The Planar Handbook

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Cwyn's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
The Planar Handbook

Hey, I just learned today, from Planewalker's link on the front page, about the new Planar Handbook. Is any of that from the fruits of the work done at this website? I noticed that (at least one of) the factions will host a Prestige Class, at least I hope the classes are limited to faction members. Is that how the traditional 2e bonus abilities are going to be translated into the 3e system, bonus feats and abilities attributed to the prestige classes? Or will they still be available for all faction members? I wonder how different it will all be.

Well I guess no one knows, really. Looks like it'll be out at the end of the month.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: The Planar Handbook

"Cwyn" wrote:
Is any of that from the fruits of the work done at this website?

Nopes unfortuantely, but I believe some of the writers for it *have* been keeping an eye on us, and are aware of our efforts even if they don't have the same numbers they're playing with.

"Cwyn" wrote:
Is that how the traditional 2e bonus abilities are going to be translated into the 3e system, bonus feats and abilities attributed to the prestige classes? Or will they still be available for all faction members? I wonder how different it will all be.
I'm pretty darned curious myself! Considering some of the factions I've got a particular caring for... Smiling

"Cwyn" wrote:
Well I guess no one knows, really. Looks like it'll be out at the end of the month.
Unless anyones been able to talk to the writers - we'll have to, *fiddles restlessly*

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
Re: The Planar Handbook

"Cwyn" wrote:
Hey, I just learned today, from Planewalker's link on the front page, about the new Planar Handbook. Is any of that from the fruits of the work done at this website? I noticed that (at least one of) the factions will host a Prestige Class, at least I hope the classes are limited to faction members. Is that how the traditional 2e bonus abilities are going to be translated into the 3e system, bonus feats and abilities attributed to the prestige classes? Or will they still be available for all faction members? I wonder how different it will all be.

Well I guess no one knows, really. Looks like it'll be out at the end of the month.

The writers of the PlHB are aware of Planewalker's work certainly and had no small amount of praise for our efforts. I've emailed Gwen Kestrel a few times and she's been very kind enough to reply to me concerning the content of the PlHB in relation to what I was working on for PW at the time. I'm aware of the material in the PlHB w/ regards to Sigil and a few other things, but I've kept that all to myself since the book isn't released yet. I was asked not to spread such around and since Gwen was awesomely nice in the first place, I won't go against that.

The way that we've handled things over here at PW is going to vary somewhat with WotC's own take of course. If more planar material gets published in the future I think that it would be really sweet for them to take anything of ours into consideration, even if just for the flavor/fluff aspect of it all.

I'm looking forward to the book if for no other reason than it's more exposure for PS stuff to people who are new to DnD in general. If they like it they'll go back and look at the older 2e PS stuff (which happened to me).

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