The Sect Game

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deadone's picture
Joined: 2004-10-26
The Sect Game

The rules for the game are simple. On person posts three factions. Someone else creates a sect based on the philosophes of thees factions, then finishes their post with the next three factions to be used. Factions can be pre or post faction war.

To start off:

Mind's Eye

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
Re: The Sect Game

"deadone" wrote:
Athar Cipher Mind's Eye

Sect: Cipherpunk Leeches

To become one with the Infinite Planes, to free yourself fully from all distractions, to act in accord with the Cadence, is a noble goal, but one beyond the means of most mortal bashers.
But Powers can do it, can't they? Surely one so mighty can break the shackles and ascend to a level of existence essentially different from anything we know, step beyond? Well, most of them prefer to stick around. They feed on mortal belief voraciously, full of themselves as they are... But if a body could somehow plug into this flow that sustains the powers, steal their thunder, could he not hope to harness it to his purposes?

Here's how we do it.

1) Choose a deity, learn about what it takes to be its worshiper, and sign up. Works best with non-interventionist Powers.
2) Push your way through to the top of the clerical hierarchy. Along the way, re-structurize this hierarchy and the dogma so that the end-user (the believer) still "believes" in the deity in theory, but really relies on the church itself, looking up to its high-up man (High Priest, Enlightened One, The Matriarch, whatever) instead of the Power itself. Call anyone who opposes you a heretic and dispose of his spectacularly. Keep doing this for a century or two.
3) Eventually, the power begins to weaken, wither, and die. But the flow of faith still comes in, doesn't it? Believers don't know that they've killed the deity by sending their faith to your high-up man. Now you can use it ... no, not to ascend, berk, or you'd become just another stagnant, self-important Power! No, what you do is keep channeling the faith, but into the Astral, where the dead divine husk now resides.
4) Step aboard the flow of faith, and let its strength project your being into the Astral. Leave the meat behind (the worshippers should take care of it for a while), and become pure, unhindered thought. A thought doesn't stop to think, does it. It simply is. Become one with the random flow of information, surf the Silver. Be everywhere, touch everything. One "moment" in the timeless void is worth a thousand eternities of the dreary, meat-ruled material worlds...

What happens then? We don't know. None of those who made it ever contacted the sect. But that means they succeeded, doesn't it? They're out there, something else, something greater! And all this for the low, low price of a single Power's existence. As if there weren't plenty of them out there already...




deadone's picture
Joined: 2004-10-26
The Sect Game



Nothing is stattic. Everything is changing. Everything is falling appart.
You want to know why? Everything is dying. Its that simple. Living things grow. Its when you die that you decay. And you want to know what? When it all ends, when the multiverse has finally hit bottom and died, then the multiverse can be reborn, truely alive. As it is now, theres no point. The only proper goal is to reach death, the death of the Multiverse as a whole, so that the rebirth can take place. Try and stop it, try and fight the death of the Ring, and you're commiting a crime against existence. And this ain't a crime you'll get away with. You try and stop the end, and we'll stop you.
We are the vangard of Death. We're gonna see to it that the Multiverse dies right on schedual, and if that means feedin' a few addle coves 'n' barmies to the leafless forest, so be it.

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Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
The Sect Game

Fraternity of Order
Society of Sensation

Sect: Society of Systemic Shock

What is the most painfully way to systematically destroy the body? Founded on the tortures perfected by the Baatezu, this sect searches for the most ordered paths to quickly destroy the body from excess as well as from a more circuitous route. Nihilism is all well and good, but what sorts of decadent pleasures can be eked out of a well-ordered system of punishments and rewards?

Hedonistic fatalism with a purpose best describes the members of this sect. Not only do they engage in the activities themselves, but they search for "willing" participants from across the multiverse.

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Elethíus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Sect Game


Sect: The Fraternity of Faded Ones

Mocking the Fraternity of Order, there is not the slightest hint of law in the philosophy of the sect. The sect consists of a group of utter barmy, introvert sods, whose minds have either partially transcended, have been shattered by insanity, or have simply faded due to extreme apathy. Either way, the members of the sect have completely lost control of their physical selves. Their bodies act totally at random, sometimes even bending the laws of the planes doing so, rarely more then a glint of life in their eyes.

Dark has it the fiends, on numerous occasions, tried to posses the husks of the sect members (the bodies could make great weapons in the Blood War, sowing chaos even among chaotic beings), but it seems the bodies of the members are well warded against such intrusions. The continuing chaos of a body will be interrupted when one tries to control it, and the body will simply vanish, possibly shifting to another plane.

Members of the sect are few, and dark has it the name of the sect is simply given by those who encounter more then one body with the affliction the members of the sect have. However, individual members seem to recognise others, as other members somehow never seem to be caught in the vortex of chaos caused by one.


Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
The Sect Game


Seekers of Divinity (a.k.a. The Godkillers)

Not only are the powers false gods, but their time of judgement has come to fruition. It is time to bring these con artists to justice. New blood is needed to infuse the multiverse at large to reject these powerful beings as gods and to see them for what they really are: lazy berks. The goal of the Seekers of Divinity is to prove that while the powers are ultra-powerful beings, they are not divine. What better way to prove that it's all a sham to part a berk from his jink than by plying the faith con and replacing a deity with yourself? If you can seize and weild their power, so can anyone else. Thus, the veil that covers the eyes of the belivers of these heresies will fall away and the truth will be seen: anyone can be a god.

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Elethíus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Sect Game


Sect: The Revealers of the Way

There is one True Way of life. There is an objective and ultimate Good. And anyone can See it, and act according to it. However, there are those who refuse to see the Truth. There are those who deny the Truth to others as well, twisting the Senses of themselves and others by illusionary magicks. Those who turn a blind eye, above all, must be punished.

The Revealers are a band of self-contradictary barmies (they reveal nothing to those who aren't worthy), who, perhaps even more so then the Harmonium, try to force their way of life upon others. Those who willingly deny their Way are to be punished, as are those who hide the Way from others. Punishment consists of (permanent) damage to the eyes of the 'wrongdoer', branding them to members of the sect as the Blind (or those who can not See the Way). Though blindness-spells may be used, pain and some kind of permanent scars are always parts of the punishment, so that even when the victim somehow manages to reclaim his sight, he will remember the sect and the wrongs he did according to them.

There has been some influence of the Sons of Mercy in the sect recently, and some of the members heal their victims after the torturing them, giving them a second chance to see the Way.


Elethíus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Sect Game

Penned in the dead-book already? I was beginning to like this game.

deadone's picture
Joined: 2004-10-26
The Sect Game


The Witnesses of Death

All of creation is dead. Those who think they are alive are just fools, who, through their own self delusion, cling to the barest shreds of their existences. They create false truths and pretensious visions in an attempt to avoid the final end. But what these deluded fools don't know is that after death, comes rebirth. To achive true death, to return to the world of living, is the only worthy goal. And the only way to do that is to cast off the lies of the factions and the sects, the break the falses senses, and the experience the death of the universe, in its entirety.
The witnesses of death belive that everything is dead, much like the Dustmen. But they also belive that it you don't achive true death when you finally stop caring about anything. Thats just another lie made by the factions. Truth is, none of the factions want to reach true death. And they don't want anyone else to either.
But the Witnesses, they know the truth. Only when you experience everything at once, can you truely comprehend your own death. Only then can you pass on. But before you can do that, the factions have to be gotten out of the way.

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Elethíus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Sect Game


The Cerebral Society
Nicknames: Minders, Statues

The mortal mind is a wonderful thing. Capable of creating great beauty, and even things that seem above it, like true peace and harmony. The mortal body, however, is an instrument of destruction. It is the body that erodes the perfect societies the mind envisions and tries to create. Bodily cravings are the source of sinful thoughts, mental flaws that corrupt the natural beauty of the mind.

Because the mind plays absolutely no part in pure acting, one cannot possibly say wether an action is good or evil; it simply is. The mind must anticipate wether an action will have good or bad consequences before an action itself can be good or evil. Good and evil are conceptions of the mortal mind (hell, are not the Outer Planes based on the minds of mortal primes?).

Unlike the Ciphers, the Minders refrain from taking physical actions as much as possible. And if action is taken, the mind must guide the body as much as possible, steering every fiber and controlling every single hair that moves atop ones head. For if the body goes uncontrolled, without human reason, it will cause destruction. To prevent this destruction, and thus sorrow in the minds of those around them, most Minders spend most of their days locked in deep meditation. This, however, does not prevent them from accessing the world around them. Wether through sheer belief or due to the fact that most Minders are psions, they seem to constantly observe the world around them. Also, most minders keep a continual mental link with other sect members. When they notice harm done to the mind of an intelligent mortal being, they construct a plane in mere seconds, and swoop over to prevent any damage that might be done to the mind of another.

Of course, they do not protect every sodding berk who gets dominated by a random fiend. The Society actively recruits those who seem to have a mind similar to theirs: an active mind, able to shape the world without interention of the corrupt body. Though the goals of the Society seem pure and honest, they often lure possible agents into their sect by bestowing minor psionic gifts on them. Ah, well, all for the greater good.

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