The Industrial Ward (Project 1)

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Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Industrial Ward (Project 1)

Also known as the Lower Ward or the Foundry Ward, this area of Sigil has benefitted the greatest from Industrialization. Sure other wards have become sodding rich from economic growth, but trade and services have always been a key attraction the Cage offered to visitors. The Industrial Revolution added a new benificiary to the City of Doors' unique properties: manufacturing. Early industrialists quickly realized that component parts from across the multiverse could be brought together inside Sigil and assembled into a final product that couldn't be made elsewhere. Fuel from the Plane of Fire and lubricant from the Plane of Water. Gearboxes from Mechanus and engines from Ysgard. The possibilities were unlimited.

Factories were built in the Lower Ward since the exhaust and smoke from their smokepipes seemed the least out of place there. Starting over and around the Foundry, factories soon covered the entire ward. Today, this colossal industrial megaplex accounts for 20% of Sigil's gross product. The largest industry in the ward is railroad manufacturing. Freight cars and locomotives made from multiplanar components have proven to be the most capable of handling cross-planar trips, and the Cage was the best place to build them. The Sigil Railyard is where more than a third of the trans-planar cars and engines were built. Other industries include chemicals, motorcycles, engines, electrical appliances, and personal firearms.

The Industrial Ward is home to the vast majority of Sigil's working class; the rent is affordable (if barely) while still being safe enough for the police to patrol regularly. Many live in housing complexes built near the edges of Sigil's torus. Entertainment ranges from slightly run-down cineplexes to the Modron March Speedway. The Industrial Ward is the blue-collared heart of Sigil. Working non-stop through four different shifts, the cagers of the Lower Ward are probably the best match to the stereotypical inhabitant of Sigil: jaded, cynical, street-smart, and not above a little cross-trading. Most importantly, they understand how belief shapes reality. When modern ideas like "unionization", "socialism" and "communism" entered Sigil, their utility was quickly realized by the city's factory workers. Ever since, the labour unions of the Cage have been a potent political force, serving as a strong counterbalance to the interests of the Corporate Ward.

The Industrial Ward is badly polluted. Breathing filters are highly recommended for many humanoid races that come here. Lung disease is a common cause of death among residents. Anyone passing through the ward without protection must make a fort save (DC 15) or become nauseated for 1d10 hours. Regardless of the success of the save, no new save must be made unless the victem is outside of the Ward for longer than he was inside. On the other hand, the safety record of factories in the Ward has improved greatly over the last few decades. This was not because of any legislation, but because the owners and shareholders noticed that industrial accidents, especially big ones, can draw the attention of The Lady. After a few executives got flayed, saftey became a priority at the workplace.

Schloss Ritter's picture
Joined: 2007-01-31
The Industrial Ward (Project 1)

Yeah, I got the impression from the original PSCS that the Lower Ward was entering the early Industrial Revolution. Good call.

Pollution was already getting bad back then. Any progress in modern pollution controls?


Nothing to see here. Move along.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Industrial Ward (Project 1)

If by "control" you mean "keep it from spilling over into other wards", then Cagers have made great progress.

To be fair, there isn't a lot of room for pollution to go in Sigil. Sure they can pump it to other planes, but that usually wasn't appreciated by the inhabitants native to that plane. It's possible to find sweet spots for a while, but even places like the Negative Energy Plane have inhabitants that don't want Sigil's garbage in their backyard. The result is that the waste winds up back in Sigil.

The only consistent dumping ground has been the realm of Jubilex. While more and more businesses are turning to this solution, most shareholders are uncomfortable doing business with asocial Abyssmal Lords.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
The Industrial Ward (Project 1)

But.... Magma is also a good possibility as it *is* essentially an incinerator and the locals tend to like to burn things, ditto Fire.

Also 'Over the Edge' is a good possibility, so long as no one is squicked about putting stuff in a place where no one knows where it goes.

Why wouldn't they use either of those options?

Lubaf's picture
Joined: 2005-11-28
The Industrial Ward (Project 1)

Or for that matter, sending air pollution to the Elemental plane of Vacuum.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Industrial Ward (Project 1)

Perhaps...but then it just wouldn't be the Lower Ward without enough pollution to make New Jersey seem like paradise Sticking out tongue.

Besides, portals can't be planned out. Only The Lady of Pain can place a portal. Over The Edge does might be viable, but the impact of sending hundreds of tons of waste over the Edges on a daily basis could be much different from tossing the occasional berk over. Industrialization raises the ecological impact societies have exponentially.

In fact, if material went over the edge at a steady rate, and you can trace where that material went (assuming it went anywhere of course), would it form a pattern? Messages? Plenty of fodder for chantmongers.

Schloss Ritter's picture
Joined: 2007-01-31
The Industrial Ward (Project 1)

If this setting is to be truly Modern, then I think some of the pollution may be lessened my modern practices and cleaner industries.

I'm using the modern real world for example. I remember when I was young on the south side of Milwaukee, you could tell which direction Chicago was by looking for the yellow tint in the sky, not that Milwaukee air was much cleaner. Now, when I travel through that area, the skies look pretty blue. Modern smokestacks are filtered much better, and modern high-tech industries produce much less waste in the first place.

So I guess I'm wondering if any of these angles could be worked into the PS Modern setting. The ongoing struggle of environmental lobbyists verses greedy, unchanging, dirty industries could make some good hooks also.


Nothing to see here. Move along.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Industrial Ward (Project 1)

Pollution levels have improved in the Lower Ward in recent years.

It used to take a DC 20 save to avoid nausea Sticking out tongue

But enough about pollution levels. Here is an index of locations:

-The Sigil Railyard: Headquarters for new faction I'm developing

-Nytemare Plant: Builds a civilian version of the Motorcycle that's in vouge with Blood War Commanders

-Modron March Speedway: Home to all manners of Motor-sports.

-The Stygian Oarsman: Still open after all these years.

-Hades' Whorehouse: Owned by Shemeska. Funny story behind it.

-Jubilex Village: An increasingly popular destination for waste products in the Ward

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
The Industrial Ward (Project 1)

Here's some things I'd think about:

Outsourcing: Those berks working in the industrial ward demanding livable conditions may be a real pain in the corporate's backside. What if they up and move all their operations to Dis or some other place where they could have unlimited amounts of cheap labor? And who do Sigilians really call when they call the technical assistance hotline? Maybe some Bytopian call center? It'd make the industrial sector really disgruntled, a little like Thatcher's England.

Hi-Tech Industry: Not all industry is smokestacks. Sigil can have it's own version of silicon valley.

Also, on the subject of dumping trash, wasn't there going to be a Sewage plane or layer, either on Acheron or Pandemonium?

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Industrial Ward (Project 1)

You underestimate the cost of moving your business to Baator, (there's an imp here that has a special offer for you). Planars aren't that addled in the brainbox; if they are going to deal with Baatezu, they are aware of the costs involved.

As for technical services-it's there. I just haven't gotten there yet, m'kay?

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Industrial Ward (Project 1)

The Rail Yard

At the beginning of the Revelationary Era, a group of Takers recognized the potential of a mechanically-powered engine that ran on steel rails. Using both jink and muscle, they acquired a large area of property centered over the Foundry. In less than a year, the land they bought was transformed into a construction facility for railroad cars and locomotives. The Rail Yard soon became the largest of Sigil's new industries. The Yard consumes materials from across the Planes to build trains that could operate in almost every planar environment. In addition, the Yard serves as a distribution center where goods and material are loaded and unloaded by the millions of tons per day. Although competing train depots have been established in the ward, the Rail Yard remains the largest.

The Fated who started the business would have become incredibly wealthy. Unfortunately, they ran afoul of modern philosophy. The owners failed to pay attention to what their immigrant work force was hearing in the streets. One day, the workers staged a Communist revolt. They siezed the Rail Yard and brought business in the Cage to a near-halt. After a week-long standoff, the die-hards on both sides disappeared, allowing cooler-heads to prevail. The Communists would own and run the Rail Yard, but would do business with the rest of Sigil. Also, they wouldn't agitate workers in neighboring factories (the Communist came up a way to get around the agreement-not get caught).

Today, the Rail Yard is a semi-enclosed complex that houses layered galleries on which trains are routed throughout Sigil and the Planes beyond. A sophisticated system of lifts and ramps allow trains to move between each gallery. The majority of the rail yard is painted in dull grays, reds and blues. Certain enclosed spaces are given brighter paintings, indicating the location of a portal. There is typically a warning light if a train is expected soon, along with powerful rail-breaks to slow down incoming trains

[work in progress]

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Industrial Ward (Project 1)

Hades Whorehouse

This gaudy structure, located on the Ward's mid-level and extending down to the ground level, is in fact an ancient center of power that has changed owners many times over the eons. The first mention in historic archives as the main temple of the Portal God Aoskar. After the god's demise, the temple was abandoned until it was taken over by the Athar. The Defiers controlled the shattered temple until the Faction War. The bulk of the Athar fled Sigil in the aftermath, and site switched hands again. This time, the temple was rebuilt and rededicated to the Hellenic god Hades.

At the end of the Pantheon War, Hades was destroyed by yugoloths. Seeking revenge for essentially being bested at their own game, the 'loths managed to annihilate not just the god, but all of his followers. As a result, the temple was abandoned yet again. It didn't take long for a new proprietor to move in.

A few days following the catastrophe, a company of tiefling mercenaries and team of carpenters moved into the temple. For about a month, the structure was refurbished under close guard. When their work was finished, it was revealed that none other than Shemeska the Marauder had claimed the temple and transformed it into a whorehouse.

[work in progress]

Dark_Reaction024's picture
Joined: 2007-09-30
The Industrial Ward (Project 1)

As far as removal of waste- when has the Lady cared what anyone thought anyway?

I doubt she really gives a hoot if the residents of the Paraelemental Plane of Ooze dont like the pollution she sent them- I certainly doubt THEY would have the gall to voice their disproval.

Not to mention, if waste REALLY became a problem for Sigil, the Lady would handle it simply and easily- maze it.

Why not? Lock it away in some ever expanding demi-plane of trash.

When one gets mazed, they seem to fall into an ever repeating circle of the same environment; in this case, this environment slowly begins to appear filthier and filthier the further into it you move- eventually resulting in an ever-repeating street becoming an ever-repeating path surrounded by all manner of 'trash'.

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