The Official return of ravenloft!

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blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
The Official return of ravenloft!

prepair yourselves..........dun, dun, dun, dun!!!!!

Ravenloft is making a comeback through official splendor! yes, thats right, its happening. Over on the Umbrassa graveland boards, I found this......i've known about it for awhile, and have been to lazy to post it. the link can be found here.
they are releasing some novels, and a new supplement due in for october 10! Rejoice! That will be all.

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
The Official return of ravenloft!

'blackthornes' wrote:
Ravenloft is making a comeback through official splendor! yes, thats right, its happening. Over on the Umbrassa graveland boards, I found this......i've known about it for awhile, and have been to lazy to post it. the link can be found here.
That link doesn't work. All it returns is the message:
An Error Has Occurred! You are not allowed to access this section.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
The Official return of ravenloft!

i just tried it and it worked for me.....maybe you have a problem on your home computer.

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
The Official return of ravenloft!

'blackthornes' wrote:
i just tried it and it worked for me.....maybe you have a problem on your home computer.
When you view it, are you logged in to the forum? I suspect that one has to be logged into their forum to view it, which would require one to register with their forum in the first place. Incidentally, I am using a PAT (public access terminal).

Below is the evidence I have gathered and will to use as the rationale of such things:

Welcome, Guest. Please Login or Register.

News: (10/10/05) Welcome to the Umbrasa Gravelands v.2 on the greyhawkonline server. Only registered Denizens get to see ALL the member's forums. So sign-up and post.

News: (2006-May-12) SPAMMING will not be tolerated.


In 2006, Wizards of the Coast announced the reprinting of the Ravenloft novels Vampire of the Mists and Death of a Darklord, fueling speculation that more reprintings or new material may soon become available. A 3.5 edition conversion of the classic Ravenloft adventure, Castle Ravenloft, has also been announced and is currently in production.
Source: Developer's blog

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
The Official return of ravenloft!

Well, if your interested with Ravenloft, check in at the Fraternity of Shadows .

Eyeohn's picture
Joined: 2005-01-13
The Official return of ravenloft!

Last I heard Ravenloft was sold off to White wolf. there is already some 3rd or 3.5 edition material available.

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

That was some time ago Eye ... under White Wolf (or more specifically their Arthause division) there were a large hanful of books producted. Last year, however, WOTC took back rights to Ravenloft with no official intention to continue producing material.

Over the last few months, however, there have been rumors and speculation over the appearance of new books. I stopped following the rumor mill some time back, but if new material has been officially scheduled for release that is good news - I guess.

Since I don't use 3rd edition or its evil child spawn 3.5, new material is only useful so long as it focuses strongly on setting info and doesn't mire itself down with game mechanics. Considering the third edition material I've seen produced so far, I'm not particularly hopeful.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Official return of ravenloft!

'Jack of tears' wrote:
Since I don't use 3rd edition or its evil child spawn 3.5, new material is only useful so long as it focuses strongly on setting info and doesn't mire itself down with game mechanics. Considering the third edition material I've seen produced so far, I'm not particularly hopeful.

I was pretty pleased with the Gazetteer series Arthaus put out. Those were full of nifty fluff about domains and characters, and only a little bit of rules material.


Pants of the North!

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
The Official return of ravenloft!

'Dhampire' wrote:
WotC is releasing a Ravenloft Novel and a new Supplement.

The supplement, titled Expedition to Castle Ravenloft is due out 10 October 2006.

The novel is due 11 July 2006 and titled Death of a Darklord: The Ravenloft Covenant.

'Epoch' wrote:
W00t! Laurell Hamilton, pretty big name author. Both items should be worth a look.

'Legatus Legionis' wrote:
Great to hear about a new novel!

Definately one for my "Horde" and a must read one too.

'SkyKnight' wrote:
Why are horrifying thoughts of Strahd von Zarovich becoming a bisexual S&M freak who's powers are derived from the perversity of his exploits filling my head?

'Fiendish Construct' wrote:
I'm assuming this is a reprint of the 1995 Death of a Darklord novel by the same author... or a continuation perhaps?

'Dhampire' wrote:
'SkyKnight' wrote:
Why are horrifying thoughts of Strahd von Zarovich becoming a bisexual S&M freak who's powers are derived from the perversity of his exploits filling my head?

Thankfully Hamilton is not writing the Expidition text.

I'm assuming this is a reprint of the 1995 Death of a Darklord novel by the same author... or a continuation perhaps?

I am getting conflicting information from my sources.

One tells me it is a reprint, another tells me it is a revised printing to launch a series, someone different tells me it will be completely new.

Since I do not own the original, it will find a home on my shelf.

'Legatus Legionis' wrote:
Book Description
Death of a Darklord focuses on a young woman who finds that she has a talent for magic in a land and a family unforgiving of such abilities, and her tragic attempts to redeem herself in the eyes of her family by aiding them on their quest to end the dark magic that has destroyed a neighboring town.

That is what this new novel has to say for itself.

The other novel;

had this:

A conspiracy for good targets the tyrannical leaders of Kartakkas for assassination, but risks setting off a disaster that could change the lands of the mists forever. Original. 75,000 first printing.

The blubs are not the same. And then, they would easily be of the same. Publishers blurbs, the synoptics, inside covers, etc all say something differing to the same story.

Sure hope this is a NEW story completely. Not a reprint. Not an update. New and original!

'Fiendish Construct' wrote:
'Legatus Legionis' wrote:
Sure hope this is a NEW story completely. Not a reprint. Not an update. New and original!

As do I.

Though I'll note that the posts I read over at LKH's forums seems to indicate this is in fact a reprint. It has yet to be confirmed though...

'SkyKnight' wrote:
Maybe this time, a product entitled Death of a Darklord will actually feature the death of a darklord. Eye-wink

'Dhampire' wrote:
'Legatus Legionis' wrote:
Sure hope this is a NEW story completely. Not a reprint. Not an update. New and original!

I second the motion and move for a vote...

I do hope it is a new story, even a sequel would be welcome so long as it is an original tale.

If it is not a reprint, they should have used a different title or something more elaborate than The Ravenloft Covenant to indicate some kind of original or chronicle/sequel/series status on the end of a book with a used title.

'Dhampire' wrote:
'Dhampire' wrote:
WotC is releasing a Ravenloft Novel and a new Supplement.

The supplement, titled Expedition to Castle Ravenloft is due out 10 October 2006.

In the catalog now.

It will be a hardcover 224 page adventure anthology.

Just the thing for a return to its roots.

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Official return of ravenloft!

That first book cover is the same art as used on the Planescape adventure "Harbringer House" if I am not mistaken :shock:

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
The Official return of ravenloft!

'simmo' wrote:
That first book cover is the same art as used on the Planescape adventure "Harbringer House" if I am not mistaken :shock:

You're not mistaken. It's all slanty, reversed, and monochrome now, but it's the same succubus (Nari, in the original). And, in fact, that's Harbinger House itself in the background. Looks like they're doing this on the cheap.

The Laurell K. Hamilton book is a reprint, not anything new. They just realized they were sitting on the rights to a book by an author that has become pretty popular in the interim (although they're using it as an platform for rereleasing two other Ravenloft books, too).

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Official return of ravenloft!

Wait-a-minute... I thought you people were indulging in a moment of satire... *blinking again - tries not to picture any of the Dark Lords of Ravenloft in compromising positions... fails*

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