The Sailing of the Behemoth

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Thig's picture
Joined: 2005-11-07
The Sailing of the Behemoth

A ship - A great and poderous airship - is setting sail!

Known as the Little Behemoth, an airship under the command of one Mad Bard, Barton aut Lin, is being constructed in the Void inside Sigil's Ring, and will debark soon!

Of course, said Mad Bard - there's a reason he's called Mad, after all - is assured failure, as the airspace inside the Ring is non-traversable. The mere fact that the ship's construction is nearly complete in the grimy skies above Sigil seems impossible, but the ambition of his plan is nigh unto an affront to the Lady's sacrosanct Cage. You see, he plans to sail his airship out of the airspace of the City of Doors and out into that of the Great Ring beyond.

Is this a means of escape from the City? More importantly, could it represent a non-door means of entry into the city, and thus, a tactical threat to the Lady of Pain's unbreakable puzzlebox of a city?

The idea, as insane as the Mad Bard is commonly considered, is a surprisingly solid one: the airship operates under scientific principles, not magical ones. The gases inside the ballon are heated by fires from noxious chemicals, and as such, the magic-dead area of the Spire won't - well, shouldn't - interfere with its ability to stay aloft.

Fascinated by the constructive wonder above their heads, hundreds of Cagers can often be seen doing as was once only done by the Clueless: standing about, staring upward at the utterly barmy sight that greets them above. A great cloth balloon has been hoisted into the sky and is currently held in place by a series of scaffolds, awaiting the day - tomorrow - when the gases will be heated, the balloon filled, and... well, whatever's going to happen, cutter, it's going to happen tomorrow. At Peak. Don't worry about being there: You can see it in the sky from wherever you're going to be.

Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
The Sailing of the Behemoth

Heh, interesting...

Accessing Sigil without means of a portal (and by scientific means!) is something I expect my comic storyline will eventually be doing, so this caught my attention.

The only thing I'd wonder, though, is that the reason the Spire can't be climbed normally is because it is effectively infinite in height (though not visually). If that is the case, it wouldn't matter how long you floated up, you wouldn't ever quite reach Sigil. (I wonder, though, is it the same for going down? Would you simply fall forever, or is it just not possible to escape Sigil's bizarre gravitational pull?)


Thig's picture
Joined: 2005-11-07
The Sailing of the Behemoth

Yeah, the DM's Dark (I love that phrase) is that the ship will never be able to return, but The Lady has taken a special bent toward ignoring Barton's lunacy and, in fact, is going to let this one slide, as the economic impact has been a good one: He's employed a lot of Hivers, he's actually going to be taking a lot of smog out with him when he goes, and she knows there's the potential here for an interesting and probably harmless industry.

Barton's an old NPC of mine, and he's going to get the write-up action done pretty soon and be posted up in the Faces section. My characters are Ravenloft natives, and are destined only for a brief jaunt on the Planes, though Barton's Carnivale does a lot of plane-hopping. The Little Behemoth is an experiment, but it's one that's going to go well. When he finds that creating an airship and mooring it during construction in the light air of the Void is, in fact, possible, he'll sail it around for a while, then come back and build... the Not-Little Behemoth.

Will others be able to accomplish the same feat? Barton is neutral in alignment, as is The Lady; Barton is an enigmatic guy, like The Lady. Barton's not a major player, like a Shemmy or a Jeromo; and while Barton has shown more of a propensity to side with the angels than the fiends, he's certainly no crusader for good (except in the defense of the common man). His fortune in being overlooked by the Lady will not likely become commonplace in others, and anyway, the secret of how the airship even works is his alone in the City.

Of course, all this goes far beyond the scope of my own little campaign, or at least beyond what I have mapped out for it: The airship will get the PCs out of the City of Doors, lead them around the Ring for a couple of sessions, then deposit them handily into the realm of their god (Bane), which should prove to be quite a learning experience for everyone.

Thig's picture
Joined: 2005-11-07
The Sailing of the Behemoth

This is pretty amazing... I'm not just a thread-killer, I seem to have shut down the whole Chant board. How did I ever become so mighty?

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