stag running through a town, a broken wine glass, petals in the wind, a moth fluttering over a bed, a cold wind
Worshipers: Poets, singers and all manner of bards, young lovers and a rare child that has nightmares and knows of the god
Clerics Alignment: CN, NG
Domains: Dream, Artifice, Charm, Glory, Nobility
Favoured Weapon: Rapier of Hope

Nameless Dream
Symbol: Spinning looms on a black background, a sleeping boy’s face, a elderly woman without eyes, a simplistic moth
Alignment: True Neutral
Omens: A headache, a shattered mirror or wine glass, a pile of sand
Worshipers: Those that suffer sleepless nights, illusionists, mediators and philosophers.
Clerics Alignment: Any
Domains: Dream, Illusion, Magic, Darkness, Rune
Favoured Weapon: Shimmering Blacklight Shortsword

Loyal Devil

Spoiler: Highlight to view

Considered the middle child of the gods, not an ancient power from before mortal kind nor one of the youthful adventurous deities of war, love or any of the entertaining capacities. It is said the gods drew hairs from a unicorn, or straws in some versions, to decide who would rule over Hell that would soon be filled with evil souls. The Loyal drew the shortest and has been at it ever since, while it isn’t the life he hoped for, he acts upon his role with zeal creating elaborate punishments for the damned but even more impressive he wants to purify the souls, to cleanse them of their sin and send them off to the other gods. He is constantly tweaking and calculating to his methods and while the results haven’t been that promising, he has saved a few and sent them on his way. But the loyal is patience personified, like a coiled snake, and he has eternity to make every resident good.
He spends most of his time within the endless wastes and chasms of his kingdom, surveying the wicked and idly talking with them about why they were sinful and what can be done about it. It is said that the most terrifying thing in the world is the Loyal asking you why you did something, it is said he can make even the most hardened assassin weep. Hell itself is a multitude of joined worlds, most empty tundra while others are filled with sharp moving canyons that seek to harm any that trespass or even boiling oceans. Despite the endless nature of the realm, the Loyal has names for every mountain, every fire filled river and knows the intricacies of the bloody moon cycles, volcanic eruption times and the mismatched seasons of the underworld.
He does not travel the mortal realm in person, but instead has spies either from the Hell itself or in the form of his clerics. He keeps his distance in general believing that he has enough to do without interfering with the other god’s domains. He has a place in his heart for those that battle the wicked and has been known to gift them with weapons to aid them which are very much sort after. Those that fight common threats such as town guards are among is most highly favoured however and many a common watch has had “a moment of devilish” when defending his of her home.
He is highly respected with other gods for his willingness to do his duty without falling to what can only be described as the worst place imaginable. However he rarely aids with the battles the gods face or intervene on mortals behalf has given many a warped view on the god.
Clerics of the Loyal must first try to contact the god; he will not come to them for their faith alone. Their second task is to prove to them that they are not only just but truly need his help, for the Loyal runs Hell, he knows sinners will get what they deserve. Once a member of the clergy, they join a loose collective of hunters of malevolent immortals and any evil that can evade the dangers of entering Hell. A cleric must also attempt to persuade common criminals to turn to good and be generous to petty thieves and beggars. As a whole they regard the other deities as weak willed but will likely venerate another god that holds sway in the mortal realm.

Symbol: A crown made of nettles, a serpent underneath a white mountain, a simple prison design
Alignment: Lawful Good
Omens: A face appearing on the wall of a courtroom, a prisoner dead in his or her cell, a blizzard
Worshipers: Wardens, town guards, judges and lawyers, other stern yet caring individuals and repentant criminals
Clerics Alignment: LG, LN, LE
Domains: Law, Scalykind, Protection, Water, Destruction
Favoured Weapon: Trident of Justice

Astute Devil

Spoiler: Highlight to view

Long ago she was a general in the many wars the gods faced; she was the greatest of angels, beautiful and powerful and full of pride. But every battle against evil degraded her mind to the point where everything was an obstacle, a foe. She had changed from what she had been designed to be. Her presence withered Heaven and caused a heavy fear in the tiny souls of mortals. She hated her makers and feeling that she alone was perfect; wished to rule over creation absolutely.
Tales differ, but it is said that she was put on trail by the gods for being villainous, but she was too clever and argued brilliantly that she had broken no laws, which was truth. So the naïve gods granted her a boon instead for her soldiering. She asked to leave the house of Heaven and go to live alone in Hell, under the conditions that she could feed on evil souls to sustain her as she would travel far from the gods, the gods readily excepted this…but soon the Astute’s first plan was fulfilled, she would tempt mortals to evil, growing stronger every moment.
Her activities in the mortal realm are secretive; often she creates avatars to start cults in her worship in far off tribes. Whatever she does, it has a place and purpose that can span hundreds of years, she is equal parts schemer and warrior. She will take the form of something fantastical such as a winged woman or a colossal bear, but never in the form of a mere mortal, for that is beneath her. Between grand schemes she is quite happy tormenting people relentlessly, driving them mad and causing them to do great evils out of fear. Cowards are a favourite to grant powers upon, forcing them into a spiral of vice as they try to survive her whims. She knows the value of force of will, and will never grant her power to intelligent people, for deep in her heart she fears that one day she will create another that can do what she has done. Rumours percit however, that once in a new moon she will talk to old women as they clean their clothes about very mundane things and later curse them to die painfully, which is almost random and without motive.
Hated by all she has no allies and will be openly attacked by the other gods.
Clerics of Astute are a strange lot, more often than not they are those that pray to her through fear and will frequently be chaotic, if not insane. They have no traditions or hierarchy; they follow orders directly from their god. Their lives are short, they only live to become evil enough to make a really good meal.

Symbol: A sceptre covered in gems, a staff with a baboon head, a nickel quill, a flaming sword
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Omens: A throne upturned, a group of dead toads, a burning building, a babbling vagrant, still born children, crabs marching on land
Worshipers: Insane murderers, desperate barbarian clans and some wizards
Clerics Alignment: NE, LE, CE
Domains: Nobility, Trickery, Rune, Fire, Evil
Favoured Weapon: Lost Soul's Net

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
100 Character Concepts

This bit of junk will be updated more often as it will actually keep me interested for a while!

It won't get too complex, just enough to get the flavour, but not too taxing to read through.

They will be set out like this:
Race or whatever it is (I might sometimes just say "Elf" instead of "Wild or Grey Elf" because it makes the concept easier to change if I use it for something.)
Class, if any
A few sentences of the concept
A quote

Living Prayer
Lawful Good
Awakened Greater Earth Elemental
Where a battle was fought between the last of some forgotten paladin troop and a set of pit fiends, the earth was moved by their bravery. Now it seeks to rid the world of the fiendish vermin as well as restore the battleground into a tranquil forest.
"A mute and immobile voyeur of sin, no longer!"

Truthful Tom
Lawful Good
Rogue Modron
Tom was on a mission to observe a world that had just begun to form civilization, after many months he found himself watching the young gnome city of Many-Ways. They were attacked by kobolds and Tom felt the need to defend them, he lost his rank and connection to the One and the Prime but became the hero of these little folk. Famed for his honesty, he is a very useful ally as he knows more than most berks.
"Order by Oath, Victory by Vow, Peace by Promise."

Murphy Mather
Lawful Good
His Power is dead, in a great war she was eaten by a evil pantheon. Yet, somehow he, unlike most of the wavering clergy, has retained his blessings. In fact on his travels he has been performing even greater divine magics that he previously could. He is slowly coming to terms with the fact he may be her heir...
"I still pray sometimes, I get this sort of echo effect."

Esward Burngate
Lawful Good
Long ago a woman defended the land from invading horrors from a flaming portal, the clan Burngate has lived by that charred chasm ever since. Esward lives by the clans outdated traditions and has put his life on the line many times just to prove that living by law is the best way to be. Esward is the clans current leader and wants to fulfill his role to the best of his capabilities, but what really lies beyond the portal troubles his dreams...
'Principles are results. They are ends in themselves'

Countess Kestal Forca
Neutral Good
She began life as the daughter of a famous thinker and artist, she was taught from a early age to be open minded and passionate. In her teens she met a dashing man that she came to know was the Count of a far off barony, they married but by the years end he showed his true colours as a vampire and that she was but one of hundred of wives that he had married and then killed. By a twist of fate she stabbed him with a wooden chair leg and now she rules the barony herself!
"Right then, the ghouls won't let the werewolves pass through the Acidic Marsh, but the murderers guild is willing to...why do we have a guild of murderers?"

Durtstrum "Dirty" Goldvein
Neutral Good
Cursed by the clerics of his home mountain, Dirty feels pain whenever he touches treasure or coins for attempting to steal from the city vault. Since then he really has mended his ways and seeks to prove his worth by defeating the foes of dwarven kind. Countless times he has asked to return to his home, but he has been deigned, his adventures get more and more dangerous every month.
"'Ello. I'm just off to kill some giants, wanni come?"

Electric Jones
Chaotic Good
Flesh Golem
None know her past, or would like too. Jones gained her name on the strange effect she has on technology of any kind, namely it blows up in a shower of lightening. Usually wandering around town wearing a wide-brim hat and flowing coat babbling, she has actually gained quite a circle of allies as she has the uncanny knack of solving puzzles, over the years she has even solved a few that have eluded grey beards all their lives. Some of them are quite annoyed by that fact...
"Ah, this puzzle be simples, you think top is the, no, no, got to think like a dwarf for it!"

Nelson Hulata the Master of Song
Chaotic Good
Bard/Horizon Walker/Loremaster
Nelson, which is far from his original name, lives to bring joy through music. He is quite ancient, said to be the founder of the Knights in White Satin and a thousand years later the very same man that aided them in battling the Iron Maidens. He faded from his world in search of deeper musics, traveling in a great, yellow contraption and is famed for making Mammon tap his foot to the beat of his drum.
"Are you ready?, hey, are you ready for this? Are you hangin' on the edge of your seat?

Wayeimon One-Winged
Lawful Neutral
He lead a army to battle demons, unknown to him he and his fellows were to die that day to set about some even greater scheme. He watched his soldiers fall but he, through luck and skill still in equal parts, lived on and returned to the Heavens to learn that through living he had failed to spread just the right amount of celestial blood on the ground and a spell his master had cast failed. Confused, Wayeimon questions the gods and is lost even in the most familiar of places.
"I am aware I have fallen; are you aware the gods have?"

Erogum Lisker
Lawful Neutral
Erogum, or Captain Lisker as he is more commonly known, has worked his way from the runt of an orc tribe to a dwaven slave to a thug in the largest city in his world to the highest captain of the royal elven navy. He isn't finished. With fragments of knowledge about other planes he plans to open a rift in the sky of his world and pilot a grand vessel to venture into the unknown. He is brutally effective at gathering knowledge and has the whole navy and the queens blessing at his disposal.
"You? go. Zenith Squadron, stay put! Sunset brigade, your with me, take the Royal Trader, I don't want them to think this is a attack. After all, we're allies with the, the dwarves."

Gritt Barrow
Lawful Neutral
Gritt and six other dwarves were miners, but not just any old pick-lads, they planned to build a new city for the good of the people. The first winter was harsh and took three of them. But they mined onwards and downwards until they came upon a first it was silent, but soon hoards of imps and other fiery verminous creatures rose from it. Gritt was the only on left. His first instinct, if dwarves have them, was to seal the tunnel to the chasm off with a metal door. He slowly continues his work, carving out rooms and workshops, as he hopes that more dwarves will come some day, even if he is dead by then.
"Hardship? Do you not know of the tale of Uld? Who had his soul eaten? I am fine and my friends watch from the Mountain-homes of the gods."

True Neutral
Awakened Wooden Golem
Mannequin has had a strange life and it has happened in such a short space of time. She was a young tree which like many around it, had a mind of its own, years of druidic interference saw to that. She was cut down to be used as firewood by some berk and he was cut down shortly after. The druids cast her into a stream as a sort of burial and she was later found by a dressmaker who asked a friend to make a mannequin to put her clothes on. With joints to move, Mannequin just up and walked off, wearing a very nice lavender suit.

De'Janet the Speaker
True Neutral
De'Jacket has divine power, she can cast spells and heal with the best of them. She doesn't worship anybody, this, she says, is proof their are no true gods. In truth a ancient trickster deity is using her to upset the balance of power in the Heavens...
"Now watch this!"

Benbahsinsay the Twister of Laws
True Neutral
Wizard/Arcane Trickster
Self titled "Prince of Bedlam", Ben went on a rampage through Mechanus and was punished by the Modrons, they tried to make him lawful. Ben broke free after years of education in pure Law and escaped to a Prime World where he rested and gave himself a new mission. Instead of outright attacking Law, he would infiltrate it and using magic taught to him by a witch, play the part of a judge, or other justice dealing figures and helps to create unjust and outright wrong laws. He can be found in Sigil now, if you know how to see past his current form and his ability to act exactly as a lawful person would.
"Thus, with rule sixty-two being what it is, this girl is free of all charges and the court shall pay her for her wasted time. Good day to you all and you, sir."

Anomalous Operation
True Neutral
Confirmation Bias is a tendency to search for or interpret new information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions and avoid information and interpretations which contradict prior beliefs, thought a hig-ranking modron. Anomalous Operation left his home of three hundred years to search for truth. So far he hasn't found what he, or maybe she, is looking for but has taken joy in gaining geographical information. Anomalous Operation has unknowingly gained the friendship of many peoples, some of them righteous, some villianous and many with powerful connections in Sigil such as A'kin.
"Inductive Inference; the theory of prediction based on observations; for example, you are a fiend, therefore you are evil, just as all I have met before were. I will not consider you such until proven otherwise, no matter if I meet a thousand more that are evil."

Chaotic Neutral
From a Prime world of united barbarians, Clint watched his woman die at the hands of a demon. He followed it to Sigil and he only has one thing in mind. He seems to have a knack of guessing a items use and a persons motive.
"The Hive, huh? A place o' thieves I gather. Boy, get out from behind that rock, fight like your father would be proud of for once."

Rikitititajiti Two-mouths
Chaotic Neutral
The Dealer of Cards berks call him, Riki spends all, all, of his time in a up town bar dealing cards for poker games. He is fairly young, but in his time he's seen jolly thieves cheat each other, poor brothers play for nuts, a arch-wizard lose to a babbling idiot and even demons play angels over mens souls, Riki thinks that through games of chance, he can better understand chaos and the multiverse itself. He is mad by mortal standards, but a fair dealer who favours none. Don't ask where the second mouth is!
"Two ru-eds and a foo' can gain ever-ar-e-thing. A black an' ru-ed? A foo' must become less-a-fool quick!"

Lawful Evil
Rogue Modron
It was in Baator that Wheels-Within-Wheels knew that to uphold law, you must enforce strict punishment. Wheels does not think of itself as a individual, or as anything really, just as [i]Law. It moves throughout the planes using a magical staff it "confiscated" from an Abbysal Lord; imposing rules and regulations, it doesn't believe not knowing the law is a reason not to go unpunished.[/i]
"Validate your existence."

Bosr Hexer
Neutral Evil
Bosr was kidnapped shortly after birth by a band of goblins, soon to be a tasty meal if not for the intervention of the bands seer, Jahr Hexer. He was taught by Jahr that in him was the ability to master the arcane arts and coupled with the need to defend himself from the goblin children he quickly became potent in causing pain. He now leads the ever growing band and is well aware he is a classical dark lord, sending his goblins raiding settlements just to pass the time. He is fascinated by culture and always wears the finest robes in the presence of adventurers, and tries his best to use every long and often forgotten word he can when talking to them.
"Ah, an adventuring fellowship? Perhaps you would favour a diversion of wit somewhat more than outright mêlée?"

Frau Kindeaser
Neutral Evil
Green Hag
The Child Eater, Frau, hates riddles and other haggish pass-times, and frankly, talking. This means that few get to know that she has in fact never eaten anything, let alone a child. She lurks in a tiny cottage on a cliffs edge; she has been waiting for the sea to finally take the cottage off the edge, with her with it. Being evil can be very depressive she thinks, Frau has never actually done anything wrong, or anything really, but her evil stems from never helping or hindering anything. She hates loud noises and can be sent into violent rages when suprised.
"All that breathes will die, all that besides will fade away."

The Glass Princess
Chaotic Evil
Human turned Outsider
Long ago her toad faced husband drove her mad and stole her away from her world, now she has surpassed him and he is but a pawn in her war games. She is obsessed with glass and the palace she lives in is made of it. She is often child-like and fantastical, but every once in a while she becomes deadly serious and her flair for tactics shines through. She has had many children each are devoted to her, they are in part jesters and acrobats to amuse her and assassins. She ultimately wishes to be a goddess of beauty.
"Even a man who owns nothing can still offer his life."

bertrum's picture
Joined: 2007-02-01
The Sky Junk Thread

Ok, so maybe maybe my original estimate was a little off. gonna pick this up again and start polishing things off.

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
The Sky Junk Thread

'bertrum' wrote:
Ok, so maybe maybe my original estimate was a little off. gonna pick this up again and start polishing things off.


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Sky Junk Thread

I think this may be a result of a forum bug - bertrum may be able to tell us if this is a mispost.

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
The Sky Junk Thread

'Clueless' wrote:
I think this may be a result of a forum bug - bertrum may be able to tell us if this is a mispost.

Ah, fair enough. Thanks for dropping by to say. trans_:|>

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Sky Junk Thread

Life has slowed down enough for me to actually get on the boards again and read threads Smiling

Mask's picture
Joined: 2007-04-22
The Sky Junk Thread

'TheSky' wrote:
A bunch of symbols.

Reminds me of the maps for "Pool of Radiance" or "Gateway to the Savage Frontier" Eye-wink

Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.