The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

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Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

"Welcome, Lord, Lady, your seats await," the little bogun said bowing low to his masters as they stepped out of the magical corridor into a brightly lit open area. A short balcony holding two tall ornate chairs was in front of them. The roar of the crowd greeted their entrance as thousands, possibly millions, of individuals cheered out from the beautiful colliseum seating. Below a massive sand arena glistened in the bright artificial sunlight of this magical realm. Gazing about, those in attendance could see that the stadium appeared to be floating in a massive void filled with shimmering stars, galaxies, and nebula. To the sheer awe of the crowd a radiance dragon flew over head, floating through the black void and paying the assemblage no mind. It was the perfect place for a tournament such as this.

Gazing out over the balcony the King and Queen of Fairie raised their hands causing another uproar of applause. One of the king's attendants, a cluracan, stepped forward and called out over the crowd, his voice magically amplified to reach the ears of the entire assemblage. "Welcome, honored guests. My Lord Oberon and my Lady Titania bid you welcome to this day of festivities and merriment! Soon we will see masters of warfare clash against wielders of magical power, champions of deities versus minstrels of unparalleled reknown. And perhaps, we will see a bit of bloodshed!" The fairy pauses for a moment as the crowd roars into thunderous applause once again. "Now, sit back, raise your tankard of ale, glass of wine, or other vessel of liquid in toast to our gracious hosts, and in prayer to all the deities of battle to look kindly upon us tonight and give us a brilliant show! Let us let the games begin!" The crowd erupted in praise to Lord Oberon and Lady Titania and the trumpets blared as the day's festivities began.


Alright, I decided to get the ball rolling and start this, the very first arena style battle tournament.

3.5 Rules
Only official 3.5 books (Core books, Draconomicon, Complete Warrior, Complete Divine, etc...) and Planewalker stuff
Level 10
Stat Roll 4d6 drop lowest six times
Equipment as a level 10 character
For hit points I use the same method they do in Living Greyhawk, which is max at first level, and half+1 of the hit die each level afterwards (adding con bonus as usual).

PM me your character sheets and I'll approve you

Your characters are voluntary warriors. And remember, these are fey, they like a bit of bloodshed and perhaps a LITTLE death....

Got it? Good. Let the games begin!


> Bob the Efreet - Janus Aran: Cipher Monk/Fighter
> Barking_Wilder - Ialis Terrio: Elan Psion
> Clueless - ?: ?

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

When were you thinking of doing this? I might just have to roll up a character and get into this....

Sliver Overlord's picture
Joined: 2004-05-18
Quick Question

Is Unearthed Arcana Legit?
I was just Thinking of a Battle Sorcerer or Bloodlines or Racial Paragons, Nothing Unbalancing Like Gestalt

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
may I humbly suggest

I'm just a casual observer here, okay, I'm here to see blood, but might I humbly suggest a points-buy method rather than rolling?

my two greens,

Enzo Sarlas

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

Primus commands further questions to go into PMs.

- Bonemage, you've been spoken to.
- Unearthed Arcana, tell me what you want and send me the info (I have never seen the book).
- Yes, point buy is a better idea than rolling. Any of my previous contestants mind a 32 point buy?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
- Yes, point buy is a better idea than rolling. Any of my previous contestants mind a 32 point buy?

I don't mind. Give the word that you're officialising that decision and I'll do it.


Pants of the North!

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

Yes, 32 point buy is the new standard! SO it is written!

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

dang double posting

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

I want to play. I'll post something suitably min/maxed later.

Can we use official 3.0 stuff updated to 3.5?
What about the Wizards website? It's official, but not a book per se...

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

No Wizards website.

What official 3.0 stuff? Not any of the class books.

DNA's picture
Joined: 2004-05-25
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

Refresh me on exactly how point buy works. Is this like Neverwinter Nights, where all stats start at 8, and going from 14 to 15 or from 15 to 16 takes 2 points, and going from 16 to 17 or 17 to 18 takes 3?

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Standard Points-Buy Method

Since I'm the one that proposed the points-buy...

I don't have the 3.5 DMG, but in the 3.0 edition, the points-buy method is spelled out on pages 19 and 20.

All abilities start at 8. Take 32 points to buy better ability scores as follows:


Racial Bonuses and the Points-Buy Method:

Strictly speaking, racial bonuses and penalties are applied afterwards, since the points-buy method is just a substitute method for rolling your base scores. But, in the immortal words of Bill Nye the Science Guy, "consider the following..."

Say I want an elf with 18 Dex and 8 Con. I'd buy a 16 Dex and a 10 Con, then apply racial mod's to get 18 and 8. That costs me 12 points. If I had to do the same thing without racial mods, it'd cost me 16 points. This is why some DMs rule that racial bonuses/ penalties should not be applied on top of the points-buy method.

Since I'm just an observer, I'll leave the issue of racial bonuses to the DM of this forum.

Sliver Overlord's picture
Joined: 2004-05-18
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

Primus, Sinice your are not responding to PMs i will post here
(all of Unearthed Arcana is OGL)

Battle Sorcerer
page 56
Hit Die D8
BAB 3/4 level, Same as Cleric
Skills- Remove Bluff, add Intimidate
Weapon and Armor Proficiciecy-At 1st level, Gains Proficiency with any light or 1-handed Martial Weapon
Spellcasting- Ignore arcane Spell Failure of Light armor(like a bard)
Lose One Spell per day from every spell level on table 3-16 Page 52 PHB(to a minimum of 0 spells)
Subtract one spell known from each spell level from Table 3-27 page 54 PHB (to a minmum of 1 spell known)

Half-Dragon Paragon
HD: d12
Full BAB
Good Fort and Will Saves
Bad Ref Saves

1st Level Sorcerous Blood
2nd Natural Armor Increase +1
3rd Breath Weapon 3/day (once every 1d4 rounds)

Sorcerous Blood: A half-dragon's Pargon Levels stack with sorcerer levels for determeing the caster levels of spells. This does not give access to higher level spells or more spells per day.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

Racial bonuses are tacked on AFTER all points are allotted.

Those two things are fine, Silver Overlord, though no buying off LA.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

What official 3.0 stuff? Not any of the class books.

Savage Species, possibly MotP.

No Wizards website.
no buying off LA.

There goes my Feral Human Dire Werewolf Lord Barb1 build...

Oh well.

I'll just go with my Feral Shifter Monk 7/Ranger 2. 10 attacks/round.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

PM me the stuff you'd like to use. The problem I have with Savage Species is that most of the monster builds are obsolete in 3.5 cause the monsters have been majorly overhauled.

Anyways, let's get this planning stage wrapped up and sheets sent to me soon. I wanna start combat at some point, dagnabit!

DNA's picture
Joined: 2004-05-25
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

Primus, did you get the character I PM'ed?

Sildatorak's picture
Joined: 2004-06-11
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

What are the rules going to be regarding buffs? Can we have long-duration things running or are we going in unensorcelled?

tec-goblin's picture
Joined: 2004-06-22
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

"Primus, the One and Prime" wrote:
No Wizards website.

What official 3.0 stuff? Not any of the class books.

Fiend Folio - it's almost 3.5 and damage reductions have been updated in the Wizards update booklet (I want a wendigo!!!)

Fey battle without Van Richten's Guide to the Shadow Fey nor Sidhe: Book of Nightmares is like spagetti without sauce!!

Incenjucar's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

A floating mote of light no larger than a candle speaks up in a polite, youthful male voice.

"Perhaps a more simplified, less... piecemeal... array of combatants would be prefferable? It takes not a library for creativity, and it takes not an arsenal for a good smack upside the head."

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

You still with us Primus?

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

Out of curiosity, what is the prize for winning the competition?

I want to know, because our characters would.

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
The Lords of Fairy Bring You the First Tournament!

Wow, id forgotten all about this...when is it actually going to get underway? Puzzled Chaosmen arent known for their patience

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