The rules for the game are simple. On person posts three factions. Someone else creates a sect based on the philosophes of thees factions, then finishes their post with the next three factions to be used. Factions can be pre or post faction war.
To start off:
Mind's Eye
Sect: Cipherpunk Leeches
To become one with the Infinite Planes, to free yourself fully from all distractions, to act in accord with the Cadence, is a noble goal, but one beyond the means of most mortal bashers.
But Powers can do it, can't they? Surely one so mighty can break the shackles and ascend to a level of existence essentially different from anything we know, step beyond? Well, most of them prefer to stick around. They feed on mortal belief voraciously, full of themselves as they are... But if a body could somehow plug into this flow that sustains the powers, steal their thunder, could he not hope to harness it to his purposes?
Here's how we do it.
1) Choose a deity, learn about what it takes to be its worshiper, and sign up. Works best with non-interventionist Powers.
2) Push your way through to the top of the clerical hierarchy. Along the way, re-structurize this hierarchy and the dogma so that the end-user (the believer) still "believes" in the deity in theory, but really relies on the church itself, looking up to its high-up man (High Priest, Enlightened One, The Matriarch, whatever) instead of the Power itself. Call anyone who opposes you a heretic and dispose of his spectacularly. Keep doing this for a century or two.
3) Eventually, the power begins to weaken, wither, and die. But the flow of faith still comes in, doesn't it? Believers don't know that they've killed the deity by sending their faith to your high-up man. Now you can use it ... no, not to ascend, berk, or you'd become just another stagnant, self-important Power! No, what you do is keep channeling the faith, but into the Astral, where the dead divine husk now resides.
4) Step aboard the flow of faith, and let its strength project your being into the Astral. Leave the meat behind (the worshippers should take care of it for a while), and become pure, unhindered thought. A thought doesn't stop to think, does it. It simply is. Become one with the random flow of information, surf the Silver. Be everywhere, touch everything. One "moment" in the timeless void is worth a thousand eternities of the dreary, meat-ruled material worlds...
What happens then? We don't know. None of those who made it ever contacted the sect. But that means they succeeded, doesn't it? They're out there, something else, something greater! And all this for the low, low price of a single Power's existence. As if there weren't plenty of them out there already...