The Shaz, of the Magical Energy Plane

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JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Shaz, of the Magical Energy Plane


Deep within the Inner Planes, lies a place influenced by all it's neighbors, but almost unkown, a place of pure, chaotic magic, wild enough to fool some into mistaking the place for Limbo, but inhabited not by slaadi, githzerai, but beings who are the kin of angels, a breed of lesser celestials who inhabit this strange world, and are infused by the primal nature of the everpresent magics, being changed into ghostly magical elemental-kin...also known to those who know of them as magic genasi, or the Shaz.

Personality: Shaz are utterly cheerful and curious, as they come from a world where they have a firm understanding of how things work...they can do -anything-. Once they reach the Material Plane, and begin to hunger, thirst, tire, and even breathe, it is all a new, spectacular world with boundaries that they want nothing more than to explore. Don't confuse their curiosity and ignorance with immaturity, most shaz betray stunningly well-defined social roles, as their varying castes, joined voluntarily, define their approach to the planes outside their home.

Physical Description: The shaz, on the Material Plane, resemble hollow glass and gold statues of beautiful men and women of half-elf appearance that glow from within with a entrancing blue-green energy. Their form often incorporates traits that resemble clothing, like translucent flowing skirts or golden armor pieces, but this is all part of the shaz's physical shell. They are uniformly thin, tall, and beautiful, and their voices seem drawn from notes of music. Some have thin, non-functional wings, and others form themselves into other races, but these are exceedingly rare.

On the Magical Energy Plane, shaz are very different. They shed their glassy shells and appear as glowing incorporeal versions of their material selves. In this magical, weightless realm, they are the norm, and non-magical matter is the awkward alien. In the Magical Energy Plane, they need not eat, sleep, drink or breathe, and usually find such needs strange and unsettling once they reach the Material Plane.

Relations: Shaz find kindred souls in the elves, especially the star elves of the Forgotten Realms, who are fellow strangers to the Material Plane. To the shaz, elves are like forerunners who could show them how to live under the strange laws of the Prime Material. Elves in turn, see shaz alternately as angels, or swiftly become jealous of their mastery of both magic and men. Shaz find humans intruiging, for their dazzling variety, and their yearning to understand, which shaz mirror in their curiosity about the worlds of the Prime. Other races are very alien to the shaz, as they cannot comprehend the "redundant desires" of dwarves, orcs, and others, since they come from a world where conflict is unnecessary. Shaz often refer to those native to the Material Plane as "materials" or "primes".

Alignment: Shaz cannot comprehend evil at first, but some grasp it quickly when they realize they cannot have whatever they desire at a thought...but most, having lived a truly benevolent life, not to mention their celestial origins, have trouble leaving their friendly ways, and such drift quickly toward good. As for ethics, chaos reigns on Magic, and few shaz leave that mentality anytime soon, so, any alignment can eventually be reached, but almost all shaz at least begin their "lives" chaotic good.

Religion: Shaz worship whichever gods of magic they find. Their relationships with their diety are almost heretically casual, as they treat their favored gods almost like older siblings, to be pleased or annoyed at their own cheerful whim.

Language: Shaz speak Celestial and Ignan natively, and quickly learn Common once they arrive outside Magic. Bonus languages are those from races who have strong magical traditions, or from planar beings who they may have encountered.

Names: Male--Phadus, Female--Irya

Adventurers: Shaz are the premiere sorcerers and bards on the Material, only surpassed by dragons and spellweavers. Closely following that, are wizards, and behind that, clerics and druids. Some few shaz overcome the difficulties and push through the alienness of the ranger and paladin class, and eventually master it, and once they gain access to the class' spells, they ease into the role as well as can be expected. A shaz who entirely abandons magic for a martial class such as a fighter or monk is rare to the point of stark madness for their kind. Shaz mostly adventure to slake their never-ending curiosity, or to master the Material Plane's techniques of using magic.


Shaz Racial Traits:
Shaz have the following abilities and characteristics:
* -2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +4 Intelligence, +6 Charisma. Shaz are all unused to being confined to a physical form, and their bodies are not completely able to adapt to the Prime. However, they learn very quickly, and are easily able to find help quickly.
* Shaz are normally incorporeal elementals, however they count as outsiders for the purposes of all spell effects while outside the Magical Energy Plane. Outside of Magic, they must eat, sleep, and breathe to survive, and are corporeal.
* Medium-size.
* Land speed 20ft. Shaz are incredibly light and barely touch the ground when they walk, so they have a great deal of trouble digging in and gaining a great deal of speed and traction.
* Hand to hand damage 1d2. The Shaz are frail creatures, unsuited to physical combat. Shaz use the Small creature rules for unarmed combat damage.
* Extraplanar(Su). Shaz are elementals, and are not native to the Material Plane, but rather a demiplane in the core of the Inner Planes known as the Magical Energy Plane. Spells and effects that target extraplanar creatures affect shaz. Banishment, dismissal, and similar effects that banish outsiders return a shaz to the Magical Energy Plane.
* Dweomersight(Su). A shaz percieves all things in terms of magical auras, and function as if always under the effects of an arcane sight spell. Furthermore, the effect allows a functional darkvision out to 120 feet. In a dead-magic or anti-magic zone, a shaz is considered blind.
* Shaz always have Spellcraft and Use Magic Device in class and have a +4 racial bonus to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device checks.
* Spell-like abilities(Sp): At will - Light, Mage Hand, Nystul's Magical Aura, Prestidigitation. All as a sorcerer of the shaz's character level.
* Spell resistance 5 + character level.
* Magical Isolation: Shaz have some trouble grasping functioning without magic at their fingertips. As such, they multiclass differently from most "materials". Shaz have no favored class, as such, as whenever they take levels in a class that provides no spellcasting ability, such as fighter, they take a 20% xp cumulative penalty per non-magical class. Once a class gains a spell list and caster level, it's penalty is removed, such as ranger or paladin. This also applies to prestige classes, unlike most characters.
* Shaz have no racial weapon proficiencies.
* Automatic Languages: Common and Celestial. Bonus Languages: Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Ignan, Infernal, Terran.
* Level Adjustment +2


Magical Isolation examples:
Sorcerer 5, Wizard 3, Cleric 1 = 0% penalty.
Fighter 3, Sorcerer 3, Cleric 3 = 20% penalty.
Fighter 3, Ranger 3, Cleric 3 = 40% penalty.
Fighter 3, Ranger 6, Cleric 3 = 20% penalty.
Fighter 1, Sorcerer 6, Eldrich Knight 2 = 20%

Bonus spells per day, bonus spells known, or additional spellcasting ability counts as spellcasting.
Class differences do not apply, only whether or not the class provides spellcasting.


Shaz-related feats:

Born to Sorcery:
Prerequisites: Shaz, Cha 13+, ability to cast arcane spells spontaneously.
Benefits: Apply your Charisma bonus as additional spells on your known spells list. This only applies to spells you can already learn.

Spellcasting Prodigy:
As FRCS, your caster stat counts as 2 higher for purposes of your magic.

venjr's picture
Joined: 2005-03-31
The Shaz, of the Magical Energy Plane

here you go

JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
The Shaz, of the Magical Energy Plane

Not that I don't appreciate a good bump, but what made you decide to do that?

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
The Shaz, of the Magical Energy Plane


A human Sor20, Cha 30, casts 6/9/8/8/8/8/7/7/7/7. Spells Known are 9/5/5/4/4/4/4/3/3/3. Save DCs are 20+ spell level. This is our baseline.

A shaz Sor18, Cha 36, casts 6/10/9/9/9/9/8/8/8/5. He spends one feat on Born to Sorcery and has Spells Known of 9/9/8/7/7/7/6/5/4/3. Save DCs are 23+ spell level.

The shaz is arguably quite a bit more powerful here, and definitely a lot more versatile. And this is solely based on looking at LA, Cha adjustment, and one special feat. Add in their extraplanar nature (making them immune to charm person, hold person, and most other low-level enchantments), spell resistance (!), special multiclassing rules (!!), spell-like abilities (four cantrips usable at will!!!), and dweomersight (constant arcane sight and darkvision!!!...)

I'm sorry. These guys ain't an LA +2. Not with about as many at-will spell-like abilities as some lesser fiends, and no racial HD to suck caster levels. Not no way in heck.

LegatoX's picture
Joined: 2005-01-30
The Shaz, of the Magical Energy Plane

Yeah, it definately needs to be more than level 2.

Assimar get one spell like ability usable once per day and have three energy reistances (only at 5 though) and the stat bonuses aren't nearly as good as your new race.

The Multiclassing penalty really isn't much of a penalty at all. The race is geared specifically towards being a spellcaster. Sure, someone might want be goofy and play a pure fighter (it was the first thing that popped in my head just to do it for the hell of it), but most people are going to pick this race and go pure magic anyway.

I think you definately need to make it at least a 3 or 4 level adjustment.

Drow have a 2 or 3 level adjustment and don't have nearly as many bonuses.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Shaz, of the Magical Energy Plane

Looks interesting, but I'm not sure about a couple of things. Why would these beings be considered angelic if they come from a neutral Elemental Plane? Their existence seems to be one of ultimate hedonism, not virtue.

Why would they bother coming back to the prime? Compared to their realm, everything else is horrible dump. I can understand curiosity beckoning to them so that they visit as a tourist once or twice, but moving permanently into realms where they are severely limited and staying long enough to gain levels in classes like Ranger seems unlikely.

Is the Magical Energy Plane another pole in the Negative/Positive dichotomy? Is it the source of all magic? I don't know how this would fit into the existing D&D cosmology.

Overall, looks good but needs a bit more thought.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Re: The Shaz, of the Magical Energy Plane

"JasperDM" wrote:
Relations: Shaz find kindred souls in the elves, especially the star elves of the Forgotten Realms, who are fellow strangers to the Material Plane.
Did any of the shaz join the Star Elves when they crossed over into Faerun?

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