The Painted Cage OOC

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Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Hm, the only idea I've been

Hm, the only idea I've been able to come up with so far is a character that specializes in drawing living things which he can then bring to life.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Hmm, not particularly

Hmm, not particularly original as a concept, but that's alright.  If you want to go with that, try to put in a twist.  For instance;

- His creations live for several hours then drop dead.  The Doomguard want to recruit him, as do the Signers.  Even more fun; those that don't die of natural causes meet strange and unfortunate accidents.  The character is torn between the desire to create and the guilt of watching bambis get trampled by herds bariaur suddenly appearing through a portal.

-The 'animals', though seemingly alive, remain two dimensional and cannot leave the surface they are painted on.  However, he has also seen someone who was leaning up against a wall get mauled by a 2-D panther mural from around the corner.

- He can only paint creatures from his home plane.  That's why he came to Sigil, to expand his abilities and be able to paint other creatures and races realisticly enough to breathe life into them.

- He can only paint an individual from a live model, which then becomes a perfect clone of the original creature, including memories and personality.  Alternate twist: the clone becomes an 'evil twin', or a 'good twin' should he do a portait of a fiend or other evil creature.  This could make him some fiendish enemies, and some fiendish-looking friends at the same time.

Feel free to pick one (or more) of mine or come up with one of your own!


Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
I agree that the original

I agree that the original idea wasn't very creative. I quite like some of your twists though.

The first one seems like it'd be a little too depressing for me to really enjoy. The second seems cool, but not quite what I had in mind. I like the third one, and the fourth one. The fourth is interesting since it's simultaneously the most powerful and most limiting. Hm...


What sort of stats would a character like this need? I mean, classes and such.


EDIT: Some other ideas I just had!   I could use a portrait to summon the subject, or I could use it sort of like a voodoo doll to effect the subject in various ways.

Hm, would it be overpowered to be able to use your fourth idea but instead of needing a live model right in front of me I could do it from memory of having seen that individual before?  It seems like it'd be practically impossible to get someone to stand still for long enough to paint them if they knew you were going to use it to create a copy of them.  Hm, another idea that might be overpowered... What if I could draw someone who was dead if I had a reference, and bring back a live copy of them?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Dire Lemon wrote: ...... I

Dire Lemon wrote:

...... I quite like some of your twists though.

The first one seems like it'd be a little too depressing for me to really enjoy. The second seems cool, but not quite what I had in mind. I like the third one, and the fourth one. The fourth is interesting since it's simultaneously the most powerful and most limiting. Hm...

What sort of stats would a character like this need? I mean, classes and such.

I d'know.  I would have a heck of a lot of fun with #1, but then again my sense of humor can be pretty dark sometimes.

For the portait idea, I was thinking a live (and presumably willing, but you could do it from hiding or something too) would be neccessary to keep it from becoming too overpowered.  As for the 'bringing back the deceased' idea, you could always work with a fresh corpse.  This could be an interesting failsafe against PC death since there aren't likely to be any clerics in the party (though there could be).  I'm sure there are other things I haven't thought of, especially if it isn't restricted to humanoids.

As for the stats, make an ECL 7 Expert (painter).  The actual animation won't be you but your (cursed?) paintbrush.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Isn't an expert 1/2 the

Isn't an expert 1/2 the challenge rating of a normal class? Smiling just wondering out loud...

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Hm, if it's my paintbrush

Hm, if it's my paintbrush that makes me anything more than a normal painter then we've got to go into how I aquired it and how it hasn't been taken from me yet.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Dire Lemon wrote:Hm, if

Dire Lemon wrote:
Hm, if it's my paintbrush that makes me anything more than a normal painter then we've got to go into how I aquired it and how it hasn't been taken from me yet.

Absolutely.  Easiest would be family heirloom.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Mortimer (Ghost of Human

Mortimer (Ghost of Human Aristocrat 2)

Posthumous yet not Posthumorous Gentleman, Sculptor and Shaper of Spirit and Substance


Possibly more alive than ever now that he is dead, Morty is a passionate if somewhat eccentric phantom. Once he was Mortimer the Molder, a sensate known for specializing sculpting techniques with exotic and often unwieldy matter.

His broadly recognized works include the evocative “Make Giggles not War” – a feminine slaad figurine made of inflexible cube-iron of Acheron that seems to belly-dance when viewers only can see it out of the corner of their eye, and the controversial “Indistinguishability” – a statue derived from the layer crossing point of Bytopian mountain peaks depicting conjoined twins, one of which is celestial and the other fiendish.

However, critics often dispute whether those of Mortimer’s pieces based on more ludicrous materials can be recognized as having been sculpted, for surely there is no way you can use chisel and hammer to work the wispy mists trailing off genies or the tears of a deva.


As an apparition Morty seems to more frequently go back to simple means of expression, leaving park benches with wooden statues of lovers asleep in each others’ arms, and defective golems with both masculine and feminine traits simultaneously. He has shown particular interest in working with ethereal matter, however, and rumors say he is starting to experiment with protomatter formed in the wake of his own ghostly presence.

Little is known of the true nature behind his tools, Spirit & Substance (chisel and hammer, respectively), but predominant theories speculate that the bond after death has become so strong that the tools effectively are an extension of Mortimer’s essence.


Morty is occasionally found drifting in unexpectedly to feasts and banquets, sometimes possessing one of the guests if it brings him closer to experiencing the delights of the living. His merry nature and thrill-seeking demeanor serves him well in such celebrations, and his incorporeal state has never stopped him from enthusiastic toasts or unrestrained seductions.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
So um... How many levels of

So um... How many levels of Expert is ECL 7?

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
@ Dunamin: thats so cool , i

@ Dunamin: thats so cool Sticking out tongue, i wish my concept was a bit more substancial, lol. Sad (and seriously)

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Thanks! Looking forward to


Looking forward to see how your fire singer turns out, too. Something involving opera and Athas, right?

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
yes, but i see the concepts

yes, but i see the concepts being thrown around here and i feel like a pale comparison Sad

(and thats supposedly funny as the character is supposed to have jet black marble like skin and flames on herself...hmmz)

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
I think you're being too

I think you're being too hard on yourself, but I wouldn't mind hearing about your concept in-depth and provide suggestions if it helps.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Direct copy-paste from

Direct copy-paste from messages to Azure:

i want to come frm athas. i have loved that setting since i played when it was new, and that was a 5 year campaign... sigh Smiling.

Miss those days..

Not sure about alignment, i could go apposites, but also i want to become templar, a C.N templar of a L.E. Dragon Queen? lol. would be interesting...

my mother is a Annis hag from the Ruins of Yaramuke who serves Sielba (who is thought dead), but when i escaped, and came to the new cities near Yaramuke, i was treated as a creation of the Pristine Tower, which i was not, but ppl did not see any difference..

because of my half elemental status i was difficult to capture and keep, so ppl generally left me alone, and i grew up in the harsh environs of Urik under the rule of Hamanu.

I left that city after i grew adolescent and went to Tyr, hearing about the Iron mines and other marvels of freedom and magic.. meanwhile i was singing fire... i entered Tyr and found my ability to melt fire with hands and hammer to be very useful, and was apprenticed by a weaponsmith, but my aptitude lay in creating, not destruction, and i learned more about armor and black smithing then weapon making, which was of no particular concern to my tutor, as long as i produced, and that i did.

After a while he began to bore me, as he had nothing more to teach me, and during that time i had made some friends in the artists district, they introduced me to a Gith who was also a Templarate "member", and they were able to get me to a portal that went to Sigil.

I was introduced to a Blacksmith in Sigil and there my life was opened wide to the world so to speak. I practiced more singing, and perfected my control over my own fire with the songs i sang, and with that my mastery over my smithing abilities.

any time after this i can be set into the story

Sielba, Lifegiver and Empress of Yaramuke (deceased) Female dragon (stage 1); LE Aristocrat 4/Psion (shaper) 11/Wizard (defiler) 8/Arch Defiler 5/Metamind 5/Cerebmancer 10/Dragon 1 Templates - Champion of Rajaat (pterrans), Sorcerer-Monarch Character Level: 43 Note - These stats are mainly derived from what little information I could glean from Black Flames.

(one of my personal belongings is a necklace with a medallion on it..(templars symbol) i know it has to do with "Her", and i have knowledge of how to use it...)

at some point i want to take lvls of Templar. probably after my 2nd lvl of Annis, i will take a lvl of templar, and then see how it goes.. btw, she knows that the necklace thingie is a symbol of templars, and she has rudimentary training as a templar, except maybe the casting atm. the smith she works for is a templar himself, he is retired, as his dragon-king is dead, so he has no spells, but he is trying to get me motivated into casting spells as a templar, which he will succeed in eventually, and his motive is to make him and his allies serve the same Dragon-Queen, so they have their powers back, albeit covertly in first instance...

i am thinking of the option of dropping the +2 lvl adj- spring child, and getting the speak with plants ab as an item..

that way i keep the fun, but lose some mechanics..

I would probably take a lvl of Anniss and a lvl of Templar instead, that way you might not have to tweak skillpoints for me..agreed?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Hey I had another idea.

Hey I had another idea. Maybe I could do some sort of Dorian Gray thing. That would be cool! Course Inevitibles might disapprove of that.


So here's what I'm thinking. He's from some prime world where but he left in order to expand his skills. He has the ability to paint a specific individual from a model of them and bring an exact clone of them to life from the work, but the clone's magical equipment crumbles when brought to life outside the painting.

On the subject of the Dorian Gray idea... though this might be overpowered, it'd be cool if he could paint a portrait of someone and imbue it with part of their essence, maybe permanently take a level or two from them, or at least some experience, and use it to create a portrait of them that is intrinsicly linked to their wellbeing, that is, it makes them practically immortal, any harm they take appears in the painting instead. The downside is, any harm the painting takes is reflected in them, and as we all know paintings are rather less durable than most living things.

He's trying to improve his skills to allow him to bring to life paintings from his imagination. Not just paintings of real things.

What do you think?  I think it'd be cool if he gained some of the other abilities like the ability to switch the painting clone's alignment, over the course of the game, as his skills improved.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
OK, Dire Lemon, make up a

OK, Dire Lemon, make up a lvl 7 expert (painter).  You can choose any race with an ECL uf up to 3, which is up to half-celestial, or if remaining a base human/demihuman take 2 levels in a regular character class, like sorcerer.

Your main item will be a magic painter's tablet where you mix your paints.  You use your own paints, brushes, and canvases, but mixing the paint on the magic tablet gives it special properties.  It brings a living twin of the subject to life, but ties the twin to the painting's fate.  The twin will take damage if anything is done to the painting.  No amount of damage to the painting will harm the original subject, so it is not an effective way to attack someone. 

At first, the twins seemed to be exact copies, but then he noticed that somethimes they were 'evil twins'.  Roll any die you want, but even they are same-copies, odd they are opposite-copies.  The PC came to Sigil, hub of the planes, to increase his skills, and perhaps learn how to control the magic better.  It has worked in the sense that, either because or despite the power he has over the creations through his posession of the portait, they will rarely have any animosity towards him, even if 'evil'.

Sorry if it seems I'm fiating you.  I don't want to create your character for you, but I'd like to get gaming in the next couple of weeks.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Burning Spear wrote: Direct

Burning Spear wrote:

Direct copy-paste from messages to Azure:

i want to come frm athas. i have loved that setting since i played when it was new, and that was a 5 year campaign... sigh Smiling.

Miss those days..

Not sure about alignment, i could go apposites, but also i want to become templar, a C.N templar of a L.E. Dragon Queen? lol. would be interesting...

my mother is a Annis hag from the Ruins of Yaramuke who serves Sielba (who is thought dead), but when i escaped, and came to the new cities near Yaramuke, i was treated as a creation of the Pristine Tower, which i was not, but ppl did not see any difference..

because of my half elemental status i was difficult to capture and keep, so ppl generally left me alone, and i grew up in the harsh environs of Urik under the rule of Hamanu.

I left that city after i grew adolescent and went to Tyr, hearing about the Iron mines and other marvels of freedom and magic.. meanwhile i was singing fire... i entered Tyr and found my ability to melt fire with hands and hammer to be very useful, and was apprenticed by a weaponsmith, but my aptitude lay in creating, not destruction, and i learned more about armor and black smithing then weapon making, which was of no particular concern to my tutor, as long as i produced, and that i did.

After a while he began to bore me, as he had nothing more to teach me, and during that time i had made some friends in the artists district, they introduced me to a Gith who was also a Templarate "member", and they were able to get me to a portal that went to Sigil.

I was introduced to a Blacksmith in Sigil and there my life was opened wide to the world so to speak. I practiced more singing, and perfected my control over my own fire with the songs i sang, and with that my mastery over my smithing abilities.

any time after this i can be set into the story

Sielba, Lifegiver and Empress of Yaramuke (deceased) Female dragon (stage 1); LE Aristocrat 4/Psion (shaper) 11/Wizard (defiler) 8/Arch Defiler 5/Metamind 5/Cerebmancer 10/Dragon 1 Templates - Champion of Rajaat (pterrans), Sorcerer-Monarch Character Level: 43 Note - These stats are mainly derived from what little information I could glean from Black Flames.

(one of my personal belongings is a necklace with a medallion on it..(templars symbol) i know it has to do with "Her", and i have knowledge of how to use it...)

at some point i want to take lvls of Templar. probably after my 2nd lvl of Annis, i will take a lvl of templar, and then see how it goes.. btw, she knows that the necklace thingie is a symbol of templars, and she has rudimentary training as a templar, except maybe the casting atm. the smith she works for is a templar himself, he is retired, as his dragon-king is dead, so he has no spells, but he is trying to get me motivated into casting spells as a templar, which he will succeed in eventually, and his motive is to make him and his allies serve the same Dragon-Queen, so they have their powers back, albeit covertly in first instance...

i am thinking of the option of dropping the +2 lvl adj- spring child, and getting the speak with plants ab as an item..

that way i keep the fun, but lose some mechanics..

I would probably take a lvl of Anniss and a lvl of Templar instead, that way you might not have to tweak skillpoints for me..agreed?

Wow, that's quite the mouthful, fascinating!

If I understand correctly, the PC is a half-fire elemental annis hag, skilled in smithing and singing? How did she attain her elemental nature? (I'm guessing her annis hag mother didn't hook up with an efreet Sticking out tongue). Didn't her bizarre and monstrous nature have an impact on being accepted by her various mentors? Does she usually disguise herself to not suffer prejudice from the renowned ugliness of hags? Was all her singing skills self-taught or did she also have a mentor in this field?

Sorry about the barrage of questions, just hoping to understand the character better.


Offhand I would recommend emphazing one aspect of the character as dominant, because she has a lot of things going. Is she more reputed as a hag, a half-elemental, a smith, a singer, or a templar?. Probably singing, right?

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
 Azure wrote: OK, Dire


Azure wrote:

OK, Dire Lemon, make up a lvl 7 expert (painter). You can choose any race with an ECL uf up to 3, which is up to half-celestial, or if remaining a base human/demihuman take 2 levels in a regular character class, like sorcerer.

Your main item will be a magic painter's tablet where you mix your paints. You use your own paints, brushes, and canvases, but mixing the paint on the magic tablet gives it special properties. It brings a living twin of the subject to life, but ties the twin to the painting's fate. The twin will take damage if anything is done to the painting. No amount of damage to the painting will harm the original subject, so it is not an effective way to attack someone.

At first, the twins seemed to be exact copies, but then he noticed that somethimes they were 'evil twins'. Roll any die you want, but even they are same-copies, odd they are opposite-copies. The PC came to Sigil, hub of the planes, to increase his skills, and perhaps learn how to control the magic better. It has worked in the sense that, either because or despite the power he has over the creations through his posession of the portait, they will rarely have any animosity towards him, even if 'evil'.

Sorry if it seems I'm fiating you. I don't want to create your character for you, but I'd like to get gaming in the next couple of weeks.

Ok, that sounds good.  I guess he'll be a human.

I actually wouldn't mind if you created my character sheet for me if you're in a rush.  That kind of stuff always takes me a while, and I don't have as much free time as I used to now that I have a job. 

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Dunamin wrote: Wow, that's

Dunamin wrote:

Wow, that's quite the mouthful, fascinating!

If I understand correctly, the PC is a half-fire elemental annis hag, skilled in smithing and singing? How did she attain her elemental nature? (I'm guessing her annis hag mother didn't hook up with an efreet Sticking out tongue). Didn't her bizarre and monstrous nature have an impact on being accepted by her various mentors? Does she usually disguise herself to not suffer prejudice from the renowned ugliness of hags? Was all her singing skills self-taught or did she also have a mentor in this field?

Sorry about the barrage of questions, just hoping to understand the character better.


Offhand I would recommend emphazing one aspect of the character as dominant, because she has a lot of things going. Is she more reputed as a hag, a half-elemental, a smith, a singer, or a templar?. Probably singing, right?

Yes, correct, but, because she is not an adolescent hag, she still retains the "normal" looks of her own original race.. apart from the fact she has marble black skin with red "veins" running around where normal ones would be.. and fire here and there Sticking out tongue so basically she looks like a more or less black Fire-Genasi.

On Athas, mutants are oft related to the Pristine Tower and there fore not as bizarre and monstrous as what ppl in normal worlds would think.. and daddy was a Fire El., not a Efreeti lol...

no disguising, she is who she is Sticking out tongue.

She is a natural in singing, no real teaching was involved, althouhg in the latter years she has trained more towards it...

The Templar bit is not really known, just like a bard has spells but thats not necessarily

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his main vocation.

Known for: Exotic Smith who sings her fire to being and that way makes her smithing easier

She sings in a local elemantally tinged bar as a offside hobby/ extra pocket money thingie..


any more questions? Smiling

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Burning Spear wrote:daddy

Burning Spear wrote:
daddy was a Fire El., not a Efreeti lol...

... But how... and why? Ouch, she may not have used contraceptive protection, but I hope she used fire protection! The permanent kind, in order to survive pregnancy. Even if it somehow was possible that a being of pure fire technically could impregnate a human-like being, why would it do so and choose a hag? Conversely, why would she choose to mate with... animated fire?

I figured half-elementals usually were either derived from genies or other humanoid-like elemental beings, powerful magic rituals, or strong planar influence.

Anyway, I guess its not terribly important for the game, it just caught me off-guard. There's rarely explanations how single-gender races like hags reproduce anyway.


Thanks for the answers, though, helped me understand the sense of it more. Smiling

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
well, she impregnated the

well, she impregnated the dryad with her essence in addition to the Dryad and the Fire ELemental's, when the fire elemental raped the Dryad... ;)  and she might have used a lot of magic to make it plausible and happen...

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Dunamin wrote: Burning

Dunamin wrote:

Burning Spear wrote:
daddy was a Fire El., not a Efreeti lol...
... But how... and why?


How about breeding experiments by third parties? Mad wizards abound.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
weeeelllll... she was Mad

weeeelllll... she was Mad kinda, and has wizardly powers to support such "breeding", and the support of a Epic Dragon-Queen, albeit she has to cast less as i imagine the others who "killed"her, have spells in check that might "detect" spellcasting of such power?, heh.

I also  imagine the spells to hold the fire bit in checkuntill the child is born, and then gradually wear off to keep the Dryad from burning up from the inside (not out of care, but more to have the birthing succeed as planned) Laughing out loud

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Hey Azure, What, if any,

Hey Azure,

What, if any, property is it reasonable to assume our characters own? From the theme of the campaign I assume that we should be struggling a little but as a lifecrafter I'll need somewhere to keep my animals. Should I rent or can I have a kip?

Also how much material (Living in my case) can we be assumed to start with. I'd like to have a few pens of flying kittens, living cloaks, etc to sell at the start of the campaign but I'd like to know what our boundaries are.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Property counts as a major

Property counts as a major item.  It should be kind of run down and barely adequate, in one of the poorer sections of the Clerks' Ward. 

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
i am trying to get my

i am trying to get my concept fitting, but cant seem to get the puzzle right Sticking out tongue aarg, hammer and hack as the puzzle again to see what i can make of it...


As said in PM i will break the concept open and change it whole around.

play a more normal character instead of a "freak of nature" Sticking out tongue

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Always pragmatic, he was




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Always pragmatic, he was apprenticed to a templar in command of a part of the iron mines of Tyr, when he was a full templar, he chose to become a Overseer of the metal refinement aka smithies that were owned by the templarate.

he worked hard at his post and also worked as a smith himself as it came as a natural from his apprenticeship with the mines, checking the iron quality and valuing  the iron when shipped away to merchants and other houses.

He worked his way up, and despite being a higher templar he kept doing the smithy-ing, as it made his mind wander from the politicking and backstabbing that always was present in the offices of the templarate and he was always amazed what you could do with hot iron, and what forms and shaped he could pound it into. When the Dragon-King was assassinated, he was left without power, but not without pragmatism, and he simply left his office, went underground and started cultivating the hobby he had had for years, singing, with one of his favourite slave girls.. after a few months of chaos he was sufficiently of confidence to come out of hiding under another persona, that of Manahu of Yaramuke, although everyone knew Yaramuke was a ruin, none really questioned his past, and after singing in some of the less reputed Inns and drinking houses.. He felt that this wasn’t enough though, as he still missed the power that came with casting, and even though he was alive and having a decent living he still felt that he was not where he should have been.

He decided it was time to look for a new “patron”, a new Dragon to serve…

He thought long and hard about who to approach, with the rumours he heard about  Andropinis being imprisoned,  Hamanu had closed his doors, and was very strict to who was to enter, certainly not a templar of a rival Dragon…now,  Abalach and Sielba dead, Kalid Ma equally dead, Lalali-Puy and Nibenay in the same category as Hamanu, its either no choice or to search if the Dead ones are really dead or not…


His search send him across the Tablelands far and wide, and his progress in his singing became better as he travelled.. He silently began to enjoy the reputation he was building but still craved the magical power and still wanted something better, finding a clue about Sielba that none should have found, a still working Sigil of Sielba.. A Templar’s gorget, magical and working.. meaning, “She” is still alive..

Knowing this, he set out to the ruins of Yaramuke.. and after having to fight his way through some indigenous monsters and animals he found an underground temple that was not what it seemed, and having gone through that he found her, alive, and after some great bootlicking she agreed to grant him spells, in return he would have to provide her with information, that she would periodically extract from him by means of communication via another gorget that was stronger then the one he had initially found. She send him into the planes, and after he found Sigil, she allowed him to stay there, still loyal to her, he feeds her information about the planes and things he sees…


He is a politician at heart, and bribes when he thinks he can get away with it or when he thinks/ knows that is will help a lot, he dabbles in singing and thinks its a noble's pursuit, and loves the sweat and toil when he has a hammer in his hand and the fire is near him and hot.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Did i stun everyone into

Did i stun everyone into silence with my concept? Cool

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Dire Lemon wrote: Hm, the

'Dire Lemon' wrote:
Hm, the only idea I've been able to come up with so far is a character that specializes in drawing living things which he can then bring to life.

You know, I could use some creative inspiration myself.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Artistic professions not

Artistic professions not yet taken;

Dancer, caligrapher, potter, whitesmith, juggler/acrobat, comedian, actor, actual bard-musician, skald (storytelling bard), fortune teller, writer.

I'd also allow a general rogue-type character, a mage, or a cleric of a fairly peaceful religion.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
to make a note of clerical

to make a note of clerical abilities, a Templar can heal etc. Sticking out tongue

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Ability score

Ability score rolls


EDIT: This dice roller is annoying and dumb. I'm going to use Invisible castle.


EDIT AGAIN: Crap! I've gotten a total ability modifier of zero twice in a row! How much you want to bet the third set will total to +1


Edit Again Again! Oh well, nevermind. These were actually quite decent.

16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 10.


Last EDIT! Really! Hey! I just thought of something cool! What if whenever he draws someone from a reflection their double is always the opposite alignment?

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 4d6+0, the result is 8.
I rolled 4d6+0, the result is 13.
I rolled 4d6+0, the result is 16.
I rolled 4d6+0, the result is 14.
I rolled 4d6+0, the result is 18.
I rolled 4d6+0, the result is 8.
Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Ok, here's what I've got so

Ok, here's what I've got so far.  Anyone got suggestions?  Here're my HP rolls.




Race: Human

Sex: Male

Levels: Expert 7


Str: 10

Dex: 13 (+1)

Con: 12 (+1)

Int: 16 (+3)

Wis: 14 (+2)

Cha: 16 (+3) Level 4 increase


HP 34 of 34


Fort +3

Ref +3

Will +7



Appraise +13 (10 ranks, Int +3, +2 Synergy for paintings)

Bluff +13 (10 ranks, Cha +3)

Climb +0 (+2 Synergy for climbing ropes)

Craft (Painting) +16 (10 ranks, Int +3, Skill Focus +3

Diplomacy +17 (10 ranks, Cha +3, Synergy +4)

Escape Artist +1 (Dex +1, +2 Synergy for escaping ropes)

Gather Information +15 (10 ranks, Cha +3, Synergy +2)

Handle Animal +9 (6 ranks, Cha +3)

Intimidate +13 (10 ranks, Cha +3)

Ride +3 (Dex +1, Synergy +2)

Sense Motive +12 (10 ranks, Wis +2)

Speak Language (4 cc ranks)

Spot +12 (10 ranks, Wis +2)

Use Rope +11 (10 ranks, Dex +1)



Skill Focus: Craft (Painting)


Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
I roilled a little better

I roilled a little better then the previous poster, sorry :P 

Manahu of Yaramuke 

Human Athasian, Templar 7 of Sielba the Life giver, (ex templar of Kalak of Tyr) (full spells to be chosen still to come)

Str    16 +3 (incl. the +1 from lvl 4)

Dex  11 -

Con  11 -

Int    18 +4

Wis  15 +2

Cha  17 +3

8+2,7,8,8,4,7 = 44 HP


1-Cosmopolitan-Perform (forgotten realms HB)

3-Fast talker

6-Craft Wondrous Item

Craft Blacksmithing  8 +4

Craft Armoursmithing 10 +4 

Diplomacy 10 +3/ +3/ +4 syn. (bluff and sense mot.)

Bluff 10 +3/ +3/ +2

Intimidate 5 +3/ +2/ +2 syn.

Sense Motive 8 +2 

Perform Sing 6 +4/ +2

Spell craft 6 +4 

Literacy, (aka read/ write) Common, Tyrian, Yaramukite, Elven, Ignan, Draconic

Languages, (aka speak) Common, Tyrian, Elven, Ignan, Giant, Gith, Infernal, Celestial


Planes 6 +4

Ancient history 2 +4 (current and dead Sorcerer Kings and Queens) 

Literature 4 +4 (Stories, plays, ballads, epic poetry, legends) 

Politics 6 +4 (government bureaucracies, petitions, bribes, subterfuge, art of compromise). 


You have a gift for talking your way out of trouble.

Prerequisites: Wis 13+, Cha 13+.Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus on Bluff checks and Diplomacy checks.


You have developed the ability to talk people into taking or participating in actions that normally run counter to their sense of personal or professional morality. You know

the ins and outs of the local government, and have a keen sense of who's open to bribes and who's not.

Benefit: When using the Diplomacy skill to convince someone to participate in an illegal action, you gain a +3

competence bonus. If you offer your target a bribe or payment of some kind that is valuable enough to have

worth to him, increase this bonus to +5. The bribe should be enough to equal roughly a week's wage for the target. For each multiple of a week's wage the bribe is worth, add a +1 bonus to the bribe check. The DM may require an opposed roll of your Diplomacy against the target's will save when making a bribe.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
man, i copied from word, did

man, i copied from word, did not know it would behave so funny though, the layout is crap Smiling

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
It's because for some reason

It's because for some reason this forum changes the format of all posts to double space lines.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Dire Lemon wrote:It's

Dire Lemon wrote:
It's because for some reason this forum changes the format of all posts to double space lines.

Switch the input format from "BBCode w/Freelink w/o Linebreak" to " BBCode w/Freelink."


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
and how in heavens name do i

and how in heavens name do i do that? Laughing out loud

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
When you're writing a

When you're writing a post, click "Input format" (it's below "disable rich-text" and above "Dice Roller")

Click the "BBCode w/Freelink" radiio button



BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
ok, thnx, not really better,

ok, thnx, not really better, but i fixed it a bit, with your description of where to go, Zim. Sticking out tongue

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
 Due to the power of the

 Due to the power of the primary items Pcs are getting, I will restrict to 1 major item each.  Take 2 minor items (a weapon up to +3 or +1 w/ special attack, or a wonderous item) and 3 minor (potions, scrolls Athasian magic fruit, +1 shivs, etc)

So far We've got

[Dunamin] Ghost sculptor.  Item: Chisels of Shaping Matter.

[Burning Spear] Human Templar/Blacksmith.  Item: Sigil of The Dragon Queen

[Dire Lemon] Human (?) Painter.  Item: Tablet of Mixing



Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Euhm, i do wonder how u can

Euhm, i do wonder how u can put my sigil, which is basically a slightly beefed holy symbol and put it in the same cathegory as the *special items of the others, is that "fair"? :Sticking out tongue thinking out loud atm

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
What's the question mark

What's the question mark for?

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Burning Spear wrote:Euhm, i

Burning Spear wrote:
Euhm, i do wonder how u can put my sigil, which is basically a slightly beefed holy symbol and put it in the same cathegory as the *special items of the others, is that "fair"? :Sticking out tongue thinking out loud atm

If it has a few more powers, yes.  I'm assuming that it will have powers the PC doesn't know abou yet but that the DM will make up on the fly, when opportuniy presents itself.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Dire Lemon wrote:What's the

Dire Lemon wrote:
What's the question mark for?

Because I said you could choose a non-human race up to +3 LA.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Well he was supposed to be

Well he was supposed to be Clueless.  What do you suggest?  I kinda like having those extra skill points and feat.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
How will we be treating xp

How will we be treating xp costs for item creation? I know in BoGR we haven't really kept track of experience (well I haven't anyway) and I was considering taking a feat which reduces the xp cost of creating items. Just wanted to know if it was worth it.

btw, so I can be added to the list I'm going to be a human(ish) Artificer/Flesh-warper named Varanus who's into life-shaping, animal breeding/training and grafting (undead and elemental at the moment). I've statted him up and I'm just finalising feats and possessions (tricky when your medium is living creatures and many of your class features involve item creation)


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Arakhor's picture
Joined: 2005-01-13
I do like the idea of a

I do like the idea of a Drow flesh-crafter (basically a pseudo-magical plastic surgeon).  Mongoose Publishing had an entire chapter on flesh-crafting in The Quintessential Drow.

Also, for what it's worth, I did a PC Expert class, which has all sorts of application, some of which I've listed below.



The Expert PC class (Exp) has a d6 Hit Dice, medium base attack bonus, proficiency in simple weapons and light armour (but not shields) and may choose which of their base saves has a good progression (the other two are poor).  Expert is a 12-level class only. They may choose any ten skills to be class skills and have 8 skill points + Int modifier per level (32 + [4x Int modifier] at 1st-level).  They must also maintain maximum ranks in their professional skills – Craft, Perform, Profession etc.  They gain a bonus feat at 1st-level and at every 3rd-level (3rd, 6th etc.) which must be taken from their individual bonus feat list.  If they select the Skill Focus feat in one of their professional skills, the bonus rises to +4 at 4th, +5 at 8th and +6 at 12th. At 1st-level, they are considered Apprentices in their trade and generate 5% more income with their professional skills than their income die-roll would suggest.  At 4th-level, they are considered Journeymen and gain a 25% bonus to their professional income.  At 8th-level, they are Masters of their trade and gain a 50% bonus to their professional income.  Finally, at 12th-level, they become Grand Masters and double their professional income. They may multi-class with other Expert sub-classes but they must always maintain a higher level in their first Expert sub-class than in their subsequent sub-classes.  They must also still maintain maximum ranks (for their individual levels) in their professional skills.  For instance, an Expert (Acrobat) 3/Expert (Barman) 2 would need six ranks each in Balance and Tumble and five ranks each in Knowledge (Local) and Profession (Barman). They begin with 3d4 x10 gold pieces.

Expert (Acrobat): good Reflex save; class-skills are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Jump (Str), Perform (act & dance – Cha), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Tumble (Dex) and Use Rope (Dex).
Professional skills: Balance & Tumble.
Bonus feat list:  Acrobatic, Agile, Deft Hands, Dodge, Lightning Reflexes,  Skill Focuses – Balance & Perform (Act and/or Dance) & Tumble.

Expert (Barman): good Fortitude save; class-skills are Bluff (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Local – Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (barman – Wis), Sense Motive (Wis) and Speak Language (none).
Professional skills: Knowledge (Local) & Profession (Barman).
Special:  Improved Unarmed Strike at 2nd-level.
Bonus feat list:  Great Fortitude, Improved Grapple, Persuasive, Skill Focuses – Knowledge (Local) & Profession (Barman), Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike).

Expert (Blacksmith): good Fortitude save; class-skills are Appraise (Int), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Armourer, Blacksmith & Weapon-smith – Int), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str) and Swim (Str).
Professional skills: Craft (Blacksmith) & Craft (Armourer) or Craft (Weapon-smith).
Special: Martial Weapon Proficiency (Warhammer) as their 1st-level bonus feat and an additional bonus feat at 2nd-level.
Bonus feat list:  Athletic, Great Fortitude, Skill Focuses – Craft (Armourer, Blacksmith & Weapon-smith), Weapon Focus (Warhammer).

Expert (Gadgeteer): good Reflex save; class-skills are Bluff (Cha), Craft (all skills, taken individually – Int), Disable Device (Int), Knowledge (local – Int), Open Lock (Dex), Search (Int), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis) and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Professional skills: Craft (any one), Disable Device & Open Lock (pick two).
Special: Trap-finding (as the rogue ability) at 1st-level, instead of their first bonus feat.
Bonus feat list:  Lightning Reflexes,  Nimble Fingers, Observant, Skill Focuses – Craft (Locksmith & Trap-making) & Disable Device & Open Lock.

Expert (Hotelier): good Will save; class-skills are Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (Architecture/Engineering & Local – Int), Profession (Brewer, Chef & Hotelier – Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (none).
Professional skills: Diplomacy and Profession (Hotelier).
Bonus feat list: Guildmaster (business only), Iron Will, Leadership, Negotiator, Skill Focuses – Diplomacy & Profession (Hotelier).

Expert (Scribe): good Will save; class-skills are Craft (artist & calligraphy – Int), Decipher Script (Int), Forgery (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (choose two – Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (scribe – Wis) and Speak Language (none).
Professional skills: Forgery & Profession (Scribe).
Special: Poor BAB, no armour skills, wizard weapons only.  They gain +2 to Decipher Script and Forgery at 2nd-level and +2 to both Craft skills at 5th-level.
Bonus feat list:  Iron Will, Scribe Scroll (if also a spell-caster), Skill Focuses – Decipher Script & Forgery & Profession (scribe).

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Azriael wrote: How will we

Azriael wrote:

How will we be treating xp costs for item creation? I know in BoGR we haven't really kept track of experience (well I haven't anyway) and I was considering taking a feat which reduces the xp cost of creating items. Just wanted to know if it was worth it.

No. No it would not.  The way I've always run character advancement, in my home games as well, is the principle of "gain a level after a major adventure'.  At higher levels that turns into "every two or three major adventures."  In other words, I've never kept track of XP as a DM.  The point is to tell a story, an interactive one, and I think my way of advancement is good.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Hey Arakhor, If you wanted

Hey Arakhor, If you wanted to try the Drow Flesh-crafter idea go for it. The inventory required for a crafter of living things is doing my head in a little and I've already statted up two other concepts - my Doomguard sand-shaper and my LG artificer 'soul polisher'.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

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