The Order of Sensory Transcendence

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deadone's picture
Joined: 2004-10-26
The Order of Sensory Transcendence

He ran. Branches whiped his face, the rushing sound of the wind in his ears, the smell of the forest, the taste of the lichen in his mouth, the light falling through the leaves, all were heightened. He sped through the brush, taking in everything. Intution, normally a faint whisper, burned in his mind like a beacon. He fell, rolled, and came to his feet just past a low branch that would have knocked him senseless. He could feel it, just beyond his grasp. It was there, the multiverse, all there. He collapsed in exahustion on the forest floor.

To truly know existence, you must immerse yourself in your senses. To truly know existence, you must sense with all your sense, not with any one or two. To deny yourself any sense, to deny yourself the chance to experience new senses, these are crimes of the highest order. If you blind yourself, if you deafen yourself, if you deny touch or taste or smell, you have killed yourself.

Philosophy: There is an underlying cadence or pattern or flow to the multiverse, and the only way to find it is to open yourself to your senses.
Nicknames: Sensejacks, Trancers.
Headquarters: The Nexushall, Outlands
Major Races: Humans, Tieflings, Aasimar, Chaond, Bauriar
Favored Classes: Bard, Monk, Rogue, Wizard/Sorcerer
Factorl: Alexander Eugene McClain (N Male Shadow Prime Human, Strong3/Fast3/Wise4)
Prominent Members: Joza Meil (LN Tiefling Mnk6/Rog2), Fielhol of the Glass (N Male Fire Genesi Wiz8)
Alignment: Any
Symbol: Six lines radiating out from a circle


There are rooms in the Great Gymnasium which, if you enter them, will close your senses, muffle your thoughts, and suspend you in a timeless viod with only the beating of your heart. I have spent an aoen in these rooms, a timeless millenia that may have lasted hours or days, I cannot say. And in these rooms, I came to hear a rythm below the beating of my heart, and above. A rythm that encompased all the planes. A cadence to which the multiverse might dance. But what I heard was incompleate.
In the deepest forests of Elysium, there is a pond of crystal water, fed by a silently flowing brook, where a single shaft of light falls through the canopy of leaves into the very center of the pool, and in doing so illuminates the shaded glade. There, sound fades and time stands still. No scents or textures disturb the perfect vision. And as I gazed upon this perfect pool, a breeze stirred its waters, and amidst the ripples I saw the flow of the planes, a current that guides all that is. But what I saw was incomplete.
In the depths of Hades, there is a field of black obsidian, shrouded b eternal darkness, where no sound dares enter. And as I ran my fingers across its surface, and as the razor sharp ridges and whorls lacerated my flesh, I perceived in the grain a pattern, and patterns within those patterns, a pattern that encompased the multiverse, from Hades to Logos to Elesyium to Limbo. But what I felt was incompleate.
I have tasted, I have smelled, I have sensed with the barest flickerings intution and the lightest touches of the mind this pattern, this cadence, this flow. And always, it was incompleate.
So finally I returned, returned with my memories and experiences, and I gathered them in sensory stones, and I reviewed them. Endlessly, I went over them, over and over again, and always, they were incomplete. At last, in desperation, I gathered all my memories togethor, and witnessed them as one. And there it was. Complete. Not in touch, not in smell, not in sight, not in taste, not in hearing, not in any of the other estortic senses I had tried, but in their unity.
Do not eschew any sense, for to do so is to deny yourself any chance of truly knowing the Cadence, by whatever name. Sense all that is. Immerse yourself in your senses. Then you will *know* the multiverse, and all will be true to you.
— Factol Alexander Eugene McClain, of the Order of Sensory Transcendence

The Sensejacks are a fusion of the Society of Sensastion and the Transcended Order. From the Ciphers, the Trancers take the belief that there is some sort of underlying rythm or flow to the planes. However, unlike the Ciphers, the Sensejacks believe that the only way to achieve any real connection to this rythm, one must immerse themselves in all their senses.
For this reason, Sensejacks seek out new sensations, new experiences for all their sense. However, it is difficult to open all ones sense equally. The Trances make use of several tools, such as sensory stones, to record all their senses seperately, them mix them togethor at a later date, when they are more open. At the Nexushall, massive chambers exist which allow a large group of people to experience the memories coded in several sense stones at once with equal emphasis.

Edward Davis's picture
Joined: 2004-05-12
The Order of Sensory Transcendence

Hmm... While this is a good concept, are you sure we should be screwing around with the factions anymore than we already have?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
The Order of Sensory Transcendence

'Edward Davis' wrote:
Hmm... While this is a good concept, are you sure we should be screwing around with the factions anymore than we already have?

Why not?

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
The Order of Sensory Transcendence

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
'Edward Davis' wrote:
Hmm... While this is a good concept, are you sure we should be screwing around with the factions anymore than we already have?

Why not?

I don't see any problem with it. As long as the reasons are creative and present an intriguing take... I say have at IT!

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