The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

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oleingva's picture
Joined: 2008-01-28
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

Last session, one of my players decided that she wanted to find out who was the most powerful wizard in Sigil.

Not wanting to disrupt the session with a lot of research, but not wanting to give her an useless answer either, I said that her character managed to collect several names, and that I'd provide this list for her next session.

Now, I have a bunch of ideas for things I could make up myself, but who are, officially the powerful spellcasters of Sigil? Since who is MOST powerful can be rather subjective, any spellcaster of power is useful to me.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

Not sure if it's what they're looking for, but if you're playing pre-Faction War then Factol Skall of the Dustmen is a 18th or 19th level Wizard and a Lich, although that last bit is not generally known.

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

Depending upon how she goes about it, I think it would be funny to have one or more of those wizards find out she's been asking around and come to pay her a visit.

Nothing need come of it, just a not-so-friendly "whatch where you're sticking your beak."

Alternately, you might end up with a handful of mages, representing different factions, each making the claim toward being the most powerful - until they decide to draft the player into making that decision. Could make for a fun little political aside, while each faction strives to show up the others and make the pc decide it is in his or her best interest to choose them.

I know that isn't what you asked, but I just couldn't resist offering a couple suggestions. (I'm sure you've got a few evil gm ideas of your own)

Mechalich's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

There are three kinds of powerful wizard: the kind that just want mystical power, the kind that want mystical power to leverage it into temporal power, and the kind that are stark-raving mad. Of these, Sigil, being a big, messy, extremely busy city, is really only likely to place host to the second grouping. True mystical researchers will go someplace quieter and the nutcase members of the class would get mazed (and indeed have been in the past) in short order.

Most prominent Sigil NPCs with any kind of confirmed stats are faction-based or other types of political power players, and don't include that many straight wizards. Sigil is however, likely to play host to certain types of powerful wizards: the Guvners may have the best selection, since they represent something of an academic fraternity, so there's probbaly one or more high-up wizard/loremasters among them. The Signers/Mind's Eye (depending on timeframe) seem a lock for potent diviners (and Factol Darius was statted as a mid-level diviner) and the golden Lords probably have a powerful diviner or two on retainer as well. The Dustmen certainly have powerful necromancers among their number, but it's questionable whether any actively reside in Sigil, even Skall didn't really, after all.

In terms of statted characters though: Killeen Kaine of the Harmonium is in the PS3E material as level 16, Rhys was a fairly powerful mage back in second edition (the difference in multiclassing rules between the editions nerfed her spellcasting more than a little).

A'Kin and Shemeska the Marauder can also be considered powerful spellcasters, given that in 3e an Arcanoloth casts as a 12th level sorcerer and either of them could safely be given some extra class levels. Tripicus, as an Ursinal, also as such abilities. Amusingly, The Us, if you considered them even bigger than a 'Greater' pack of Cranium rats, would cast spells at a pretty high level too.

Ultimately though, the final answer to the question of 'who is the most powerful wizard in Sigil' is "Whichever 50th level prime wizard is passing through at the moment."

Spiteful Crow's picture
Joined: 2007-10-10
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

Alluvius Ruskin is an incantifer and a level 14 wizard, if I recall correctly.

Edit: Oops, I guess that wouldn't exactly be common knowledge in Sigil. >_<

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

Can't remember his exact level but was Lothar a mage or a cleric?


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Spiteful Crow's picture
Joined: 2007-10-10
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

Lothar's an epic level cleric of Death.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

Crow, your avatar is hypnotizing. Laughing out loud


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

Well Harys Hatchis is not the most powerfull wizard in Sigil (he is only 8th level), but he is certanly the one of the most fun NPCs out there.

He is easily aproachable, creative, smart and outgoing buisnisman that uses magic as witty comercialals (for example he uses fly on his asistants who drop warious flyers from air, or he creates gigant muffin ilusion as comercial for newly opened muffin house).

Becouse of his charisma and ideas after faction war he became esential part of Sigil citezen council along with former factol Rhys. Think of him as CMOT Dibller from Discworld series, unlike CMOT he is not swindler but he to can sell wirtualy anything. Laughing out loud


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Spiteful Crow's picture
Joined: 2007-10-10
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

'Squaff' wrote:
Think of him as CMOT Dibller from Discworld series, unlike CMOT he is not swindler but he to can sell wirtualy anything. Laughing out loud

And unlike Dibler, the food he sells is occasionally edible?

Kalidor's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

Well of Worlds Chapter VII: Recruiters included Bachalis (Planar/Male Half-elf/W17/Free League/NG) who asked the party to travel to Plague-Mort to collect some razorvine.

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

Whilst Fell is not a wizard, he does seem to have unique powers that no other spell caster has ever obtained. Powers that make him, dangerous, to mess with.

oleingva's picture
Joined: 2008-01-28
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

Thanks guys, lots of good input and ideas here. If I use all of this, in addition to all the things I've thought up myself, I'll have her going at this for several sessions.

She hasn't really said so, but I think her plan is to make one of these wizards create a love potion powerful enough to make the group's cleric of Hextor fall in love with one of the halfling sorcerer's pets (pets who tend to be named Fatso, Fatso II and so on and die in strange ways. . . we are currently on Fatso VI and VII).

But really, we're a serious group. Some of the characters just have . . . quirks.

FriendlyFiend's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

Ah ... if it's a love potion she's after, why not simply make the trip to see the *ahem* Friendly Fiend. I can assure you that A'kin will be able to supply the perfect item ... although, admittedly, there is always the tiniest chance that there might be some small ... *catch* Eye-wink

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

Ramander, the master of portals is very powerful wizard of the Fated. 18th

Saddam Hasan Ibn Arvalas (Prime/ ♂ human /wizard 14th/Fraternity of Order /LG)

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

I've always been partial to A'kin being the most powerful wizard in Sigil. Running a junk shop. Being overly friendly. Nothing awry with that at all. Of course...

By the end of my last campaign, he actually was. But then again, the PCs handed him a full set of the Nether Scrolls, all but gift wrapped. Sly bastard. Smiling

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

I would agree with Shemmy. No matter what cannon says. Akin doesn't have the resources that The Marauder has, and he's still alive. The simplest (though certainly not the only) explaination is that he is more personally powerful.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

'weishan' wrote:
Akin doesn't have the resources that The Marauder has, and he's still alive.

That's because he's considerably friendlier.


Pants of the North!

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

That's not a very big plus when you're dealing with people who don't particularly care. That said more personal power is certainly not the only possible reason.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

Shh... don't tell anyone :shock: , but the reason A'kin is so friendly is because he's not an Arcanaloth at all - he's Harys Hatchis' pet dog with a Polymorph and a Magic Mouth spell on him. It's all an elaborate ploy to keep the King of the Crosstrade busy with the red herring so that Harys' advertising business can go on undisturbed. Whenever Shemeshka gets on his back, he simply has A'kin do something vagueley public and mention the 'other' Arcanaloth. Oddly, nobody really notices that all A'kin ever seems to do is fawn on people while wagging his tale and randomly saying pleasantries. That's because they only keep on eye out for him doing something Evil while they're buying various tourist baubles.

You didn't hear it here.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

'weishan' wrote:
Akin doesn't have the resources that The Marauder has, and he's still alive. The simplest (though certainly not the only) explaination is that he is more personally powerful.

Possibility #1: Shemeshka really, really wants to kill or get rid of A'kin, but can't for political reasons. Perhaps he's connected to a yugoloth faction/cabal powerful enough that the Marauder would hesitate before going after him.

A'kin may even exist in Sigil specifically to keep an eye on the Marauder, so that some cabal of ultroloths in the Lower Planes doesn't get too nervous.

Makes me wonder who the Marauder's ultroloth 'boss' is... Not someone I'd like to have tea and crumpets with, I'd say.

Possibility #2: Shemeshka and A'kin are actually, at least to some extent, in collusion. A'kin poses as a hated enemy of Shemeshka, some party of foolish PCs works with A'kin in order to get back at the Marauder, and A'kin keeps Shemeshka informed of developments. (A'kin seems less talented at making enemies, but perhaps that only applies to PC foes...)

Perhaps they engage in 'friendly competition,' bitterly opposing the other's plans in some situations and actively colluding in others.

Both #1 and #2 may be true simultaneously. Eons-old beings probably develop disturbingly complex relationships over those incredible spans of time.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Wretch's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
The Greatest Wizards of Sigil

You are going about this wrong.

EVERY wizard claims to be one of the most powerful. And those that ARE aren't going to be big on advertising to avoid all those brash young kids, quick with a wand and lusting for spells.

Not to mention that the most powerful wizards recall what happened to the incantifers and won't brag, just in case.

Give her a list of about 15 names, most above 10th level. For whatever reasons, these names made enough of an impression (deserved or not) to be celebrated. Is Angelina Jolie really a great actress, or just particularly well known?

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