The Order of Being

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WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Order of Being

Order of Being

"I... I lost everything," said the man. Although the suit suggested he was wealthy, his despairing mug sold a different story. "I can't pay the mortgage. I'm getting divorced. Everything I've worked so hard for is ruined."
"It's not so bad," replied the strange musician whom appeared out of nowhere.
"How can you say that! I might as well be dead."
"Don't say that, man. Chill. Relax. Listen to a few tunes. You can't wish for death when you've never been alive."

The Order of Being is on a crusade. Not with swords or guns but with music and humor. Not many people take the Order of Being very seriously. That's suits the Order just fine, because they have a problem with people taking things seriously. Some call them terrorists for pumping hallucinatory gas in the Sigil subway which caused hundreds to be late for work, but they'd say they're just teaching people to loosen up.
They're street musicians, bums, pranksters, druggies and philosophers, to spread the purpose of purposelessness.

Philosophy: Problems are only as bad as you perceive them to be. Problems are never as dangerous as overreacting to it. Serious is bad, and nothing is worse than taking yourself seriously.
Nicknames: Druggies, laughers, wastrels.
Headquarters: Anarchoburg, Beastlands
Majority Races: Air Genasi, Gnomes, Human, Mephlings, Tieflings
Majority Classes: Devoted Hero, Agile Hero
Prestige Classes: "Bloody Annoyance", Hasher, Pseudo-Saint
Factol: Changes yearly. (see text)
Prominant Members: Fat Bill (Male Air Genasi NG Smart Hero 1/ Dedicated Hero 2), Sam (Female Tiefling CG, Fast Hero 5/Infiltrator 3/"Bloody Annoyance" 3/Hasher 3), Dorian the Talented (Male Human CG Fast Hero 5/Dedicated Hero 5/Hasher 5/Pseudo-Saint 5)
Alignment: Any non-lawful, non-evil
Symbol: A broken weapon, any weapon, usually a sword or shotgun, twined with flowers.

Have you been outside today cutter? Look at all those people rushing by, all those bored, scared, and stressed faces. It's like they keep the world on their shoulders. Oh, your late for work too? Here, take some of this, it'll make you feel better. Now doesn't it all feel better. No, your not going barmy, the bright colors will fade in a sec.

Now, some call us terrorists and anarchs for making everyone go off the high end when we pumped some happy gas into the subway. The guvners sure were making a fuss and all that, we disrupted precious golden schedules yadda yadda, ditto ditto, blah blah. What were the consequences of that? Valor Towers didn't crumble, the Lady didn't flog a bunch o' berks down in Her own ward, and no layer of Arcadia fell into Mechanus from the inordinate amounts o' chaos we caused.

I'll tell you what the Sodkillers did, though, when the Guvners declared open season on us lot. Suddenly, we were being strung up like murderers. Ironically, it's the Guvners that caused all o' the chaos round here, and for that, we're punished. You see, the Guvners lost perspective, they took things too seriously, and for that it cost many o' lives more than it should've.

If people took things a little less seriously, if they just laughed out their problems an' chilled just a bit it puts everything back in perspective. The multiverse is a big place with plenty o' opportunity an' good folks, and by cursin' the place all your doing is causin' things to be harder on yourself.

But it's not good enough that we know this truth, everyone must know, because if we didn't the minority of miserable of evil folks will spread their own misery like an infectious disease, and everyone gets piked. Our philosophy is equally infectious, we promote love and happiness and most folks want a little more of that.

That's why we pumped the gas in the subway. It was wasn't an attack, it was an education. When people saw how little it mattered if they were or were not late fer work, people would learn to take it a little less seriously. Now that yer late for work, your world hasn't ended, has it? No, no don't get up. Take the day off, you probably need it.

Brief History
The legend of the Order of Being's founding is clouded by the stories told in drug-stained dens where the Order of Being tends to hang out. Serious scholars have narrowed it down, but the most authentic story seems to be that of a Dustman neonate.

The story goes that a novice duster, Behen was sent to a back-water prime to perform a euthanasia on some primes. Behen's master, Voris the Relieving, had invented powerful non-magical anesthesia which, if given in an appropriate quantity, could kill peacefully and quietly. The primes were not sick or dying, they were victims of a curse that caused life-long melancholy and depression. They did not want to live anymore.

Behen himself was a depressed and apathetic young man. The rest of his family had been taken by common diseases and was convinced the plague would one day come for him.

Laugher myth says that Behen was stretching his back on his way to the hospice where the curse victims were being held when Behen spotted a four leaf clover. Pleased with himself, he continued until he found another one. Purely by accident, Behen continued to discover four-leaf clovers until he had picked five. At this point, Behen uttered the immortal words, "By the Powers, this isn't a coincidence!" and his outlook changed forever.

Behen gave a clover to each of his four patients (one he kept for himself) and spent an entire year trying to remove the curse. Behen wasn't a magician, but he was fairly convinced that the correct attitude could cure it. Behen's change from model Dustman to factionless deviant shocked the Dustman and Behen was excommunicated and made into a pariah. During this year he worked on a treatise that life was taken far too seriously and that everyone should take a step back and "chill". The essay was called "You Should Feel Lucky You Aren't Dead".

Behen did travel back to Sigil once he cured his four patients and established the Order of Being. It's philosophy was seductive to reluctant Dustman, and many members switched over. Many consider it the upbeat reflection of duster philosophy. It was also a pretty revolutionary philosophy and drew a lot of interest. To state that problems weren't really problems at all but just products of an objective imagination was a very controversial, and the new faction was the talk of the town.

For a while, the Order had Factols, who were regularly incompetent. It wasn't until legendarily notorious leader Carrie Banderbolt that the Order decided to have a new system of election. Banderbolt was corrupt and was more of a celebrity than she was a factol, famous for being newsrag-fodder than for being a leader or philosopher. Her actions made it clear she didn't take anything seriously except herself, which was the worst kind of seriousness by the Order's measure. Her fall came during an assassination attempt, in which she fell to her knees and prayed to the Lady of Pain in an effort to scare the assassins away. It worked and by some miracle she wasn't flayed or mazed, but the stigma was so bad everyone from ta'anari to commoners ran away at the sight of her. She still walks Sigil, now an old woman as well as a bogeyman, a terrifying reminder of those who even joke about worshiping the Lady of Pain.

Factols are now chosen by random lots, and is far more symbolic than anything else. Factols have grab-bag privileges like backrub entitlements and permission to "crash" at anyone's place. Some say the faction is better run without a factol, and most would like to keep it that way.

Recently, the Guvner's had put a bounty on the Order for a stunt they pulled in the Sigil subway (they pumped hallucinatory gas through the ventilation system), and a lot of prominent Wastrels were strung up by jink-thirsty Sodkillers. Because of the bad reaction from the public ("but I enjoyed the hallucinatory gas!") the Guvner's let the bounty expire early, except on the mastermind of the "terrorist" attack, a tiefling girl called "Sam" who is hiding like a fugitive somewhere in Sigil.

As a group of artists, rogues, and druggies, the Order of Being is mainly run by individual effort or in small groups. Without a real factol, there is no unified effort, but Guvners do report that the Laughers do send communications to each other regularly, inscribed with their own private "code".

Out of all the Order's members, the most publicly well-known is Sam's Gang, the group of cutters responsible for the subway attacks. They have been active for quite a while, pulling pranks off like replacing a Revealing Light library with picture books and nailing an "Applicants Wanted" sign outside of a Anarchist safehouse. Some less likely pranks were painting Demogorgon's nails or smuggling a rifle and some hunting magazines into Ehlonna's cathedral. They are still wanted by the Guvners, but have no intention of showing themselves nor any signs of stopping.

Fat Bill, considered to be the Faction's philosophical leader and the unofficial Factol, is a oddly overweight and clumsy Air Genasi (considered to be an embarrassment by other air elementals). He spends much of his time in an Anarchoburg apartment smoking something mind-affecting, so the breeze that used to be fresh now is humid and some say, stale. Fat Bill is charismatic, however, and has convinced many of the truth of Order.

Dorian the Talented is the Order's representative in Sigil, running the Guild of Street Performers, which is more of a joke than anything else. Dorian himself is, as his name suggests, talented, able to play instruments, act, deliver one-liners, perform acrobatics, juggle, and other party tricks alone or all at once. He's fit for the stage but prefers to ply trade on the city streets. He's become a rather enigmatic figure, offering odd advice when people most need help, appearing from nowhere balancing on a rubber ball juggling swords.

Dorian's Guild of Street Performers is viewed with suspicion from other Sigilians. Firstly, they speak their own version of Planar Cant, called Jiver, influenced by prime worlds and is less cynical yet more colorful than Cant. Most planars can't understand Jiver for beans and thus turn a jaundiced eye at it. Conspiracy theorists say that the Guild of Street Performers are far more powerful than they let on, and they could be right.

There's also a small but dangerous splinter group calling themselves "The Blasphemy", who feel utterly betrayed by the rest the planes for their attack on the Laughers. In their opinion, the rest of the planes are undeserving of love and life if they take it from the innocent. The Blasphemy may soon commit real acts of terrorism, but haven't tried anything yet. The Blasphemy has been ex-communicated from the rest of the faction.

Allies and Enemies
Due to it's nature, the Laughers return friendship and not enmity. That being said, the Order has pissed a lot of people off. By definition, every faction has a problem with the Order because they all take something seriously, while the Order says they should abandon these passions. Even so, few think the Laughers should die because of it.

Despite this, the Order feels like it has a responsibility to help it's fellow factions. Unfortunately, this usually involves making a mockery of what they believe in so that they take things less seriously. Number one on the list are the Fraternity of Order and Dustmen, these groups, in the Order's opinion, really need to loosen up.

The Fraternity of Order, on the other hand, feel very threatened by the Order of Being. Unlike the Xaositects, whom don't pose a focused threat, the Order of Being is organized enough to bring chaos where there was law. The Dustmen try their best to ignore the upstart "offshoot" of their own faction, but the fact is the Dustmen is losing members to their philosophical mirror. Sodkillers, however, are itching to ply their philosophy on the Order of Being.

The Laughters make unreliable allies to the Revolutionary League. The Anarchists think they are pulling the strings of the Laughers and observe them to be useful tools, but if this is true, then the Revolutionary League has not got a very tight leash. Laughers do undermine social order, but they also undermine the Revolutionary League, so they are marginal tools at best.

Laughers don't know what to make of Xaositects. On one hand, they take things even less seriously than most Laughers do, but others claim that Xaositects take chaos too seriously. They're impossible to influence, that much is true, so most Laughers don't even try.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Order of Being

I should remember to put this stuff in smaller snippets so that people can actually read it.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Order of Being

I really like this faction. It seems that you took a simple concept and added a second and third dimension to it-which is probably the best way to build a new faction.

/Added to Thread of Threads

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
The Order of Being

'WithoutNationality' wrote:
I should remember to put this stuff in smaller snippets so that people can actually read it.

No need. If someone wants to read it, he'll read it. I read it and I like it... Where do I join? Laughing out loud

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Order of Being

No need. If someone wants to read it, he'll read it. I read it and I like it... Where do I join?

Well, it's simple. Take this spraycan and find a hardhead...

Seriously, the problem is I like attention... Laughing out loud

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Order of Being

Where do they operate in Sigil?

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Order of Being

They used to make kip at the Guild of Street Performers in the Market Ward, but the building was abandoned pretty quickly after the bounty was declared. Since the bounty expired many Order factotum feel uncomfortable moving back, so the Guild of Street Performers moved to a hidden location somewhere only the Lady would know. The old Guild is a haven for thieves and unsavory folk.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Order of Being

Edit: Grammatical & punctuation errors corrected, removed repetitions, and added spaces between each paragraph.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Order of Being

EDIT: Added Prestige Classes and class levels

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Order of Being

I'm in the prosess of editing this entry (as well as for the Harmonium). Once that is done, I'll send them to C to put in .pdf form

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Order of Being

Looking forward to it Smiling

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Order of Being

'Clueless' wrote:
Looking forward to it Smiling

[whisper]pst! check your pm[/whisper]

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Order of Being

*looks* *gets that annoyed gleam in eyes* *goes to pick up a new can of code-bug-be-gone*... Uno momento as I go fix some code so I can recieve it.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Order of Being

Ok - uh - techncialyl nothing was broken - I just made a goofup in code and there was nothing telling you that my PM box was full. Please resend as I've deactivated that PM cap. Smiling

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Order of Being

Jiver, A Primer

Jiver is the newest street language that has grown from the cradle that is Sigil, taking influences from Planar Cant and multiple prime-worlds. It's the slang for rebellious individuals, spurning the cynicism of the older tongue and embracing a brighter but equally colorful attitude. While Jiver certainly hasn't replaced Cant (older planars staunchly avoid it), Jiver has certainly made it's way into Planar Cant and now some phrases and words can be heard regularly in both competing tongues.
The Order of Being uses Jiver the most, and some suspect that Jiver is some kind of secret code for the Order. This isn't necessarily true, but if spoken really fast it sounds a lot like gibberish to any eavesdroppers. The Bleak Cabal and the Free League have the second and third largest group of Jiver speakers, respectively, and some Sodkiller gangs use a sub-language called "Soddin' Jiver" which adds a lot of "colorful" four-letter words. Also, the Harmonium have Jiver speakers for "youth outreach" programs, a policy which has had some success.
It's important to note that the vast majority of Jiver speakers can switch to Planar Cant seamlessly, there's a stigma attached to Jiver as being the slang of criminals, thieves, and miscreants. While some Jiver speakers make a point of speaking it to authorities, most are capable of common. The only people that can only speak in Jiver are those whom live in heavily Jiver neighborhoods or clueless that learned Jiver slang instead of Cant.

Naming Conventions
Calling people even by their first name in Jiver is very formal, appropriate for the first time you meet someone. For mercy's sake, they shorten names to either one or two letters, or they give themselves short and sweet nicknames. For instance, Dorian the Talented is known more regularly in Jiver circles as "D".
In terms of nicknames, the Order looks down upon pretentious or tough nicknames. "Tiny", "Smokes", "Brains", or "Brown" work well. It's also rude to give yourself a nickname, it's considered egotistical.

Jiver only uses as much grammar as is needed to be understood. Engineering, mathematics, and other extremely complex subjects are beyond Jiver. Best use plain Common. That being said, Jiver often and regularly skips articles and conjunctions, or just shortens them.

Jiver speakers pronounce the "th" as "f", so "think" comes out "fink", "theurge" is "furge", and "that's" comes out to "fat's". "They" almost comes out "dey", and "the" is still "the", however. Other contractions are common, such as "that's offal!" instead of "that's awful!", or "'ee 'ad it comin'" instead of "he had it coming". Also, Jiver speakers have a tendency to have silent "r's", like "fevah" instead of "fever". Some "light jiver" examples:
"Me finks, frind, fat dey's some badass Soddies, sah dunt ya be teeing ya noose ta dem folks no more, y'hear?" (I think, friend, that they're pretty dangerous Sodkillers, so don't hang out with them any more)
"Got me bird, me fenweed, 'n me frinds, an' sah dey ain't nadah ya greese me wif, y' foo." (I've got my girl, my smokes, and my friends, so they're isn't anything you can bribe me with, you idiot.)
"Ee's a furge, an' a pastee one fo' it." (He's a mage, and no doubt a devious one.)

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
The Order of Being

Actually, having known a Jamaican, I am IMMEDIATELY hearing this with that inflection, and sounds right in my head.

That's a good sign, IMO. Way to go. I already liked the Order, now I'm sure I'd have reason to use them!

Clueless: to me, it feels like some Caribbean islander is speaking. I think that's a good approach to take, as the "your only problem is that you take your problems too seriously" thing is definitely something that the island lifestyle tends to reinforce.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Order of Being

It's... wow. Somewhere between London Cockney (cant), black culture slang and.... 1930's flapper/rum-runner??
Wow.... wierdly enough... I like.
*slowly tilts head to the side while 'picturing' this*

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Order of Being

I've not hear the accent often enough to catch onto it that way - but it fits too. Smiling

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Order of Being

Actually, your both right. It's spoken with a Jamaican inflection with some cockney mannerisms and words (i.e. furge). I didn't want to make it straight one accent or another, so I combined the two. Honestly, I was bit afraid that people wouldn't like it because they wouldn't understand, think it was hard or too weird. This response is really gratifying, thanks.

I'm going to add a small lexicon later on, but feel free to add words and/or suggestions.

I think that's a good approach to take, as the "your only problem is that you take your problems too seriously" thing is definitely something that the island lifestyle tends to reinforce.

That's why I chose the Jamaican influence. This makes me excited to write up the Blasphemy.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Order of Being

Count me as another fan of Jiver.

Btw, Clueless, I just sent you the .doc the OoB and the Harmonium.

Laughing out loud

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Order of Being

I got it Smiling

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Order of Being

EDIT: Added to the Jiver writeup.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
The Order of Being

WN: the thing about the furge is.. that's a pretty close approximation to how a Jamaican might say theurge, and well.. I like the idea of incorporating unusual synonyms, so I'd classify it as sounding almost exactly like a Jamaican would say, were he to understand Latin and need to mention a magic-user in general, without specifying how that magic is derived.

Clueless: the Jamaican lilt and drawl is definitely how Jiver would be pronounced. Slow, and with very indefinite enunciation of the voiced consonants. Add in the combo of euphemisms and slang which there are a bunch of, and it makes for a good comparative to Cant.

The question is, how are Cant and Jiver looked at by the planars as a whole? Is Cant 'high-class' while Jiver 'low-class'? Does the use of Cant mark you as conservative, while Jiver's more common among more progressive groups? Does it mark where you are likely from? (if Jiver started in a different major planar city from Sigil, it's entirely possible the Sigilians would hate it, as I've mentioned before here, in the way British and American English are understandable to both, but a lot of words are used differently, and the slang is entirely separate)

That said, when I thought up of an alternate planar cant having spread so that there are two separate ones, I couldn't do that myself, but this fits the bill perfectly. Even if the OoB wasn't already well-designed as a faction, I'd have to say that this was inspired.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Order of Being

that's a pretty close approximation to how a Jamaican might say theurge

OK, well, I guess it's based on Jamaican then.

The question is, how are Cant and Jiver looked at by the planars as a whole?

I think I added some of this info in the post. Essentially, Jiver is considered the language of miscreants and criminals, and paranoid planars think it's some kind of code. Cant is still the biggest majority even among the lower class, but it's gaining popularity. I'd say the upper crust speak an approximation to normal Common, and use neither slang language.

There are very few people that can only speak Jiver, most can switch between Cant and Jiver even if they don't choose to. There's a lot of reasons for a clever blood to want to speak like everyone else, it's much easier to deal with the authorities if you can talk conservatively. However, there are heavily Jiver neighborhoods and cities in the Planes where you get funny looks for speaking Cant, and certain clueless only ever learn Jiver without getting their head around Cant. This is largely true in the chaotic good side of the ring.

Jiver is a product of Sigil, but not many people like it 'cause it's taken too much inspiration from a certain prime world (Let's call this world Nostalji). Jiver is a combination between Planar Cant and this world's dialect. How they got together I haven't figured out yet.

Even if the OoB wasn't already well-designed as a faction, I'd have to say that this was inspired.

That's very high praise. Thanks.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Order of Being

Cant may also be common among the old. And by old - I mean really really really - they're immortal, come on people - sort of old. Akin, Estavan, etc. In fact, their version of 'cant' may actually sound archacic and formal.

There's also bound to be accents throughout the plane that are different from Sigil - even in the canon books - if you're from Tir on the Outlands - you really ought to have an irish accent. Jiver could easily be from elsewhere too.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Order of Being

The Blasphemy, Nostalji, and Jujui

The Order of Being not only inherited it's language but it's magical traditions from the prime world of Nostalji. Nostalji was a world dominated by dark gods and blood-thirsty demons worshiped deep in the jungles, coupled with magnificent island-states with marvelous cultures and places of learning. When Nostalji was for all purposes destroyed by Orcus (in his aspect Jujui) the Harmonium staged a massive rescue effort to save refugees from Orcus's taint.
Among the frantic communications between the Harmonium's rescue units, reports were passed of strange forms of magic that, while initially unimpressive, it eventually crippled all those it cursed in horrible ways. Known by natives as "Jujuilo", being cursed in such a way filled men with paralyzing fear. Once the Harmonium ceased the operation and shipped the survivors to the Outlands, the survivors were left to their own devices.
Some left to join the Harmonium. Some worshipers of Jujui who escaped with the refugees went to the Abyss. The vast majority set kip in Arborea, inhabiting their own realm of Whitesand Keys. The ones who stayed in the Outlands became the most influential members of the Order of Being faction, gaining an interest in it's philosophy and working towards it's goals. It would be these Nostaljians which would lead to the rise of Jiver.
For a while, no Nostaljian talked about Jujuilo. It was a taboo, as filthy as a swear word and as abominable as incest, a link to a shameful past. The Harmonium who fought in Nostalji were driven to heavy drinking when they thought about the operation, let alone talk about it. No one had anything to say about Jujuilo, and thus no one prepared against it. The worshipers of Orcus were fine-tuning their own brand of dark magic.
While the Order of Being was being massacred, a small sect of factotum broke off. They were lured by the promises of revenge to the Witchsand Keys in the Abyss, where Jujuilo was being taught to whomever chose to come along. Far from being disgusted, they saw it's virtues, it was subtle and powerful, best of all, it could be mistaken for natural. The ex-Order of Being called themselves the Blasphemy, as they dared to delve into territory even the Order thought taboo. Worst of all, the Blasphemy takes itself seriously, which the Order reckons is the root of all evils.
What is the Blasphemy doing now? No one really knows, but it's safe to bet that they're plotting against their perceived arch-enemies: the Sodkillers and the Fraternity of Order, those responsible for the death of so many comrades of theirs. In any case, the Blasphemy is in hiding from the Fraternity, which has not suspended the bounty on their heads unlike the rest of the Order.

Whitesand Keys
If Anarchoburg is the political headquarters for the Order of Being, Whitesand Keys is it's spiritual. Whitesand Keys was the heaven for Nostalji while it was still inhabited, and was a natural choice. It's a group of islands on the second layer of Arborea, each with beaches of pearly white sand. It's here where the islanders spend their lives partying, drinking, without any cares or responsibilities. It's few towns are charmingly disorganized, but tourists love them. Whitesand Keys loves tourists, those who visit it remark it's got the joys of a resort island without the crowdedness or over-commercialization.

Witchsand Keys
Whitesand Key's mirror-realm, it's a group of dark tropical islands inhabited by warlike tribes and terrible Jujuilo shamans. Jujuilo is heavily associated with worship of Orcus, and although it's not a requirement many do pay homage to the Prince of Undeath. Zombies are often found doing menial labor and guard duty on the beaches outside Jujuilo islands, terrible demons lurk in deep parts of the jungle, and if they don't kill you, Witchsand Key's poisonous plants and animals will by simply brushing up against them. Witchsand Keys are Nostalji's traditional hell, where the worshipers of the dark gods go.

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