The Lady's Ward (Project 1)

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Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Lady's Ward (Project 1)

Ah, The Lady's Ward-or the Old City as Cagers have begun calling it; it's one of the few places in the Planes that's kept its old flavor in the face of modernization. While the rest of the city reached upward, the powerful elites that called The Lady's Ward 'home' pushed through legislation to keep it the way they knew it. The result was the creation of Her Dread Majesty's Commission on Cultural Heritage, an influential group that has the final say on any construction in the Old City that would alter the outward appearance of any building between the Armory and Solar Park (just beyond the Barracks).

Of course, the High-Ups knew what they were doing, and made sure that the Commission was staffed with their lackeys to allow for a 'sensible' level of development. The big mansions, temples, former faction HQs and other famous locations were all preserved, but residents aren't shy about bulldozing a bungallo to widen the roads a bit or adding a helicopter pad to let them travel in style. Still, the Commission has a way of interfering with even the most canny bloods in the ward, if only for a while.

Former Faction HQs: The old faction HQs in The Lady's Ward remain standing. The Armory was purchased by one of Sigil's leading (and most enigmatic) citizens-no, not The Lady of Pain, you sodding idiot!-to be his private residence. The Barracks serves as both training center and base of operations for Sigil's Police Department. It also serves as the focal point of faction activity for both the Harmonium and the Sodkillers (more on that later). The Courthouse has been transformed into a meuseum on the Pantheon War, and acts as the headquarters for the Athar (which manages the museum). As for the Prison, it is sitting unused as the Commission deliberates on what is to be done with the ward's most unsightly building.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Lady's Ward (Project 1)

The Armory-Located at the border between The Lady's Ward and the Industrial Ward, the former headquarters of the Doomguard has been nicknamed "Golden Lord's Citadel" for how it appears to be guarding The Lady's Ward from the industrial plants that rise out of the street level like mountains. The recently added machine gun emplacements only enhances this image. The Armory today looks like an exaggerated version of how it appeared prior to the Faction War-the four side towers are higher, for example, and the bladed reliefs are much bigger.

When the ban on factions in Sigil was lifted after the Pantheon War, the Harmonium began shifting its operations back to the Barracks. Eventually, the Hardheads sold the Armory to a Planetar from Mt Celestia. The site remained idle for several years while rumors flew about what would become of the Armory. Eventually, the Planetar donated the building to an organization called The Sigil Historical Society. The Society transformed the Armory into a museum dedicated to the Faction War. By the end of the Age of Pain, the Armory housed hundreds of artifacts from that time period, along with many newer pieces of artwork commisioned by the museum.

The Historical Society's fortunes ran out during the chaos following the Lady's Pardon. The pardon, which marked the end of the Age of Pain, was announced with the same finality as all of the Lady's Edicts: "The prisoners of the Mazes walk free at this City's mercy." Among those freed was none other than the Doomguard's most notorius Factols, Molluus and Pentar. The two sinkers rallied their most die-hard descendents and assaulted the Armory, intent on retaking it as their faction HQ. The Sigil Historical Society was massacred before the Sigil City Guard could arrive. The battle that followed destroyed the Armory yet again-Molluus fell under a hail of musket fire, while Pentar escaped through a portal near the Temple of the Abyss.

The Commission on Cultural Heritage initially impeded any effort to rebuild the Armory. Eventually, though, one individual was able to earn enough votes to put his plan into effect-a firey-haired man named Ulden Throatbane [writer's comment's: *ahem* *wink*]. Prior to his move to acquire the Armory, there is scant mention of Throatbane in any records. Ulden claimed in subsequent interviews that he had been poisoned by the Styx's waters, but there is reason to expect that this is just a cover story. Chant-mongers have rattled off dozens of theories: a fallen celestial/fiend in hiding, a renegade Veteran of Ragnorak, Molluus reborn, and many others. Regardless, Ulden began restoring the Armory to its original glory even as he persued public office. Once he was elected to Sigil's Parliament, his financial disclosures raised even more questions than it provided answers. Throatbane owned large shares of stock in corporations throughout the Multiverse-from the First Bank of Celestia to Nytemare Motorcycles. This sign of influence was hard to reconcile with his informal, down-to-earth manners. Perhaps the biggest mystery, however, is what lies within the rebuilt Armory, for Ulden, now Prime Minister of Sigil, has kept anyone outside of his innermost circle from entering his dwelling. Those who have tried to pierce his veil are either unsuccessful or disappear entirely.

Of course, reporters are certain that Ulden's luck can't hold out forever. Many of them frequent the Golden Bariar Inn in search of clues and leads that might shed some light on the new Master of the Armory. They are joined by seedy individuals that claim to be with the Doomguard-apparently, Pentar's goal of reclaiming the Armory has not been forgotten by some Sinkers.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Lady's Ward (Project 1)

Prime Minister of Sigil! Does this mean that Sigil has a British-style parliament? Laughing out loud

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Lady's Ward (Project 1)

Well, I always felt that Sigil has had a very 'Dickensesque' feel to it, so it seemed appropriate.

Also, Parliamentary-style governments make the clear distinction between the Head of State and the Head of Government. Such as system works well in Sigil because The Lady has traditionally left the job of running Sigil to others, while still maintaining final authority.

Unlike Britain, however, Sigil has four competitive parties that need to form coalitions in order to form a Government. Also, the political climate is more akin to Chicago-political machinery at its finest.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
The Lady's Ward (Project 1)

Also, governing used to be more oriented to philosophy then economy

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Lady's Ward (Project 1)

More details on Sigil's government will be provided when I do the write-up for the Clerk's Ward.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Lady's Ward (Project 1)

Been a while since I did the write up of the Armory. Let's move over to the other side of the Ward:

The Barracks-Of the Ward's four Pre-Faction War HQs, only the Barracks retains its original function. The structure that serves as the headquarters and training center for Sigil's Police Department. It is also where the department's special units, such as Sigil SWAT, are housed. The Barracks was rebuilt from the ground up during the Age of Pain: the Barracks proper is made up of four L-shaped buildings, relatively tall for The Lady's Ward, arranged to form a square. The center courtyard has been turned into a parking area for police cruisers, paddy wagons, and motorbikes An adjacent block was converted into a field covered with Pelion dry-grass (the only plant besides Razorvine that can grow in Sigil). This field doubles as an open practice area for the Police Department and a game field for Hatchis High School.

Although the SPD has branch stations spread throughout the city, the Barracks is their center of operations. To ensure that it can retain its functionality, the Commision on Culteral Heritage has been more accomodating to requests to modernize the Barracks and surrounding infrastructure. Besides adding basement levels-the usual response in this Ward for needs for additional space-each of the four buildings have had additional levels added, until they were far taller than any other structure in the Lady's Ward. The roads around the Barracks have been extensively paved and widened, making them more like the roads found in the the rest of the Cage. Unfortunately the Barracks, like the rest of the old "Triad District", is sandwiched between the better preserved Nobles District and Armory District. Only one road that runs all the way through The Lady's Ward has been repaved to modern standards. The SPD is worried that the Barracks could be isolated if the road was blocked-police cruisers can't go very fast down winding cobbled streets. A few remedies have been implemented, but the current opinion of the department that all streets in the Lady's Ward need to be repaved (a position that doesn't sit well with its residence).

The Barracks is a major center of activity for the Harmonium and the lawfully inclined Sodkillers, though it is not really the headquarters for either. Sodkillers and Hardheads are in approximately equal numbers in the SPD. In general, Hardhead officers prefer to be stationed in the Barracks, while Sodkillers would rather be somewhere more "interesting," like the Hive.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Lady's Ward (Project 1)

The Old Courthouse (Pantheon War Museum)-The former headquarters of the Fraternity of Order is, by the measure of many bloods, the most classical structure in the Lady's Ward. The Old Courthouse and the surrounding buildings have barely changed since the Faction War (at least on the exterior). Some bubbers even say that spending too much time around here will actually take you back in time. While anyone who's sober knows that's all screed, many nostalgic immortals prefer living in this sub-district than any other.

During the Age of Pain, Sigil's newly formed Parliament voted to convene in a new assembly hall in the Clerk's Ward. Soon after, the Judicial arm was also moved out of the Lady's Ward. The Athar won the bid for the Old Courthouse. Leaving the exterior alone, the Lost transformed the internal spaces into a museum dedicated to the Pantheon War. Today, the museum contains artifacts, maps, ancient and classical artworks, research archives, and (very recently) interactive displays. The museum attracts millions of visitors from across the Multiverse annually.

The Athar see the museum as a very important part of their strategy of spreading their philosophy. The faction only displays copies of their most prized treasures. Even the copies are under tight security-chant is that the original wards set up by the Guvners are still in place. One of Sigil's most elite gang of cross-traders has made peeling the Museum a test for prospective members. It's hard to determine how frequent burglary attemps are, because the Athar most often won't report a robbery attempt. Judging by the frequency a few exhibits are closed in the morning for "maintenance and cleaning" however, it would seem that these attempts are not uncommon.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Lady's Ward (Project 1)

This field doubles as an open practice area for the Police Department and a game field for Hatchis High School

Not at the same time I hope Smiling

It's this kind of detail which makes me appreciate your writing.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Lady's Ward (Project 1)

Fourth and final faction HQ:

The Prison-Once a symbol of fear in pre-Faction War Sigil, the former headquarters of the Mercykillers has been sitting unused since the Age of Pain. When the courts were relocated to the Clerk's Ward, the sods being processed by the courts went with them. To its credit, the Sodkillers ensured an orderly and thorough gutting of the Prison-they were still a fairly orderly bunch back then, and were loath to let their "tools of the trade" simply slip out onto the streets. The Sodkillers were confident they could find an interested buyer for the Prison. When the Courts ruled the structure belonged to the city, however, the faction lost all interest in their old HQ.

It now fell to Parliament to decide the future of the structure. As a result, the Prison has been the target of endless political jockeying. At any given time, there were several competing plans for the property on the Government's agenda. The creation of the Commision of Cultural Heritage complicated matters even further, as it had the power to break any deal Parliament produced. It wasn't until recently that the Coalition under Throatbane finally decided to leave the project up to the Commision entirely. It didn't solve the issue of the Prison, but it got the centuries-old item off of Parliament's agenda.

The main gate of the Prison has been sealed shut, and portal wards keep the Clueless from stumbling into the structure inadvertantly. The only way to access the interior is through an underground passage that links the Prison with the Barracks and Courthouse. Of course, neither the Athar or the SPD let any berk use these tunnels. In fact, neither group has any interest in the building anyway. A series of microphones, security cameras and alarms are in place to help the SPD to keep squatters out. Just about every surface is covered with razorvine, which is kept in check only through the digilence of the Dabus. The weed's prevelence has earned the Prison the nickname of "Fort Razorvine". Another common nickname amongst Cagers is "Worm Keep", though only eon-long residents and greybeards know where the nickname comes from.

NOTE: The Prison in UPS is meant to be a sandbox for either GMs or players to leave a definite mark on Sigil's most prestigeous ward, rather than host any pre-described plot-hooks.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Lady's Ward (Project 1)

Noble's District-This district has become the ultimate gated community-a cage within The Cage. The cost of living in the Noble's District is mind-boggling, so its safe to assume that anyone living here has a lot of jink; mega-celebrities, proxies, officers of inter-planar corperations, factols, and retired planewalkers are typical residents. Since the Commision on Culteral Heritage is hesitant to approve expansions, many of the richest residents buy adjecent mansions as an alternative.

The largest mansion is the Palace of the Jester. No one knows who owns it, but appearantly someone is paying the security force that keeps squatters out. They'll let visitors come in, as long as they don't get too comfy or wander too far into the maze of passages. The security is paid for by a company called Jester Propertys (mispelling intended), which also holds the Title to the property. Who owns Jester Propertys, though, is still in the dark.

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
The Lady's Ward (Project 1)

'ulden throatbane' wrote:
"The prisoners of the mazes have been forgiven of their crimes. Let them walk free again."

The rest I like, but this bit doesn't quite feel like the previous Edicts. I think a wording like "The prisoners of the Mazes are forgiven their crimes. They walk free at this City's mercy" is a little closer to the feel of the others, partly because it opens some space for other meanings. Of course, some berk could've just reported it wrong.

Beyond that? Very shiny.

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
The Lady's Ward (Project 1)

...and now I don't like my wording, either. Something like "The prisoners of the Mazes walk free at this City's mercy" would probably work best.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Lady's Ward (Project 1)

I like it Persephone. I'll edit my original post accordingly.

Anyway, there was one part of The Lady's Ward I forgot to mention.

Temples of The Lady's Ward

While temples are sprinkled all over Sigil, the ones located in the Old City are particularly noteworthy as visual testiments to their gods' power. Virtually all the temples recieved major rennovations during the Age of Pain, and are as true an example of their respective Power's taste as any that exists outside their realms. These Powers are typically the heads of their pantheons: Baldur, Gruumsh, Moradin, Horus-Ra, and other high-ups of high-ups.

Of course, many of these temples are dedicated to Gods different from those worshipped during the Faction War. The sanctuary once dedicated to Zeus now serves Juno, the Soverign Queen of Olympus. Others do not have a new patron-at least not one advertised openly. The House of Yondolla is now home to the notorius Assassin Group. A publically traded company, AG competes with the overtly-religious Temple of the Abyss for providing services of the lethal variety. A shadow-war between the two groups has gone on for centuries.

Some temples in the Old City serve the quasi-deities known as cosmic entities. Along with the Temple of the Abyss, there is the Shrine of the Fallen Star. Once dedicated to Correllon, the Shrine now offers the blessings of the cosmic entities that reside in Arborea. Chant that secret temples dedicated to different groups of cosmic entities are easy to find. One popular and persistent rumor claims a temple to the Lords of the Nine is operating beneath The Lady's Ward.

One group not represented in the Old City are the monotheistic faiths. While each super-faith has sought to build a temple in this historic district for years, the patriarchs serving the older gods are strongly represented on the Commision of Cultural Heritage, and have no intention of letting upstart religions gain a foothold in their territory.

coming soon: The Industrial Ward

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