The Greco-Roman Pantheon

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Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
The Greco-Roman Pantheon

Between the Post Faction War era and the Revalationary era, Mount Olympus and the powers that lived on it experienced major changes as their worship became widespread amongst highly successful Prime empires. Marble was replaced with concrete, bronze was changed to iron, hoplites became legionnaires, and colliseums arose besides ampitheatres. Many of the powers altered there portfolio to adapt to their changing environment. Typically, the Olympian's "latin" name is used to refer to their new form, while their "greek" name refers to their older form. The following powers in particular have seen the greatest change (greek name is in parentheses):

Diana (Artemis)

Mars (Ares) - the power once called "the Bloody god" has matured over the eons. As his half-sister withrew from the war portfolio (see below), Mars filled the void she left-taking on the cerebral aspects of combat along with the physical. As the demograph of worshipers came to include both commanders and rank-and-file, as well as leaders preparing to take their nations to war, the God of War's attitude began to change. His alignment is now Neutral Evil-while his mind now tempers his passions, his War Doctrine remains very opportunistic.

In addition to his fortress on Mount Olympus, Mars has established a secondary realm in Khalas, known as Camp Red. This base is very contemporary in its appearance. From here, Mars frequently sends expeditionary forces to involve itself in the Blood War. Like Clangeddin, Mars can somehow retrieve the souls of petitioners who fall in battle.

Minerva (Athena) - prior to the Pantheon War, Athena added guilds to her portfolio. Later, this evolved into business in general. Minerva also added in investment. Today, she is revered as the model corporate executive-fair and virtuous in her dealings, capable of making tough decisions wisely, a meticulous financial guru, and a savvy boardroom warrior who wins battle before they have even begun. At the same time, she divested most of her warfare aspect, save for when it's solely a battle of intellect.

Phoebus (Apollo)
Venus (Aphrodites)
Vulcan (Hephaestus)

Also, Mount Olympus now is a second home to deities from other pantheons who serve as "Ambassador Powers" in order to prevent another Pantheon War, including Isis from the Egyptian pantheon and Silvanus of the Celtic gods. Not surprisingly, the Wife of Osiris has caught the fancy of Jupiter (much to Juno's immense displeasure).

Finally, The Greco-Roman pantheon includes a body of mortal leaders who ascended to divinity known as the Divis Imperator. The members of the Divis Imperator, advise the Olympians on important matters that affect the realm as a whole. The Divis Imperator meets in the Senate Hall, which sits across from the Palace of the Gods.

EDIT: As always, comments are welcome. I'll be expanding on how the above mentioned powers changed later on.

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