A sample of the language Primeval is given in this book... the phrase "Paet Vi Har Slykoneig" is given as meaning "We have faith in the Serpent". My question is, is this based on a real-world language, and is so, which one? I've asked on other sites and gotten responses ranging from German to Norwegian to Dutch.... HELP!!!
The Language Primevial in "Die, Vecna, Die!"
There is a passing resemblance to Indo-European or Germanic languages but only in the choice of script and sounds used.
It's definately a made up language, there's no reason to search for more - the designers hobbled together some sounds that sounded neat.
It's not german, and i doubt it's dutch.
The sound is scandinavian - but as all the "german-based" languages never were translations but just chosen by sound, this will be the same here.
Well, I haven't had any luck with the word "Slykoneig", but the words "Paet vi har" ARE taken from real-world languages, such as Norweigian! Check for yourself... so I suspect that "Slykoneig" is also a real word or compination of words... if it were just random syllables, I shouldn't be able to find any of these words, nor should "vi" actually meant "we" as in "We have faith in the Serpent". What I was HOPING is for some of you fine folk to crack a few foreign-language dictionaries and help me out!
You may want to locate some actual linguists then instead of going by the advice of a hodgepodge collection of geeks and gamers - since we don't have the background nor as far as I know the native speakers to prove one way or the other to you. I know of at least one yahoo group out there that would be able to help you with the level of academic detail you're looking for.
If you really want the true language of magic to be Norwegian, knock yourself out. It still seems ridiculous to me.
koenig is king in german and sly is sly in english. snake-sly king seems apropriate though i agree with rip, it's best not to bese the rest of the language on some real world language.
Look, let's be clear, I'm NOT arguing that the Language Primeval "should" be based on this or that real world language... I'm just POINTING OUT that to ME, it sure LOOKS like whoever came up with the phrase used a real-world language! The advatage of using an obscure, real-world language is that if you need to come up with more such "mystical" phrases, you just consult a book and the words all "match" because they are from the same language! The downside, of course, is that it IS a real-world language and somebody is liable to NOTICE and complain!
Okay, I understand. I think I overreacted earlier.
Well, as a (kinda) native speaker, I can say that none of this words is german or has any german parts in it. (I'm swiss, not german, and while we speak a language only vaguely similar to german, called swiss german, we only write in german german and learn it in school from first class on)
No, it's not a real-world language. It's supposed to be the ultimate language of magic, whose syllables change reality itself. The Language Primeval is the Serpent. Basing it on a real-world language would be ridiculous.