Does the Lady Library exist only in Expedition to the Demon Web Pits?
Wasn't the Parted Veil the biggest free bookstore of Sigil?
Does the Lady Library exist only in Expedition to the Demon Web Pits?
Wasn't the Parted Veil the biggest free bookstore of Sigil?
Thank you Ripan.
Do you remember where exactly in Hellbound?
Ha! I know this one! I just finished playing a group through this part. It's right near the beginning of the Squaring the Circle adventure in War Games, just after the plot summary and starting hooks.
I found it! Thank you!
There was a large library called the Great Library of Sigil in Hellbound: The Blood War. I'm not certain if they're supposed to be the same thing. It's a seemingly endless tower in The Lady's Ward run by dabus. It costs 1 gp a day to use.