The Shape of the Multiverse - or at least my take...

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Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Shape of the Multiverse - or at least my take...

I was browsing the "Mapping Infinity" section of and reading about all the different theories about the shape and nature of the multiverse.

After a while, I thought that I would give the whole "explaining the universe" thing a try myself.

This is a two dementional version of what was originally a three dementional image in my head of an object that's most likely four dementions or more. This is actually a quasi-hybrid of Na'Tak Karari's Planar Pillar theory and Magnum Opus's Great Great Ring theory with a little Spelljamming lore thrown into the mix for flavor.

I also took the liberty of postulating a few theories of my own, like the "Convergence Point" (A infinately small point of spacetime that exists in the Inner, Outer and Material planes simeltaniously. A place where physicial material, ideas and all things inbetween meet, mix and is expelled into it's respective planes). The idea that the spire in the Outlands is actually hollow. It's not really a tower, but an infinately deep pit in the shadow plane (I'm adopting Lung Tzu's theory that the shadow plane is an Inner Plane, not a psudo-plane.) that looks like it's been turned inside-out when perceived by those living in the Outer Planes.

I have a few other ideas, but I'll get into them later. Any thoughts so far?

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Shape of the Multiverse - or at least my take...

That looks a little difficult to understand, I'm sorry to say. Where exactly are the Outer and Inner planes supposed to be? Is the entire cosmos a torus like sigil or is that a flat plane?

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
The Shape of the Multiverse - or at least my take...

The postulated positioning of the Far Realm (as being Outside your cosmology) is a little too... ordered for my personal tastes. I wouldn't have it so *defined*.

But your overall conception is interesting nonetheless.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Shape of the Multiverse - or at least my take...

"Fell" wrote:
The postulated positioning of the Far Realm (as being Outside your cosmology) is a little too... ordered for my personal tastes. I wouldn't have it so *defined*.

But your overall conception is interesting nonetheless.

The image is a sort of a central cut-out of the multiverse.

My idea was that the entire multiverse is in a sort of four dementional donut shape floating within an area of the Far Realms. All things in the multiverse exist within the tasty pastery's "bread" and anything outside the bread is hard to define. The ordial plane acts as a sort of "glaze" that binds the three types of planes (Inner, Outer and Material) together into sweet whole, straight from the unknown designer's bakery oven.

Well, now I'm hungry...

As far as the position of the far realms on this map, the "outside" symbolism merely meant that the far realms are simply anything that is not part of the multiverse. The unchartable regions of "nonreality" if you will.

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The Shape of the Multiverse - or at least my take...

"Edward Davis" wrote:
My idea was that the entire multiverse is in a sort of four dementional donut shape floating within an area of the Far Realms.

S^2 x S^2? Or should I just shut up now?

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Shape of the Multiverse - or at least my take...

"Anarch" wrote:
"Edward Davis" wrote:
My idea was that the entire multiverse is in a sort of four dementional donut shape floating within an area of the Far Realms.

S^2 x S^2? Or should I just shut up now?

YES! Somebody got it! Smiling

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
The Shape of the Multiverse - or at least my take...

"Edward Davis" wrote:
As far as the position of the far realms on this map, the "outside" symbolism merely meant that the far realms are simply anything that is not part of the multiverse. The unchartable regions of "nonreality" if you will.
That is somewhat more like how I would interpret the *place* of the Far Realm in a complete multiversal analysis.

But then again, I don't exactly have a true understanding of where I would place the Far Realm. I like it that way. As I said earlier, I prefer for it to remain unknown and undefined. Perhaps I would have it exist in the past, or today, or maybe at some point in the future.

Maybe the Far Realm is what occupies the spaces between these words that I am typing now.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
The Shape of the Multiverse - or at least my take...

"Fell" wrote:
Maybe the Far Realm is what occupies the spaces between these words that I am typing now.
Sithas and Sothas, Alienists extraordinaire, hunched over the scrying crystal. Years - no, decades - of hard work, fell magics, study at times mind-numbing and at times terrifying in its insane brilliance, even pacts with the darkest of powers had all come to this.

"Soon, brother! Our dream will finally be realized!"

"Yes, sibling. We shall part the veils of reality and plumb the depths of the infinite. All semblances of mortal power shall be laid bare before us."

"We shall scry the Far Realm itself."

The two wizards chanted maniacally, shaping spells whose very existence defied the very nature of reality itself. The fogs within the crystal began to clear, the bonds of the sidereal universe began to strain, and suddenly...

"Wha - what is that? Is that it?"

"It... appears to be a message, sibling. A short one."

"It reads... Chr(32)?!? What does that mean?"

Somewhere, unnoticed and unseen, a Xaotisect snickered maniacally.

And the Balance was preserved.

... sorry. I simply couldn't resist.

Zadara the Titan's picture
Joined: 2005-04-05
The Shape of the Multiverse - or at least my take...

Sithas and Sothas, Alienists extraordinaire ...

I read 'Alienist' at first, making for a fun mental image. Being two-headed fits the alienist way of thinking ... or maybe it's only the manifestation of his schizophrenia? Smiling

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