The Life of Greg, Divine Champion of Deneir

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blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
The Life of Greg, Divine Champion of Deneir

Well, to Start out this is an FR campaign that was hilarious in it's own way, and should have been recorded, but i was to lazy at the time. The story of Greg goes somethign like this:

It all started one clear day in Toril, the hay in the village was freshly cut and the day nice. Greg started his day by going to the tavern, wich on all tendays was completely packed. In the corner of the bar sat a man dressed in all blue, and Greg knows everyone in his little town, so this man was clearly here for a reason. As soon as Greg had ordered a drink, the man was approaching him. Expecting a fight, Greg grabbed the hilt of his sword, and looked the man straight in the eyes and says " can I help you sir, you don't look like you are from around here." And the man says "ah, of that i'm not, I came to get supplies for an assignment of mine."" what would this assignment be?" Greg asked. "I am not implied to speak these matters with the likes of the common folk, especially i the middle of a bar, so if you would like to help, go into the mountains just north of town, there you can surely help us, if that is your goal." Greg repllied" well, i have nothing better to do, i might as well go to this locale, It might help me get better with the sword." The man then repplies "ah, then you will enjoy this, that i am certain of." With these words the man then departs the bar, and Greg is thinking to himself, "Man what did I get myself into now?"

and with this being the first installment of the story of greg, i hope everyone likes this, it is truly a good campaign. I should put in the next part within the next couple of days, hopefully you all like it

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
The Life of Greg, Divine Champion of Deneir

Ok.... no response yet, well, then i will start the next installment:

Greg decides to himself that this may not be such a bad idea, so he rents a room in the inn and decides to take off in the morning. He has a good rest, and awakens with the sun. As he's heading out, all the children say their good byes, and the young girls can't wait for his return. Greg has a clean and enemy free trip, no problems whatso ever...... or so he thinks.

He sees the mountains ahead of him, but there is a vast feild laying between himself and his destination. he comes over a hill and in front of him lies the mountain. Greg can see a crude stair case on his right, and decides that it is the best route to take. At the top of the stairs is the entrance to a cave, and from the inside he can hear some grunts and groans. He decides to light a torch as he advances, only to find a light shining up ahead. He puts the torch away, and draws his sword, he comes into a room, and sees a group of orcs sitting around a fire, they imedeately see him and advance on him. The first orc comes in, and greg dodges his attack. As the second comes in, Greg stabs it in the gut and makes short work of it. The third orc comes in for a blow, which bangs against Greg's armor. The first orc comes in again, this tima gashing Greg's arm. Greg then cuts a deep gash through his chain, right across the chest, and the orc falls. the second orc comes in, only to be dodged and get the wind knocked out of him with a bang against the head. Greg made short work of these three. He leaves them there to rot. As he explores the room, he finds a small chamber leading off, with a coffin set in the middle of it. As Greg approches the coffin, he finds it already open, a small skeleton in it, clentching a sword onto it's chest.......

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
The Life of Greg, Divine Champion of Deneir

"...Greg goes to touch the sword and the skeleton crubles under it, the sword seems to radiate power, and is like nothing Greg has ever seen. He loops it to a leather strap on his pack, and moves on. He comes to a curving hallway, leading to vast room, full of burnt houses and other manner of dwellings. He sees small corpses littering the ground, and they appear to be goblins. As he looks around more, he finds a set of large doors towards the south of the cave, and as he starts to open them, a voice behind him says "I wouldn't do that if i were you........" Greg turns around and sees what appears to be a goblin, but it is transparent, and he gets an odd, cold feeling running through him. The goblin says "behind that door lie the men that killed my people, did this to our home..... do you think they shall show you mercy?" Greg then says "why would they give me trouble, i've done nothing to whoever lies back here." "Ah, but neither did my people, and we all lie on the ground in front of you." "But why should I trust a goblin, you are not the best of peole if i'm not mistaken...." "Oh, not all goblins are evil, we are those selected few that lead a good life, never troubling other souls, only troubling the souls who trouble us." "We shall see", and with that Greg pushed open the door, and immediately after the doors are open, a group fo elves appear at the door, and the ghost runs off. They grab Greg, and he doesn't fight these men, he goes willingly. Greg is taken in to a room, and directly infront of him, he finds a throne, with a bald man dress in all blue sitting atop it. "relax" says the man to his gaurds "so, you came I was hoping you would." Greg looks around, and everyone in the hall is dressed in these deep blue garments, and around the room are flags, hung with the symbols of the harpers. Greg recognizes these from the little education he was given in his little hometown. Greg then asks "did you wipe out this goblin village?" "Aye, that we did"says the man.


"These goblins killed the group of dwarves that lived here 'fore the goblins, we just returned the favor."

"Ah, so you did all have just cause, ok then I see no harm in what you have done here, what did you need my assistance on?"

"There is a small treasure room that has a lot of hidden secrets, that we are not permitted to enter, thanks to the dwarven mages that put all the anti-magic barriers around it, I would send in one of my own, but these idiots don't have a brain in their heads, and I need that treasure in order to build the portal to get us out of here, and back to harper hold."

"Why don't you just go back the way you came?"

"We were sent to get information about the Red wizards, we got we came for, but we all risk death on the roads, the wizards are looking for me, and they have powerful fiendish allies."

"Ok, I will solve this riddle, and i will remember that the harpers owe me."

And with that the leader lead Greg to the treasury, and left him to do his duty.

Respen Starym's picture
Joined: 2005-08-26
The Life of Greg, Divine Champion of Deneir

Red Wizards... i hate them. this could get interesting.


I got it all wrong.
I wound up believing in words the way a scientist
Believes in carbon, after death.

- Larry Levis, excerpt from Winter Stars

Respen Starym's picture
Joined: 2005-08-26
The Life of Greg, Divine Champion of Deneir

Red Wizards... i hate them. this could get interesting.


I got it all wrong.
I wound up believing in words the way a scientist
Believes in carbon, after death.

- Larry Levis, excerpt from Winter Stars

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
The Life of Greg, Divine Champion of Deneir

As Greg approaches the treasury, it is almost too small to be called a dwarf hoard... maybe even a goblin one. The room is a meezly 10 by 10 ft., barely enough gold to buy a house lines the floor. The room is fairly high though, with large arches on each wall holding up the ceilling. As Greg looks around, the wizard says: "By the way, my name is Kelemon if you need my assistance." "Ok, i'll take note of that", greg says. Apon searching the room, Greg discovers that there is a giant gold shield that is only half visable, which makes no sense, considering the fact that it lays flat on the ground. "what in the 9 hells" Greg says, and he touches the wall. It's solid, and then Greg says to himself, "well i should have known it would't be that easy". So, he searches the room again, this time he notices that on one of the arches, there is in arrow slit with the word siege chiseled in under it, unfortunately, it is up to high to reach. Greg then called in Kelemon in and said, "bring in an archer, I have a plan." The archer comes in, and greg sets him up and says, "see that arrow slit up there, shoot an arrow through it". "no problem". says the archer, and the arrow flies through the slit, and the three walls in the room disapear. Now the room is about 20 by 30, and has piles of gold on each corner, and a door to the east. "Ok thats all i need you for archer", and the archer left. Immediately after he left, Kelemon came in, and said, "well, job well done, you can have anything in that adjacent room." "Thanks", said Greg. Greg approaches the door, and sees something written in the dwarven language, which of course he can't understand. He fetches Kelemon, who reads the inscription, which reads "pick one and leave, else the sea be your fate, pick two and float, hit by th wake, pick a farse and the seas will be your fate." Greg says, "wow that doesn't sound very conforting." He then opens the door to show 9 pillars, lined up by threes, each with an item on it. the floor, walls, and ceiling are lined with small holes. as he comes to the row of pillars in front of him, he sees a little wooden boat, a pair of boots, and whale statue. The row to his right contains a metal pair of lions, an emrald frog, and a stone turtle. Then the last row row has an orange sword, a black wooden box, and a painting of the sword coast. He chooses the orange sword, and as he picks it up............................

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