The Modern Harmonium

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Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Modern Harmonium

As I've indicated earlier, I wanted to include the Astral War even while removing Earth as an official part of the setting. This led to Ortho, the homeworld of the Harmonium, taking Earth's place in the War. As you might imagine, this gives the Hardheads an important part in the backstory of UPS. This is my submission for the Harmonium. As always, C&C is welcome.

The Harmonium
"Lieutenant O'Sarrin," the police chief said over the speaker phone, "I need you to execute a search warrent. A courier will be bringing you a copy."
Louis O'Sarrin was perplexed. "Sir, if you don't mind me asking, why do you need SWAT to serve a search warrent?"
"The warrent is for the Temple of the Abyss," the speaker phone replied.
Louis raised an eyebrow. "I understand sir. I take it that this is one of those 'special cases', then."
"The investigative team will catch you up on the case. Just don't leak anything to your Factol. Is that clear?"
Loius was sure that Conway was already aware of the warrent, but assured the Chief that he'd stay quiet on the matter.
By the time he was off the phone, Lieutenant O'Sarrin was wearing a broad grin on his mouth. He switched over to the master police radio frequency. He knew that this would be one of those days that reminded him of why he joined the Harmonium.
"All SWAT teams: report to the Barracks Courtyard for duty."

Since the Faction War, the Harmonium has been tested in countless trials. These trials have taught the Hardheads many lesson. The most important of these is that achieving their vision of a multiverse united in harmony will take more than just convincing everyone to join the Harmonium. The faction itself must be in agreement. While the Hardheads once took internal cohesiveness for granted, the modern Harmonium has learned that it is still vulnerable to disagreement, even strife. It was a hard lesson, but in the end, the Harmonium learned it well. Today, even as the Hardheads struggle to resolve the arguments that stir between themselves, it's difficult not to optimistic about the future. Their war with the Githyanki ended in victory, and the lair of the Lich-Queen has been replaced with a beacon of civilization. Meanwhile, the Harmonium's budding friendship with the Fraal offers possibilities that seem limitless.

Philosophy: Universal harmony through force of arms
Nicknames: Hardheads, Taser-jockeys
Headquarters: Meladonia in Arcadia; Ortho in the Prime Material
Majority Races: Aasimar, dwarves, human, zenythri
Majority Classes: Strong Hero, Dedicated Hero, Charismatic Hero
Faction Prestige Classes: Hardhead Commando; Arbitor; Evangelist of Harmony
Factol: Allison Conway (LG female aasimar, Dedicated 4/Acolyte 8/Arbitor 5)
Prominent Members: Louis O'Sarrin (LN male human, Tough 4/Shadow Hunter 7/H-Commando 2), Dorgar Tsuchi (LG male dwarf, Strong 3/Dedicated 2/Soldier 3/Holy Knight 2), Mellakar the Stranger (LN female Fraal, Smart 2/Charismatic 4/Ambassador 1/Telepath 7), Xyclann (LN beholder, Dedicated 1/Charismatic 4/Field Officer 5/Mastermind 2)
Alignment: Lawful Good and Lawful Neutral
Symbol: A sword thrust downward in front of a shield (old), or a saber and missle crossing in front of a laurel wreath (new).

(A note on faction Prestige Classes-these are meant to be 5-level, faction-specific classes that represent an expression of the faction's beliefs. Each faction will have three such prestige classes.)

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Modern Harmonium

The Harmonium ground their beliefs in a couple of very simple premises. The first is that peace and harmony the preferred state-the perfect state-for the multiverse to be in. Obvious, right? Life is more pleasant when no one is trying to put you in the dead book. Given that peace and harmony are the prefered condition of the multiverse, it makes sense that the only belief worth adhering to is one that brings about peace and harmony. Any other belief is ultimately selfish.

The second premise is that the opposites of peace and harmony-strife, conflict, and war-are caused by disagreement. This is especially true when it's a disagreement is one of belief. Take the Pantheon War: the divine realms of Arvandor, Green Fields, and Tir Na Og were completely destroyed in a war that started over a disagreement between the two sides. If there was some way to eliminate disagreement, then there is no catalyst for willful destruction.

From these postulates, it is clear that a belief centered on achieving selfless concensus can bring about peace and harmony, and will succeed in this once everyone in the multiverse follows it. So it's up to those who've already realized The Truth(tm) to enlighten everyone else. A very tall order, given that the multiverse is home to horrors that personify Chaos and Evil. And that merely tops the list of beings that, for whatever reason, are violently opposed to harmony. Bringing about universal peace, then, takes more than just belief-the faithful have got to believe in harmony so strongly that they are ready, willing, and able to fight for it.

The Harmonium is well aware of the enormity of the job before them. The wiser Hardheads acknowledge that much of what their faction now knows about peace and harmony has come through millenia of trial and error. These Hardheads, who frequently belong to the Corps of Arbitors, admit that the Harmonium has made mistakes, and will likely make them again. But if a cutter is willing to fight for a belief, if he has overcome his fear of death, then he must also put aside his fear of error as well. No director makes a feature film without having to reshoot scene-or at least a film worth paying jink to see. And as far as the Harmonium has to go before peace and harmony reign supreme in the cosmos, they refuse to abandon their cause. Because if the Hardheads won't fight for peace, then who will?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Modern Harmonium

A brief history of the Harmonium (subject to revision):

Judging from the prehistory of the Harmonium - it is signifigant to note that they are not the normal faction. They are one of the few that truly orriginated on the Prime and in fact never *left* the Prime. They were established as a knightly order not as a faction and as such their techniques and point of view is heavily influenced by this.

They had well over 200 years to firmly establish themselves on Ortho before moving out into the planes - and for much (if not all) of their time considered the Planes to be 'colonies' of Ortho proper. On reaching Sigil, shortly after the War of Iron (ill-fated assault on the Abyss), they took on the mantle of a 'faction' out of convience as an easily understandable way for the planar residents to understand their purposes. From the planar point of view the Harmonium controls Ortho. From Ortho's point of view... Ortho controls the Harmonium, which is merely an extention of the will and beliefs of their Prime and it is this second view that is the more accurate one.

During their time in Sigil, the Orthorian Central Authority (the world government of Ortho) rapidly expanded both planar and prime holdings. A windfall brought them spell jamming technology late in their expansionist period (about roughly 150 to 175 yrs pre Faction War, planar scholars believe), and with exposure to the technology the Harmonium rapidly spread themselves to other Prime worlds, establishing multiple footholds and colonies in other spaces.

300 years after reaching Sigil, the Harmonium found themselves summarily dismissed from the plane, much as all of the 15 other factions at the time were. (Faction War) With this they turned to the planes as a whole, tending to bastions of belief in Arcadia and enduring the troubles and tribulations of events after the War.

About this period is when the over extension of Ortho's forces became clear - the planar 'colonies' felt they were ready to claim position as full 'provinces' within the Orthorian government, and no few of the other Prime worlds felt the same. Political and social debate followed - though in regards to the prime worlds this was rapidly quieted as Ortho became exposed to the scro and the debate was pushed aside in favor of survival. (Aka - a module collaboration with that I'm gonna see if I can get launched next year. Eye-wink ) Even the strong orc populations of Ortho found the aggression of the scro turned upon them.

While Ortho was distracted securing their Prime borders, the Planar holdings experienced factionalization over the course of the wars with the scrog and splinter groups formed (or fell from grace as the Schools of Ethics of Ortho would put it in the history books centuries later) - the message of the Harmonium became something of interpretation, and a number of sects broke off at this time - only some of which are still active.

During this period of expansion and consolidation, the Powers of the Orthorian pantheon deepened their division between the Lords of Order and the Lords of Chaos despite the best efforts of the goddess Ina (an 'under cover' greater goddess, mother or grandmother to most of the pantheon) to subtly manipulate events to consolidate the pantheon again and cleanse the people of Ortho of some of their extremist thought.

The events of the Pantheon War provided her the perfect opportunity and while the powers of Ortho prepared to join in Ina arranged for their kidnapping and seclusion upon Ortho itself. For some time the people of Ortho had no access to their deities, or their granted abilities, as Ina - having lost her patience - spent the time getting the family straightened back out. The pantheon resurfaced afterwards virtually unharmed, though spent the next period of time recovering their worship base. At least one goddess, Saeducial, was introduced forcefully to her own errors during the Seclusion - and has yet to return to Ortho's pantheon. (Can we say... plot hook!)

Some, as yet undetermined, time later - the people of Ortho would once again turn their attention to the Planes. Much time had passed since the first War of Iron against the Abyss, and they had learned much about how to organize a force against such a plane. Following the theories of belief, and with the power of their Prime colonies (and full provinces) - the Harmonium felt themselves - finally - in a position to act against the very roots of chaotic evil to further minimize their influences.

For once though, they decided instead of the direct assault - to approach the problem from the side. It has been said by the greybeards, that the bebilith are the manifest guilt of the tanarri themselves. The demons won't fight against these creatures even as they pluck them from the Abyss one by one, horrifically hunting those of pure evil. With that in mind, the researchers of Ortho turned their attentions to the bebilith seeking to understand the nature of these beasts, and the use of such guilt against the tanarri. In their explorations they found great nests of these creatures on the Astral - webs spun from guilt itself. They found uses for these threads which the tanarri found repugnant, and actively persued other applications derived from the study of the bebilith. In isolated research facilities on the Prime, entire clutches of bebilith eggs were hatched for study.

Unfortunately, in what would later be called "The Moment of Truth" - the planeshifted spelljamming ship 'The Brightlady', while exploring the depths of the Astral in nuetral territory and flying the colors of Ortho - was 'viciously and without reasonable cause' assaulted by githyanki raiders under the direct command of their leaders... (Yeah, and it's not hard to assume there was more to it than *that*.) This unconstitutional attack preceedented the war on the Astral that would see to the defeat of the githyanki, and the establishment of a secure Harmonium prescence upon the Plane of Thought. Rumors of the resurgance of the ancient cult of the Lord of the Watch, Saeducial, are of course utter bunk, it is assumed that her corpse will eventually be found in the Astral as well...

And I think that gives a rough outline of where I think the current Ortho document can dovetail with the Urban Planescape work. I'm curious - the PSCS is going with the death of Vlakith as per the Dungeon module - which means that the githyanki race that Ortho comes into conflict with might not be even remotely the same, or at least won't have the same leadership, as the current canon versions. Any ideas on where you're going with that?

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Modern Harmonium

To be quite honest, I'd be interested in reading Ulden Throatbane's interpretation of their history as well.

I'm curious - the PSCS is going with the death of Vlakith as per the Dungeon module - which means that the githyanki race that Ortho comes into conflict with might not be even remotely the same, or at least won't have the same leadership, as the current canon versions.

It's these little facets of info why I try my best not to write about the gods.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Modern Harmonium

The Liuch Queen isn't really a god - though she approaches one on sheer power and the avid attentions of her species. I could see her *becoming* a full fledged god at some point as well - were it not for that troublesome death thing that a band of adventurers brought her....

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Modern Harmonium

Very nice history of the Harmonium, especially bringing it up to modern level. I'm perfectly fine with tying in the background of the Ortho Project and the recent Githyanki developments with the UPS backstory.

A few notes on the Harmonium that I want to add:

-Midway through the Pantheon War, the fracturing of the Harmonium on the Planes turned into an outright schism after the Green Fields Massacre prompted St. Cuthbert to declare war on the Blessed Alliance. It wasn't until after the War ended that this rift was healed. Wishing to avoid another split, the Harmonium created the Corp of Arbitors to act as a third party for settling internal disagreements.

-After the Pantheon War, the ban on Factions in Sigil was lifted. The Harmonium began to resume its role of law enforcement, but found that they had to share this role with the SodKillers.

-The Astral War brought Ortho into contact with the Fraal, who had been fighting with the Githyanki for centuries. The Fraal and Ortho, along with the Astral Norse colonists, aligned against the Githyanki. The upshot of this alliance is that Ortho now controls the former Githyanki capital jointly with its two allies.

EDIT: Almost forgot-linked to Thread of Threads

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Modern Harmonium

The Harmonium's ultimate goal remains the same: Multiversal Harmony via Multiversal Membership. Obviously, this is a very long-term goal, so the Hardheads keep their eyes out for opportunities to spread the faction's reach while guarding the gains they've already made. Any major operations are periodically reviewed by the Ortho World Government (led by the former Supreme Commander of the Ortho/Fraal/Norse Alliance, Xyclann 'Seven-Stalks').

Within Sigil, the Harmonium wants to regain complete control of the Watch. Currently they share this duty with the Sodkillers, an organization the Harmonium finds more comparable to organized crime than the Mercykillers of old (who at least cared about Justice). Unfortunately, many of Sigil's elite are immortals that remember how the Hardheads ran Sigil back in the day. At present, the Harmonium has decided to allow the Sodkillers to build their own case for being releaved of its policing duties. Nevertheless, a few Evangelists of Harmony are trying to demonstrate to Sodkillers on the beat that there is a Better Way.

Internally, the Harmonium is dealing with the impact of the Church of the Universal Prophet on its newest generation of recruits. It seems that quite a few denominations of the Church are predisposed towards the Harmonium's philosophy. The Hardheads would be thrilled, if not for the tendency of Herdees (especially Clueless Herdees) to call any deity except their "One, True God" a duplictious demon spawn. When these barbs are thrown in the direction of St. Cuthbert, tempers flare to boiling point. Factol Allison Conway would prefer that both faiths can coexist, and so she is working closely with Church leaders and the Athar to bring some sanity to the situation.

Beyond Sigil, the Harmonium have turned their attention to solidifying their hold on the Astral. Though they were defeated, the Githyanki remain a constant threat to peace in the Silvery Void. To make matters worse, dozens of groups have now moved into the Astral to fill the power vacuum. The Harmonium do have a head start, however, and with the support of the Fraal, are ensured of having an important part of whatever Balance of Power arrangement emerges. In addition, a group of Hardheads led by Dorgar Tsuchi (current Governor of Freehold) are still trying to maintain ties with their other ally from the Astral War, the Norse. Most of his fellow factioneers have written the Astral Norse off as a current ally, though, and simply want to make sure they don't turn into a foe.

On the economic front, the Harmonium continues to create organizations and companies that push for greater accountability and responsibility in the corperate world. Their biggest success has been with business accounting and independent auditing. With little of the preaching they normally give, the Harmonium educated investors on how to protect themselves from putting their money with unsound businesses. Corperations, realizing that their shareholders wanted to see a clean bill of health, turned to a group of companies that the Hardheads had established centuries ago on Ortho (to ensure that provinces and colonies remained financially stable). Although several firms independent of the Harmonium has entered the auditing industry, the phrase "Hardhead, Inc." is now a part of the business Cant to describe this group of companies.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Modern Harmonium

I'd like to say that I'm very pleased at how you make the Harmonium sound like reasonable people with a good goal. So often they tend to be portrayed as lawful bad guys.


Pants of the North!

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Modern Harmonium

Allies & Enemies
The Hardheads have a strong collective memory, and so they've retained many of their old relationships, both positive and negative. In particular, they continue to view the Xaositects, the Doomguard and the Revolutionary League as the most immediate obstacles to the Harmonium's goals. The Harmonium also remains very close to the Fraternity of Order, thanks to their similar beliefs on how the Multiverse works. And the Transcendent Order still has a way of weirding out most Hardheads. But even these relations have changed subtly. A few canny Hardheads have learned to exploit internal divisions amongst their old foes-it also provides a clear demonstration of why Harmony is preferable. Many in the Harmonium were bothered by the way the Guvners have been trying to deal with the Order of Being. Finally, a number of Arbitors are studying the Ciphers in closer detail, hoping to find a way to help the Harmonium maintain harmony in its own ranks.

With the encouragement of Factol Conway, the Harmonium has developed a working relationship with the Athar. The hope is that the Defilers can get the Herdee recruits to stop being so, well, clueless when it comes to expressing their beliefs. Relationships with the Sodkillers as a whole are stressed. Still, they can't find much at fault with the current Chief of Police--and high-up man to Hardheads on the beat--Gareth Saros (other than not being a Hardhead). For his part, Saros knows that staying on good terms with the Harmonium is a critical component of keeping his position, as the Hardheads can usually grab the Ministry of Security as part of whatever Coalition controls Sigil's Parliament-a position currently held by Mellakar the Stranger (a former Emissary of the Fraal who was among the first of her kind to join the Harmonium).

The Harmonium isn't exactly sure what to make of the Order of Being. The dark of it is that the Order say they want to promote "love and hapiness," which sounds an awful lot like "peace and harmony" as long as you don't split hairs (something Hardheads are not fans of). Where the Laughers diverge is in how to reach this. The Harmonium thinks the best way to reach Harmony is to actively push for more beings to see things your way, not by pumping happy gas into subways! Still, even Hardheads find dealing with the Order of Being much more preferable to, say, the Doomguard. When a Hardhead unit responds to complaints about Wastrel antiques, the officers often just shake their heads, or give an amused look to their partner, when they see for themselves the cause of the complaint, and then make the arrest while still chuckling.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Modern Harmonium

It's almost too much of a stereotype to go with LE all the time, that's why I've been enjoying the work on the Ortho setting so much. The Hardheads really do have some *good* things about what they do.... if they didn't - they wouldn't have survived as a faction or as a planet for this long.

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