The Sigil Influence

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Agamemnon's picture
Joined: 2004-11-17
The Sigil Influence

I recently acquired a copy of the Washington City Paper for the week, APRIL 6-12, 2007. The feature article is entitled as "Sects Appeal." It is billed as being the guide to alternative Christian enlightenment. The article itself is set up as a board game BUT it is written in a manner similar to the flavor of the Plansecape manual when it covers the factions. There are 12 featured "sects" and, after reading it, I felt as though I was reading about Sigil (or a comparable Gate-Town).

The presentation of the belief systems left me thinking only of Planescape; so much so, that I thought I'd share it.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
The Sigil Influence

That is interesting. Any chance you could go into a little more detail on the contents of the article? I'd be interested in seeing just how much it syncs up

Agamemnon's picture
Joined: 2004-11-17
The Sigil Influence

'Hymneth' wrote:
Any chance you could go into a little more detail on the contents of the article?

I read the article again to see if there was a direct connection, but there wasn't. Remember, these are actual religious practices that are currently in operation. I did attempt to pull from each as much "meat" as would allow a conclusion to be drawn or establish the basis on which to build (if one is so drawn).

SECTS Appeal

Flow Yoga Insight Meditation Meeting
Logan Circle
Belief: Helps you focus on the present and cultivate an awareness of your surroundings

Washington Ethical Society
Rock Creek Gardens
Belief: Seek “a supreme way of being” rather than “a supreme being;” the church experience without a God focus.

Baha’i Community of Washington, D.C.
Brightwood Park
Belief: Why just focus on Christ, Mohammed or Buddha? Accept them all as they were all messengers sent by one God.

The Church of the Holy City
Logan Circle
Belief: True guidance is based on the reading, studying and application of the writings of Swedish scientist and Christian Mystic, Emanuel Swedenborg.

Seekers Church
Belief: Any one can bring the word, therefore the pulpit is open to anyone wishing to bring the message for the morning. Winning statement: “it is well and good to warn of the evils of hedonism, but the gift of our bodies with all of their senses of smell, sight, and touch would be so much the poorer for being deprived of the scent of roses. I believe that I can pleasurably spread the word of God while still making provision for the flesh – and by taking advantage of the pleasures of the flesh, which can include hard physical labor in the service of others and making mad, passionate love.”

Unity of Washington, D.C.
Capitol Hill
Belief: Combining a light show and delicate synthesizers to conjure a restful ambience, cutting edge technology is used to enhance the spiritual experience.

Church of God
Belief: The focus is strictly on Lucifer; know that he is currently working with the Illumunati to bring about the birth of an Earthly Antichrist; know your enemy.

United House of Prayer for All People
Mount Vernon Square
Belief: If you truly love God, you have to let him know. You want to testify? There is a lively congregation and trombone-powered shout band waiting to listen to, celebrate on and back your testimony. [creative testimony is encouraged; create a way of casting out demons by applying topical cream to your head or create your own language.]

St. James Restoration Apostle Church of Christ in God
Logan Circle
Belief: Feel free to dance and sing your heart out; crawl onto the drum set and pass out; grab the microphone and prophesy that a congregation member’s baby will die. Winning statement: “sometimes you have to do stupid and crazy stuff to get to God.”

Trinity Religious Temple Church
U. Street Corridor
Belief: Small congregations can give a theatrical feel to the religious experience – especially when the pastor is prone to acting. It’s not uncommon for the minister to act out his interpretations of bible passages complete with many personality viewpoints.

The Church of Two Worlds
Belief: Carry on direct intellectual discourse with the other side via channeling. During prayer service, a worship leader will host deceased spirits for conversations with the congregation members.

Institute for Spiritual Development
Belief: Science has caught up with metaphysics in the form of the Novalite 3000. Now the recovery from sickness is possible by having this 4-foot-tall pink Tesla coil restore unhealthy cells to a proper level of vibration.

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