The "Old Gods"

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Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
The "Old Gods"

No, I'm not talking about those creepy moster freaks from "Call of Cthulhu". I'm was just wondering how the gods from the standered D&D/Planescape game could fit in with Urban Planescape.

You know, gods like Corellon Larethian, Tyr, Eilistraee, Io, Hextor, Moradin, Yondalla, St. Cuthbert, Tiamat, Lolth ect. Just how would they fit into the modern world (planes)?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
The "Old Gods"

I can easily see Vecna as the ultimate information broker...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The "Old Gods"

The racial pantheons probably just fit in directly. In fact the gods are probably just the same with minor changes to their portfolios... but if then gods are *known* to exist, then there's a LOT less of the post-modern questioning of religion.

Unless we *want* to cut back on the influence of the gods as a whole to better fit the 'modern' flavor? To make them - while still potent - less directly involved?

Or would it be better just to assume the populaceis more familar with the Athar - more cynical?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The "Old Gods"

I know I, personally, take a view similar to the Athar.
"Sure, maybe some of these 'gods' exist, but they're not too different from you and me, except that they're more powerful."

I could meet a god in person and still think that. I mean, sure, I don't want to offend someone so much stronger than I, but that doesn't mean there has to be worship involved.

So sure, we could have a more cynical, Athar-type view of deities. Slightly more distant, mysterious powers would help encourage that view, though. And I think it could make for interesting scenarios if at least one Earth-religion didn't have any proof of it's correctness sitting on the outer planes.


Pants of the North!

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
The "Old Gods"

Isn't the premise of the setting that our Earth has been introduced to the Planescape multiverse, while all the others including Oerth, Toril, Ortho, and the myriad of other prime worlds have evolved along with the planes (as have their gods)...Can but one Prime world so shake everything?...

Although earthlings, save pagans and Hindus (and I suppose several more eastern faiths), may find the gods something out of the past, the rest of the multiverse has had them around since time immemorial, or thereabouts...The pagans and the eastern faiths would probably be quite happy to once again have a demonstrable connection with their gods...


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The "Old Gods"

I think the majority of people voted not to have our *own* earth be involved in this setting (other thread, I'll have to go looking for it).

The question really is as much a question of the tone and mood of the setting as it is a specific question about specific gods. It's a question on how to handle religion in a modern game, as the wide-eyed reverence and awe of the Powers from the fantasy side just doesn't *feel* modern to me.

I'm thinking at the least a modern feel would lead to a stronger sense of cynicism, perhaps a stronger Athar philosophy. Especifically as the modern planes can really handle themselves without *having* to have the gods.

After all, given modern healing techniques, farming techniques, etc... it means that a modern people aren't depending on a power for such day-to-day needs - so what the average modern planars 'get' from their faith is much more emotional and less substantial. Knowing that you can, easily, survive without prayer definately lends strength to a cynic.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
The "Old Gods"

'Clueless' wrote:
After all, given modern healing techniques, farming techniques, etc... it means that a modern people aren't depending on a power for such day-to-day needs - so what the average modern planars 'get' from their faith is much more emotional and less substantial. Knowing that you can, easily, survive without prayer definately lends strength to a cynic.
I'm gonna have to disagree with this statement...Although modern healing techniques have made strides, there is no competition between Cure disease and, say, chemotherapy...The various cures wounds spells far outstrip weeks or months of healing lacerations, broken bones and gaping abdominal wounds...And clerics can reduce costs much faster than HMOs and pharmaceutical companies...I could, however, see the latter hiring assassins and thugs doin' in the powers' agents... Kwint

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
The "Old Gods"

'Clueless' wrote:
I'm thinking at the least a modern feel would lead to a stronger sense of cynicism, perhaps a stronger Athar philosophy. Especifically as the modern planes can really handle themselves without *having* to have the gods.
But, this cynicism is a result in the fact that religious folk can't make a difference in a demonstrable way (that is in any way than as a social function), which would change once people could actually cast spells and deal wonders for all to see...I would think that if people started seeing wonders with their own eyes, more and more people would actually start 'going to church' again... Kwint

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
The "Old Gods"

If the above two issues have been discussed and resolved, could someone direct me to threads?...

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
The "Old Gods"

I think that the situation would birth new extremes. The religious and those wishing a higher power would be bowled over by substantive proof of the existence of Gods. The more cynical would probably join the Athar.

I do belive that it could be a very tricky thing (Diplomacy DC 40+) to attempt to do anything realting to the Big Three (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) and how they have evolved/changed after contact with the planes. While fascinating that discussion is something that could really generate ill will within the community as people (I find) are rarely able to take an objective stance on subjects of their own belief system.

I am honestly unsure of how to pursue this topic.


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nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The "Old Gods"

*points at my Great Jihad thread*

Also, you can't ignore Earth. It is explicitly stated in the UA Campaign Setting that Estavan and the Planar Trade Consortium had ties with Earth before the Shadow fell. We can't just ignore canon like that.

Terra Nova's picture
Joined: 2006-03-11
The "Old Gods"

Actually the point of this thred was to see if anyone would know what the old D&D/Planescape Gods would be like in the UP. Like what their bios would be, would their domains or dogma change, how they would impact a modern-type world. Stuff like that.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The "Old Gods"

I figure most of them would set in pretty well. I'm sure a large number of them would probably have slightly changed portfolio's but for the most part those old gods should still work well.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The "Old Gods"

'Clueless' wrote:
I figure most of them would set in pretty well. I'm sure a large number of them would probably have slightly changed portfolio's but for the most part those old gods should still work well.

I must disagree on this one, because I came up with a kickass idea: The Nordic Pantheon, post-Ragnorok.

A few Nordic deities are prophesized to survive the cataclysmic battle (Vidar, for example), and Baldur returns from death. The passage of Ragnorok would help convey that a significant amount of time has passed, and would give us a great deal of room for creativity without straying far from the source material

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
The "Old Gods"

I like the "American Gods" approach myself...There have been some interesting suggestions on what the core gods would be like in a modern setting over on the Wizards' forums...Can't rightly remember how long ago that was, but folks seemed to have a great deal of fun postulating...

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