The meaning of the sign

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Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
The meaning of the sign


Just a little question.

I'm trying to translate some of the PS material in my lenguage.

What does it mean "Sign of One"?

Sorry, I know it sounds stupid, but I'm italian, so this fineness isn't easy to understand for me.

To sign means to write your name on a document, correct?

They are called signers, What do they sign?

Who is the One? Does it mean Sign of the 1, sign of the "elect" , sign of the "unique"?


And what does it mean Bleaker? It is a real name?

The name "the dead" referred to the Dustmen faction, is plural or singolar?

Chaos-men, Gods-men and Dust-men. The name man in these situation means people or humans? (factions are open to every race no?)


Mercykillers: does it means those who kills for mercy or those who kill the mercifuls? (I know about the Sons of Mercy and the Sodkillers, it is only about the meaning) 

Sorry, I know these questions sound stupid, but I'm italian, so these finenesses aren't easy to understand for me. Smiling

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
I'd translate sign as a

I'd translate sign as a noun, not as a verb. I guess 'symbol' could be used as a synonym.

Wouldn't 'segno' do the job? Found it through my chain of translations, and it made me curious... Eye-wink


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Felenthir Enthelion

Felenthir Enthelion wrote:


Just a little question.

I'm trying to translate some of the PS material in my lenguage.

What does it mean "Sign of One"?

Sorry, I know it sounds stupid, but I'm italian, so this fineness isn't easy to understand for me.

To sign means to write your name on a document, correct?

They are called signers, What do they sign?

Who is the One? Does it mean Sign of the 1, sign of the "elect" , sign of the "unique"?


And what does it mean Bleaker? It is a real name?

The name "the dead" referred to the Dustmen faction, is plural or singolar?

Chaos-men, Gods-men and Dust-men. The name man in these situation means people or humans? (factions are open to every race no?)


Mercykillers: does it means those who kills for mercy or those who kill the mercifuls? (I know about the Sons of Mercy and the Sodkillers, it is only about the meaning)

Sorry, I know these questions sound stupid, but I'm italian, so these finenesses aren't easy to understand for me. Smiling

Sign è inteso come segno, impronta, marchio, disegno. L'uno è L'Io.


Schema:il multiverso non esiste al di fuori della mia mente. Se io non lo immagino, il multiverso a tutti gli effetti non esiste.

Scopo: supportare e dimostrare questo credo. Io posso fare qualunque cosa, perché io genero il multiverso.

Bleakers può essere tradotto come cupi, grigi, tristi mentre "the dead" significa I morti al plurale.

Men è inteso come gente.

Mercykillers verrebbe tradotto assassini della pietà conosciuti anche come i giustizieri di Sigil o la morte rossa quindi significa che fanno rispettare la giustizia senza nessuna pietà.


 Schema: il multiverso è legge, e lo scopo della legge è la giustizia.

Scopo: punire tutti i criminali, servire a tutti la giustizia.


Se hai bisogno di quache traduzione fammi sapere.



Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Thank you bro. La

Thank you bro. Laughing out loud

La traduzione allora sarebbe Segno dell'Uno / Segno dell'Io

o Simbolo dell'uno/ Simbolo dell'Io. E loro sarebbero i Semantici/ Semiotici/ Segnanti/ Simbolisti/ Simbolici?


Per Bleaker pensavo a "Lugubri" o a "Spenti" e la Morte Rossa fin'ora la traducevo come gli Sterminagrazia, in mancanza di meglio.


Mi piace molto l'idea di tradurre in Italiano PS.

Ho appena finito di tradurre tutto "in The Cage" se ti inetessa.

Ci sono ancora alcuni punti oscuri, ma è praticamente finito.



catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Segnanti penso che sia il

Segnanti penso che sia il più adatto.

Se puoi mandarmi la traduzione mi sarebbe molto utile.

Ti lascio la mia mail: [REDACTED].

Potrei impaginarla con le immagini in pdf.

Se hai dei dubbi prova a chiedermi. 

Io ho buona parte di factol's manifesto tradotto se ti serve ma non è completa.





Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
*blink* Wow my Latin


Wow my Latin classes in high school are totalyl not up to the translation of what just happened... Eye-wink I assume another Italian speaker with a firmer grip on the English meaning just made some suggestions?     

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Yes, he did. My italian

Yes, he did. My italian consists of about 10 words, most of which are "thank you" "hello" and names of food, but I can tell from the little latin and french I speak that those are pretty good.

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18

Clueless wrote:


Wow my Latin classes in high school are totalyl not up to the translation of what just happened... Eye-wink I assume another Italian speaker with a firmer grip on the English meaning just made some suggestions?


Yes, he did.

Sorry for the Italian

But I'm still really interested to hear the native english speaker  opinion Smiling plese Clueles, tell me what you think about this topic. 

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Sorry for the Italian,

Sorry for the Italian, Clueless.

I contact Felenthir by private message. 



Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
catland93 wrote: Sorry for

catland93 wrote:

Sorry for the Italian, Clueless.

I contact Felenthir by private message. 

I don't think anyone minds.


From what I can read of catland's responce (I don't know any italian, just some high-school spanish), I don't think I can add much, but I'll respond anyway, just in case.

What does it mean "Sign of One"?

I don't know if there is any official definition.  I interpret Sign to mean "Evidence" here, so I interpret the name "Sign of One" to mean "Evidence that only One person exists (me)."

from an online english to italian dictionary: evidence noun evidenza f; Jur testimonianza f; give ~ testimoniare

And what does it mean Bleaker? It is a real name?

to be "bleak" is to have no hope, or to dispare or to feel great sadness.

The name "the dead" referred to the Dustmen faction, is plural or singolar?


Chaos-men, Gods-men and Dust-men. The name man in these situation means people or humans?


Mercykillers: does it means those who kills for mercy or those who kill the mercifuls?

Neither, it comes from "Mercy kill," which is to end the suffering of animals or of people who are beyond recovery by immediatly killing them, rather than letting them blead to death etc.  So, you show mercy to something by killing it, as death is considered more merciful than pain. 

The Mercykillers aparently believe that a harsh punishment is better than allowing someone to wallow in crime and chaos.


Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Quote: Neither, it comes

Neither, it comes from "Mercy kill,"

So, basically it is euthanasia 


Chaos-men, Gods-men and Dust-men. The name man in these situation means people

 So, isn't there in the name Gods-Men any reference to the fact that a Man can become a God by belief? Or it is just an adjective to say those who are "godlike"?


to be "bleak" is to have no hope, or to dispare or to feel great sadness.

I see. Is a bleaker one who is bleak or one who makes the other bleak? Same for "signer". Are they those people who show the symbol of being the "ones"?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I don't mind it particular

I don't mind it particular - just got a little confused is all. Smiling

And there's a double-meaning with the "Godsmen" name. Not only is it 'godlike', it is also 'of god'. It can be read as "godsmen" or as "god's men".

Bleaker and Signer are ambivilent in English - it could be referring to the person in a state of being, or in a state of making another be. Or both.

I would argue that Mercykiller has a triple layer of meaning. The first is related to 'putting something out of it's misery', the second related to the 'killing of mercy' reflecting their harshness, and the last is just pure word play as a way to combine the names of the two factions that joined to form them. This is reflected int he contrast of the dual meanings of the name.

I know it's frustrating - English has a  very odd habit of layering meanings within the same set of words, and it can cause a great deal of confusion in translation, to try to catch all of the subtle inflections in a word choice.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Yea, English is a b*tch.

Yea, English is a b*tch. I'm coming to unerstand that as I'm teaching English as a second language in the afternoons at my new job.

The Mercykillers name has more to do with 'killing of mercy' than 'killing for mercy'. That is, they reject the concept of mercy, not that they kill for mercy's sake, at least that's what I read into their description in the original PSCS. Clueless has an interesting point about the layered meaning, however. Truth be told, that's one thing I kind of like about english, especially in poetry, where several meanings for the same set of words can make things really interesting.

"Sign of One" could be best decoded as being "Symbol of the Single" like the number 1, or any symbol representing one, like I in roman numerals, which is also "I" as in myself. "Signer" is not only a name taken from the faction name, but can be interpreted as "one who signs" meaning they each draw their own personal reality on the face of the multiverse.

"Bleaker" similarly is taken from the faction name "The Bleak Cabal". However "Bleaker" in english would mean "more bleak than ... ", and it is odd in the extreme to use the word as a noun. Bleak is an adjective (desciption), not a verb (action), so "Bleaker" in the sense of "one who bleaks" is really messed up. Of course, it's all just words, and the Bleakers would argue that they only mean what you make them mean anyway.

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Thank you Clueless and

Thank you Clueless and Azure. Now it is clear.

Translating these names correctly is near impossible. I'll have to take some decisions.

I like the idea of the Signers as those who drow their reality. Sign is like a imprint of the person. Could be a good translation.  


Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
I know how hard translations

I know how hard translations can be... I translated most of it (including some cant, which was even harder) into german for my own group. Some faction names are nearly impossible. Especially if they should also sound "good" in german, which is even harder. If you do a correct translation, you end up with ten syllable monsters.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
It really doesn't help that

It really doesn't help that the way English handles those layers of additional meaning is to take many words and give them each many meanings. vs. German which as far as I know each words is actually more precise to the meaning. That, combined with the sheer number of words English has makes it very difficult. Honestly the best way to try it as far as I know is to get a full understanding of the sets of meaning in the first language - and try your best to replicate the 'feel' of the words in the second, regardless of the specific meanings of specific words. Eye-wink

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
"More precise" isn't how I

"More precise" isn't how I would call it. German often has just as many meanings per word. However, they are different.  Try simple words like "Hahn", which can mean "rooster" or "Faucet". Or a really famous one, the word "Geist", which can be translated as "ghost", "mind", "spirit", and a variety of similar ones. It also doesn't help that german and english in fact share many words, but that in the time since the two languages split, they evolved different meanings. So, well, I try my best, but some things are just so badly sounding when translated that I have to make up completely new names. (Lord Winsome in Desire and the Dead was perhaps the hardest translation I ever saw in my life. Just because there's no word for "winsome" in german that is even remotely useable as a name.)

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Ok, I don't know how many

Ok, I don't know how many of you can understand italian, but this are the names of the factions I was able to translate. Smiling


Harmonium (Hardheads)

ARMONIUM (le Teste Dure)

Athar (the Defiers, the Lost)

ATHAR (gli Sfidanti, i Perduti)

Dust-men (the Dead)

CINEREI (i Morti)

Believers of the Source (Gods-men)


Dooguards (Sinkers)

CUSTODI DEL FATO (gli Affondatori)

Fraternity of Order (Guvners)


Free League (Indeps)

LEGA LIBERA (gli Indipendenti)

Revolutionary league (Anarchs)


Trascendent Order (Ciphers)


Fated (Takers, Heartless)

PREDESTINATI (gli Avidi; gli Spietati)

Sign of One (Signers)

SEGNO DELL'UNO (i Segnanti)

Society of Sensation (Sensists)


Mercykillers (Red Death)


Bleak Cabal (The madmen, the bleakers, the Cabal)

TETRA CABALA (i Matti, i Lugubri [o gli Spenti], la Cabala)

Xaositects (Chaos-men)

XAOSITECT (gli Stocastici [o gli Aleatori o gli Incasinati o i Caotici])

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Felenthir Enthelion

Felenthir Enthelion wrote:
What does it mean "Sign of One"?

Sign as in "symbol" or, better yet, as in "omen." As in "sign of the apocalypse." A sign in this meaning is something an oracle would identify which heralds a portentious upcoming event. Like if the sky starts raining blood, that's a sign.

The faction is the Sign of One. They are the sign that proves that they are the One. They prove it with their superior creativity.

The One is the person that creates the multiverse with their imagination. Many Signers believe that they, personally, are the One. Others believe everyone with an imagination is the One, because everyone is the center of the multiverse. Others believe that the One has yet to be identified; it's someone in the Sign of One faction, but no one knows who. A group called the Will of the One believes the One is a mad bariaur named Terwolfe.

"One" in this context means "person." One person, one individual. Except there may be many Ones.

And what does it mean Bleaker? It is a real name?

A Bleaker is someone who is bleak. Synonyms include grim, gloomy, pessimistic. Bleecker Street is a famous street in Manhattan, but I'm not sure there's a connection. There's a lyric in a Marcy Playground song, though, that might be relevant:

"And all the whores on Bleecker Street, they wear a dusty grin/caused by the drugs they take to relieve 'em of their sins."

Bleecker Street was once a center of New York bohemia; the "Bleakniks," grim poets in Sigil inspired by the real life "Beatnik" movement, would have been at home on Bleecker Street at one time.

The name "the dead" referred to the Dustmen faction, is plural or singolar?

It's plural. You would say "The Dead" if you're referring to the faction or "one of the Dead" if you're just talking about one faction member.

Chaos-men, Gods-men and Dust-men. The name man in these situation means people or humans? (factions are open to every race no?)

It means people. Factions are open to every race.

Mercykillers: does it means those who kills for mercy or those who kill the mercifuls? (I know about the Sons of Mercy and the Sodkillers, it is only about the meaning)

Literally, it means someone who kills for mercy, but in the case of the faction the meaning is ironic; the Mercykillers kill without mercy.

I really like the name "Demiurghi" for the Godsmen.

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Quote: Literally, it means


Literally, it means someone who kills for mercy, but in the case of the faction the meaning is ironic; the Mercykillers kill without mercy.

I really like the name "Demiurghi" for the Godsmen.


Thank you :D 

In english should be The demiurges or something like that. I thought it would be a good name because it is the platonic name of the creator of the world and of the world's laws.

The real trouble are the nemes Mercykiller, Chaosmen, Signers and Sign of One.

The One of the Signers make me think of "the one" of Matrix, but in Italian that word was translated in "The elect", because "uno" was quite stupid. The same is for the signers. There are a few words better than "uno" (1): singolo (single), unico (unique), eletto (elect) and io (I). I just have to choose the right one.

fOR THE WORD "SIGN" AND "SIGNERS" I will keep Segno e Segnanti (but the last one is ugly and has no meaning, but I haven't any idea) 

Chaosman is difficoult. The easyier translation should be i Caotici (the chaotics), but it is a big mess, becaus "chaotic" is even an alignment, while Chaosmen is a unique name. Than I thought "gli Stocastici" (stochastics)and gli Aleatori (aletory). They could both be good, but no one of them has any reference with the word Caos (Chaos) and both are quite sophisticated words. There are "I Disordinati" (Messy) or "I Confusi", "i Casinisti" o "gli

Incasinati" (all of them meaning confused, messy and unseemly).

Mercykillers is the nightmere.

Or I totally change the word. "i Carnefici" ( the executioners) would be great, but it nullify the history of the faction (Sons of Mercy and Sodkillers). 

Or I give importance to the Mercy killing- and I call them Eutanasisti (those who are in favour of the euthanasia) (again it nullify the history of the faction and it sounds ugly)

Or I try to translate the game of words, calling them Stermina-grazia (the correct word should be uccidi-pietà (and it is horrible).   

Pale Night's picture
Joined: 2008-01-02
One thing that hasn't been

One thing that hasn't been brought up is that many of the words and phrases that are giving you difficulty are nicknames. There is no inherant meaning in "signers", "the dead", "chaosmen", they are just cant phrases. "Chaosmen" in this context simply means "member(s) of the xaositects" and "signer" is simply "member of the Sign of One". I would imagine translating cant would especially difficult - it words can probably translated directly but lose all (effective) meaning in that translation (I can only imagine how hard it would be to effectively translate "sodkillers"). I'm Australian so English is my first (and only) language, and I had never encountered many of the cant words, although I would guess it is probably easier for someone whose speaks English to quickly pick up their meaning. Some words or phrases would be easy to translate I'd imagine (such as "Knight of the post" - it has no immediate analagous English meaning, it is just a phrase that means "thief"), and some that would be very difficult, as highlighted in posts above.

So in this context I believe "Bleaker" is simply slang (and short hand) for saying "member of the Bleak Cabal" (although Rips post makes me think there is some historic or literative perspective that I am missing here). My research skills died long ago - I would be interested to hear of any deeper meaning orhistory behind phrases such as Knight of the Post.

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Sodkiller is not so

Sodkiller is not so difficult, "Sterminagrami" could work.

"Gramo" is an adjective that we use to speak of unfortunate events ("vita grama" is an unfortunate and miserable life). Sure the word sod has got other meanings too. (Sod should come from "sodomite" if word dictionary is correct) 

Mercykillers isn't so easy, only because the words "pietà" "clemenza" "misericordia" (mercy) are awful and long in italian. 

Wasn't "the Post" the pole where the criminals were bound with rope and exposed to the people?


Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I think "sodkiller" is

I think "sodkiller" is complicated because sod is unflattering cant for "a person". The implication just being "we kill people". Although, given the cant involved, it probably refers more to cleaning up the city - sods not being anything like berks or cutters, and definitely nowhere near bloods.


Pants of the North!

astralsahu's picture
Joined: 2005-07-22
A knight of the post was

A knight of the post was originally a person willing to give false testimony in court for money. "The post" was the witness' stand.

Does Hardheads really translate literally? In English,  hardheaded means either stubborn or foolish, or both.

Doom (a native English word, by the way), means inevitable ruin or death more than it means fate, although it does mean that as well. You might have known that, but I thought I'd point it out.

I agree with Pale Night in that the nicknames are mostly just short versions of the faction names, with obvious exceptions.

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
astralsahu wrote: A knight

astralsahu wrote:

A knight of the post was originally a person willing to give false testimony in court for money. "The post" was the witness' stand.

Does Hardheads really translate literally? In English, hardheaded means either stubborn or foolish, or both.

Doom (a native English word, by the way), means inevitable ruin or death more than it means fate, although it does mean that as well. You might have known that, but I thought I'd point it out.

I agree with Pale Night in that the nicknames are mostly just short versions of the faction names, with obvious exceptions.

Reall? Smiling I thought the post was the whipping post where the criminals were bound.

Knight of the Post

A man in the pillory, or that has been tied to a whipping-post, is jestingly so called.

That is what found at

Oh yes. Testa dura means a stubborn or stupid person. Thoughts have big problems going in and going out from a hard head.

Harmonium members could be translated even as Teste Quadre (square heads) meaning very rigid and stiff people (black and white), or Teste di Cuoio (Letherheads) who remainds of policemen. Testedure was just more funny.

Oh yes, I know about doom, but Doom was translated "Fato" in all the Italian D&D manuals (apart for the doom spell which is translated anatema), and the Doomguards were translated "Guardiani del Fato". I would have translated it As "Guardiani della Rovina" (wich is ruin) but that is the official italian version.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
The phrase "mercy killing"

The phrase "mercy killing" is an idiomatic English expression meaning, essentially, euthanasia. Is there an Italian equivalent?

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
ripvanwormer wrote:The

ripvanwormer wrote:
The phrase "mercy killing" is an idiomatic English expression meaning, essentially, euthanasia. Is there an Italian equivalent?

Yes. Eutanasia.

But there is not a good name for theose who do it. UIt coul be Eutanasisti, but it sounds bad and it doesn't explain the game of wors with sons of mercy and sodkillers :) 

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
I had an idea for a good

I had an idea for a good translation of "Signer". Could "i solipsisti" ("the solipsistic ones") work?


astralsahu's picture
Joined: 2005-07-22

knight of the post, one who gained his living by giving false evidence on trials, or false bail; hence, a sharper in general. "a knight of the post, quoth he, for so i am termed; a fellow that will swear you anything for twelve pence."

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
I think both are good

I think both are good interpretations.

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Felenthir Enthelion

Felenthir Enthelion wrote:

ripvanwormer wrote:
The phrase "mercy killing" is an idiomatic English expression meaning, essentially, euthanasia. Is there an Italian equivalent?

Yes. Eutanasia.

But there is not a good name for theose who do it. UIt coul be Eutanasisti, but it sounds bad and it doesn't explain the game of wors with sons of mercy and sodkillers :) 


I don't know if this helps at all, but Euthanasia (and assumedly eutanasia as well) comes from the Greek eu- (good) + thanatos (death), which is pretty close to "mercy kill" already.  Are there any similar Italian words or roots you could use for the names of the Sons of Mercy and Sodkillers in an Italian translation instead?  Then you could use Eutanasisti and still keep the history of the name as well.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Idran wrote: I don't know

Idran wrote:
I don't know if this helps at all, but Euthanasia (and assumedly eutanasia as well) comes from the Greek eu- (good) + thanatos (death), which is pretty close to "mercy kill" already.  Are there any similar Italian words or roots you could use for the names of the Sons of Mercy and Sodkillers in an Italian translation instead?  Then you could use Eutanasisti and still keep the history of the name as well.

 That makes sense. Like maybe Eusoldato for the Sons of Mercy, Eucarnefici for the Mercykillers, and plain ol' Carnefici for the Sodkillers.

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Thank you guys! Your

Thank you guys! Laughing out loud

Your help is really amazing.

The problem using "eu" in eusoldato or eucarnefici, is that no one in italy would immediatly relate it to the idea of euthanasia (many words begin with eu in italian and all of them come from greek), and sadly it would not be easy to relate it to the sons of mercy and sodkillers. Sad

I could create the word "gli eutanasisti" but it sounds awful.

Another word for euthanasia is "dolce morte",  that means "sweet death". But really, I presume no Mercykiller would really be pleased to be connected with he word sweet.

The problem with italian lenguage is that when you create a new name it has not only be correct and mean something but to sound good and appealing too (damn).

 Another idea is that we use to translate deathblow/ coup de grace in colpo di grazia.

That would make sanse because "graziare" someone means to pardon him.

So, sons of mercy would become figli della grazia (quite good if compared with figli della pietà that is correct but is pure cacophony too), sodkillers could stay stermina-grami and mercy-killers could become stermina-grazia (where sterminare means exterminate/ kill of many people). 

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