The Rilmani, part 1. A Dissertation by Erik d'Gard

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Joined: 2004-05-11
The Rilmani, part 1. A Dissertation by Erik d'Gard

As a self-proclaimed knowledge source of the rilmani, I've taken it upon myself to write an essay concerning the nature of the rilmani, their society, customs, and ways. The essay is written from the perspective of Erik d'Gard, a human Athar and anthropologist who, after spending several years at the Spire, had the chance to observe the rilmani at some length. This first section contains his description of the race as a whole, as well as his description of the argenach and aurumach rilmani. Suggestions on things to add in future sections, things to edit or consider for this one, or overall critique are very welcome and appreciated. I know that many of you who frequent the PS boards at WotC probably saw it there, but I'm also posting it here to help get a little more traffic at Planewalker, so here goes.

Also, this essay is unedited, so please forgive any grammar mistakes =)

Observation on the Society of the Rilmani
An essay by Erik d’Gard, Athar anthropologist

Greetings, planewalkers. My name is Erik d’Gard, an Athar anthropologist currently living within the second ring of the Outlands. Since the Faction War, I’ve had the opportunity to observe and study the mysterious and elusive race called the rilmani. Presumably because of my affinity for cataloging many different planar societies, an aurumach approached me and asked me to write down all that I observed, and then give it to him when I was finished.

But, alas, I trail off on a tangent. So, without further ado, I present to you my dissertation.

The Rilmani

I will begin my dissertation by providing a short list of what is known about the rilmani, then what the rumors and beliefs surrounding the rilmani are, and whether or not I have seen them.

- The rilmani are the exemplar race of the neutrality embodied by the Outlands. They seek to maintain the balance in the Multiverse.
- Six types of rilmani exist, each with different purposes and different appearances.
- The rilmani have no apparent need for food, clothing, breathing, or shelter. This seems fairly typical of many exemplar races, however.
- Rilmani surround themselves with an air of mysteriousness that is far thicker than any other exemplar race.

And now, the rumors.

- Rilmani can use the full range of their spells and spell-like innate powers even at the base of the Spire, where even the false powers are completely annulled. (I have yet to have the opportunity to witness this myself, though I cannot refute this rumor because of lack of evidence. The rilmani do not seem unable to use magic. Rather, they seem to lack a need to.)
- Rilmani have a certain connection to the Multiverse that is not unlike the Cipher’s connection to the so-called “Cadence of the Planes.” This connection allows the rilmani to better comprehend and anticipate threats to their balance.
- Rilmani cannot be summoned with magic (this is, as far as anyone knows, factual – nobody has successfully been able to create a spell for summoning rilmani), but they can “catch a ride” on summon magic that summons fiends or celestials. (Again, I have no evidence to prove or refute this rumor.)
- Rilmani know many secrets about the planes that even the false powers, with all their supposed glory, do not know.
- Rilmani have some sort of connection with and/or control over the Lady of Pain.

As you can see, the rumors surrounding the rilmani are substantial, while the facts are few. I would like to provide more fact on the rilmani based on my observances. Hopefully, with my dissertation, I can dispel, prove, or refute any of the rumors surrounding this obscure race, though the task ahead proves quite monumental.

Rilmani and Subspecies

As I have mentioned, six types of rilmani exist. These types seem to be arranged in a sort of hierarchy that is more loosely defined than that of the baatezu or modrons, yet more rigid than any hierarchy that the tanar’ri or eladrin might assign themselves to. I will explain what I have observed of each race, starting with the lowest on the apparent hierarchy, and working my way up.

(Note: Plumach, Abiorach, Ferrumach, and Cuprliach have all been omitted from this display of the essay because I haven't written them yet. Expect them in Part 2)


Argenach rilmani have incredible intelligence. After receiving the blessing of the aurumach to write this work, I was presented with the opportunity to meet and discuss with several argenachs. I must say, only once prior have I been able to engage in such an enlightening debate, and that was when I spoke with the now-vanished Factol Terance regarding my previous faith.

The argenachs are masterful debaters, knowledgeable in the extreme on a wide variety of topics. Their way with language absolutely astounded me when I first spoke with one. We spoke and debated on many topics, including the balance, the Faction War, the Great Modron March, and the origin of the Blood War. It was a very pleasant experience for me. Each argenach I spoke with knew a surprisingly great deal about any topic that I could bring up, and smoothly countered every point that I could raise. It was incredibly difficult for me to discern if the argenach was explaining his actual stance on the issue or simply playing “devil’s advocate” for the sake of discussion. I am hesitant to brooch the subject of Athar philosophy with an argenach, for fear that they might make me doubt my beliefs.


I have met only one of these, the highest of all rilmani, and even then only briefly. As such, my description of the aurumachs will be short.

I remember little, but what I do remember of the aurumach was a tall, majestic, powerful-looking creature with shining golden skin and a bearing of strength and pride worthy of a true deity. Never have I felt my Athar beliefs shaken, it was when I saw the aurumach. If true deities do exist in the Multiverse, then certainly the aurumach would be a fitting image for them. When he spoke, his voice carried such power and dignity that I could not refuse his request. I have not seen him since, and it leaves me to wonder how I am to deliver this essay to him when I am finished.

It is obvious how the aurumachs can be the leaders of the rilmani. As beings of such great majesty, they deserve no less. I can only imagine how I would feel in the presence of Center-of-All, the rumored ruler of the entire rilmani race.

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Rilmani, part 1. A Dissertation by Erik d'Gard

I like Smiling

I'm curious how you'll cover the rest of the species - and if you'll work in any implications that what he's seeing so he can report it is being manipulated...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Rilmani, part 1. A Dissertation by Erik d'Gard

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