The Gutter Rats

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The Scrivener's picture
Joined: 2005-04-28
The Gutter Rats

The Gutter Rats are a group of adventures from the Hive Ward. While listening to some music I was simultaneously inspired by the songs to create these four (five if you want to count the ranger's animal companion) eccentric characters. I'll slowly be introducing them and then hopefully be writing about their adventures, or mis-adventures.

Solles (planar / male elan / psychic warrior 5 / neutral / Bleak Cabal)
Dogface (prime / male shifter / ranger 7 / chaotic neutral)
Choco (planar / female aasimar / bard 6 / chaotic neutral / Society of Sensation)
The Dan (planar / male hobgoblin / barbarian 7 / neutral)
Patches (planar / male wolf / 4HD Animal Companion / neutral)


First up...The Dan! Enjoy.

The Dan was a hobgoblin, and for a hobgoblin there was nothing particularly standout-ish about him. He was an average hobgoblin; tall, beefy and barrel-chested. His dark brown hair was tangled and matted into dread locks that fell just about to his shoulders. He wore a pair of red lenses made from fine ruby held by circular golden frames. They were one of the last things The Dan stole while he was a member of the Rude Boys. From behind his lenses, The Dan’s reddish-brown eyes almost always had some vacant, yet deep stare to them, as if he was constantly pondering the mysteries of multiverse or looking into the depths of someone's soul. But to the people around this idea would soon be dismissed when he opened his mouth to speak.

The Dan would have made a great Sensate. He pursued things, particularly his interests, in life with a reckless abandon, and a complete lack of fear for his own personal safety. But two things held him back from joining. Firstly, he had no interest in the faction or faction politics. Ironically, he considered the whole deal to be very stuffy and restricting. Secondly, he took their ‘experience everything’ philosophy and confined to his own ‘try every sodding drug in the multiverse at least once’ idea. It was one he was quite proud of.

He worshipped the powers when he felt like it, but he never took it too seriously. There was one which he held higher than all the rest. It was his own personal power, only known as The Great Trip.


More to come...hopefully soon.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
The Gutter Rats

Hmmm... The Great Trip...

What is that? A god of travel perhaps...

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