The Planes

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aXos's picture
Joined: 2007-02-14
The Planes

I've been doing a series of drawings of the planes, so far Limbo, Abyss, Outlands and well... the Gray Waste and Pandemonium which didn't like much.




Also i made a few wallpapers. I put them in my gallery in deviantart as well

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
The Planes

Very nice. Limbo's not as colorful as I would like, but I suppose the picture was taken within a sphere of fire.

The Abyss picture seems to be seen from the perspective of someone within a canyon or pit (or even beneath a lake) on the Plain of Infinite Portals. Beautiful, in its way.

The Outlands picture is very nice to look at, though I would have made the Spire taller and thinner.

Sucros's picture
Joined: 2007-01-04
The Planes

Such is the nature of Chaos that there will be calm areas. I like it. It has a "eye of the storm" feel.

Also, I love the use of colour in the outlands. Really makes it striking.

Henrix's picture
Joined: 2007-02-05
The Planes

Oh, the Outlands picture is great!



Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Planes

Yes, the Outlands pic is great. I also like you emerald-eyed reptile and the "wondering demon". Maybe some of those could go into the PSCS?

aXos's picture
Joined: 2007-02-14
The Planes

Thank you very much for your critics. Smiling

I'm aware that Limbo it's not as colorful, lacks of many elemental pockets (especially water), but i made it in a 'calm' day. Besides, i tried to make it really chaotic once, and... well, let's just say that the result wasn't too good.

The Abyss is a perspective from underneath a pit. After i finished it, i realized the lack of tanar'ri in the draw =/ although perhaps it's not that bad.

And in the Outlands... again, after i finished it, i realized that the spire wasn't thin enough. I want to make it really *heavy*, but i exaggerated it too much perhaps. I would re do it, but i'm not too certain if i can make that combination of colors again. Coloring it's still my weakest point.

About the PSCS... i would be glad, but i don't know if my drawings are that good. Although if any planescape illustration is needed, i would be honored to give a hand.

Duster's picture
Joined: 2006-06-14
The Planes

Wow, these pics are outstanding.

I especially like the Limbo, its not a stereotipical soop of elements, but then it can look like anything.
Yours looks like a torrent of earth, magma and ooze.

Abyss has an alien romantic feeling to it, but I like it that way, it's deceptive (reminds me of Viper forest that goes through a couple of layers).

This view of the spire may look like it was taken from Tir na Ogh's perspective...

Btw. your Raziel looks very cute -.-

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